Sunday, May 29, 2016

Forever and For always part 7 ch 70

At General Hospital~Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay down when Lorenzo came in."Bianca, I know you would come"Genevieve said "No, Genevieve, It's me, Daddy"Lorenzo said "Daddy"Genevieve said "Genevieve , Your going to a place to get help you need some rest"Lorenzo said "My children"Genevieve said "Your mother and I will watch over them"Lorenzo said "Daddy, I don't want to go"Genevieve said "Please, You need help"Lorenzo said he kiss Genevieve on the cheek. "Daddy, I'm scare"Genevieve said "My Genevieve doesn't get scare"Lorenzo said

In the hallway~Skye and Skylar and Luis came in. "Daddy, What is going on"Skye ask "It's Genevieve she having a breakdown"Alan said "No, What sure we do"Skye ask as Lorenzo came by. "I call St, Ann, Genevieve will be going there"Lorenzo said "Will she"Skylar ask "She has no choice"Lorenzo said "I know that this whole thing about Bianca would do this to my sister"Skylar said "I  know"Lorenzo said "I want to see her"Skylar said and left. "Oh Lorenzo"Skye said she hug him. "I'm going to kill him"Lorenzo said "Good"Skye said as they were hugging.

Genevieve room~Genevieve was lay in bed when Skylar came in. "Sis, Is this part of your plan"Skylar ask "Yes, Please"Genevieve said "You have my world"Skylar said as Luis came in. "Sis, I'm sorry"Luis said "Just watch over my children"Genevieve said "We will"Luis said as Skye and Lorenzo came in. "Genevieve, Will go get help"Skye ask "Yes mother"Genevieve said "Good, It's going to be find Princess"Lorenzo said "I know Daddy"Genevieve said Alan came in."Genevieve it's time"Alan said Genevieve left for St. Ann.

Forever and For always part 7 ch 69

At General Hospital~Alan office~Bobbie came into Alan office to look for him but he wasn't there so she put a file on his desk and saw Bianca file on the table and pick it up as Alan came in. "Sorry, I was just giving you a file and saw Bianca"Bobbie said "Genevieve thinks she alive"Alan said 'So that's why Luke is in town"Bobbie said "Probably'Alan said "Is there a chance Bianca is alive"Bobbie ask as Genevieve came in. "Genevieve why are you here, In your PJ"Alan ask "I have to know is Luke right that he could not find my baby, She gone"Genevieve ask Alan came by Genevieve. "I wish it was true that Bianca was alive for you I know you miss her but I'm sorry, Bianca is dead"Alan yelled "No! Genevieve yelled and fell on the floor and Bobbie went to help pick  her up. "I need my little girl"Genevieve said "I get this pain your in it will never go away the pain of losing a child, But somehow it will get easy"Bobbie said as Lorenzo came in. "Genevieve,I been looking for you"Lorenzo said "Why don't I look at Genevieve, Come let's go to a room"Bobbie said "Sure"Alan said Bobbie left with Genevieve. "Alan, This isn't good, Is my daughter losing her mind"Lorenzo ask "Yes, I think Genevieve needs to go to St, Ann"Alan said "I will call Skye"Lorenzo said "I'm sorry"Alan said "I know"Lorenzo said he called Skye and Luis and Skylar.

Forever and For always part 7 ch 68

At The studio~Skye and Laura and Bobbie and Lucy and Tracy were there, "I have an idea for the show, I was thinking we could have a local singer sing the them song"Skye said "Who would that be'Tracy ask "Me"Blair said as she came by. "You want Blair"Tracy ask "Yes, Why do you care"Skye ask "I think that's a wonderful idea"Laura said "Of cause you do"Tracy said "We have a lot do our primer is soon"Bobbie said "Yes it is"Skye said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo office~Genevieve was wearing her PJ and came into Lorenzo office and look around as Lorenzo came in. "Genevieve, Why are you in my office"Lorenzo ask "Just looking for everyone"Genevieve said "Really, While the children are with the nanny and your mother is at the studio"Lorenzo said "Did you do it"Genevieve ask "Genevieve, Please don't ask me that"Lorenzo said "I was hope if Bianca was alive that the pain would stop! I hate this plain"Genevieve yelled she throw a vase. "I want it to get better for you too"Lorenzo said "It's not just the nightmare, The pain on my back will never go away, The burns and trust a man"Genevieve said "I know, Let's see if Rose will make you some tea"Lorenzo said he took Genevieve hand and they went into the living room as Lorenzo phone went off. "I have to take this, Just stay here"Lorenzo said "Daddy, I do love this family"Genevieve said "I  know you do"Lorenzo said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 67

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve room~ Lorenzo was helping Genevieve into the bed as the nurse step out. "Daddy"Genevieve said "Just rest"Lorenzo said "No Daddy, I have to tell you something"Genevieve said "What is it Princess"Lorenzo ask Genevieve whisper into Lorenzo ear.. "Kill him"Genevieve said "Don't worry"Lorenzo said and left.

