Monday, November 23, 2015

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 45~

 At the Country club~Skye shower~Skye, Jane, Rae, Josslyn , Skylar., Lila Rae,Bianca and Genevieve were still there. “Thank you , Jane for this”Skye said “You're welcome, I’m glad the twins are healthy and I have some news of my own”Jane said “What is it”Skye ask “ I bought a house , I’m moving here”Jane said “That’s wonderful”Skye said “Thanks, I want to be close to my grandchildren, I wish I was here for Josslyn”Jane said “Grandmother, I’m not upset with you”Josslyn said “I know”Jane said “Josslyn , I want you in this twins life too”Skye said “Thank you”Josslyn said “Well this was so fun, But I have to go”Genevieve said “Genevieve , I’m glad you came”Skye said “Me too Mother”Genevieve said “What case are you working on now”Lila Rae ask “My next career as prosecutor of this town”Genevieve said and left. “Grandmother, I’m sorry you overhead mother and I talk”Bianca said “It’s okay, We our so happy you're staying”Skye said “Me too, At first when I came to town I wasn’t sure where I fit in this family but I think I do”Bianca said “Yes you do”Skye said Bianca left. “Skye”Rae said “I’m just a little emotion today”Skye said “Yeah you are going to be, Why don’t I take you home”Rae ask “I have to go the hotel about the fundraiser tomorrow”Skye said “Skye , Let me handle the rest of the fundraiser”Rae said “Alright, Thank you everyone for this”Skye said “You're welcome’ Lila Rae said

At Nikolas/Emily~ Alexis and Nikolas were talking. “Alexis, Is their anyway we can save my son and get him home”Nikolas ask “I’m sorry, But the only way Victor can come home if he didn’t do this and Alexander was alive”Alexis said “I hate this , In a way I lost both my sons”Nikolas said “I know, I still think we sure go after Julian”Alexis “Yes, I will help with you on that”Nikolas said “Let me it has to be legal for us to save Victor”Alexis said “Alright”Nikolas said as Bianca came in. “Sorry, You call me”Bianca ask “Yes, Bianca I was wonder if you want to work at the empire with me ’Nikolas said “I don’t know., I always wanted to be a jockey and mother is going to support it she brought me a horse and everything I need”Bianca said “You will be great at it, You're great when we go riding but is that all you want to do”Nikolas said “Nikolas”Alexis said “Let me think about it ’Bianca said “Alright, You are smart like both you're parents”Nikolas said “Thanks”Bianca said and left.”Nikolas don’t push her”Alexis said “I will try not to”Nikolas said

At Jax office~Jax was working when Josslyn came in. “Josslyn, How was the shower”Jax ask “Great, So you're having twins”Josslyn said “Yes, Are you okay with all this”Jax ask “Yes Daddy”Josslyn said “Good, I want to be a great Father to you and the twins”Jax said “You are, None of this is you're fault and I’m glad we our working together here”Josslyn said “Me too. You can do this”Jax said”I hope so , I don’t want to cost you money”Josslyn said “Money isn’t why I do this, It’s fun the rush of taking other companies and Yes I do make a lot of money doing it”Jax said “Who company are you going after now”Josslyn ask “Josslyn, Are you in love with Luis”Ja ask “Why Daddy”Josslyn ask “I want to go after Lorenzo”Jax said “ I do love Luis, I just wish he would not look up to his father and do something else so I will help you but you need to be careful, Lorenzo is cold he shot his own granddaughter to keep Luis out of jail”Josslyn said “I will, Lorenzo is trying to opening a restaurant and I will make sure that doesn’t happened” Jax said “Do you want Skye back”Josslyn ask “Yes I do”Jax said “Oh Daddy, I don’t want you to get hurt”Josslyn said “I will not”Jax said

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