Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Finding you part 7 ch 17~”Dealing with the past”

On the docks~Skye was walking when she ran into Kristin. “Great”Skye said “We need to talk”Kristin said “About what”Skye ask “Anastasia I know you know where she is”Kristin said as Alexis came by. “You know where my daughter is, Skye please tell me”Alexis said “I’m sorry but I can’t”Skye said “Why”Alexis ask “I lose contact with Anastasia, I did know where she was but I can’t heard from her in a while”Skye said “Really”Alexis ask “Yes”Skye said “What else do you know about her”Alexis ask “I paid for Anastasia to go to medical school she a doctor”Skye said “My baby is a doctor”Alexis said “Yes, But that’s all I know about her, The last time I talk to Anastasia she had just finish medical school”Skye said “Were you there”Alexis ask “Yes”Skye said “Thank you Skye, I will pay you back”Alexis said “Don’t I did love her too”Skye said “Where did Anastasia go to school”Alexis ask “Harvard”Skye said “She very smart”Alexis said “Yes she is, I want to make sure she had the best life and she did”Skye said “Yes Skye would protect her from what was going on at the house”Kristin said “You only would beat me not her”Skye said “Yes, Skye I’m sorry”Kristin said “Was it the brain tumor”Skye ask “Yes and the drinking didn’t help”Kristin said “I always told myself if I was lucky to be a mother I would not be like you”Skye said “Skye, You're a good mother”Alexis said “Not to Genevieve she thinks I’m a horrible mother”Skye said “We make mistake , Just give her time”Alexis said “Alexis is right, I do hope you both get a little closer because of this”Kristin said “I don’t think so, Alexis can arrest my husband “Skye said “What does he do”Kristin ask “His in the coffee business”Skye said “His in the mob”Alexis said “So was Kristina father”Skye said “Yes he was”Alexis said “I need to go”Skye said and left.

“Alexis”Kristin ask “Why did you drink”Alexis ask “I hate being a part of you and Kristina and I hate myself for take Skye”Kristin said “So you turn to the bottle”Alexis ask “Yes, Where is Kristina”Kristin ask “She died in warehouse there was a bomb there by the mob”Alexis said “Oh no”Kristin said “I know, I’m sorry”Alexis said “It’s okay baby”Kristin said they share a hug.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was home when her phone rang. “Skye Alcazar, Oh it’s you, I been so worry about you”Skye said

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