Saturday, November 28, 2015

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 75

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Skye was take Genevieve blankets off when Lorenzo came in. “Skye, What are you doing”Lorenzo ask “Getting Genevieve ready for her bath, You sure leave”Skye said “All Right , I will order us some dinner and then we can talk”Lorenzo said “Sure”Skye said Lorenzo left as the nurse came in. “I wish we could wash Genevieve hair it’s so dirty”Skye said “I know the dry shampoo will work “The nurse said “Yes, Thank you for the other day”Skye said “You're welcome”The nurse said they wash Genevieve.

At Jax house~Jax was fix up a nursery for the baby when Alexis came in. “Hey”Jax said “Hey, I knock and you didn’t open the door”Alexis said “Sorry, What do you think of the nursery”Jax ask “It looks great, So it’s a little girl”Alexis ask “It’s also a boy I made him a nursery room too”Jax said “Wow, A son and daughter”Alexis said “Yes”Jax said “How is Skye”Alexis ask “I haven’t seen her in a while but she stress because of Genevieve’ Jax said “I know it’s sad, This isn’t the Genevieve I work with give up like this”Alexis said “Yeah, I just hope this isn’t stress on my babies”Jax said “I know”Alexis said “Why don’t we go out to dinner”Jax ask “Sound great”Alexis said they left.

At The Quartermaine mansion~Alan was sitting on the couch looking at picture of Genevieve when Monica came by and sit by Alan. “Alan”Monica said “Genevieve isn’t going to wake up, She flatline the other day”Alan said “No”Monica said “I don’t know how to help Skye say goodbye”Alan said “You can’t Skye will have to do this on her own”Monica said “I hate this! Both of us our doctors and we can’t save our granddaughter” Alan said “I hate it too,I love Genevieve too”Monica said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 74

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was downstairs when a man came in. “Mrs. Alcazar, I’m Steven from Physical therapy you call me”Steven said “Yes , I did my daughter is upstairs”Skye said they went upstairs.

Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay on the bed as Lorenzo was doing exercise on her. “Lorenzo, What are you doing”Skye ask “Exercise on our daughter”Lorenzo said “I hire Steven who is a PT he will do that with Genevieve he knows what his doing”Skye said “That’s nice of you Skye but I can do this, I will take care of our daughter”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Steven is a professional therapy he know what he is doing what if you pull a muscle on Genevieve”Skye said “Skye, I will do this myself! Lorenzo yelled “Mr. Alcazar if you chance you're mind I will be back”Steven said “No, I’m fine , Thank you for coming”Lorenzo said Steven left. “Lorenzo, Why are you doing this”Skye ask “What take care of our daughter! Lorenzo yelled “You're not the only one who love Genevieve and wants her to come back”Skye said and left.
“I’m the only one who believe you will come back , You're mother going to give up on you soon I can tell”Lorenzo said

At The Cassadine office~ Bianca office~She was looking out the window when Alexander came in. “Bianca”Alexander ask as he came by her. “Do you think Mother will wake up”Bianca ask “Yes I do, I was on ice for ten years you're mother will come back, We our both fighters”Alexander said “What if she not the same”Bianca ask “When Genevieve wake up, I will hire the best doctors for her”Alexander said “Thanks Daddy”Bianca said he hug his daughter.

On the docks~Skye walk by she need a break from Lorenzo even thought it was hot outside Skye sit down on the bench and feel so hot as Carly came by and handle her a bottle of water. “Here”Carly said “Why are you giving me this”Skye ask “You look like you need it more then me, Skye how is Genevieve”Carly ask “Genevieve isn’t doing good she slip away and she put Lila Rae in changer of her medical decision and Lila Rae wants to pull the plug and Lorenzo wants to keep Genevieve on life support even though Daddy say she will not be the same if she does wake up and Lorenzo is just not let anyone help Genevieve expect him”Skye said “I’m sorry, Sound like Lorenzo is being a great Daddy”Carly said “Lorenzo always was a great father to our children understand and strict with the children , Before all this when I told the children about this baby they all were upset and yelling and Lorenzo raise his voice a little and the children were still scare, All grown up and their scare of their father”Skye said “Yes, I know it’s hard but you can’t give up on you're daughter”Carly said “Did the doctor tell you Michael would never wake up”Skye ask “Yes they did and Michael wake up and his fine”Carly said “Yes he is, Maybe we will get another miracle”, “I think Lorenzo is also hope that when Genevieve wake up they can fix things between them”Skye said “Yes”Carly said “I never thought we would bond as mothers”Skye said “Me either”Carly said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 73~

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay on her bed as Lila Rae was talking to her. “Everyone is going to hate me, Even Daddy , You always hate the relationship I have with Mother and Daddy well now it’s going to be destroyed but I know this is the right thing, I love you, You're my little sister”Lila Rae said as Skye and Skylar and Lorenzo came in. “Lila Rae”Lorenzo said “Daddy”Lila Rae said “So why are you here”Lorenzo ask “Daddy, Mother, Skylar, I love Genevieve I do but Genevieve made me her medical guardianship and I have talk to other doctors at Mercy about this and If Genevieve does wake up she not going to be the same she may never speak again and Genevieve will not like that if she can’t take care of herself, I love my sister so I’m going to do the right thing and help Constanza take Genevieve off life support”Lila Rae said “You're going to kill you're sister! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo”Skye said “I’m doing the right thing, Genevieve doesn’t want to live like this, Mother, Daddy I know this is hard but you need to do the right thing and let her go”Lila Rae said “Could you do the same if Raelyn was in a coma , Could you just let her go”Skye ask “It would be hard but yes, I would not want Raelyn to not be able to take care of herself anyone”Lila Rae said Lorenzo went by Genevieve and touch her hair. “Daddy”Lila Rae said “When I became a father to all of you, I vow to keep you all safe which some I have failed at because of my lifestyle and I also vow to do anything in my power to keep you healthy , I have a lot of money and power and I will use it to fight you and Constanza “Lorenzo said “Daddy, Did I lose you”Lila Rae ask “No, I will always love you but I will fight this, Now I would like to be alone with you're sister”Lorenzo said Skye and Skylar and Lila Rae left.

“Don’t worry Princess I will fight them and bring you back to us”, I read online that you sure be doing exercise ”Lorenzo said he start to move Genevieve arms.

Downstairs~Skye, Skylar and Lila Rae we're talking. “Mother, Are you upset with me”Lila Rae ask “I do hate that you're sister is in a coma and we our torn over this, I just want you're sister to come back to us, No matter what she looks like, But you will always be my daughter”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Lila Rae said “Lila Rae, I’m sure this is hard for you and I love you but I want my twin back no matter what she like”Skylar said “I know, This wasn’t easy”Lila Rae said and left. “I sure go to, Mother are you okay”Skylar ask “Yes”Skye said Skylar left.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 72~

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was looking at picture of Genevieve when Skylar came in and sit down by Skye. “Mother, Is it Genevieve’ Skylar ask “Genevieve still in a coma but she did flatline today”Skye said “No, Oh Mother , I’m scare”Skylar said “Me too, It’s not like our Genevieve to give up like this”Skye said “No it’s not”Skylar said as Lila Rae came in. “Lila Rae, What are you doing here”Skye ask “I came to check on Genevieve, I’m allow to be here right”Lila Rae ask “Yes of course I love you this is just hard on all of us”Skye said “Yes it is”Lila Rae said she went upstairs. “Skylar, Don’t tell Lila Rae about Genevieve flatline because the nurse saved her when she's sure of”Skye said “Sure Mother, What is the plan to save Genevieve”Skylar ask “I don’t know what you're father is planning”Skye said

At Bobbie~Bobbie was at home when their was a knock on the door it was Julian. “Julian, What can I do for you”Bobbie ask “I need to know is Lucas my son”Julian ask “Who told you”Bobbie ask “Answer me! Julian yelled “Yes, Lucas is you're son with Cheryl but his my I raise him! Bobbie yelled “Why didn’t you ever tell me”Julian yelled “You came back to Port Charles only to go back to jail so why sure I tell Lucas he had a great father! Bobbie yelled “Where is Lucas! Julian yelled “Why do you want to know, Just leave him alone so you're lifestyle doesn’t hurt him”Bobbie said “My enemy Lorenzo already know that Lucas is my son, His the one who told me! Julian yelled “You better keep my son safe! Bobbie yelled “His mine son! Julian yelled “Get out! Bobbie yelled and Julian left.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~ Genevieve was lay on the bed and Lila Rae came in. “Genevieve , This isn’t going to be easy I hate all of this I wish you would just make it easy and wake up, Remember when we would fight all the time and Mother would tell us we need to act like sisters because one day we would need each other, I would like to know you as a sister I act like I’m fine without Morgan but I’m not, I need to learn how to be strong like you”Lila Rae said she took her sister's hand.

