Saturday, August 14, 2021

Family Ties Part 1 Ch 10

 “Family Ties Ch 10”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned was looking at paperwork when Olivia Came Into the room,” Olivia “I want to work it out I love you” I love you too, I promise you will not regret this “I know, We could go see Dr. Collins “Yes I will do anything to get you to trust me again “I know” Ned Kiss Olivia 

At General Hospital-Lulu room-Lulu was brought back to the Hospital and Laura was in her room.”You’re going to get better, I know you will “Carly Came Into the room.”I heard about the new drug” Do you think I’m taking a big chance “No, Not on Lulu “Thanks, It had to work” Skye walk by and looking through the window she loved Lulu and wanted her to wake up she even paid for the doctor.

John Room-John was in bed talking to Jax and Josslyn when Skye Came Into the room.”Who are you “I’m Josslyn you’re sister “Nice to meet you “You too” John, You need to get ready for chemotherapy “I hate it” I know soon we will get you a bone marrow and you will be okay “can Dad go with me” Yes If it’s He wants too “Yes I do” Bobbie Came Into the room and help John Into the wheelchair.”I’ll go get tested “Thanks Josslyn “They left and Skye cried she was worried about losing her son.

Lulu Room-Lulu was in bed still in a coma and Laura was holding her hands as Skye Came Into the room.”Laura, You don’t know me but I’m Skye Quartermaine, I was with Luke for a while and in that time I grew to care for Lulu I hope she wakes up” Thanks we just give her a new drug hopefully it will work “I know what it’s like seeing you're child sick. My son is sick with Leukemia he had it for a couple of months ago “I’m sorry “We both will have healthy children soon” Yes”I hope the new drug works,doctors from Switzerland are good “How did you know he was from their”When I heard about Lulu I had to help”Thanks you so much I owe you”No you don’t,We just need our babies “Yes,No matter what they will be our babies “Yes”

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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