Sunday, May 15, 2016

The One and Only part 2 ch 36

~The next day~At The Police Station~Ric office~ Ric was in his office when Bobbie came in. “Can I help you”Ric ask “Yes, I know that someone killed Lorenzo”Bobbie said “Do you know who, Have any prove”Ric ask “I know that the heart motion was pull”Bobbie said “That’s it”Ric ask “Their is camera in every room”Bobbie said “Why are you telling me this”Ric ask “I want my daughter out of jail”Bobbie said “I’m sorry Bobbie , I get that you're a mother trying to save you're daughter but it’s not going to work, I’m not going to look into it and I’m not going to save Carly”Ric said “You're use you're personal issue with Carly on this”Bobbie said and left.

AT The Quartermaine Mansion~Alan and Monica and Tracy were talking, “So you stop Bobbie”Tracy ask “Yes , I just had to promise Ric I would let him be prosecutor of this town”Alan said “That’s not too bad of a deal”Tracy said “No, I’m glad it’s over”Monica said “Who did kill Lorenzo”Tracy ask “Jane”Alan said “She was doing it for her son”Tracy said “Yes”Monica said as AJ and Michael came in. “So are you all ready for the opening of our restaurant”AJ said “Yes AJ, It’s going to be a hit”Monica said “Or not”Ned said as he came in. “Ned, Lay off my son, AJ and Michael are going to be a hit with the restaurant”Alan said “It’s okay, Dad I’m not going to let Ned stop my son and I from chase our dreams”AJ said “No we our not”Michael said “I do hope it will be a hit but it’s not going to be”Ned said “The hotel is “Monica said “Thank you Mother”AJ said “We all will be at the restaurant opening tonight, It’s time this family was on top again”Alan said “Alan is right”Tracy said

At Skye/Jax~Jane and Lila Rae and Josslyn were having breakfast when Skye came in the house with Jax, “Daddy, You're home”Josslyn said “Yes, I’m”Jax said “Come sit down”Jane said “Are you better t”Lila Rae ask “Yes I’m”Jax said “That’s good”Lila Rae said “Yes it is, Don’t push yourself”Jane said “I will not I want to rest today before the restaurant opening”Jax said “Jax, We our not going, AJ will understand”Skye said “Skye, I want to go out it will be fine”Jax said “Alright, But if you get tired we our coming home”Skye said “Yes”Jax said “I will watch the girls if you want”Jane said “Mother, You don’t have to”Jax said “I want to, Did Skye tell you that I’m staying here”Jane ask “Yes and I’m happy that you're staying here”Jax said “Thank you”Jane said “Girls, Let’s go chance and check on Rae”Skye said Skye and the girls left. “Oh Jax I’m so glad that you're alright, I was so scar that I would lose another son”Jane said “You will not lose me”Jax said they share a hug, “Why didn’t you come to the wedding”Jax ask “I had an appointment I could not get out of, I’m sorry”Jane said “It’s okay”Jax said

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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