Friday, September 15, 2017

All Mixed up part 4 ch 44

At ELQ-AJ office -AJ was talking to Michael when Grayson came in he was holding paperwork in his hand. “I have something you need to know , I have work hard all night, The Empire is back where it belongs, In my hands”Grayson said he show AJ the paperwork, “Their a clawed in the contact the empire is to stay with the oldest son but if he dies it goes to the second son and his wife,,You can't take the empire “Grayson said AJ read the paperwork. “I guess you are right,It goes to you and there's nothing I can do about it, Fine I will do the right thing “AJ said “Thanks “Grayson said AJ give the paperwork on the empire too Grayson. “No hard feelings? You know this was just business “AJ said “Yes, You both are great businessmen “Grayson said and left. “You did the right thing “Michael said “Yes I did”AJ said

At Dorian/Paul-Dorian was with Blair and Todd and Starr and Sam. “Where is Paul”Blair ask “He didn't leave you did he”Todd ask “No, Paul is at work, Did you watch the debate “Dorian ask “Yes I hope you win I know you want this”Blair said “Yes I do and I will do anything to get it”Dorian said

At Tea/Victor-Tea was holding a pregnancy test when Victor came into the room. “Are you pregnant “Victor ask “Yes”Tea said “This is great “Victor said “A Baby of our own”Tea said

At Paul office-Paul was working late when Tracy came in. “So why are you really back in town and the new DA and you're wife is trying to be mayor “Tracy said “Are you accused me of something “Paul ask “Yes, You are trying to take over this town “Tracy said “I just want what's mine”Paul said Tracy left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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