Downstairs~Skylar and Skye were talking. “So how is the surrogacy going”Skye ask “Great, We will know how many babies tomorrow”Skylar said “That’s great”Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “Skylar, It’s good to see you”Lorenzo said “You too”Skylar said “I’m going to check on Genevieve”Lorenzo said “Lila Rae is up their”Skye said “Really”Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said “Let’s go check on things ’Lorenzo said they went upstairs.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 71

At Skye/Lorenzo~ Genevieve room~Genevieve was in bed and Skye was fix her blankets. “You give us quite a scary”Skye said “Yes you do, No more now come on Genevieve wake up and fight us we miss you we need you”Lorenzo said as Alan came in. “Daddy, Why are you here”Skye ask “ I want to check on Genevieve, How are things”Alan ask “The same”Skye said “Where is the nurse”Alan ask “On lunch break”Lorenzo said “Oh, Let me look at Genevieve”Alan said “Daddy, The nurse just check her you don’t have to”Skye said “Yes I do she granddaughter “Alan said “Alright”Skye said “You can go downstairs”Alan said “No that’s okay,We will stay right here”Lorenzo said he took Skye hand as Alan look at her.

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Dining room~Constanza and Lila Rae were meeting. “Lila Rae, I know this isn’t going to be that easy but as Genevieve Medical guardian I need you're help” Constanza said “You need my help to take Genevieve off life support don’t you”Lila Rae ask “Lila Rae, I know this is hard but we both know that Genevieve would hate this , I have talk to other doctors not at General Hospital if Genevieve does wake up she not going to be the same Genevieve we love”Constanza said “Do you have any reports on this”Lila Rae ask “Yes, It’s all here, Lila Rae this is all up to you to decision but I will make sure all her wish are follow”Constanza said “I hate this, I hate seeing my little sister who was always the fighter give up like this”Lila Rae said “I hate it too”Constanza said “Let me go check on Genevieve and think about this”Lila Rae said “I know it’s hard”Constanza said “Yes it is, This is tore my family apart” Lila Rae said “I know’ Constanza said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Alan was looking at her and Lorenzo and Skye were holding hands. “Can I talk to you both downstairs”Alan ask “Sure”Skye said “We will be right back Genevieve”Lorenzo said they went downstairs.

“Daddy, What is it”Skye ask “I know this is hard on both of you, I do but I’m sorry their no way Genevieve will wake up”Alan said “So you want to me to give up on my little girl! Daddy if this was me, You would not give up on me and I would not give up on my baby”Skye said “Skye, If Genevieve does wake up their will be damage”Alan said “What kind of damage”Skye ask “If Genevieve does wake up their will be brain damage and she will not be a lawyer anymore, That’s not the kind of life Genevieve would want you both need to let her go”Alan said “It’s not that easy, Alan we love our daughter”Lorenzo said “I know you do but it’s time to say goodbye”Alan said as The nurse came in. “Did Genevieve flatline again”The nurse ask “Genevieve flatline”Alan ask “Yes , Dr Quartermaine, I’m sorry but I saved her”The nurse said “Daddy don’t blame the nurse”Skye said “Skye, I know this is hard but Genevieve sign a DNR you have to follow it”Alan said “Alan, You can come visiting Genevieve but only if you're willing to fight for our daughter and not as a doctor”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo”Skye said “You both need to put Genevieve first, Skye please I know this is hard and you want to save you're daughter but you're not , It’s slow killing her”Alan said “Get out! Lorenzo yelled Alan left and the Nurse went to check on Genevieve. “Lorenzo, You can’t yell at my father”Skye said “I will do whatever I have to bring our daughter back”Lorenzo said “What if Genevieve does wake up and she brain damage”Skye ask Lorenzo pull Skye into his arms. “I will make some phone calls and get our daughter back to us, You just have to trust me”Lorenzo said “I do always”Skye said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 70

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was opening some baby bags when Lorenzo came in. “Where did you go”Skye ask “To try to save our daughter”Lorenzo said “Did you get the cure from Julian, Just give it to Daddy and he can give it to Genevieve”Skye said “No, Julian is playing games now”Lorenzo said “So what is you're plan now! You will not let the doctor that Jax sent over to even look at our daughter so what is it! Skye yelled “Skye,I want Genevieve to wake up”Lorenzo said “Then what are you going to do”Skye ask as Skylar came down. “Skylar, It’s nice to see you”Lorenzo said “I was visiting Genevieve, The nurse is with her now”Skylar said “Good, Do you want some lunch”Skye ask “No, I have to go”Skylar said and left. “Lorenzo”Skye said “I will not let Genevieve die! If Julian wants to go after my daughter I will go after his”Lorenzo said “Lucas”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Please don’t start a war, Genevieve would hate it ,Just bring our daughter back to me”Skye said “I will ”Lorenzo said

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was in bed when the nurse was looking at her. “You're not going to wake up, I seen this all the time it’s the love ones who have a hard time let go”The nurse said as Genevieve flatline.

Downstairs~Skye and Lorenzo were talking. “How are the twins”Lorenzo ask “Good, It’s one boy and one girl”Skye said “Oh, What is that noise”Lorenzo ask “It’s coming from Genevieve room”Skye said they went upstairs and ran into Genevieve room the nurse was in the room. “Why aren’t you helping our daughter she flatline! Lorenzo yelled “I can’t , She sign a DNR”The nurse said “Please just save my daughter we will make sure you don’t lose you're job! Skye said “Yes, We will please, Our daughter is young and has a daughter who she is just get to know”Lorenzo said The nurse work on Genevieve and Lorenzo took Skye hand. “Skye, I’m sorry about this morning”Lorenzo said “Me too”Skye said “Alright, It work, Don’t let me regret this, I like my job as a nurse”The woman said “You will not”Lorenzo said “Why, Don’t you take a break”Skye said “Fine”The nurse said

Monday, November 23, 2015

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 69

At Nikolas/Emily~ Nikolas was looking at a picture of both his sons when Laura came in. “Nikolas , Are you okay”Laura ask “I sure be so happy that both my sons are back, But it’s not going to be easy for either of them my dreams is for Alexander and Victor to get along and run the empire”Nikolas said “I know it’s hard but maybe with some time Alexander and Victor will come around, Like you and Lucky”Laura said “I hope so”Nikolas said “Do you know what happened to Alexander why he was away”Laura ask “No , Alexander hasn’t say anything”Nikolas said

At Julian~Lorenzo came in with Julian and point a gun at Julian. “Take me to the cure”Lorenzo said Julian took Lorenzo to the room where the safe is and open it as he turn the back on Lorenzo and Julian guard came and took out Lorenzo and Julian hold a gun on Lorenzo. “Do you really think I will give you the cure! I don’t think so! Genevieve will slowly die! Julian yelled “No she will not! Give me the cure now or I will shot you! Lorenzo yelled “Go right ahead! You will never find it”Julian yelled Lorenzo push Julian out of the way and open the safe and look inside their was nothing, “Is this some kind of game for you! My daughter will die! What if this was you're son Lucas! Maybe I sure go after him! Lorenzo yelled “What son! I don’t have a son! Julian yelled “You don’t know, Bobbie and Tony Jones adoption a son named Lucas his your , His mother is Cheryl”Lorenzo said “Oh my god! Julian yelled “So are you going to give me the cure or I will go after you're son! Lorenzo yelled ”Give me time”Julian said “Time! My daughter doesn’t have time”Lorenzo yelled “You can look everywhere in this house, You will not find a cure”Julian yelled “This isn’t some game you are playing this is my daughter life! Lorenzo yelled

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Skylar came in with gardenias. “Genevieve, I have you're favorite flowers, Please come back to me”Skylar said she took her sister's hand. “Please sis come back to us”Skylar said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 68

~At The Cassadine office~Alexander was in his office looking out the window. “I will get this empire back on top”Alexander said as Victor came in. “What, Are you doing in my office”Victor ask Alexander turnaround. “You're office, It’s my office, My empire not yours and my daughter will be run it with me, Not you the brother who try to kill me! Alexander yelled “I did it for love, Father would want you to share the empire with me”Victor said “I don’t care what father wants! I’m the oldest it’s my birthright! Alexander yelled as Bianca came in. “Are you both fight over the empire, My mother, The woman you both love is in a coma and she mayn’t make it and you're fighting about the empire! Bianca yelled “I’m sorry”Alexander said “Me too, I want Genevieve to wake up”Victor said “Me too”Alexander said “Thank you”Bianca said “How is it going at the mansion”Alexander ask “Not good, This is already come between Grandmother and Grandfather and it doesn’t help that Grandmother is pregnant with another man child”Bianca said “No, Lorenzo isn’t forging, Bianca I respect you're choice about staying at the mansion with you're mother but if it gets too much for you” Alexander said “I know”Bianca said

