Friday, March 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 6 ch 1012

At Alexander trial~Tea was giving closing statements. "Alexander Cassadine is nothing but a spoiled rich kid who gets what he wants and doesn't care about anyone else, Not his wife who he kick down the steps while she was pregnant , Yes the baby wasn't his but it was still a baby and Alexander grandson who he was raise as his own son saw the whole thing, That boy is only six years old! Then their is Genevieve who he knows she been thought a lot and he didn't care, He probably never loved her a man would never do this to a woman he clam to love, Alexander Cassadine belongs in jail so Genevieve and her children can somehow heal, Think of her as your daughter , Sister , You would never want this to be someone you loved"Tea said "Alexander Cassadine is also the victim here, He was brainwash by his Great-Grandmother and he wants to get help, Please let Alexander get help not jail time, Thank you"Nora said "Jury please take your time and don't talk to reports about the case as you make your decision "The Judge said The jury left.

Nikolas and Emily went into the hallway, "I can't believe you didn't tell me about Alexander been alive"Emily said "I could not tell you, I was ported my son from Lorenzo , Like I'm doing now"Nikolas said "I would of help you""Emily said "I'm going to see Alexander"Nikolas said as Monica came by. "Emily"Monica said "I hate this"Emily said "Me too"Monica said

"Genevieve let's go home"Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve went into the hallway and left.

Forever and For always part 6 ch 1011 "Bianca"

At Alexander trial~Nora had just say she had one more witness. "I call Alexander Cassadine to the stand"Nora said Alexander got up and took the stand. "Alexander, Do you feel bad when you would lose your temper on Genevieve"Nora ask "Yes I do, I hate myself, I'm sorry Genevieve, I love you"Alexander said as he look at Genevieve. "Were you drunk most of the time"Nora ask "Yes"Alexander said "Do you regret what you did"Nora ask "Yes, I do, I hate myself that I lose a good thing with Genevieve and our children, I just haven't been myself since we lose Bianca, Genevieve hasn't either"Alexander said as Genevieve was sitting by her parents and looking at a sonogram that was in her hand. "Who is Bianca"Nora ask "Our daughter that Genevieve give up she died in a plane crash"Alexander said "Do you want get help"Nora ask "Yes I do, I want to get help, I don't belong in jail, Genevieve you know that, Please don't for Bianca and our children"Alexander said "I'm done"Nora said "Did you really think you could of got away with what you did to Genevieve"Tea ask "I know that Genevieve would of never say anything, She didn't want to ruin her family anymore and Genevieve want a family of her own"Alexander said "You don't feel guilty or believe that you need help you just upset that you got caught"Tea said "No, I'm not"Alexander said "You just wish Daddy would save you this time but his not"Tea said "I eject"Nora said "I'm sorry, Alexander, I don't believe you feel bad, Why didn't you stop"Tea ask "I don't know"Alexander said "I'm done"Tea said Alexander got up and went by Nora. "Are you both ready for closing statements'The Judge ask "Yes"Tea said "Yes"Nora said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 1010

At The courthouse~"I call my next witness. Dr Rae Cumming to the stand"Tea said "I eject your , Dr Rae Cummings is Genevieve Grandmother"Nora said "Your honor, She also a great witness, Genevieve has been talking to her about the abuse"Tea said "I will allow it"The Judge said "Thank you"Tea said Rae came in and took the stand. "Dr Cummings, Your Genevieve Grandmother right"Tea ask "Yes"Rae said "Your also a doctor"Tea ask "Yes"Rae said "Have you been helping Genevieve about this"Tea ask "Yes, I have"Rae said "Without break patience and doctor private , How is she"Tea ask "Not good, Genevieve doesn't trust anyone easy and now Alexander break in and the love they have for each other"Rae said "Do you believe Genevieve in time will heal"Tea ask "Yes I do,I hope so"Rae said "Do you believe that Alexander is unstable"Tea ask "I never have been his doctor but I know Alexander at the time he was with Genevieve, I don't believe he unstable"Rae said" Thank you"Tea said "I just want to make it clear , Dr Rae Cummings has never been a doctor toward my client and doesn't know how stable he is"Nora said "Anymore question"The Judge ask "No"Nora said Rae got off the stand. "I have one more witness Dr Collins"Nora said Kevin came in and took the stand. "Dr Collins, Have you been treat my client"Nora ask "Yes"Kevin said "Since when"Nora ask "Since Alexander been in jail"Dr Collins said "Do you believe that Alexander needs help"Nora ask "Yes I do"Dr Collins said "Is their a way he can be cure"Nora ask "Their no cure, But Alexander can learn how to control his anger"Dr Collins said "Thank you"Nora said "You really believe people can chance"Tea ask "Yes, I have, We all are not perfect"Dr Collins said "I'm done"Tea said Kevin got up. "I have one more witness to call"Nora said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 109

At The Courthouse~Alexander trial~ Nora was question Nikolas. "Did you know your son was alive and with his birth mother Britt and your grandmother"Nora ask "No, I didn't"Nikolas said "Thank you"Nora said Tea turn."So what do you think of your son now, The true heir"Tea ask "I do hate that my son did this to Genevieve, I always thought she was good for my son but I was wrong on that and I don't like what my son did to Genevieve but he needs help"Nikolas said "Do you really want us to believe that you didn't know your son was alive, All that time"Tea ask "Yes"Nikolas said "Your under oath"Tea said "Alright, I know my son was alive! Nikolas yelled the court was in shock and Emily too. "Did you know that Alexander was being brainwash"Tea ask "No, But I was scare about what my son would come back too after putting Genevieve on ice"Nikolas said "So you help make your son disappear, Will you do it again"Tea ask "No"Nikolas said "I'm done"Tea said Nikolas got off the stand. "I call Dr Drake to the stand"Tea said Patrick came in and took the stand. "Dr Drake were you the doctor that look at Genevieve that night she came in from the fall"Tea ask "Yes I was"Dr Drake said "How bad did it look"Tea ask "Bad"Dr Drake said "Could Genevieve of died that night"Tea ask "Yes in surgery she almost died twice"Dr Drake said "Thank you"Tea said "But Genevieve didn't die"Nora said "No, Thanks to me, I'm good at what I do but I could of lose her it was a bad fall"Dr Drake said "Thank you"Nora said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 108

