Saturday, August 14, 2021

Family Ties Part 1 Ch 25

 “Family Ties Ch 25”

At The Metro Co-Jax and Alexis and Skye were meeting about John's custody.”I want John to stay with me when he recovers from the surgery he can go to your place after “I agree but I don’t want to be a weekend dad” Alright “I want every other weekend and two days a week “I agree we can work this out” I will put it in writing “I also want to give you money “I don’t need any money, I’ll well off” Really? You have all of Lorenzo's money “Yes I’ll be just fine I just want to fix this that I keep John from you” I will go” Alexis left.”Skye, What’s really going on” Skye went outside and Jax followed her,” What’s going on “I cannot say but I will find “Since you have been back you been acting different not just about John like you’re keeping you're distant from me” The last time we got closer all my feelings from you came back but I was a fool you didn’t love me that time either you loved Carly” I’m sorry I hurt you” “I wouldn’t let you hurt me this time besides I’m with someone “who” I cannot say right now “Skye left.

At Carly-Carly was home rocking Donna when Olivia Came Into the room.”I’m sorry I thought you may need me” Thanks Olivia “Danto would be Here but he had to take Lulu out of town for a little trip” I understand he wants to be with his wife who just wakes up” Yes” Michael Came Into the room .”Michael How are you doing “I’m Alright, Do you need anything “No, I’m hoping to just stay in the house I plan the funeral for tomorrow “I will be their ‘Me too if you need anything day or night you call me ‘I will “

Lorenzo-Lorenzo was on the phone.”That is wonderful news I want to hear” He hung up the phone.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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