Saturday, October 24, 2015

Finding you part 7 ch 3 "Childhood secrets"

~At Skye/Lorenzo~”Skye, Are you okay”Lorenzo ask “Not really, It sure be us take our daughter to the plastic surgery”Skye said “I know and I’m sorry most of this is my fault”Lorenzo said “You have that right most is you're fault, It was you're idea to lie about the baby and the ring! This is all on you if I lose my baby girl”Skye yelled and slap him. “Feel better”Lorenzo said “Sorry but yes I do”Skye said “Skye I didn’t want this either for our daughter to hate us even more, I just didn’t think Genevieve need to know about the baby since he or she was dead and Genevieve was too young to be a mother”Lorenzo said “Yes but we sure of never done this”Skye said “We made a mistake”Lorenzo said “A big one, Who knows if we'll get our daughter back, Genevieve will never come back in this house that’s for sure”Skye said “No”Lorenzo said “I’m going to the office”Skye said Lorenzo reach for Skye hand and she pull back. “Are we okay”Lorenzo ask “I don’t know”Skye said and left. Lorenzo pick up a glass and throw it as Luis Jr came in. “Father”Luis Jr said “Luis, I’m sorry ’Lorenzo said “It’s okay, I heard about Genevieve”Luis Jr said “Yes, Well anyway we need to get to the coffee shop”Lorenzo said “Sure”Luis Jr said they left.

At Lila Rae/Morgan~ Lila Rae was crying as Morgan came in. “Lila Rae are you okay”Morgan ask “No, I’m pregnant”Lila Rae said “What”Morgan said he was in shock. “You heard me”Lila Rae said “Wow, This is a lot to take it”Morgan said “Yes it is, Morgan I’m scared we our young”Lila Rae said “I’m scared too but we will get through this I will be there for you”Morgan said “You better, I haven’t told my parents yet”Lila Rae said “We will. Do you want to get marriage”Morgan ask “Not just for the baby”Lila Rae said “I know , I love you , Anyway”Morgan said “I love you too”Lila Rae said

At Skye office~Skye was working on a deal she wanted for the Jacks company and open her draw and pull out a picture of her and Jax together. “I love Lorenzo and our family but sometime I wonder, What could've been”Skye said as Carly came in. “We need to talk”Carly said “Great, If this day could of not get any worst”Skye said “This company is Josslyn and it belongs with her not you”Carly said Skye got up and walk by Carly.”I agree this company is Josslyn ,Jax wanted her to run it and she will “Skye said “Good, I’m glad we agree on this”Carly said “It’s Josslyn who doesn’t want to run it, She thinks she will not be a good business woman but I beat she as reckless as Jax”Skye said “I think so too, Do you still love him”Carly ask “I miss Jax but I love my husband even when it hurts and I blame myself for Jax death”Skye said “Well you sure it’s you're fault Jax is dead”Carly said as Josslyn came in. “What is going on, Mother why are you here”Josslyn ask “I’m making sure Skye give you this company, I know you're scare of running it but it belongs with you , You're father wanted you to have it”Carly said “A father I don’t remember”Josslyn said “That’s Skye fault”Carly said “Yes Daddy is dead but Mother even when he was alive I hardly saw him and I don’t think that’s Skye fault, I don’t want to run this”Josslyn said “Josslyn are you sure”Skye ask “Yes, I’m going to have a lawyer draw up papers and hand the company over to you”Josslyn said “Josslyn just think about this, I know you're scare but I think you do have business skill in you're blood not from you're mother from Jax and I’m sorry for my part in his death but I will never forget how Jax saved my twins”Skye said “Thank you, Skye that’s sweet of you but I’m sure”Josslyn said as Alexis came in.

“What are you doing here”Skye ask “I ask Aunt Alexis to draw up papers and make sure this company stay with you Skye”Josslyn said “Josslyn”Carly said “Mother for once just trust me”Josslyn said “If this is what you want then you have my support I just want you to be happy and healthy”Carly said “It is”Josslyn said Carly left. “Skye all you have to do is sign the papers and it’s yours”Alexis said “Josslyn if you chance you're mind, It’s yours”Skye said “Thanks, Skye”Josslyn said “What will you do”Skye ask “I don’t know, I know Daddy left me enough money to live on”Josslyn said “Yes he did, Jax want you to follow you're dreams”Alexis said “I will”Josslyn said and left. “I will file this”Alexis said “Thanks , Alexis”Skye said “Skye are you okay”Alexis ask “Why do you care”Skye ask “For Jax he care for you and once loved you”Alexis said “I made a big mistake as a mother and I don’t know how to fix it”Skye said “With Genevieve “Alexis said “Yes, I keep make mistake with her, Not support her dream to be a lawyer , No matter what I keep ruin things with her , I just want my daughter to have a better childhood then I did, I guess I’m a better mother then my adoption mother Althea Patterson”Skye said “I’m sure, Well I need to go”Alexis said and left. “That was wired”Skye said to herself.

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