At The Courthouse Alexander trial~Nora was question Genevieve, "You were in a coma, Were you"Nora ask "Yes, I was"Genevieve said "Are you mental well"Nora ask "The coma didn't make me crazy"Genevieve said "But your unstable"Nora ask "No I'm not"Genevieve said she was trying not to lose her cool. "Did you and Alexander sign the divorce paper yet"Nora ask "Not yet"Genevieve said "Why did you stay with Alexander when it got bad"Nora ask "I always hope my love for Alexander would chance him"Genevieve said "I'm done"Nora said Genevieve got off the stand and went into the hallway. "We will be back in five"The Judge said

Genevieve was sitting down in the hallway when Bobbie came by. "Genevieve, I know that was scary but you did it"Bobbie said as Skye and Lorenzo and Skylar came by. "Yes, Genevieve you did , You can be free now"Skylar said Genevieve took Skylar hand and they went back inside. "I just want this over with soon"Skye said "It will be"Lorenzo said they went inside. "I call Nikolas Cassadine to the stand"Nora said Nikolas came in and got swear in and sit down. "Do you believe that your son was brainwash by Helena Cassadine"Nora ask "Yes I do , It will not be the first time my grandmother has done it"Nikolas said "Why would Helena want Alexander to be so dark"Nora ask "My Grandmother believe that a true man sure be like that"Nikolas said "Do you want your son to get help"Nora ask "Yes I do"Nikolas said "Do you believe he can be cure"Nora ask "Yes, I do , I know the son I raise is still in their"Nikolas said as he look at Alexander.

Forever and for always part 6 ch 107

At Alexander trial~Tea was question Genevieve still. "What happened in Paris , When Alexander burn your back"Tea ask "I was in the bathroom and get ready to take a bath I had my robe on and I was light some candies when Alexander came in he was drunk and I know he was anger about something he took the matches from my hand and took off my bathrobe I thought he want to make love he told me to turn around and the next thing I know he was throw the match on my back, Alexander know I hate fire, We both were in a plane crash that caught fire and had three degree burns on our bodies"Genevieve said "Did Alexander agree to take you to the hospital"Tea ask "Before I had to agree that I would not ask for help or look scare"Genevieve said "Did Alexander pay the doctor"Tea ask "I don't see it but like that doctor say yesterday he did"Genevieve said "Do you believe Alexander sure go to jail for what he did"Tea ask Genevieve look at Lorenzo who was show his anger on what Alexander did to Genevieve. "Yes I do"Genevieve said as she look at Tea. "I'm done"Tea said Nora got up. "Mrs. Cassadine, Do you believe that some of Alexander issues is your fault, You were with his brother when he left you and turn your marriage"Nora ask "I'm sorry that I hurt Alexander but it's not my fault! Genevieve yelled and cried. "Mrs.Cassadine, You lied earlier when you told The court you didn't love Alexander Cassadine anymore, You do, and you believe he needs help"Nora said "No"Genevieve said "Do you want Alexander to be away from his children, Your grandson who you are raise as your own"Nora ask "I just want my life back"Genevieve said "Why did you wait till now to say anything"Nora ask "I know this wasn't just about me, It's hurting both my families, Alexander adoption mother is my mother adoption sister"Genevieve said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 106

At The Trial~Genevieve was on the stand and Tea was question her. "Did Alexander kidnapped you when he came back"Tea ask "Yes"Genevieve said "Where did he take you"Tea ask "To the family house in Greece"Genevieve said "What happened"Tea ask Genevieve close her eyes. "Genevieve"Tea said "I'm okay, Alexander told me we were getting marry he was upset that I was with his brother now and I told him no that I wasn't going to marry him so he put me on ice"Genevieve said "Put you on ice"Tea ask "His family has this ice machine called the ice princess and he try to frozen me to death"Genevieve said "How did you got off"Tea ask ""My parents and Victor found us and Daddy found me on the ice, I almost died"Genevieve said she cried. "Did Alexander go to jail"Tea ask "No, A few months after that we all thought he died"Genevieve said "Then when Alexander came back again. You forgive him"Tea ask "It wasn't like that, I was in a coma for a while but I always loved Alexander"Genevieve said "Do you still love him"Tea ask Genevieve look at Alexander."No"Genevieve said "I need you to tell the court about that night he push you down the steps"Tea said "I had just put Sunday Rose down for her nap and was stand on top of the steps and Alexander came up he was upset saying that he know the baby I was carry wasn't his it was Victor and he push me down the steps"Genevieve said "Did you lose the baby"Tea ask "Yes"Genevieve said "Was it Victor or Alexander"Tea ask "Victor"Genevieve said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 105 "Dark Cassadine"

At the Courthouse
Alan and Monica and Ned and Edward and Skylar and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Constanza and AJ and Lydia and Michael were on one side and Emily and Nikolas and Laura and Britt and Alexis were on the other side. Tea had just called Genevieve to the stand and she got swear in and look at Alexander. "Mrs. Cassadine, How long have you know Alexander Cassadine"Tea ask "All my life, Since we were little children"Genevieve said "Did you date all thought high school"Tea ask "Yes"Genevieve said "Was it all nice and Rose or Did you both fight"Tea ask "We did fight"Genevieve said "Did Alexander leave you on your wedding day"Tea ask Genevieve look at Alexander. "Yes he did"Genevieve said "Was there a reason of why"Tea ask "No"Genevieve said "Was there a reason of why you want to get marry beside love"Tea ask "I was pregnant"Genevieve said "Did you raise the baby yourself then"Tea ask "No, I give her up"Genevieve said "Was Alexander upset"Tea ask "Alexander didn't know till ten years later because he left town on our almost wedding day"Genevieve said "How did Alexander take it when he came back to town"Tea ask "Not good"Genevieve said "Did something happened to you the night of your mother fundraise at your family hotel"Tea ask Genevieve look at her mother and then Alexander. "Yes,I went into the lady room and Alexander was there and he lock the door and lock me into his arms and rape me"Genevieve said "Did you say anything"Tea ask "No, Alexander wasn't the same when he came back he was dark"Genevieve said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 104

