Saturday, August 14, 2021

Family Ties Part 2 Ch 24

 “Family Ties Part 2 ch 24”

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye and Lorenzo we’re having coffee together,” What do you want to do today “I have an ELQ meeting and I want to take the children over there” Are you sure “Yes, Genevieve needs to meet her another family “Yes “As Rae Came Into the room.”Mother “Skye, How are you feeling “Today a good day” Are you enjoy your visiting, Yes” I wish you could stay “ Really “Yes Rae was thinking about her secret she had” Skye I want to have a relationship with you’ I want that too but you have to accept Lorenzo “I’ll try I just don’t want him hurting you” I wouldn’t I hate that Genevieve was taken from us” It’s not just Lorenzo fault” No” As John and Lila Rae and Genevieve Came Into the room .”We Sure have breakfast, We have a lot to do today “Like What “I want to see my family The Quartermaine” Oh”

At Elizabeth-Elizabeth and AJ we’re in bed they made up from last night.”AJ, I don’t want to keep us a secret anymore “Are you sure “Yes” Then Let’s tell my family today “AJ Kiss Elizabeth...

At Carly-Carly was at home when Josslyn Came Into the room.”Mom, Why Aren’t you at the hotel” You don’t know “What “I don’t owe it anymore with your father help The Quartermaine Do” Michael helped “Yes but I have another idea, I’m going to fix thing at Kelly’s, Even Changed the name “Oh” Yes and one more thing I’m going to sell this house and we will move to another house “Are you sure “Yes it’s too hard living here without Sonny”

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica and Ned and Olivia and Tracy, we’re there as Skye came in with her children.”Skye It’s good to see you “Thanks, I want my children to know this family and everyone hadn’t meet Genevieve yet, Genevieve this is Monica my stepmom and Ned my cousin and his wife Olivia and My Aunt Tracy you need to watch you're back with her” Welcome to this crazy family “As Michael Came Into the room.” we have a lot of work to do” This is Michael, AJ son” Welcome to the family “Yes” Now What’s going on” I want to do something for Great Grandmother “

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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