At General Hospital~Dr Kelly office~Skye was having a sonogram and Jax was holding her hand. “Can we find out the sex today”Skye ask “Yes we can”Dr Kelly said “I just want the twins to be healthy “Jax said “Me too”Skye said “You have healthy twins one girl and one son”Dr Kelly said “A son, A little girl”Jax said He kiss Skye hand. “Thank you”Jax said “I’m just glad their healthy” Skye said “Me too”Jax said “Skye, I know it’s hard but you need to try to stay away from stress”Dr Kelly said “I will try”Skye said Dr Kelly left. “I’m sorry about the doctor”Jax said “I just wish Lorenzo would keep a opening mine”Skye said “I know”Jax said

At a safehouse~ Lorenzo came into fine Julian tie to a chair with Lorenzo guards around. Lorenzo pull out a gun. “Now are you finally going to give me the cure for my daughter ! Lorenzo yelled “It’s at my house”Julian said “Where! Lorenzo yelled “In my safe, I will open it for you if you let me go”Julian said “How do I know you will not double cross me! Lorenzo yelled “You just have to take a chance! Julian yelled “Fine, Untie him”Lorenzo said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 67

~The next day~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was downstairs setting out food for breakfast when Bianca came down. “Bianca, Did you slept well”Skye ask “Yes , Thank you Grandmother for let me stay here”Bianca said “You don’t have to thank me, I believe having you around will help you're mother wake up”Skye said “I hope so”Bianca said “I wonder where Lorenzo is”Skye ask

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay on the bed still in a coma when Lorenzo was sitting by her reading “The Little Woman” , “I can see why you like this book, You're kind of like all of the character in this book”Lorenzo said Lorenzo start to read more as Skye as came in. “Lorenzo, What are you doing” Skye ask as she came behind the chair and took his hand. “I’m reading to Genevieve, I think if she hears us it will help”Lorenzo said “I hope it works”Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said “Let’s go have breakfast with our granddaughter”Skye said “Alright, Genevieve, We will take care of Bianca till you get better she stay right here, I beat you will hate that, So come on wake up! Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Yelling at Genevieve isn’t going to wake her up”Skye said “No I guess not, Princess I’m sorry, We will be back”Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve on the cheek and left.

Downstairs~Bianca was helping the maids with the food as Skye and Lorenzo came down. “Thank you for helping the maids”Skye said “You're welcome”Bianca said they sit down to breakfast. “Grandfather, Were you check on Mother”Bianca ask “Yes, You're mother favorite book is “The little woman” So I thought it may help if I read it to her”Lorenzo said “I did read online that patience in a coma can hear you”Bianca said “Yes they can”Skye said as Jax and another man came in. “What are you doing here Jax, Who is his that man with you”Lorenzo said “Skye and Lorenzo Alcazar this is Dr Smith, He may have a cure for Genevieve”Jax said as Skye got up. “Really, You can save my baby”Skye ask “What make you think you have a cure for our daughter”Lorenzo ask “I have a drug I been working on it’s not on the market yet but it may help you're daughter”Dr Smith said “Have you use it on humans”Skye ask “Not yet, Just rats”Dr Smith ask “What is the side effects “Bianca ask “Their isn’t going to be! I’m not going to let you use any drug that you haven’t use on any human on my daughter! Jax get out of my house! I will save my daughter you have done enough already by knock up my wife”Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo! You are not the only one with a say in this! Stop being so

 stop being so stubborn  and put our daughter needs first! Skye yelled “I’m! Why do you care you have a replace child on the way”Lorenzo said Skye slap Lorenzo. “Get them out of my house! Lorenzo yelled and went upstairs.

Skye touch her stomach and Jax took her hand. “I’m sorry, I just want to help”Jax said “I know, I’m sorry about Lorenzo”Skye said “It’s okay, I did cross the line”Jax said “No , You didn’t, Lorenzo did”Skye said

At Genevieve room~ Genevieve was in bed when Lorenzo came in and sit down. “Princess, Don’t worry I will save you that’s my job as you're Daddy”Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve on the cheek as Skye came in, “Is Jax and that doctor gone”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Jax meeting me at the hospital for my checkup”Skye said “Oh, It’s today”Lorenzo ask as he look at Genevieve. “Yes, I want you to come with me”Skye said “I can’t, I will be here take care of our daughter”Lorenzo said “I get you're upset,I’m too and worry but this baby will never replace Genevieve”Skye said “Genevieve, Was jealous of the baby”Lorenzo said “Really”Skye ask “Yes, When I told Genevieve the day before the fundraiser that I was leaving the mob she was jealous”Lorenzo said “That expect it”Skye said “What”Lorenzo ask “Nothing, I sure go”Skye said “Is Bianca here”Lorenzo ask “No she meeting Alexander”Skye said and left. “It’s just us Princess” Lorenzo said and pick up the book :”The little woman”

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 66~”Life or death”

At Alexander~Alexander was getting Princess setting in when Alexis came in. “Alexander’, You want to see me” Alexis said “Yes, Aunt Alexis, It’s about Genevieve will, Can we do anything to make sure Skye and Lorenzo follow it”Alexander ask “Alexander, You have no say it any of this you're not her husband their is no legal way you can stop Skye and Lorenzo from take care of their daughter”Alexis said “Genevieve has a DNR”Alexander said “Yes and they have to follow it if she flat lines”Alexis said “I just hate this, Genevieve would hate this too just lay in bed helpless isn’t like her”Alexander said “No it’s not, But we can’t stop it”Alexis said “I guess not”Alexander said

At AJ/Lydia~AJ and Constanza were talking. “So Genevieve doesn’t want to be on life support and she has a DNR but Aunt Skye and Uncle Lorenzo aren’t going to follow it, I may have to do some legal action if I have to, I love Genevieve I do and I will do what I need to do what she wanted”Constanza said “I know, You will that’s why Genevieve want you to look over her will she trust you and know you would do the right thing”AJ said “Thanks Daddy, Will you be on my side, Even it means Aunt Skye will be mad at you”Constanza ask “Yes, Because I know Genevieve would hate this, I would miss her and I would love if she did wake up but if she not going to then it’s time to let her go”AJ said “Thanks”Constanza said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Genevieve was laying on her bed as Lorenzo was sitting by her reading the book “The Little woman”. Genevieve invoice ~”Daddy, What is going on, Why I’m in my old room, Why would you just do the right thing for me and not yourself and Mothers and unplug me, Daddy please, I don’t want to be like this” .

Lorenzo was reading as Skye and Bianca came in. “Lorenzo, What are you doing”Skye ask “I’m reading Genevieve her favorite book “The little woman” I found it in Genevieve library”Lorenzo said “Mother has a library”Bianca ask “Yes, It was one of her favorite rooms, I build it for her”Skye said “Why don’t we go show you it, Genevieve we will be downstairs, I will read more later”Lorenzo said he put the book on the table and kiss Genevieve .

Downstairs~Skye and Lorenzo and Bianca came downstairs. “Bianca, I’m glad you're staying here if you need anything”Lorenzo said “I just want to be here for my mother sake and if my father wants to see Mother you better let him”Bianca said “Bianca, Alexander hurt you're mother”Lorenzo said “None of us in this room our perfect either”Bianca said “All we want is Genevieve to wake up that’s all”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said they went into the library. “Did Mother stay in the library a lot”Bianca ask “Yes, We would fine Genevieve sleeping on the floor with a book in her hand and I had to carry her upstairs”Lorenzo said “Grandmother, Why did you give Mother this room”Bianca ask “I want you're mother to have a room she loved, Lila Rae had a room so she could play the piano and Skylar had her art room and Luis had a room for all his comic book, Genevieve need a room of her own”Skye said “Yes”Bianca said she saw some hershey kiss hide in the book shelf and pull it out “What is with the hershey kiss ,Mother has them all over her house”Bianca said “Genevieve doesn’t like to say I love you so she give the hershey kiss out”Skye said “I remember when Mother say it to me. I’m going to get setting in”Bianca said “Alright”Skye said “What room are you staying in”Lorenzo ask “The one next to Genevieve’ Skye said they left the library as Lorenzo phone rang. “I have to take this”Lorenzo said he left and Skye touch the sign on Genevieve door to the library and sit down and read the note that Genevieve write her. “Dear Mother, Please do what is best for me and let me go, I love you, You are the best mother in the world but I need you to do this for me and let me go, I’m not someone that belong to you I’m my own person I always have been, You are a great mother by let me stay on life support doesn’t prove anything” Genevieve .

