Wednesday, September 20, 2017

All Mixed uP Part 4 ch 61

At Bobbie-Bobbie and Lucas were having breakfast together. “I saw Julian and I told him that I'm his son”Lucas said “How did he take it”Bobbie ask “He was in shock “Lucas said “It's a lot to take in, Give it time,”Bobbie said “I will, How are you and John”Lucas ask “We are doing great “Bobbie said “I'm happy for you “Lucas said “Thanks,,You need a man to “Bobbie said “I will find the perfect man “Lucas said “Their is no perfect man “Bobbie said “I know ’Lucas said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Josslyn was having breakfast alone she keep thinking about the kiss with Grayson when Cassie came by and sit with her, “You look like you're a million miles away “Cassie said “I'm , Can I talk to you “Josslyn ask “Sure”Cassie said “Grayson and I have been spending a lot of time lately working at the empire, We share a kiss last night “Josslyn said “You're scared about moving on”Cassie said “Yes, It's too early for both of us, We both loved our spouses “Josslyn said “Yes but both of them aren't coming back maybe it's time to move on”Cassie said “Maybe but it hasn't been that long for me”Josslyn said

At AJ /Lydia -Lydia was home when their was a knock on the door she opened it was Audrey. “Why are you here”Lydia ask “We are sister, You can't ignore me anymore! Audrey yelled “We are half sister,,Daddy cheat on my mother and you were the result “Lydia said “Yes and I want what sure be mine! The money “Audrey said “You will not get one penny ! Lydia yelled

At The Park-Starr was played with Hope when Morgan and Lila Rae came by with Grace who came up to Hope. “My name is Grace Corinthos, Do you want to play “Grace ask “Sure,My name is Hope Manning-Thornhart”Hope said they went to play. “Starr Manning “She said “I'm Lila Rae and this is my Husband Morgan. It looks like our children are going to be friends “Lila Rae said “Yes”Starr said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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