Monday, September 11, 2017

All Mixed up part 4 ch 29

“Dealing with the past”
At ELQ-Michael and AJ and Lydia were celebrated the news on stealing the empire having champagne when Grayson came in. “You will not be celebrated for long! I will get the empire back! How dare you take advantage of my brother death and my father coma!! You both will pay for this! Michael how could you do this to you're sister! Think of Spencer ! Grayson yelled “Spencer still has his trustful “Michael said “I suggest you leave”AJ said “I will not give up till I get the empire back into my family name! Grayson yelled and left, “I think your going to have a fight on you're hands “Lydia said “I can handle it “AJ said “We better get a lawyer “Michael said “Yes”AJ said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was looking into the boxes that she brought back from Pine Valley and pull out a picture of her with a young woman when Lorenzo came in and by her. “Is that you “Lorenzo ask “Yes “Skye said “Who are you with “Lorenzo ask “My cousin we were best friends, She would come over a lot both our mother like to drink together “Skye said she pull out another picture. “This is Althea “Skye said “She was beautiful, What was you're cousin name “Lorenzo ask “Aubrey Wentworth, I haven't seen her in years “Skye said “We could fine her “Lorenzo said “No thanks, I don't want to deal with my childhood anymore “Skye said “No one can hurt you anymore Skye “Lorenzo said “I know”Skye said she pick the box up and carry it upstairs. Lorenzo felt like Skye was hiding something.

At The Island -Sierra was in the hospital lying on the bed and Ian was holding her hand. “The baby is doing great “The Doctor said “Thanks “Sierra said she smiled at Ian she was in love with him but not as much as she loved Grayson. “Do you know the sex”The Doctor ask “It's a boy “The Doctor said “Yes! Ian said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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