“Sorry Genevieve , I can’t let you go”Skye said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 65~

At Genevieve house~Skye came in and saw a picture of Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve on the desk it was broke in two , Skye pick it up as the maid came in. “When did this picture break”Skye ask “The day before the fundraise I think it was knock over”The maid said “Really” That was also the day that Genevieve told Lorenzo she wasn’t going by our last name anyone”Skye ask as Alexander and Bianca came in. “What, Are you doing here”Skye ask “I just need to get my belongs”Bianca said “Oh”Skye said as Princess came in and Alexander pick her up. “You miss her too don’t you”Alexander said “I’m sure she does”Skye said “I can’t believe Princess is still around”Alexander said “Princess isn’t in good health she is going blind that Ms. Alcazar has to give eye drops every day”The maid said “Really, Oh Princess we need to get you will for when Genevieve comes home, Skye I would like to take Princess home to be with me”Alexander said “Sure, That’s fine, Bianca let’s go get you're things and you're mothers to”Skye said they went upstairs.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was home and walk into Genevieve library and look around and pick up a book “The little woman”The pages were all wore that it’s been read a lot. Lorenzo went upstairs with the book and into Genevieve room. “I found a book “The Little woman”, Why don't we read it, Maybe it will help bring you back to us, Genevieve you can hate me when you wake up but I’m not going to let anyone pull the plug on you, I will find out what Julian give you, Now let’s read”Lorenzo said he start to read the little woman.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 64

~At Skylar/Carman~Skylar was reading the letter that Genevieve wrote her. “Dear Skylar, I love you you're my twin my better half but I know you, You could not live with yourself whatever decision you made about my health and I love for it , You're the better twin, Please help the family by doing the right thing and put my needs first”Love you always Genevieve”. “Oh Genevieve”Skylar said

At Skye/Lorenzo house~Skye and Lorenzo were helping Genevieve back in her old room and help lay her on the bed. “Thank you, I will walk you out”Lorenzo said “It’s okay”The man said They left. “Genevieve , You're back in you're old room, Soon you will wake up”Skye said she brush Genevieve hair with fingers and fix the blankets. “I sure get some more of you're belongs and make sure the guest room is ready for Bianca, She going to be staying here too she wants you to wake up. Bianca needs you, We all do”Skye said Lorenzo came behind her and took her hand.“I will stay with Genevieve why you go”Lorenzo said “Alright”Skye said she left. Lorenzo sit down and pull out the letter that Genevieve wrote him.

“Dear Daddy, Please let me go for once put me first not what is best for you and Mother, If I’m on life support I want someone to pull the plug I would hate laying in bed doing nothing that’s not who I’m and you know it, Please Daddy I know it’s hard to let go of a child, When I give up my daughter it wasn’t easy as I told everyone but I had to believe it was easy for myself I put my daughter needs before mine and that’s what you and Mother need to do”Genevieve said

“Sorry, Genevieve put I can’t do that”Lorenzo said he kiss his daughter on her hair.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 63~”Quartermaine”

At General Hospital~Genevieve room~Genevieve was on the bed when Tracy came in. “Genevieve, Why are you doing this for attention, Well you have it now wake up! You're a Quartermaine and a fighter we don’t back down for anything, When you were a little girl I always love the fact that you look up to me one it drive Skye nuts and you are a Quartermaine you always keep you're parents on their toes, Oh Daddy, Mother you need to bring Genevieve back to us, You can’t have her right now”Tracy said as Skye came in. “Something we can agree on”Skye said “Skye, I just want to say that if you need anything”Tracy said “Thanks, Genevieve is going to wake up, We our take her home”Skye said “Really”Tracy ask “Yes, After being back in her old room Genevieve will come back to us”Skye said “I do hope she does com back Skye, Remember Genevieve is a Quartermaine we don’t back down from a fight”Tracy said “No we don’t, I always hate how my daughter look up to you”Skye said “I know”Tracy said and left. Skye walk by Genevieve, “You're going home today and then you will wake up”Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “Skye, Let’s go take our daughter home”Lorenzo said “This is a good idea”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said they went into the hallway to talk to Alan.

In the hallway~Alan was by the nurse station when Lorenzo and Skye came by. “Daddy is it all set”Skye ask “Yes, You can take Genevieve home”Alan said as Bianca and Alexander came by. “Mother, Gets to go home”Bianca ask “We think Genevieve will wake up if she stay at home with us”Skye said “Really, Genevieve hate that house”Alexander said “You have no say in our daughter care”Lorenzo said “If you are going to bring my mother home, I want to come with you”Bianca said “Sure you can stay with us , We have room”Skye said “No way”Alexander said “Alexander, I know you want to get to know me I want that too but I want to be with my mother”Bianca said “We will make sure Bianca is safe”Skye said “Fine, Bianca I want to know you and no one can stop it”Alexander said as he look at Lorenzo. “We will not stop Bianca from seeing you, Right Lorenzo”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “Now let’s bring our daughter home”Skye said as the ambulance came and help take Genevieve home.

At The Quartermaine~Monica was in the den when Tracy came in. “Where have you been”Monica ask “I went to see Genevieve, It’s bad isn’t it”Tracy ask “Yes, I lied to Skye today when I told her Genevieve would wake up, She will not wake up”Monica said “No, Genevieve always been a fighter”Tracy said “Yes but she can’t fight this”Monica said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 62~”Will Genevieve die?”

On the docks~Lila Rae was sitting on the bench reading the letter that Genevieve left her. “Dear Lila Rae, The reason I want you to be in change is because I know you will not let you're emotions get the best of you, You will do the right thing even if it’s the hardest one, I hate to admit this but you are strong the way you forgive Daddy for what happened to you're baby boy I could never do that, I do love you big sis, Please do the right thing I know in you're heart you know what is it, If I’m on life support I would hate it”Genevieve said

“Oh what do I do”Lila Rae said to herself as Alexander came by. “Lila Rae, How is Genevieve , I was just going to see her”Alexander ask “Not good and Genevieve left me in changer of her care, I have the say if Genevieve live or dies”Lila Rae said “Wow”Alexander said “I don’t know what to do”Lila Rae said “Yes, You do or Genevieve would never put you in changer, You know Genevieve she plans things”Alexander said “Yes she does”Lila Rae said

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay there on the bed when Victor came in. “It’s true, You're in a coma, I sure hate you but god help me I love you and I want you to wake up I don’t care if you don’t take me back just wake up”Victor said

In the hallway~Skye and Lorenzo were sitting down talking. “Skye, Whatever Lila Rae decision we can’t be mad at her it’s not her fault”Lorenzo said “Lila Rae, Isn’t going to pull the plug on her sister we know that”Skye said “Yeah”Lorenzo said “I hate having Genevieve here, I think she will wake up in her old room at our house”Skye said “You want to bring our daughter home”Lorenzo ask “Yes, I can take care of her and we can hire a nurse”Skye said “Maybe”Lorenzo said

“Skylar”Carman said “I wish my sister would of pick me”Skylar said “Genevieve know you would do the right thing because that’s what you do but sometime you have to make a hard choice even when everyone disagree with it”Carman said “True, I could never pull the plug”Skylar said “No and Genevieve know that”Carman said “Lila Rae, Doesn’t hate Genevieve”Skylar said “I know”Carman said as Lila Rae and Alexander came by. “Lila Rae, Did you make you're decision is you're sister going to live or die”Skye ask as she got up and look at Lila Rae. “Mother, This isn’t easy”Lila Rae said “I know it’s not but please don’t do this”Skye said “Skye”Alexander said as Alexis came by. “Alexis, Why are you here”Lorenzo ask “I call her, If we need a lawyer, I want Alexis”Skye said “What is going on”Alexis ask “Lila Rae has the final say if her sister live or dies”Skye said “Mother, I love Genevieve I do,She going to hate me but for now Genevieve lives”Lila Rae said “Thank you”Skye said she hug Lila Rae. “You're welcome”Lila Rae said “Thanks Aunt Lila Rae”Bianca said “You're welcome”Lila Rae said “Let’s go talk to Alan, We want to take Genevieve to our house to get better”Lorenzo said “Good”Skylar said Skye and Lorenzo left. “Lila Rae”Skylar said “This wasn’t a easy choice”Lila Rae said “No it’s not”Skylar said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 61~”Medicia Guardian”