At the Courthouse~Tracy had just arrive as the report came by. "Ms. Quartermaine, Who side our you on"The report ask "Do you even have to ask, I'm on my niece side, Alexander Cassadine is a womanizer who hits woman in fount of his children! He needs to be lock up. No one mess with us Quartermaine"Tracy said as Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve came by. "I thought you and Skye didn't get along"The report ask "This hasn't anything to do with my feelings toward Skye, No woman sure ever put up with that and Alexander needs to be lock up, Now leave Genevieve alone"Tracy said the report left. "Tracy, Thank you"Skye said Tracy went by Genevieve and touch her hair. "Genevieve your going to heal from this"Tracy said Genevieve look at Tracy, "I always want to be like you but I'm not"Genevieve thought. "I will take Genevieve in"Lorenzo said they left. "How is Genevieve"Tracy ask "Not good, She hasn't talk to be honest I'm worry about her"Skye said Tracy took Skye hand. "We will help her"Tracy said "Thanks"Skye said

Alan and Monica and Ned and Edward and Skylar and Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve and Constanza and AJ and Lydia and Michael were on one side and Emily and Nikolas and Laura and Britt and Alexis were on the other side. "Are both lawyers ready"The judge ask "Yes your honor"Tea said "Yes your honor"Nora said "I call my first witness to the stand, Genevieve Cassadine"Tea said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 103

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo office~ Lorenzo and Luis were talking. "It's not safe for you to be back yet son"Lorenzo said "I just miss everyone"Luis said "I know son"Lorenzo said as Genevieve and Skye came in. "Genevieve, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you but I'm here for you now"Luis said Genevieve look at Luis. "My little brother, I wish I could of save you from Daddy world, I wish Mother stop it"Genevieve thought as she look at her brother. "Your sister isn't talking, She let him win"Lorenzo said as he look at Genevieve. "Oh Daddy, You will know in time"Genevieve thought as she look at Lorenzo. "We sure go to the courthouse"Skye said "Yes, Luis stay at the safe house for now"Lorenzo said he handle Luis the key's. "Don't leave without saying goodbye to me and Skylar"Skye said "Yes Mother, Sis it's going to get better"Luis said Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve left.

At The Quartermaine mansion~Alan and Monica were getting ready to leave, "I hate all this"Monica said "Me too, I wish it didn't end this way for Genevieve and Alexander"Alan said "Me too , Emily love Alexander so much, I'm not surprise that Britt is the birthmother"Monica said "Me either , Crazy runs in the family"Alan said "Yes it does"Monica said "Do you believe that Alexander is unbalance"Alan ask "Yes I do, Do you"Monica ask "I don't know but this could end deadly too"Alan said "Yes"Monica said they left.

Forever and For always part 6 ch 102

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were talking. "Lorenzo, I know your worry about Genevieve but you can't yell at her"Skye said "I just want Genevieve back the way she was and I want Alexander out of her life"Lorenzo said "I want that too but you need to be patience"Skye said "I will try"Lorenzo said they went into the dinning room and sit down as Genevieve was eating a cinnamon roll with Laurel and Joh and Nikolas. "Oh Genevieve, You sure eat more then that, You need your strength "Skye said Genevieve just look at Skye. "Oh Mother, Your always hover over us"Genevieve thought as Rose came in. "Do you need anything else"Rose ask "Yes, Bring Genevieve some oatmeal"Lorenzo said Genevieve look at Lorenzo, "Always treat me like a child Daddy, And control as aways "Genevieve thought. "Yes"Rose said and left as a another maid came in. "Mr and Mrs.Alcazar there a man here to see you"The maid said "Who is it"Lorenzo ask "His in your office, He wants to see you both"The maid said "Thank you, Genevieve please eat some oatmeal, I'm sorry for yelling"Lorenzo said he kiss her on the cheek and Skye and Lorenzo left.

Lorenzo office~A man was waiting for Skye and Lorenzo when they came in. "Luis"Skye said she ran into her son arms and hug him. "Mother, I miss you too"Luis said "I did to"Skye said "I'm glad your back together"Luis said "Me too but you sure not be here"Lorenzo said "Father, I had to come when I learn what is going on with Genevieve, I had to see my sister"Luis said "Oh Luis. Your a good brother"Skye said "Thanks Mother, I want to stay and help"Luis said "Luis"Lorenzo said "Is there a way to get Luis out of this"Skye ask "Skye, Why don't you bring Genevieve in"Lorenzo ask "Find"Skye said she left. "How is Genevieve handle this"Luis ask "Not good"Lorenzo said "Do you have a plan"Luis ask "Of cause I do"Lorenzo said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 100

