Sunday, October 25, 2015

Finding you part 7 ch 12 "Lost Anastasia"

~At Skye office~Skye was working she wanted to force on something other then the past and her problems with Genevieve when Alexis came in. “Skye, We need to talk”Alexis said “Alexis please I have work to do”Skye said “Please Skye I need to fine my daughter I know you understand as a mother yourself”Alexis said “I don’t know where Anastasia is”Skye said “I don’t believe you”Alexis said Skye got up from her chair. “Alexis please I don’t want to talk about this”Skye said “Too bad I do, What was she like as a little girl”Alexis ask “Anastasia was a beautiful little girl she would follow me and look up to me”Skye said “I know that Athea wasn’t nice to you, Did she hurt Anastasia too”Alexis ask they sit down on the couch. “No Mother never lay her hands on her, Just me”Skye said “I’m sorry I truly am , I just don’t get that part of her, Yes she was sick but that’s not like the mother I remember”Alexis said “Thanks, The last time I saw Anastasia was on the ski trip before mother’s Accident”Skye said “What happened on the ski trip”Alexis ask “Their was a avalanches that took Althea that’s how I thought she was dead”Skye said “How old were you”Alexis ask “I was in my 20’s and I could not fine Anastasia either so I left and went to Pine Valley where the man I thought was my father lived”Skye said “So you use the ski accident as a way to move on from the past”Alexis ask “Yes I did”Skye said “Would Adam know anything about Anastasia”Alexis ask “No, When Adam came over to visit me mother made her hide and I couldn’t say anything about her to anyone”Skye said “Did she go to school”Alexis ask “No, We both had tutorial at home”Skye said “Oh, Skye I’m sorry about all this, I know it’s opening old wounds for you”Alexis said she took Skye hand. “For both of us , Who know that both of us have the same past”Skye said “Yes”Alexis said as Lorenzo came in. “What is going on”Lorenzo ask “We are just talking, Thanks Skye I sure go”Alexis said “So In away you're family with my wife”Lorenzo said “It doesn’t mean I will not go after you”Alexis said and left.

“Lorenzo why are you here”Skye ask “I came to check on you, What did you and Alexis talk about”Lorenzo ask “Alexis wants to find her daughter”Skye said Lorenzo touch Skye hair. “Skye is their something you're keeping from everyone about her, I know you”Lorenzo said “Yes there is, I do know what happened to her after the accident but I haven’t seen her in a while”Skye said “What happened to her”Lorenzo ask “Anastasia was a teenage turn the accident she wanted a way out a better life so I help her I been give her money and helping her with collage she so smart like our baby Genevieve she became a doctor”Skye said “Wow, Why are you keeping this”Lorenzo ask “I called Anastasia and she not ready to deal with the past she start her own life and is happy”Skye said “I get that”Lorenzo said “Me too, It’s up to her and not us”Skye said “No but I can’t believe I’m saying this but Alexis has a right to know”Lorenzo said “I know but I made a promise to Anastasia I loved her”Skye said “I understand I will stand by you”Lorenzo said “Thanks,I been thinking when our baby comes home we have to support Genevieve dream of being a lawyer ’Skye said “I will try to do better it’s my fault she mad at us”Lorenzo said “We both mess up”Skye said “Yeah, So what are you going to do about Adam”Lorenzo ask “I need to see him”Skye said “Let’s go”Lorenzo said”Lorenzo I need to do this on my own”Skye said “Alright”Lorenzo said

At the Burn center~Genevieve was being look at by a doctor. “So how does my face look, I’m beautiful”Genevieve ask “Yes it work out great, Here a mirror”The doctor said Genevieve look at it. “Wow, I look like myself, You did a great job, I was so happy when I learn my doctor is a woman, I believe woman sure do anything they want”Genevieve said “I believe that too, It looks like you can go home soon, I’m sure you're parents miss you”The woman said “No I don’t think so, I wish I lived somewhere else then Port Charles and my parent’s were not Skye Chandler Quartermaine Alcazar and Lorenzo Alcazar”Genevieve said “Did you say you're mother’s name is Skye”The woman ask “Yes, Why do you know my mother”Genevieve ask

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