At General Hospital~The hallway~Skylar and Luis and Lila Rae and Bianca were there when Lorenzo and Skye and Constanza came in. “Constanza , Why are you here”Skylar ask “Do you remember when Genevieve came to visit me it was after Alexander murder”Constanza ask “Yes, Why”Skye ask “Genevieve was so scare with being on ice and beat death that Genevieve did what we all know she would she wrote her will and ask me to look over it”Constanza said “So you're back because Genevieve is in a coma and you have her will”Lorenzo ask “Yes, Genevieve left letters for each of you and she pick only one of you to be in charge of her care ’Constanza said “Well of course I will do it”Skylar said “Skylar, It’s not you Genevieve pick, She wanted someone who isn’t that close to her and would do what is best for her and not anyone else needs”Constanza said “Who did Genevieve pick to be in charge of her care”Skye ask as Alan and Monica came by. Constanza pull out a letter. “Genevieve put Lila Rae in charge of her care”Constanza said “Me”Lila Rae ask “Yes, Genevieve know you would be the best one for the job you would put Genevieve needs and not yours first. This letter tell it all”Constanza said “Thank you”Lila Rae said “Do you have a DNR”Alan ask “Genevieve did sign one”Constanza said “No! I’m not going to let my daughter die! I don’t care if Genevieve sign anything I will fight it, I’m her mother and I will do what I have to do to save my baby”Skye said “Skye is right,We our not going to let Genevieve die”Lorenzo said “It’s not you're call, And I will make sure everything is the way Genevieve wanted’ Constanza said “Do you love you're cousin”Lorenzo ask “Yes, This isn’t about any of us, It’s about Genevieve , If she has to live like this she will hate it”Constanza said “Lila Rae”Skye said “I’m going to go somewhere to read this letter”Lila Rae said and left.

Genevieve room ~ Skye came in as Monica came by. “Skye, I get it what you're going thought a mother does anything for her child their no wrong or right answer here”Monica said “What would you do”Skye ask “I would fight for my child even though I’m a doctor I’m a mother first”Monica said “Yes I’m a mother, It took me a long time to finally have the family wanted and I will not let anyone take Genevieve from me”Skye said “Don’t be hard on Lila Rae”Monica said “I just wish Genevieve would've left it to me”Skye said “I know”Monica said

In the hallway~Lorenzo and Alan were talking. “It doesn’t look good for my daughter does it”Lorenzo ask “No, Lorenzo , Genevieve isn’t going to wake up”Alan said “Is their anything”Lorenzo ask “No”Alan said “What if I find what poison Genevieve was giving”Lorenzo ask “Maybe, Was it one of you're enemy”Alan ask “It was also Genevieve too”Lorenzo said “Julian Jerome”Alan said “Yes”Lorenzo said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 60~ ‘Quartermaine”

The next day~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was looking at the fireplace mantle the picture of Edward and Lila and touch them. “I need you both to save my little girl”Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “Skye”Lorenzo said “I need to get to the hospital soon”Skye said “We need to talk first”Lorenzo said Skye look at Lorenzo. “What”Skye ask “Last night I found Julian, It was him who put poison in our daughter food”Lorenzo said “Did he give you a cure, Just give Alan the cure and this will all be over”Skye said “Their no cure, Julian would not give me it”Lorenzo said “So you're just going to let our daughter die! Skye yelled “No, I didn’t kill Julian his in a safe house till he tell us what the poison was, I want to save our daughter some of this is my fault I sure of had Genevieve safe look at”Lorenzo said “Yes you sure”Skye said “Skye , We need to be on the same page when it comes to our daughter care”Lorenzo said “You're right we do, I’m glad you didn’t kill Julian I can’t have you in jail yet”Skye said “I know, John is going to look the other way he love our daughter”Lorenzo said “Good, Let’s go see Genevieve”Skye said “Alright”Lorenzo said

At General Hospital~A woman came by the nurse station. “Can I help you”The nurse ask “I’m looking for Genevieve Alcazar “The woman ask “Room five”The nurse said “Thank you”The woman said and went into the room and touch Genevieve hair. “Oh Genevieve , I hate all this and it’s just going to get worst when everyone finds out”The woman said she touch Genevieve. “I miss you this isn’t the homecoming I wanted”The woman said

In the hallway~Skye and Lorenzo came in and by the nurse station. “How is our daughter, Genevieve”Skye ask “The same she has a visitor”The nurse said “Who”Lorenzo ask “A woman”The nurse said “What”Lorenzo ask they ran into Genevieve room. The woman had her back turn against them. “Turn around, With you're hands up”Lorenzo said the woman turn around with her hands up. “Constanza” Lorenzo ask “Yes, Uncle Lorenzo, Aunt Skye it’s good to see you”Constanza said “I’m sorry”Lorenzo said “It’s okay”Constanza said Skye hug her. “I’m glad you're here”Skye said “Me too, When Daddy call me I had to come , I just wish it wasn’t like this”Constanza said “We all do”Lorenzo said “I would like to talk to you both in the hallway if I can”Constanza said “Sure, Genevieve we will be back”Skye said and left.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 59

~At Lila Rae~Lila Rae and Raelyn were having dinner. “Mother, I’m glad you call me”Raelyn said “Me too”Lila Rae said as the doorbell rang it was Bianca. “Bianca, Come in”Lila Rae said “I didn’t know where I sure stay, I don’t want to slept at Mother’s if she not there it doesn’t seen right”Bianca said “You can stay here, We have a lots of room and you and Raelyn can talk”Lila Rae said “Thanks Aunt Lila Rae”Bianca said “You're welcome, How are you doing”Lila Rae ask they sit down on the couch.”Do you think my mother will wake up”Bianca ask “This isn’t the first time Genevieve was poison, When we were little Genevieve was ground for lying about money to get a cell phone so Daddy and Mother took us out and left Genevieve with the nannies and someone knock on the door and Genevieve open it knowing we were not allowed to open the doors without our parents with us and the man give Genevieve candy which she ate, Which none of us sure do I know it’s hard this kind of family but we have to be careful of my father enemy and Morgan too”Lila Rae said “Yes”Raelyn said “Who poison mother then”Bianca ask “Uncle Luis , His finally gone”Lila Rae said “Mother made it okay then and she will know”Bianca said “Yes”, I’m going to bed, Raelyn show Bianca a room and don’t stay up to late”Lila Rae said “We will not”Raelyn said “Thank you Aunt Lila Rae”Bianca said “You're welcome”Lila Rae said and went upstairs. “So Bianca how are you doing with you're father being alive”Raelyn ask “It’s weird but I want to get to know him, Even though he done somethings to my mother, Did you know he raped my mother”Bianca ask “No”Raelyn said “Yeah, I want to know his side of it, No man sure rape anyone”Bianca said “No”Raelyn said “I’m glad you're here ’Bianca said “Me too, I will be here as long as this family needs me”Raelyn said “Let’s get some slept”Bianca said “Yes”Raelyn said

At Josslyn~ Josslyn was home talking with Luis. “Luis , How are you doing”Josslyn ask “I love my sister even though we doing get along all the time, I love her, I remember when we were little, Genevieve was ground for cheat on the math test and I had that fight with you're brother and she want me to break mother vase to feel better but I could not do it so Genevieve did and Father came in when he heard the glass break Genevieve was so scare, Father has a look that would just scare us all and he know that, But I lied for my sister and I would do it again , I would do anything If I could make her feel better”Luis said “I know you do, You're a great brother”Josslyn said “Thanks, I sure go”Luis said “If you need anything”Josslyn said “Thanks”Luis said he left as Carly came in. “Mother, What are you doing here”Josslyn ask “I just was at the hospital giving my best to Skye and I want to check on you”Carly said “You check on Genevieve’ Josslyn ask “Yes, She Michael cousin and I know she will wake up just like Michael did, She a Quartermaine a fighter”Carly said “That was nice of you mother”Josslyn said “I may hate Skye but no one sure lose a child”Carly said “No”Josslyn said “How is Luis”Carly ask “Not good”Josslyn said

At Skylar/Carman~Skylar was looking at picture of her and Genevieve when Carman came in. “Carman, I need you're opinion as a doctor not my husband or Genevieve brother in law, Will my sister wake up”Skylar ask Carman touch Skylar hair. “I saw the chart it doesn’t look good, I’m sorry”Carman said “No”Skylar said “If I could save Genevieve I would”Carman said “I know you would”Skylar said “Lean on me”Carman said “I will”Skylar said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 58