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~Genevieve wake up and look at Nikolas who was still slept in bed. Genevieve touch his hair , "Oh my sweet boy, I'm doing this for you and your sisters"Genevieve said she kiss him as Nikolas wake up. "Mother, I love you"Nikolas said she kiss him on the cheek as Skye came in. "Genevieve, , Nikolas, Your both awake good, We need to get ready for court"Skye said Genevieve just shake her head and went into the bathroom. "It didn't work, I was hope if I stay with mother last night she would feel better"Nikolas said "Oh Nikolas, This isn't up to you to save your mother, Your a child"Skye said "I just"Nikolas said "I know"Skye said Nikolas went downstairs as Genevieve came in wearing a green dress. "Genevieve, You look great, It's almost Christmas ,Hopefully after the trial you will get better"Skye said Genevieve went downstairs to find Lorenzo sitting on the couch having coffee. "Genevieve, I'm glad your up. We need to talk,"Lorenzo said he pull out the divorce papers. "Genevieve, Stop put it off and sign the divorce papers or I will help you sign them"Lorenzo said Genevieve took a pen and wrote on a piece of paper. "Daddy, Just give me time let me handle this, Genevieve wrote on it. "No! Genevieve talk to me! Damn it! Lorenzo yelled and got up and he trow a glass. "Your letting him win! This isn't the Genevieve who I fight with my whole life! Princess your letting him destroy you! Lorenzo yelled and touch Genevieve face as Skye came in. "What is going on"Skye ask "What is going on, Our daughter is letting Alexander destroy her! Lorenzo yelled Genevieve just look at her father. "Genevieve go have some breakfast, We need to leave soon and your going to be on the stand today"Skye said Genevieve went into the dinning room.

Forever and For always part 6 ch 99

At The Quartermaine~Alan was in his robe sitting on the couch looking at picture of Genevieve and Alexander when they were younger when Tracy came in wear her robe and sit by Alan. "Alan, Are you okay"Tracy ask "No, I'm not, Did you see Genevieve today, She broken"Alan ask "Yes I did, I hate it too"Tracy said "I'm worry about Genevieve"Alan said "As a doctor orGrandfather"Tracy ask "Both, I believe after this trial Genevieve will have a breakdown"Alan said "Oh No"Tracy said "Yes, This isn't want Skye needs right now she just start to heal from Lila Rae"Alan said "Yes she is but we will be their for Skye and Genevieve"Tracy said "Really"Alan ask "Yes, I love Genevieve, I will help her"Tracy said "I know you do, Let's go to bed"Alan said "Yes"Tracy said

Nikolas/Emily house~Nikolas was having a drink and then trow the glass as Emily came in. "Nikolas, Are you okay"Emily ask "Not really, Britt was here, It was a mistake of bring her to town"Nikolas said "Nikolas, It was the only way to hopefully get Alexander into a mental hospital"Emily said "I just don't know"Nikolas said as Alexis came in. "Alexis, How did it look today for our son"Nikolas ask "The honest true, It's not looking good, I'm sorry"Alexis said "Thanks , I need a way to save my son even if he goes to jail I don't believe his safe from Lorenzo"Nikolas said "I hate to say this but what about Helena"Alexis ask "Maybe"Nikolas said "Do you think that's our only way"Emily ask "I just don't think it's not looking good"Alexis said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 98

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were downstairs. "Did you heard what Nikolas ask me"Lorenzo ask "Yes, I agree that Genevieve and the children sure stay here"Skye said "You do"Lorenzo ask "Yes, Genevieve is unstable to live on her own with the children right now"Skye said "I agree, Thank you Skye"Lorenzo said "Your welcome, But I don't think that Nikolas sure work with you"Skye said "Skye, I would not allow that either, My one regret is letting Luis join me"Lorenzo said "Good, I miss our son"Skye said "Me too"Lorenzo said

At Genevieve room~Genevieve in bed when sleeping when Nikolas came in wearing his PJ and went into bed with Genevieve and touch her hair. "Mother, I will help make it better"Nikolas said as Skye came in. "Nikolas, Their you are"Skye said "I want to slept with mother"Nikolas said "Alright"Skye said "I used to slept with mother when it was really bad"Nikolas said "Your a good son"Skye said she kiss Nikolas on the head and left.

At Nikolas/Emily~Nikolas was having a drink when Britt came in. "You bastard! Not only to you I lose both our sons , I just lost the chance I had to be with our grandson"Britt said "How is it my fault! Your the one who did this to our son! You turn him into this monster, Your father! I wish Emily was Victor and Alexander mother, Not you! Nikolas said Britt slap him. "I took Alexander because you made me give the boys up"Britt said "Your unfit to raise them'Nikolas yelled "Our grandson, Hates Alexander and doesn't want to be a Cassadine"Britt said "That is your fault too and I will fix it"Nikolas said "How"Britt ask

Forever and For always part 6 ch 97

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were having dinner with Laurel and John and Nikolas. "So what did you do with the nanny"Skye ask "Jamie took us to Skylar art gallery"Laurel said "Did you have fun"Skye ask "Yes"Laurel said "Good"Skye said Rose came in. "Mr and Mrs. Alcazar, Their is a woman who wants to see Mr.Nikolas"Rose said "Who"Lorenzo ask as Britt came in. "Me, Nikolas-Alexander, It's so good to see you again"Britt said Nikolas got up by her. "I don't want to see you again, You know what my father was doing"Nikolas said "Nikolas-Alexander, I'm your Grandmother"Britt said "No your not, I go by Nikolas now and I'm not a Cassadine anymore"Nikolas said as Lorenzo came by him and pull Nikolas towards him. "Nikolas is right , His not a Cassadine, You have no right to him now leave"Lorenzo said "Nikolas -Alexander, I know your upset but your father love you"Britt said "That died when he almost killed my mother, I'm not a Cassadine, I'm a Alcazar! Nikolas yelled "You sure leave now! Skye yelled Britt left. "Nikolas, Are you okay"Skye ask "Yes, I'm"Nikolas said Lorenzo pick him up. "Yes he is just find. , Nikolas is a Alcazar"Lorenzo said "I'm going to take the twins to bed, Nikolas you sure get ready too"Skye said "Yes Nana"Nikolas said Skye went upstairs with the twins. Nikolas and Lorenzo sit down on the couch, "Nikolas, I know it's been a lot but you and your mother and sister will be find, I will make sure of it"Lorenzo said "I know Papa, I want to stay here, After the trial I don't want to move out of here"Nikolas said as Skye listen on the steps. "You and your mother and Sunday Rose can stay here"Lorenzo said "Thanks, I want to be like you"Nikolas said as Skye came in. "Nikolas"Skye said "Yes, Nana I get ready for bed"Nikolas said he went upstairs.

