Sunday, May 29, 2016

Forever and For always part 7 ch 66

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was having some tea when Skye and Lorenzo came in.'Genevieve, Thank you for the twins dog, They name him Jasper"Skye said "Your welcome'Genevieve said "Did Nikolas name his dog"Skye ask "Yes, Bianca"Genevieve said "Oh"Skye said as the maid came in. "You have a visiter, Mr Spencer"The maid said as Luke came in. "Thank you"Lorenzo said the maid left. "Thank you for coming, Did you find anything, Is my daughter alive"Genevieve ask "I look at all the Cassadine house they own, London and Paris and Spain and Graces , I'm sorry Genevieve, I could not find Bianca, I wish I could bring you back Bianca"Luke said "No! Genevieve said "I even question Helena man that work for her and look at every room"Luke said "No, Your wrong! My baby is alive I can feel her, Go back and look again, We will pay you, Right Daddy"Genevieve ask Lorenzo touch Genevieve. "Princess, You can keep on looking but you will not find Bianca, I do wish that Bianca was alive, I loved her too"Lorenzo said "No, Why"Genevieve said "Oh sweetheart"Skye said the nurse came in. "Ms.Genevieve"The nurse said "Let me take her upstairs and we can give her something"Lorenzo said Lorenzo carry Genevieve upstairs.

"Skye, I'm sorry"Luke said "I sure of know it was a lie but if someone told me that Lila Rae was alive I would believe it even thought she died in my arms"Skye said "She did"Luke ask "Yes, I was the first one to hold her when she was born and the last one to hold her when she died"Skye said "I wish I could fix it for both you and Genevieve"Luke said "I know"Skye said

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