Monday, August 16, 2021

Ties That Bind Part 3 ch 21

“Ties That Bind Part 3 ch 21”

At The Police station-Rae was in her cell when Skye Came by.”Skye, Are you going to help me” No, But I’ll help you get a lawyer “Skye, I’m sorry for hurting our relationship “I cannot trust you anymore “As Alexis Came by,” Why are you here” I’m your lawyer “Oh” I’m going to get you out of this “How” I’ll let you both talk”

Skye went into the Police station about to leave When Tracy Came by,” Tracy” I hope you didn’t help your mother keep Alan from our family ‘I didn’t, I never went to Rae house in London we were estranged she hate Lorenzo “I don’t blame her for that but I hope you don’t help her” It’s complicated for me she my mother ‘I know” Tracy, Please Just Leave her alone” For now”

At Brenda's old cottage house-Genevieve went inside with her daughter in the stroller and look around.”This is my house “

At Jax-Jax was at home having breakfast with her son when his phone rang “Jax Jack, I’ll be there” Jax hangs up his phone as Josslyn Came Into the room.”Josslyn, Can you stay with you're brother “Sure, Why don’t we go to the park” Alright, When can I see my mother “Soon” Jax left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was showing Alan a picture of Their life together.”We were happy” We had up and down but yes we were happy Oh Alan I miss you so much and I’ll help you get through this “I’m glad “As Kevin Came Into the room.”Kevin is here to help you” Oh” Do you need anything “No Thanks “Monica went outside so they could talk.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit 

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