Forever and For always part 6 ch 96

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was in his office when Skye came in. "Lorenzo, What are you planning"Skye ask "I'm planning to get Cassadine out of our daughter life, But don't worry no one will know it's me, It's the perfect plan"Lorenzo said "What is it"Skye ask Lorenzo fill Skye on his plan.

Genevieve was in her room looking into a box and then put it her closet and chance into her PJ and went to bed.

Skye and Lorenzo were walking into the living room. "I like this plan"Skye said "Me too"Lorenzo said as Laurel and John and Nikolas and Sunday Rose came in with the nanny. "Nana, Where is my mother"Nikolas ask "She upstairs"Skye said "How did court go"Nikolas ask "It's going to be find son I promise you"Lorenzo said he pick up Nikolas. "I believe you, Papa"Nikolas said "Good, I'm going to keep you and your mother and sister safe"Lorenzo said "Is Mother still not talking"Nikolas ask "Yes, Why don't we go have some dinner"Skye ask "I want to check on Mother"Nikolas said "Alright"Skye said Nikolas went upstairs to see his mother.

Skye was downstairs pour some water when Lorenzo came in. "My Mother was here earlier, She didn't tell me anything that Genevieve say to her, I'm worry"Skye said "Me too"Lorenzo said they share a hug and went into the dinner room.

Forever an For always part 6 ch 95

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve were home. "Genevieve, Do you want to talk about the trial"Skye ask Genevieve just shock her head as Rose came in carrying a tray of food and tea. "Ms.Genevieve I made some of your favorite sandwich and tea"Rose said Genevieve sit down on the couch and pour herself some tea. "I'm going to make a phone call"Lorenzo said he went into his office and pour a drink. "I will destroy you Cassadine"Lorenzo said to himself.

In the living room~Skye and Genevieve were sitting on the couch and Genevieve was drinking tea and Skye brush her hair. "Oh Genevieve, What happened to my Genevieve, The one who would fight with me, Why aren't you fighting back, Please Genevieve don't let him win anymore, Please talk to me"Skye said Genevieve put the tea cup down on the table and kiss Skye on the cheek and went upstairs as Rae came in. "Mother"Skye said "Skye, I want to check on Genevieve"Rae said "Why she still not talking to me, What did you do to her"Skye yelled "I didn't do anything"Rae said "I'm sorry, I'm just worry"Skye said "Me too"Rae said "Did you to talk at all"Skye ask "Yes we did, Skye I promise Genevieve I would not say anything"Rae said "Mother, How do I help my baby"Skye ask "Just be patience"Rae said

Lorenzo office~Lorenzo was talking to a man. "This is going to be the perfect plan on get him out of our life"Lorenzo said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 94

At The Courthouse~Tea was talking to Genevieve, "Genevieve, How are you , Tomorrow I need to put you on the stand, Are you ready for that"Tea ask Genevieve just look at her. "Genevieve, I need you to talk to me"Tea said as Lorenzo came by. "Genevieve is ready to take the stand tomorrow, Are you Princess"Lorenzo ask Genevieve just look at Lorenzo. "Lorenzo"Tea said "She will be find, I promise you"Lorenzo said "I hope so we are win this"Tea said "Good"Lorenzo said as Skye came by. "Their a lot of reports out there"Skye said "Take Genevieve out the back I will deal with them"Lorenzo said "No let me"Tea said "Alright"Lorenzo said Skye and Skylar and Genevieve and Lorenzo went out the back as Tea went to talk to the reports. "We would like a statement from Genevieve Cassadine"The report said "Mrs.Cassadine isn't going to say anything to you, She just wants her life back that's all"Tea said

In the Courthouse hallway~ Nikolas and Emily were talking. "How are you doing"Nikolas ask "I can deal with her for Alexander"Emily said "Thank you"Nikolas said as Britt came by."Thank you for calling me"Britt said 'Your welcome. Are you staying"Nikolas ask "I will be here for both my sons, Victor is anger at me and I want to fix it and I will make sure my son doesn't go to jail"Britt said "You did this to our son when you brainwash him"Nikolas said "I just had to turn him into a better man then you turn him into one"Britt said "Where are you staying"Emily ask "I don't know yet"Britt said and left. "Nikolas, You have to be nice to her for Alexander"Emily said "I guess"Nikolas said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 93 "Mother's return"

At The Courthouse~Alexander trial~Nora was question Britt. "Who help you fake Alexander death"Nora ask "Helena Cassadine she brought my son to me"Britt said "What did you and Helena did to Alexander"Nora ask "We made him into who he is today"Britt said "How"Nora ask "Helena Brainwash him"Britt said "Have you seen Alexander since then"Nora ask "Yes , In Paris"Britt said "Did you meet Genevieve"Nora ask "Yes and the children, My grandchild"Britt said "Did you know that your son was hit his wife"Nora ask "Yes I did"Britt said "Did you say anything"Nora ask "I did talk to Alexander I try my best as a mother to stop it"Britt said "I'm done"Nora said "Did you really want to stop your son from hit his wife or did you support Alexander"Tea ask Britt didn't say anything. "Your under oath"Tea said "I didn't stop my son, I support Alexander, I miss so much with both my sons"Britt said "Who is your father"Tea ask "Cesar Faison"Britt said "His he stable"Tea ask "No"Britt said "Do you as a doctor believe your son is crazy or just like his mother and grandfather"Tea ask "My son was brainwash"Britt said "I'm done"Tea said Britt step down. "Are you both done for the day"The Judge ask "Yes your under"Nora said "Yes your under"Tea said "Court is on break till tomorrow morning"The Judge said Britt went by Alexander and touch him as Victor came by. "Victor"Britt said "I can't believe you and father and Mother are support him after what he does"Victor said "Victor"Britt said "You were not here when I was on trial"Victor said he walk by Genevieve and left.