~At a Warehouse~ Julian was their tie to a chair as Lorenzo came in. “What do you want Alcazar” Julian ask Lorenzo pull out his gun. “I want know, Why you poison my daughter with and how do I save her! Lorenzo yelled “There's nothing that will save Genevieve now the poison I give her will keep her in a coma and no doctor will save her! Julian yelled “No! My daughter will not die! Lorenzo yelled “There's nothing you can do right now, Do you really want to kill me and go to jail for it”Julian ask “I will be fine! Lorenzo yelled

At General Hospital~Genevieve room~Skye was putting Genevieve robe on her. “This will make you feel like yourself and then you will wake up I also pick out some shoes for you they look new”Skye said she put them on Genevieve feet. “I also have you're hairbrush too, Remember when you were little I would love to brush you're hair even though you hate it you would fight me but you never took care of you're beautiful red hair”Skye said Skye brush her hair as Carly came in. “What are you doing here”Skye ask “I just want to say that if you need anything”Carly said “Genevieve will wake up, I’m making her beautiful right now”Skye said “Skye, We had our issue but I believe Genevieve will wake up just like her cousin Michael”Carly said “Thank you, My daughter is a fighter”Skye said “Yes she is, Just like her parents”Carly said and took Skye hand. “Thanks”Skye said “You're welcome”Carly said and left. “Genevieve, Do you want some makeup on, I also have you're makeup bag”Skye said as Lila Rae and Raelyn came in. “Raelyn”Skye said “Grandmother, Aunt Genevieve will wake up, She has to I have to thank her”Raelyn said “For what”Skye ask “Genevieve help me get into Yale, She email the school and sent them money to help me get it”Raelyn said “You're smart too that help”Lila Rae said “Yes”Skye said “Mother, Where is Daddy”Lila Rae ask as Lorenzo came in. “Right here, Raelyn it’s good to see you”Lorenzo said “Thanks, I just wish I was here for good news”Raelyn said “We all do”Lorenzo said “Yes,We will get good news soon”Skye said

In the hallway~Carly was walking when she ran into Jax. “What are you doing here”Jax ask “I had to see Skye”Carly said “Carly”Jax said “It’s not to cause trouble, I hate that Genevieve is in a coma and I want to tell Skye that, No matter how I feel about Skye no parent sure lose a child, Even though I did blame Genevieve for Morgan died it wasn’t her fault that my son took his own life, It was my fault that I didn’t stop Morgan from become his father”Carly said “I wish I was here for Morgan maybe things would be different”Jax said “Me too not for me but for my son”Carly said “Yes”Jax said “How is the baby you're having with Skye”Carly ask “Good, It’s twins”Jax said “I hope you have the chance you lost with Josslyn”Carly said “Me too, Josslyn is working with me”Jax said “Good”Carly said and left.

At Genevieve room~ Lorenzo and Skye and Lila Rae and Raelyn were their when Bianca came in. “Raelyn, You're here”Bianca said “Yes, I’m so glad Mother call me, We our here for you”Raelyn said “Thanks, I would like to sit with my mother”Bianca said “Sure, We sure go home too”Lorenzo said “Maybe , I don’t want to leave Genevieve”Skye said “It will be okay”Lorenzo said and they left. “Mother, Please wake up, We have been getting so close lately and I like it, I love you please I don’t want to lose you”Bianca said and touch her mother's hand as Patrick and Alan came in. “Great-Grandfather any chance”Bianca ask “No”Alan said “No, This isn’t good is it”Bianca said “We don’t know yet, Why don’t you go home, I will call you if anything chance”Alan said “Alright”Bianca said and left. “When our you going to tell you're family that Genevieve isn’t going to wake up”Patrick ask “I don’t know, I don’t want to believe it myself”Alan said “This is the hard part when you can’t save you're own family”Patrick said “Yes it is”Alan said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 57~

At General Hospital~Dr Kelly’s office~Skylar and Carman and the surrogacy where their doing an ultrasound. “Did it work”Skylar ask holding Carman hand. “Yes it work, It could be a couple of babies”Dr Kelly said “That’s okay, We can handle it”Carman said “Yes, I hope we have a girl just like my sister Genevieve and I know Genevieve she will spoil all of them “Skylar said “Yes she will”Carman said “Thank you for this, If you need anything”Skylar said ‘I’m just glad to do this for both of you”The woman said “You're going to heaven for this”Skylar said

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay on the bed as Alexander was still there by her when her parents came in, “What are you doing here”Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo”Skye said “I just want to check on Genevieve , We all want the same thing here, We want Genevieve to wake up, I don’t care right now if she does take me back I just want her to wake up, Our daughter needs her”Alexander said “You're right, That’s all we want”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said “I’m going to check on our dog Princess, Genevieve would want me to take care of her”Alexander said “That’s a great idea, Thank you”Skye said “Anything you need”Alexander said “We will get our daughter what she needs Cassadine”Lorenzo said he walk by Genevieve and touch her hair. “Princess I know you're tired but you need to wake up”Lorenzo said as Skylar came in. “Genevieve you need to wake up , I need my twin, It work the surrogacy is carry my babies and they need their Aunt Genevieve to spoil them like you did Raelyn”Skylar said “That’s wonderful”Skye said “Yes it is”Lorenzo said “Thanks, It’s hard to be happy about it now”Skylar said “Genevieve would be happy for you and you're right the babies need their Aunt Genevieve”Skye said “Yes, They do we all do”Skylar said “Yes, I will be back”Lorenzo said he left the room and Skye follow him.

In the hallway~Skye and Lorenzo were their. “Lorenzo , Please be careful, I can’t lose you too”Skye said “I will be careful”Lorenzo said “Good, Is Luis going with you”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said Skye pull him in. “You better come back to me”Skye said “I will”Lorenzo said and kiss her and left. Skye touch her stomach. “You're sister is going to wake up, She has to”Skye said

At the Airport~ Lila Rae was there waiting when a young woman came out of the plane. “Mother”Raelyn said Lila Rae hug her daughter. “I’m glad you're here”Lila Rae said “Mother, What is going on, Why did you ask me to come home is it Grandfather”Raelyn ask “No it’s Genevieve” Lila Rae said “No, What happened”Raelyn ask “All we know right now is someone poison Genevieve and she in a coma”Lila Rae said “No, I hope she wake up”Raelyn said “Me too, Even though she a pain I love my sister”Lila Rae said “Aunt Genevieve love you to Mother”Raelyn said “How do you know”Lila Rae ask “Aunt Genevieve told me when we would have our special days when I was little”Raelyn said “Genevieve love to spoil you, I always thought she was trying to make up for what she did to Bianca with you but I know now she love you too”Lila Rae said “Yes, I hope Bianca is okay, She must be going through hell thinking she can lose her only parent she has left”Raelyn said “Their more you need to know, I will tell you in the car”Lila Rae said they left.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 56

~At the Mayor's office~ John was talking to someone when Lorenzo came in. “We need to talk”Lorenzo said “Can you give us a min, Thanks”John said the person left. “Lorenzo, I heard about Genevieve, If there's anything I can do”John said “Yes their is”Lorenzo said “Alright”John said “I know who did this to my daughter I need to take care of that person and I need you to look the other way for my family sake they can’t lose me right now and I need to protect my daughter”Lorenzo said “It’s Julian Jerome isn’t it”John ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “As much as I hate this because it’s not what I stand for, But for Genevieve sake go ahead, I will make sure you're not arrest if anyone find out”John said “You love my daughter don’t you”Lorenzo ask “Yes I do, I only marry my wife because she was pregnant”John said “You're a good guy, I do wish you and Genevieve could've been together ’Lorenzo said “Another time and place I guess , Lorenzo don’t start a war over this”John said “I just want my daughter to wake up”Lorenzo said “We all do”John said and Lorenzo left.

