Saturday, September 9, 2017

All Mixed up part 4 ch 22

“The Mannings”
At Blair/Todd- Todd and Blair were having dinner with Starr and Hope when their was a knock on the door it was Tea. “Tea, Come in”Blair said “I have some wonderful news, Victor wake up "Tea said “That's wonderful “Starr said “I know  Victor would love to see you and Hope “Tea said “I will go get Hope ready “Starr said and left with Hope to another room. “So Todd are you upset that you didn't win! Victor is alive you didn't get what you want!! Tea yelled “Tea I'm glad that Victor is alive, I will leave him alone if he leave me alone and my family “Todd said “Victor was a victim of you're mother too, Blair I do hope you let Victor see Sam his Victor son”Tea said “Yes I will, I'm sure Sam will be happy and Jack is away at camp but I will call him, We are a family in a odd way “Blair said “Yes we are”Tea said Starr came back in with Hope. “Let's go”Tea said “I will bring Sam tomorrow “Blair said “Thanks “Tea said and left with Starr and Hope.

Blair touch her face. “So Victor awake, How do you feel about it”Blair ask “Believe it or not I'm relieved I didn't want to kill my brother but I don't like him”Todd said “Our children love him and Tea right Victor a victim too”Blair said “I guess your right “Todd said as Sam came into the room. “Sam, I have some new it's about Victor you're father is alive “Blair said “What happened to him? where has he been “Sam ask “It's complicated but some bad man had Victor his in the hospital and tomorrow I was take you to see him “Blair said “I'm glad his back”Sam said “Me too”Blair said

At Dorian/Paul-Dorian was reading questions for a debate that was coming. “Don't worry you will win this”Paul said “How do you know for sure “Dorian ask “I just do”Paul said “Are you interference the elections “Dorian ask “It can be done “Paul said “Do it! I want this so bad”Dorian said Paul kiss her.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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