Thursday, October 29, 2015

You were mine part 3 ch 20 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At General hospital~ Dr Kelly office~ Skye was there. "Skye we have your test result back the baby has Down syndrome I'm sorry"Dr Kelly said "I'm going to still keep this baby, Do you know the sex"Skye ask "Yes it's a boy, While done I leave and give you some time"Dr Kelly said and left. Skye cried as Alan came in. "Skye what is it"Alan ask "The baby has Down Syndrome"Skye said “What are you going to do"Alan ask "Keep my son"Skye said

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Mike room~ He was drinking brandy and holding a picture of Caprice. "You all will pay for what you did"Mike said

At Alistair/Caprice~ Bedroom~ After making love Caprice know it was now different between them she pull away from Alistair and start to cry. Alistair hear her cry . "Sorry Darling but it's different now"Alistair said to Caprice who was now sleeping.

The next day~Alistair/ Caprice. Alistair was at work and Caprice was getting the boys ready for school. "Mama"Alistair Jr said "Yes oh my boys I'm going to do right by you I love you both so much and this baby"Caprice said the nanny came in. "I'll take the boys to school"The nanny said "Thank you"Caprice said she kiss her sons goodbye and Caprice text Adam Jr to meet her.

At Skye~ Alexis came in. "Alexis what do you want"Skye ask "I want to see if you need anything I think Jax would want me to look after you"Alexis said "That's very sweet of you"Skye said there was a knock on the door it was a delivery man. "Mrs' Jacks the man ask "Yes that's me"Skye said "I have a deliver for you"The man said "Yes my baby crib"Skye said she sign for it and the man left. "Now I have to put all this together alone again"Skye said "Your not alone"Alexis said "I know I love raise Caprice but I wish Jax was there raise our daughter together with me and now at my age and the baby"Skye said "Is something wrong with the baby"Alexis ask "Yes the baby has down Syndrome but I'm going to keep him I will make sure he has the best"Skye said "Yes and your son will he has doctors to help him to"Alexis said "Yes now I need to get his room ready 'Skye said "I can help you if you want"Alexis said "I would love it"Skye said

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