At General Hospital~Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay on the bed when a man came into her room and took her hand and sit by her bedside. “I know you're upset with me goddess but I had to come see you, Please wake up we have a lot of making up to do, I want to get to know you again and our daughter. Bianca is very smart the best in both of us”Alexander said he kiss her on the lips. “I will find out who did this to you”Alexander said

In the hallway~Skye came in with a bag in her hand and walk by Alan. “Daddy, Any chances”Skye ask “No”Alan said “Daddy be honest with me, Well Genevieve wake up”Skye ask “Skye, I want Genevieve to wake up I do”Alan said he took Skye hand as Lorenzo came by. “How is Genevieve”Lorenzo ask “The same,”Alan said “Thank you”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo this better not be one of you're enemy”Alan said “Daddy”Skye said Alan left. “Lorenzo, Did you find anything”Skye ask “Yes, I’m going to take care of it soon, I just want to check on Genevieve first”Lorenzo said “Who is it”Skye ask “Skye”Lorenzo said “Just tell me”Skye said Lorenzo touch Skye hair.“All you need to know right now is John love our daughter so much he will look the other way when I take care of who did this to our princess, Now let’s go check on her”Lorenzo said he took Skye hand.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 55~ “Mob princess”

At General Hospital~Alan was looking at Genevieve chart as Monica came by. “I heard what happened , How does it look”Monica ask “Not good”Alan said as Lorenzo came by. “Alan, Monica, I need to take care of something, Can you call me or Skye if you need us”Lorenzo ask “Sure”Alan said “Thank you”Lorenzo said and left.

On the docks~Skye was walking when her phone rang it was Lorenzo. “Alright just be careful”Skye said and hang up and sit down the stress was getting to her when Jax came by. “Skye, Are you okay”Ja ask “Not really, My daughter Genevieve is in a coma”Skye said “Oh no, What happened”Jax ask “We don’t know, I went to check on Genevieve the morning about Alexander coming back I know she would be upset but she would not wake up for me, I want her just to wake up even if she wants to yell at me”Skye said “You and Genevieve don’t get along do you”Jax ask “No, Genevieve thinks I’m too weak for loving Lorenzo and not get my own life and she always stood up to me and Lorenzo”Skye said “Genevieve is kind of like you and Lorenzo”Jax said “Yes she is”Skye said “Skye, I will help in anyway I can and don’t try to stress over this”Jax said “I will try not to”Skye said

At Genevieve house~ Lorenzo broke into Genevieve house and went into the kitchen and look around as the new cook came by and saw him. “Mr. Alcazar” The cook said Lorenzo pull out his gun. “You're going to tell me what you give my daughter now and how I can save her! Lorenzo yelled “I didn’t do it”The cook said “Who hire you! Lorenzo yelled he took a shot at the wall. “Julian Jerome”The cook said “So this is all Julian”Lorenzo ask “Yes”The cook said “Do you know what else he has planning”Lorenzo ask “No”The cook said “Get you're belongs, You're fire! Lorenzo yelled “Don’t kill me”The cook said as two man came in. “I’m not going to kill you yet, Incase I need you to save my daughter but my man are going to take you away”Lorenzo said the cook left with his man and Lorenzo look around.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 54

~At General Hospital~ Lorenzo came in. “Alan, Is Genevieve here, Skye call me to meet them here”Lorenzo said “No they are not here yet”Alan said “Do you know anything”Lorenzo ask “No I don’t”Alan said “No, What is going on”Lorenzo ask as Skye and Bianca came in. “Where is Genevieve”Lorenzo ask as the ambulance came in with Genevieve who was on the scratched and Alexander was with her. “What is going on”Alan ask “Ms. Quartermaine is unresponsive” The man said “Take her to room five”Alan said as Patrick came by. “Dr Quartermaine let me look at Genevieve”Patrick said “Dr Drake”Alan said “You're family”Patrick said “Alright”Alan said Patrick left. “Skye, What happened”Lorenzo ask “Nothing, I went to check on Genevieve and she was in her room sleeping and I could not wake her up”Skye said “Do you think it’s suicide”Lorenzo ask “No, There was no pills by the nightstand”Skye said “Bianca, What did Genevieve do last night when she came home”Lorenzo ask as Skylar and Lila Rae and Luis came by. “When I came home last night mother was In bed and she was tired”Bianca said “Did she eat anything”Lorenzo ask “Yes and some tea “Bianca said “What is going on”Skylar ask “Genevieve isn’t wake up and we don’t know why”Skye said “Yes , We know why, Genevieve is poison like she was when she a child by her father enemy”Alexander said “What”Bianca ask “Can we not deal with this now, Genevieve needs us”Skye said as Nikolas came by. “I’m sure whoever poison Genevieve is someone we all know, Could be her father, Alexander did you know Lorenzo shot Bianca while you were gone”Nikolas said “What, You shot my daughter! Alexander yelled “Daddy please not now”Bianca said “Please everyone just calm down”Alan said as Patrick came by. “What is wrong with my baby”Skye ask and took Lorenzo hand. “Someone poison Genevieve and now she in a coma”Patrick said “Coma! Lorenzo yelled “Well she wake up”Skylar ask “Yes, Genevieve will be fine, I’m going to see my daughter”Skye said and left.

“Alan, This isn’t good is it”Lorenzo ask “No it’s not, I will look over Genevieve chart”Alan said “Thank you”Lorenzo said “We will get Genevieve the best doctors “Alan said “Yes”Lorenzo said

At Genevieve room~Genevieve was in the bed when Skye came in the room and brush her hair with her fingers, “Genevieve , It’s time to wake up, Please baby wake up, We can fight if you want just come back to me, I love you”Skye said as Lorenzo came in and behind Skye and took her hand. “Lorenzo, Our daughter will wake up”Skye said “Yes she will”Lorenzo said “Till Genevieve wake up, We sure get her robe and some of her things for the room”Skye said “Sure”Lorenzo said “I will go get them”Skye said “I will stay here with our princess”Lorenzo said “Thank you”Skye said and left. Lorenzo sit down and took Genevieve hand. “Princess, Please wake up, I don’t care if we fight just come back to me”Lorenzo said

In the hallway~Skye put her head on the wall as AJ came by. “Skye”AJ said “AJ, I’m so scare”Skye said “Genevieve,Will wake up she strong and a fighter”AJ said “Yes she is, I’m going to get some of her things”Skye said “Do you want me to go with you”AJ ask “No it’s okay”Skye said and left.

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 53

~At Genevieve~ Bianca was downstairs when their was a knock on the door. “I will get it Ann”Bianca said and open the door it was Alexander. “Come in”Bianca said Alexander came in. “So do you live here too”Alexander ask “Yes”Bianca said “Where is Genevieve”Alexander ask “Mother is still in bed Grandmother when to check on her”Bianca said “Ohthat’s not like Genevieve at all”Alexander said as Princess came by and Alexander pick her up. “Princess, You're still around”Alexander said “Genevieve told me you give her Princess”Bianca said “Yes I did to cheer up Genevieve she was having a bad day, Let’s go check on you're mother,, Bianca I want to get to know you, I want you”Alexander said “I know, Mother told me, I want that too”Bianca said they went upstairs.

Genevieve room~Genevieve was still sleeping and Skye was trying to wake her up. “Genevieve baby please wake up”Skye said as Alexander and Bianca came in. “Genevieve not wake up”Alexander ask “No”Skye said “I’m calling 911”Alexander said “Thank you, I’m scare, Bianca how did Genevieve act last night”Skye ask “Mother say she was tried and she want to go to bed early”Bianca said Alexander hang up his phone.”The ambulance is on it’s way, Did Genevieve ate anything last night”Alexander ask “Yes, The cook made her something”Bianca said Alexander went by Genevieve and touch her hair. “Genevieve has a cook”Alexander ask “Yes”Bianca said “Genevieve wake up please, You're prince is here”Alexander said and kiss her. “I’m going to call Lorenzo to meet us at the hospital”Skye said “I’m going Genevieve in the ambulance”Alexander said “Alright”Skye said she made a phone call. “Bianca, I want you to know something, You were made with love”Alexander said he brush Genevieve hair with his fingers. “I know, Mother told me”Bianca said “Good”Alexander said The paramedic came in. “Please save Genevieve”Alexander said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 52

~At Nikolas/Emily~ Nikolas and Victor came in. “Father, Why I’m home, How did you get me out of jail”Victor said “I will tell you”Nikolas said “What is it”Victor ask “I’m alive, You didn’t kill me brother dear”Alexander said as he came in and look at Victor. “Alexander, You're alive”Victor ask “Yes, You could never win against me”Alexander said “How, Does Genevieve know”Victor ask “Yes Genevieve knows, Soon I will win her back, You're so lucky I’m alive you're out of jail because of it”Alexander said “I know this isn’t going to be easy but I want both of you to get pass this and get along I need both of my son working at the empire”Nikolas said “I don’t think so father it’s mine I will run it till my daughter take over”Alexander said “I ask Bianca to help me, But I want my sons run it or no one gets it you both will stop fighting over Genevieve “Nikolas said “I’m going to get back what I loss”Alexander said as Emily came in. “Both my sons home”Emily said she hug Victor. “It’s good to be home”Victor said “Yes it is, Mother , Father”, I want to tell you all what I been though thanks to Victor”Alexander said “Alexander, I did it for Genevieve , You hurt her”Victor said “So you drug me and then put me on ice for years! Alexander yelled “I did what you did to Genevieve ! My Ginny”Victor yelled “Both of you stop it”Emily said “I’m sorry Mother, I can’t let this go”Alexander said and left.

