Sunday, October 25, 2015

Finding you part 7 ch 13 "Lost Anastasia"

~At Felicia office~Felicia was working on a new case when Alexis came in. “Felicia do you have a min”Alexis ask “Yes, What is it”Felicia ask “I need you to help me find my daughter”Alexis said “Daughter”Felicia ask “Yes, When I was a teenage I was raped by Stavors and my baby was taken from me, I just found out my mother who I thought was dead raise her with Skye and I want to find her no one know where she is”Alexis said “Sure I will help you, What is her name”Felicia ask “Anastasia Patterson, Here is the only picture I have of her”Alexis said she give it to Felicia. “Are you okay”Felicia ask “Not really, But I guess it’s good that my mother raise her and keep her safe”Alexis said “Yes, Does Skye know anything”Felicia ask “I went to talk to Skye she claim she hasn’t seen Anastasia since they were young but I don’t believe her”Alexis said “Okay, What about you're mother does she know anything”Felicia ask “No Mother was in a ski accident and that’s the last time she saw Anastasia”Alexis said “Alright,I will do my best to find her”Felicia said “Thank you”Alexis said “You're welcome”Felicia said Alexis left.

At The Quartermaine hotel~Adam/Erica room~Adam was alone he didn’t feel well when there was a knock on the door Adam walk to open it was Skye. “Skye”Adam said “Adam, Are you okay you don’t look good”Skye said “I don’t feel well”Adam said “Let’s take you to the hospital”Skye said “No Skye, I Don’t want to go to the doctors, I want to die”Adam said “Adam, Don’t I want to work on us please fight you have a lot to live for, The Adam Chandler I know and love would not give up like this”Skye said “It’s just been hard dealing with this heart and all the pills”Adam said “Adam please”Skye said “Alright”Adam said “Thank you, Where is Stuart and Erica”Skye ask “Stuart went to see Skylar and Erica is shopping”Adam said “Of course Erica is shopping”Skye said they left.

At Skylar Art Gallery~ Stuart and Skylar were talking about art. “I’m glad I finally have someone to talk about art with”Skylar said “Me too, You are more talent then I’m”Stuart said “I would love to show some of you're painters”Skylar said “Oh , I don’t know”Stuart said “I’m sure they are good”Skylar said “Alright”Stuart said his phone went off. “I have to take this, Stuart Chandler, Oh Skye I will be there”Stuart said and hangup. “What did my mother want”Skylar ask “Adam is having heart issue he went to the hospital”Stuart said “No let’s go”Skylar said “Yes he has to be better”Stuart said they left.

At Alexis~Alexis came into her house to fine Kristin their. “Sorry I been gone for a while”Alexis said “It’s okay, Where did you go”Kristin ask “To look for my daughter , I question Skye about it”Alexis said “Did Skye tell you anything”Kristin ask “No I have a feeling she know something”Alexis said “Let me talk to her, I know her,”Kristin said “Yes you raised her”Alexis said “You're anger about that”Kristin said “Yes! You left me and Kristina and raise two other daughters! Alexis yelled “I’m sorry you have every right to be anger”Kristin said “You beat I do! Alexis yelled as Stefan came in. “Stefan , I have to ask you if you know about my daughter Anastasia who you give to my mother! Alexis yelled “Alexis it was the best thing for you and the baby”Stefan said “The best thing! Alexis yelled “You're mother keep her safe and she had the best life”Stefan said “You both had no right to play with my life or my daughter I better find her”Alexis said “I will help you”Stefan said “Where you ever going to tell me that my mother was alive and raise my daughter”Alexis ask “Yes I was”Stefan said

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