Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Forever and For always part 7 ch 13

At Nikolas/Emily~Nikolas and Britt were lay on the couch. "This was a mistake, I love my wife"Nikolas said as he got up. 'That's what I want to heard"Britt said as she got up and got dress. "We ending a long time ago, My heart belong with Emily"Nikolas said as he was putting on his pants and top. "I still love you Nikolas, I always have and together we can save our son"Britt said "It's too late"Nikolas said "No it's not"Britt said as Victor came in."Father, What do you want"Victor ask as he saw Britt. "Why is she here"Victor ask "Victor my son"Britt said "I'm not your son! Father how could you hurt Mother like this"Victor yelled "Emily isn't your mother! I'm , I give you and Alexander life! Britt yelled "Yes that true and give us the crazy gene , Great job Mother! Your mother of the year! Victor yelled "Victor is right , Emily is their mother"Nikolas said "I didn't want to sign my right away , You made me! I will not leave town this time, Victor I want to know you, I do love you"Britt said "I don't want to know you or be a apart of this family anymore! Father you will never have the empire back! I do hope mother find out about this and your all alone"Victor said "You are alone too, Victor she never going to love you again"Nikolas said "Your in love with your brother wife' Britt said Victor left. "I guess we both screw up"Britt said "Yes! Nikolas said "I'm sorry about this, I will not tell Emily"Britt said "Thank you"Nikolas said Britt left.

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