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At The Courthouse hallway~Lorenzo came by the doctor. "How dare you just do nothing for my daughter , Do you know who I'm"Lorenzo ask "No I'm sorry I don't"Dr Cartier said "I'm your worst nightmare"Lorenzo said as Skye came by. "Lorenzo"Skye said "Skye, Let me deal with this"Lorenzo said "Not here"Skye said "I'm sorry, I hate myself that I didn't do anything"Dr Cartier said 'You better leave town if you want to live"Lorenzo said Dr Cartier left. "Lorenzo, I'm anger to but the cops are all over this place"Skye said "Yeah they are"Lorenzo said "Let's go inside, I'm worry about Genevieve and mother will not tell me anything"Skye said Skye took his hand and they went inside.

"Genevieve"Skylar said she went to talk to her parents. "Mother, Daddy why isn't Genevieve not talking"Skylar ask "We don't know it's been like this since last night"Skye said "I'm worry"Skylar said "Me too baby"Skye said Lorenzo sit back down by Genevieve who keep looking at Alexander as everyone came back in and the judge and everyone stood up. "I call my next witness Britt Westbourne" Nora said everyone was in shock some didn't know why she was here or being called as Britt came in and took the stand. "What is your relationship with Alexander and Victor Cassadine"Nora ask "I'm their birth mother"Britt said "Why didn't you raise them"Nora ask "Nikolas took the boys from me and I could not fight him I been in mental hospital all the boys life"Britt said "Have you seen the boys"Nora ask "Just Alexander, When everyone believe he was dead I was raise him"Britt said "Into what he was a grow man then"Nora ask "Yes but into the man I wanted him to be the true heir"Britt said

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At The Courthouse~Alexander trial~Tea had just question the doctor in Paris. "That night was that the last time you saw Ms.Cassadine"Tea ask "No, Ms.Cassadine came in for a lot"Dr Cartier said "And you never say anything, Did Mr. Cassadine pay you"Tea ask "No"Dr Cartier said "I need to remind you are under oath"Tea said "Alright, Mr. Cassadine give my hospital a lot of money, We need it"Dr Cartier said "So you just took the money and keep quiet"Tea ask "I'm sorry"Dr Cartier said Tea show a picture to the doctor. "Is this what Mrs. Cassadine burns the new ones look like that night"Tea ask "Yes"Dr Cartier said "I would like the jury to see this"Tea said "Go ahead"The judge said Tea show everyone in court what it look like. "You keep your mouth shut for money for your hospital! Did you ever see how scare Mrs.Cassadine was! Did you feel anything for her"Tea ask "Mrs. Cassadine never show how scare she was"Dr Cartier said "I'm done"Tea said "Did you ask Mr. Cassadine for the money to keep quiet about it"Nora ask "Yes"Dr Cartier said "Is this the first time you didn't report a case of abuse"Nora ask "No"Dr Cartier said "I'm done"Nora said Dr Cartier got off the stand. "I would like a break then I will call my next witness"Nora said "Five mins"The judge said
Lorenzo went into the hallway and Skye follow him.

"Genevieve"Skylar said she touch her sister hair.

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At The Courthouse~Alexander trial~Tea was giving her opening statements. "Alexander Cassadine is just a spoiler brat rich man who grow up thinking he could just take what he want, This isn't the first time he hurt Genevieve but hopefully this will be the last time he ever hurts her, Your going to heard what Alexander did to the woman he clam to love and the children too, Alexander doesn't have a mental problem he just doesn't want to deal with what he did to Genevieve and her unborn child"Tea said Nora turn to give the opening statements. "Alexander Cassadine has been thought a lot in his life, He was raise by his father and his adoption mother and for a while everyone in town believe he was dead but he was being held against his will and brainwash by his grandmother Helena Cassadine, Mental issues do run in his family, Alexander feels bad about this he just wants help that's all"Nora said "Are we readying for first witness"The judge ask "Yes"Nora said "Yes"Tea said "Ms Delgado call your first witness"The judge said "I call Dr Cartier to the stand"Tea said the doctor came in and got swear in. "Dr Cartier, Was Genevieve Cassadine a patience of yours in Paris"Tea ask "Yes"Dr Cartier said "Can you point to her"Tea ask Dr Cartier point to Genevieve. "What did you see Ms.Cassadine for"Tea ask "Mr Cassadine came in one night with his wife it was late and she had burns makers on her back"Dr Cartier said "What were they from"Tea ask "Matches"Dr Cartier said "How bad were they"Tea ask "Bad"Dr Cartier said Genevieve look at her father who was making a fist with his hand. "Did you call the cops"Tea ask "No, I wish I did"Dr Cartier said

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At the Courthouse~Nikolas and Emily and Laura and Monica and Alan and Edward and Tracy and AJ and Constanza and Victor and Alexis and Ned and Skylar came in as Skye and Lorenzo and Genevieve came in. "Genevieve, How are you"Victor ask she touch his hair as Rae came in. "Mother"Skye said she went to talk to Rae. "Skye, I promise Genevieve I would not tell her what we talk about"Rae said "Why is Genevieve not talking, She hasn't talk since last night"Skye ask "I don't know"Rae said "She keep looking at the sonogram of the baby she lose"Skye said "Maybe it's her way of cope with this"Rae said "Genevieve, Can we talk"Nikolas ask as Lorenzo came by. "No, Genevieve let's go inside"Lorenzo said he took Genevieve hand and they went inside.