Downstairs~Skye and Luke were talking."So how long are you staying this time"Skye ask "Not for long"Luke said "Oh"Skye said as Lorenzo came in. "I'm sorry about this"Luke said "I know this would happened that Alexander was telling a lie, Anyway how much do we owe you"Lorenzo ask "This one on the house for a old friend"Luke said "I'm not old"Skye said "Never"Luke said and kiss Skye goodbye and left. "Lorenzo, How is Genevieve"Skye ask "Not good, I wish you didn't help Genevieve look into this, I get why but I wish you didn't"Lorenzo said "Are you blame me"Skye ask "No , I just hate all this"Lorenzo said "So do I"Skye said

At Rae house~Rae was looking out the window thinking of a secret that Genevieve told het. "Oh Genevieve I do hope this plan works"Rae said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 66

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was having some tea when Skye and Lorenzo came in.'Genevieve, Thank you for the twins dog, They name him Jasper"Skye said "Your welcome'Genevieve said "Did Nikolas name his dog"Skye ask "Yes, Bianca"Genevieve said "Oh"Skye said as the maid came in. "You have a visiter, Mr Spencer"The maid said as Luke came in. "Thank you"Lorenzo said the maid left. "Thank you for coming, Did you find anything, Is my daughter alive"Genevieve ask "I look at all the Cassadine house they own, London and Paris and Spain and Graces , I'm sorry Genevieve, I could not find Bianca, I wish I could bring you back Bianca"Luke said "No! Genevieve said "I even question Helena man that work for her and look at every room"Luke said "No, Your wrong! My baby is alive I can feel her, Go back and look again, We will pay you, Right Daddy"Genevieve ask Lorenzo touch Genevieve. "Princess, You can keep on looking but you will not find Bianca, I do wish that Bianca was alive, I loved her too"Lorenzo said "No, Why"Genevieve said "Oh sweetheart"Skye said the nurse came in. "Ms.Genevieve"The nurse said "Let me take her upstairs and we can give her something"Lorenzo said Lorenzo carry Genevieve upstairs.

"Skye, I'm sorry"Luke said "I sure of know it was a lie but if someone told me that Lila Rae was alive I would believe it even thought she died in my arms"Skye said "She did"Luke ask "Yes, I was the first one to hold her when she was born and the last one to hold her when she died"Skye said "I wish I could fix it for both you and Genevieve"Luke said "I know"Skye said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 65

At Skye/Lorenzo~Laurel was showing Skye the dog."What do you think of Max"Laurel ask "I don't know"Skye said "I know a great name"John said as he came in."What do you want to name him"Skye ask "Jasper, After our father"John said "Oh John I love that idea, Jax love the both of you so much"Skye said "I like that name"Laurel said "Thanks"John said "Jasper, I like it"Skye said she was thinking maybe it was a good idea for a dog as Lorenzo came in. "Did you pick out a name"Lorenzo ask "Yes Jasper"John said "That's a great name"Lorenzo said "Mother, Don't be mad that Genevieve brought us a dog"Laurel said "I''m not now"Skye said "Good"Laurel said

In the living room~Nikolas Jr and Genevieve were talking and playing with the dog. "Thanks Mother"Nikolas Jr said "Nikolas, I'm sorry for things that happened in Paris, I want to give you the best childhood"Genevieve said "Mother it's not your fault,"Nikolas Jr said " I  just want to be a great mother to you"Genevieve said "You are you protect me know the dog needs a name, Since she a girl  I was thinking of name her Bianca"Nikolas Jr said "That's a great idea, Your mother loved you"Genevieve said "What about him, My birth father"Nikolas Jr ask "I never meet him, I'm sorry"Genevieve said "It's okay, I'm going to walk Bianca"Nikolas Jr said he left with the dog,"It has to work"Genevieve said.

Forever and For always part 7ch 64 "Spencer family"

At Kelly's Bobbie was working when Luke came in. "Barbara Jean"Luke said "Luke, I'm so glad your home"Bobbie said they share a hug. "How long are you here"Bobbie ask "I'm not back for long, Just helping a friend out"Luke said "Skye"Bobbie ask "Yes, Skye daughter need my help"Luke said "On what"Bobbie ask Luke had a flashback of getting a phone call from Genevieve. "My name is Genevieve Alcazar, I'm Skye Quartermaine daughter I need your help please with this plan"Genevieve said End of flashback. "Genevieve wants me to find her daughter"Luke said "Did you"Bobbie ask as Laura came in. "Bobbie"Laura said as Luke turn around. "Luke"Laura said "Laura it's good to see you, I'm sorry about what going on with your grandson"Luke said "Thanks, I wish I could fix it for my grandson and Nikolas"Laura said "I know"Luke said "It's just rip our family, Nikolas and Emily our divorce"Laura said "I hope for your sake it will get better"Luke said "Thanks, How long are you staying"Laura ask "I'm not sure yet, I'm sorry about Liz , How is Lucky"Luke ask "His doing okay"Laura said "Good"Luke said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 63

