Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Finding you part 7 ch 19 "Dealing with the past"

~At a Burn Center~Genevieve was in her room and holding a mirror looking at her new face. “I’m back, The old Genevieve is back finally”Genevieve said as Alan and Rae came in. “Grandfather, Grandmother, Look at my face I’m beautiful again”Genevieve said “You are always beautiful”Alan said “Thanks Grandfather and both of you for coming here with me”Genevieve said “We our happy to but now that you're ready it’s time to deal with things”Rae said “I don’t want to go back home”Genevieve said she sit down. “Genevieve you don’t have to live with you're parents but you have to deal with them”Alan said “I haven’t told Alexander about the baby that I lose and his going to be so upset at my parents for not telling us”Genevieve said “I know what they did was wrong I agree but Skye and Lorenzo want to protect you”Rae said “It wasn’t about me, It was about them, My parents only do what is good for them and keep the truth from me meant I would stay in that house”Genevieve said “Genevieve you have to give them a chance”Alan said “Why”Genevieve said “Because that’s what family does”Alan said a woman came in. “Dr Adams, Thank you for fix me”Genevieve said “You're welcome Genevieve , I’m glad you're happy with you're face”Dr Adams said “I’m, If you need anything let us know”Genevieve said “Yes, We could always use a plastic surgery at General Hospital”Alan said “That’s in Port Charles ,Right”Dr Adams ask “Yes”Alan said

At General Hospital~Adam room~Adam wake up to fine Kristin in his room. “What are you doing here”Adam ask “We need to talk”Kristin said “About what”Adam ask “The past, I’m sorry for trick you into marry me”Kristin said “I’m sorry for leaving you and Skye”Adam said “I’m glad I have a chance with Skye to fix it and my other daughter”Kristin said “We both get a second chance”Adam said “Yes”Kristin said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Hailee were having some tea when Felicia came in. “Felicia, Why are you here”Skye ask “I need to ask you something”Felicia said “Alright, Felicia Jones, This is my sister Hailee Vaughan”Skye said “Nice to meet you”Hailee said “You to, Skye I’m here because Alexis ask me to help her find her daughter, Alexis told me that you paid for Anastasia school is their anymore you could share about her”Felicia ask “Felicia I haven’t talk to Anastasia in a long time”Skye said “Skye, Whoever this Anastasia is I know you are lying right now”Hailee said “Hailee”Skye said she give her a look. “Skye please do the right thing here”Hailee said “I’m, Look Anastasia doesn’t want to have anything to with Alexis I told her about Alexis and everything and she is so upset”Skye said “Can you try to talk to her”Felicia ask “I have and she isn’t ready for this please respect that”Skye said “I will tell Alexis”Felicia said “Thanks”Skye said Felicia left. “So who is this Anastasia”Hailee ask “I thought she was my sister , Kristin raise her too but she turn out to be Alexis daughter”Skye said “Wow”Hailee said “Yeah, She so smart, Anastasia is a doctor”Skye said “You sound like you're proud of her”Hailee said “Yes I’m , Just like my children”Skye said “Skye, From what you told me about Genevieve I think she will come around”Hailee said “I hope so”Skye said

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