At Genevieve ~Bianca was carry a tray of food when Skye came in. “Bianca, What are you doing”Skye ask “I thought it would be nice to bring my mother breakfast in bed”Bianca said “Genevieve is still in bed”Skye ask “Yes, She was upset last night about Alexander and didn’t feel good either”Bianca said “It doesn’t look right”Skye said “Looks matter to you don’t they”Bianca ask “I work hard to be respect in this town that’s why I want my children to look nothing but their best”Skye said “Oh”Bianca said “I will go check on you're mother”Skye said “Alright, Here is the tray”Bianca said she give it to Skye and Skye went upstairs.

At Genevieve bedroom~Skye came in with the tray of food and put it on the table and turn on the lights and went by Genevieve who was sleeping. “Genevieve, Wake up, It’s time”Skye said she shake Genevieve and she didn’t wake up and touch her face. “Genevieve , Wake up”Skye said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 51

~ At The Quartermaine hotel outside~Julian was smile and happy. “One more part of my plan to bring you down Genevieve”Julian said and left.

Inside the hotel~”Alexander, Let’s get you home and we can talk”Nikolas said “Father, I need to check on Genevieve first”Alexander said “Alright”Nikolas said “We're just glad you're home”Emily said “I’m happy to be home to mother”Alexander said

At Genevieve house~Genevieve was in her robe looking around she didn’t know how to feel toward Alexander being back from the dead she know he could be alive but was hope it wasn’t true. “Ms. Quartermaine , Dinner's almost ready”The maid said “Thank you”Genevieve said “Genevieve, Open the door, We need to talk”Alexander said “I will deal with this”Genevieve said she open the door a little. “Alexander please leave, I don’t want to talk right now”Genevieve said “Please goddess I came back to you, We miss so much time and I know you love me”Alexander said “Please, Alexander I’m glad it was true that you're alive for our daughter's sake but we our over”Genevieve said “You know I was alive”Alexander ask “Just go”Genevieve said as Lorenzo came by and grab Alexander and pull out a gun. “You heard my daughter”Lorenzo said “Daddy, Don’t shot him for my sake and Bianca and Mothers”Genevieve said “I will not shoot him if he just leaves”Lorenzo said “I will be back, Genevieve we need to talk about how long you know I was alive”Alexander said and left. Genevieve walk back into her house and Lorenzo follow her in. “So you know that Alexander was alive”Lorenzo ask “You know too! Genevieve yelled “Yes I did”Lorenzo said “Who told you”Genevieve ask “Julian”Lorenzo said “How long”Genevieve ask “As long as you did, Why did you keep it a secret”Lorenzo ask “I just wasn’t ready to deal with Alexander “Genevieve said “Don’t go back to him, You deserve better then any of the Cassadine”Lorenzo said “Bianca is a Cassadine too, Daddy I’m tired , I’m going to bed”Genevieve said “Alright”Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve on the cheek and left.

At The police station~ Nikolas and Alexis and Emily were their. “I want my son out of jail now”Nikolas said to John, “We our working on that Victor will soon be free”John said “Good”Nikolas said “He still try to kill his own brother”John said “I know”Nikolas said John left. “Soon we will have both our boy’s home”Emily said “Yes”Nikolas said “It’s still going to be a lot of work with Alexander and Victor”Alexis said “I know”Nikolas said

At Genevieve ~Genevieve was in bed when Bianca came in. “Are you okay”Bianca ask and lay by her mother in bed. “Tonight wasn’t what I wanted, I don’t know how I feel about Alexander but I’m glad his alive for you're sake”Genevieve said “He love you”Bianca said “Yes, Soon Victor will be out”Genevieve said “Yes, You don’t look good”Bianca said “I think it’s just stress I don’t feel good either, Bianca how do you feel about this”Genevieve ask as she brush her daughter hair with her fingers. “I want to know my father”Bianca said “Of course you do, I hope you do”Genevieve said “Me too”Bianca said “I’m tired”Genevieve said “I will see you in the morning”Bianca said and left. Genevieve took a slip of her tea and feel asleep.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo came in and pull out his gun and put it on the table as Skye came in. “Did you kill Alexander”Skye ask “No, But I did pull out my gun on him, Genevieve ask him to leave and he would not , But I do wish did kill him”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, If you do anything you will make things even hard between you and Genevieve don’t ruin what you have work on”Skye said “Genevieve still love him”Lorenzo said “I know, Genevieve also know he was alive didn’t she”Skye ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo you just need to respect Genevieve choice”Skye said “Alright”Lorenzo said “Thank you,Let’s go to bed, Tomorrow I will check on Genevieve in the morning”Skye said “Alright”Lorenzo said

Finding you Lorenzo/Skye/ Jax/Genevieve /Alexander ch 50~”Unexpected return”

AT The Quartermaine hotel fundraiser~Skye, Lorenzo, Lila Rae, Josslyn, Luis , Jax, Alan , Monica, Tracy, AJ, Ned, Skylar and Carman and Bianca and Emily, Nikolas, Alexis, Ric and John and Genevieve and Scotty and Laura and Stefan , Jane. Carly and Bobbie were their. “Thank you all for coming this fundraiser is for the charity my great grandmother run and it’s also in her memory too, Of the great woman I love Lila Rae Quartermaine, I even name my daughter after her, Thank you all for coming here and raise money for the hospital and children's hospital”Skye said everyone clap. “So Jane , When are you leaving”Carly ask “I’m staying”Jane said “Really”Carly ask “Yes, I wish I stay when Josslyn was little and been so close to her”Jane said “I wish you did too”Carly said “Carly, You are a strong woman you can find someone better”Jane said “Thank you”Carly said

“So Skye you have become a respect woman in this town while I was away”Jax said “Yes I have, It took a while”Skye said “I’m glad, How are you”Jax said “Good, So I heard you took Carly hotel”Skye said “Yes, It was fun”Jax said “I’m sure it was”Skye said

“So Scotty when are you leaving”Nikolas ask “Never I’m staying in town”Scotty said “Really”Nikolas ask

Genevieve got up to the microphones. “Hello everyone I would like you're attention please, I have some news to tell everyone”Genevieve said “Oh great”Lila Rae said “I’m running for prosecutor and I hope you vote for me, I promise to protect this town and keep everyone safe, I have love the law since I can remember”Genevieve said “I’m sure you will do great”The man said as he came in and walk by Genevieve. “No you're here”Genevieve said “Who is that”Bianca ask “You're father”Lila Rae said “Alexander, You're alive”Genevieve said she touch his face. “Yes I’m”Alexander said he touch her face as Nikolas and Emily came by. “Son you're alive”Emily said “Yes Mother, Father I’m back, I will fill you all in later”Alexander said as Bianca came by and look at him. “Alexander this is”Genevieve said “I know, I know her anywhere she our daughter that you give away”Alexander said “Yes, I’m, Bianca”She said “You're beautiful just like you're mother and I beat you're smart too like both of us”Alexander said “Yes I’m, Where have you been”Bianca ask “I will tell you all later, I want to be alone with Genevieve”Alexander said “Genevieve, Are you okay”Skye ask “I’m fine, Alexander, I’m glad you're back for our daughter but what we had ending when you raped me and put me on ice! Don’t follow me home, I don’t want to talk to you, I’m not some dame in distress that is going to run into you're arms now that you're back that’s not who I’m! I don’t need a man! Genevieve yelled “Genevieve please”Alexander said “No”Genevieve said “You heard my daughter”Lorenzo said Genevieve left.

“Wow, This is some party”Jax said “Yes it is”Jane said “Alexander, Just give Genevieve time, Now where have you been”Nikolas ask “I was on the Cassadine Island on ice for a long time”Alexander said “Who saved you”Emily ask “I don’t know his name”Alexander said “Do you know anything else”Nikolas ask “That it was my brother who poison me and try to kill me”Alexander said “Victor in jail and Now I’m going to get him out”Nikolas said “He still try to kill me”Alexander said “I know”Nikolas said

“Sure I go check on mother”Bianca ask “No let her be”Skye said “Yes, Genevieve just needs to deal with this her way”Lorenzo said Bianca left. “This isn’t good”Skye said “No it’s not”Lorenzo said