Constanza came by Tea who was setting up. "Mother, How are you doing, Do you have everything"Constanza ask "Yes, We our going to win this case"Tea said as Nora and Nikolas and Emily and Laura and Alexis sit down by one side and Alan and Monica and Victor and AJ and Constanza and Skylar and Lorenzo and Skye and Edward and Tracy and Genevieve sit down as Alexander came in and look at Genevieve as the judge came in and everyone stand up. "Alexander Cassadine how do you plea on the case of abused of your wife Genevieve Cassadine"The judge ask "Guilty by reason of insanity"Alexander said "Are both side ready"The judge ask "Yes your honor"Nora said "Yes your honor"Tea said

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At Skye/Lorenzo~The next day~Genevieve was in her room dress for the trial and looking at the sonogram again when Skye came in. "Genevieve , Are you ready, You sure eat something before we go"Skye said she look at the sonogram that Genevieve was holding. "Oh Genevieve is that the baby's sonogram"Skye ask Genevieve shake her head. "Genevieve I'm sorry about the baby, But why are you not talking"Skye said as Lorenzo came in. "What is going on, What are you looking at Genevieve "Lorenzo ask "The baby sonogram"Skye said "Genevieve, Look at me! His the reason that Lorenzo Jr is dead! His the reason you will never hold your baby or raise him and it's time to sign the divorce papers and get him out of your life and the children's"Lorenzo said Genevieve just look at Lorenzo and left. "Lorenzo that was a little harsh"Skye said "It's true, Genevieve needs to deal with it, You know she does"Lorenzo said "I just don't get why she not talking, I call Mother last night but she would not tell me anything"Skye said they went downstairs.

Genevieve was downstairs holding Sunday Rose as Nikolas came in. "Mother can I go with you"Nikolas ask Genevieve just shake her no as Skye and Lorenzo came in. "Nikolas, You can't come to the trial but you need to listen to Jamie and you and Laurel and John have to stay inside today"Skye said "Yes Nana, Mother why aren't you talking"Nikolas ask "It's going to be okay Nikolas, Lorenzo said "I believe you Papa"Nikolas said Genevieve kiss her son on the head and left.

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At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was in his office talking to a man. "If I call you we need to move fast and make this clean, I will not go down for ported my daughter"Lorenzo said "Yes sir"The man said and left as Skye came in. "Lorenzo, What are you planning"Skye ask "Skye, If I have to I will take care of Alexander, No one is going to hurt our daughter and get away with it"Lorenzo said "Oh Lorenzo, I can't lose you"Skye said "You will not, I have a deal with the government on this"Lorenzo said "This isn't just about us or Genevieve, The children"Skye said "Nikolas and Sunday Rose don't need him"Lorenzo said Skye and Lorenzo went to the living room as the nanny came in with Sunday Rose. "Sunday Rose needs her mother she been crying"Jamie said "Genevieve sleeping"Skye said "Let me see Sunday Rose"Lorenzo said he holding his Granddaughter. "Oh Sunday Rose, I will make sure you and Nikolas have the best life, We love you both and your mother"Lorenzo said as he holding Sunday Rose. "Your not hope that Genevieve and the children will stay here"Skye ask "Why not, It's nice to have this house full with family"Lorenzo ask Sunday Rose finally fell asleep . "It work"Lorenzo said he handle Sunday Rose to the nanny and she took the baby to bed. "You don't want Genevieve and the children to stay"Lorenzo ask "We all need to get our life back, We also need to get marry again"Skye said "I have an idea on that"Lorenzo said

Forever and For always part 6 ch 86

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was standing by the fireplace looking at a sonogram of the baby she lose when Skye and Lorenzo and the children came in. "Mother"Nikolas said he ran to his mother and Genevieve hug him and kiss him as the nanny came in. "Jamie can you take the children upstairs and ready for bed"Skye ask "Sure let's go"Jamie said the children left. "Genevieve, Are you okay"Lorenzo ask Genevieve put the picture in her purse. "Yes, I'm going to go to bed"Genevieve said "I hope you talk to Rae"Skye said "Genevieve, I know your scare about tomorrow but you can do this, Your our daughter and once his out of your life you can move on from the Cassadine"Lorenzo said Genevieve just look at her father and left. "I wonder what happened when Genevieve talk to mother she too quiet"Skye said "Yes, I wonder what Genevieve was looking at"Lorenzo said "I'm going to check on her and Lorenzo it's not going to be that easy for Genevieve to get her life back"Skye said "True"Lorenzo said

Genevieve room~Genevieve was wearing her PJ and sitting on the bed looking at the sonogram when Skye came in. "Genevieve, I know it's going to be hard for you tomorrow and after the trial but you can do this, Your my daughter after all"Skye said Skye kiss Genevieve and left.

Skye went into the hallway and called Rae. "Mother, Please call me"Skye said and hang up the phone.

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At The Quartermaine~Alan and Emily were talking as Monica came in. "Emily, It's good to see you"Monica said "Thanks Mother"Emily said Monica came by Emily and touch her hair. "No matter what happened at the trial you are welcome here, Your family"Monica said "Thank you, I'm sorry about my son"Emily said "I know it's not your fault just like it's not our fault about Jason, We can raise our child the best we can and just pray we raise them right"Monica said "True, I'm just worry to about my son so is Nikolas"Emily said "I wish we could fix it for you"Alan said "Me too, I just wish my son didn't do this"Emily said

At Nikolas/Emily~Nikolas and Laura were talking. "How are you doing"Laura ask "I'm scare to tell you the truth"Nikolas said "I'm too"Laura said "Not just that my son could go to jail but he could be killed if Lorenzo has his way, Which I don't blame him I didn't raise my son to hit a woman but his not evil and just needs help , Genevieve knows it"Nikolas said "Genevieve dealing with a lot"Laura said "Yes I know, She will not let me see the children"Nikolas said as Bobbie came in. "Bobbie, Why are you here"Nikolas ask "I just came to see how you are doing, Nikolas you know I care for you"Bobbie said "I care for you to Bobbie"Nikolas said "I do hate this,"Bobbie said "Me too, It's hard not to blame myself for what my son did and then Victor help the Quartermaine take the empire from us"Nikolas said "What"Laura ask "Yes I lose both my son in away"Nikolas said "Victor is hurt to that was his baby that died"Laura said

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At The Quartermaine hotel~Skye and Lorenzo were there with the children. "Nikolas, Are you okay"Lorenzo ask "I will be"Nikolas said "Yes, You will, I will make sure of it"Lorenzo said as AJ came in. "I'm going to talk to AJ"Skye said and left.

"AJ"Skye said "Skye, How are you doing"AJ ask "I just hope after Alexander is in jail my daughter can get her life back'Skye said "I hope so to, I'm glad Tea is the DA"AJ said "Me too, How are you doing with her being back"Skye ask "I'm find, Just worry about Constanza, She always hope for a mother"AJ said "Yes, Constanza is strong she can handle it, I'm sorry I lied"Skye said "I get why you did it, I will let it go"AJ said "Good, I need my brother"Skye said "Always"AJ said they share a hug. "How is Genevieve doing"AJ ask "She talking to my mother now, I hope anyway"Skye said "Genevieve doesn't want help"AJ ask "No, Genevieve just wish it away"Skye said "We both do that"AJ said "Yes, She a Quartermaine for sure"Skye said

At The Quartermaine~Alan was looking at picture of the family as Emily came in. "Emily, How are you"Alan ask "Not good, I hate all of this, I feel so helpless'' Emily said "It's not your fault about Alexander"Alan said "Yes it is, I raise him as my son"Emily said "I'm sorry that Father blame you , Your welcome in this house"Alan said "Thanks Dad, I'm worry about this if something happened to my son you know it's Lorenzo"Emily said "Yes"Alan said

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At Skye/Lorenzo~Rae was alone with Genevieve trying to get her to talk. "Genevieve, I want to help you we all do"Rae said "I just don't want to talk about it"Genevieve said "No one will judge you and it will stay between us"Rae said "You really don't think Mother and Daddy aren't listing to us right now"Genevieve ask "You don't want to talk to your parents about this"Rae ask "No, They both will judge me"Genevieve said "Both your parent's aren't perfect either, No one is and not even when it comes to love"Rae said "I still love him, Grandmother, I sure be anger but I'm not, What is wrong with me"Genevieve ask as Lorenzo and Skye came in with the children, "We our going to take the children out, So you two can talk"Skye said "Nikolas, Listen to your grandparents"Genevieve said "I will Mother"Nikolas said Skye and Lorenzo left. "Genevieve, It's going to take some time for you to stop loving Alexander, You spend your childhood loving this man"Rae said "Is it wrong that I don't want him to go to jail"Genevieve ask "No it's not, But why haven't you say anything"Rae ask "I'm scare if I let Alexander go get help that Daddy will kill him and then it's my fault again, I keep hurt this family"Genevieve said "Oh Genevieve it's not your fault"Rae said "Yes it is, I let him hit me, I didn't stop it and I didn't leave when I can, I have money of my own that's not the reason like most woman"Genevieve said "Oh baby"Rae said and hug Genevieve.

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At Skye/Lorenzo ~Genevieve was talking to Skye and Lorenzo. "Genevieve, We get you didn't want to see Dr Collins but you need to talk to someone, Maybe it will be easy to talk to my mother"Skye said "Don't you get it! I don't want to talk to anyone! Genevieve yelled and pick up a vase and throw it. "Genevieve"Lorenzo yelled "Sorry, Mother I will buy you another one"Genevieve said "It's okay, Why don't you want to talk"Skye ask "I don't do feeling and I know you both look at me and wonder why I stay, Why did I let him hurt me! Genevieve yelled "Why did you stay"Lorenzo ask "I was hope it would get better, I was a fool to think my love would chance Alexander, He wasn't always like this"Genevieve said "He put you on ice! Lorenzo yelled "Why do you have to bring that up"Genevieve yelled "Because you keep believe the best in him"Lorenzo said "Yes, Just like mother believe the best in you, I also wanted a family and I want to give Bianca son a family that I could never give her"Genevieve said "I get that"Skye said "We just want to help you"Lorenzo said "The trial is tomorrow then it will all get better"Genevieve said as Rae came in. "Genevieve, It will not just go away just because Alexander is in jail"Rae said "You called Grandmother didn't you! Genevieve yelled 'I ask mother to come talk to you, Please Genevieve, I was once like you , I didn't do feelings and I was wrong to lock them all up"Skye said she touch her daughter hair. "Why don't we go and you two can talk"Lorenzo said "I'm not a child, I don't have to listen to either of you"Genevieve said "You never did"Lorenzo said and left with Skye.

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At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were talking. "We can't make Genevieve go but she needs to talk to someone"Lorenzo said "I agree, Maybe my mother can help"Skye said"Good idea"Lorenzo said as Edward came in. "Grandfather, I'm glad your here"Skye said "Yes, What is it"Edward ask "I want to plan a fundraise in my daughter Lila Rae name and I need your help"Skye said "I will help you, We can do both our Lila"Edward said "Sound good, I was hope to do in for New years Eve"Skye said "Sure, I have some great news myself. We just took The emprise from the Cassadine"Edward said "Really"Lorenzo ask "Yes it wasn't that hard, Nikolas hasn't been at work"Edward said "Who help you"Lorenzo ask "Victor"Edward said as Genevieve came in. "What about Victor"Genevieve ask "Genevieve, Victor help us get the empire from the Cassadine, We know owe it"Edward said "How dare you! I didn't ask you to do that!Genevieve yelled "Why are you so upset? Edward ask "I didn't want this, This is my fight not anyone else and what is my son going to do now"Genevieve ask "Nikolas can work with us, I'm so glad you chance his name"Edward said "His still a Cassadine"Genevieve said "Genevieve, I just want to make it better for you and this is the only way I know how"Edward said "Why did Victor help you"Genevieve ask "You have to ask, He still care about you"Edward said "My daughter doesn't need to deal with love now"Lorenzo said "Yes, You need to get your life back, Your a Quartermaine Genevieve"Edward said "A Alcazar too"Lorenzo said