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were laying on the couch in each others arms. "This feels so good in your arms"Skye said "It's where you belong"Lorenzo said he kiss her as Genevieve and Nikolas Jr and John and Laurel and Sunday Rose came. "Mother"Laurel said "Where did you go"Skye ask "Genevieve took us out on advantage"Laurel said "Where too"Lorenzo ask "Close your eyes both of you"John said "John"Skye said "Mother, Please"John said Lorenzo and Skye close their eyes as Nikolas Jr and Laurel went to get the dogs and came back with them. "Can we open our eyes now"Lorenzo ask "Yes'Laurel said Lorenzo and Skye open their eyes and were shock to see two dogs. "You brought the children dogs"Skye ask "Yes, Nikolas has been wanting one"Genevieve said "I had one before but he was a victim of father too"Nikolas said "I'm sorry, But Genevieve you sure of ask me first"Skye said "Oh Mother relax, You loved our old dog Charles Dickson and the children will take care of them"Genevieve said "Yes we will"Laurel said "Find, I guess they can stay"Skye said "While don't go drink your hot chocolate and set up the dogs supplies"Genevieve said Nikolas Jr and Laurel and John left. "You sure of run it by us"Lorenzo said "Don't worry, We will not be staying here long, I just want to fix one painful memory of my son childhood"Genevieve said "We get that, Did Alexander kill the dog"Skye ask "Yes"Genevieve said "His a monster"Lorenzo said "Don't Daddy, Now when Bianca comes home you can't say that"Genevieve said "I will not"Lorenzo said "I'm sorry about the dogs I didn't think it was a big deal , Now I'm going to put Sunday Rose down"Genevieve said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 62

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo came home. "Genevieve, Nikolas, Laurel, John"Skye yelled as the maid came in. "Ms. Genevieve took the young children out"The maid said "Did Genevieve say where"Lorenzo ask "No, Ms. Genevieve seem happy"The maid said "Thank you, Can you some coffee"Skye ask "Sure"The maid said and left. "I wonder where they went"Lorenzo said "I'm sure they are find"Skye said "Yes"Lorenzo said they share a kiss. "I wish we had time"Skye said "Me too"Lorenzo said

At Kelly's~Genevieve came in with the children and ran into Bobbie. "Genevieve, It's good to see you"Bobbie said "Bobbie, Thank you for helping me"Genevieve said "Your welcome, Now what can I get you"Bobbie ask "Three hot chocolate and donuts and a hot tea"Genevieve said "Sure, So what are you going to name your dog"Bobbie ask the children. "We haven't pick out the name yet"John said "It has to be a good name, Something smart for my dog"Nikolas Jr said "Yes, So did you like this advantage"Genevieve ask "Yes"Nikolas Jr said he was a little worry about Genevieve. "Genevieve paid for the drinks and donuts. "Let's go"Genevieve said they left.

Forever and For always part 7 ch 61

At the park~Genevieve and Sunday Rose and Nikolas Jr and Laurel and John were there. "Mother ,why are we at the park"Nikolas Jr ask "This lady over there is selling two puppies, I want to get you one Nikolas and if John and Laurel one I will get them the other one too"Genevieve said "Another dog"Nikolas said "Yes"Genevieve said "Mother, Hates dogs"Laurel said "She will be find, I had a dog grow up Charles Dickson, She loved him"Genevieve said "Nice name mother"Nikolas said "Thanks, Let's go get both dog"Genevieve said they went to get the dog it was two Pomeranian. "Mother, Thank you"Nikolas said "Your welcome"Genevieve said "Are you sure about this"Laurel ask "Yes, It will be find, Let's go home"Genevieve said they were about to leave when they ran into Nikolas. "Grandfather"Nikolas Jr said "Nikolas, It's good to see you, So you are getting a dog"Nikolas ask "Yes, Mother is buying one for me, I had one once but father didn't like him"Nikolas Jr said "I'm sorry, I do miss you and your sister"Nikolas said "We sure go"Nikolas Jr said they left.

Nikolas was about to leave and ran into Emily. "I was just on my way to see you"Nikolas said "I sign the papers, I'm glad your out on bail"Emily said "Thank you, I do wish we could go back"Nikolas said "Me too"Emily said "Do you need anything"Nikolas ask "No"Emily said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 60

The next day~At The Quartermaine hotel~Skye and Lorenzo room~Skye and Lorenzo were lay in each other arms. "Do we have to leave soon"Skye ask "No, I think the children will be find"Lorenzo said "I think so to"Skye said they made love again.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Nikolas Jr and Laurel and John were having breakfast when Genevieve came in dress for the day and holding Sunday Rose. "Are you all done with breakfast"Genevieve ask "Why"John ask "We our going on an advantage this morning"Genevieve said "All of us"Nikolas Jr ask "Yes"Genevieve said "Where"Laurel ask "Just trust me it's going to be fun"Genevieve said "They usually are"Nikolas Jr said "Yes"Genevieve said they left.

At the Courthouse~ Nikolas and Britt bail hearing~ Nikolas and Britt were there and Laura and Alexis who was their lawyer. "Your honor, My clients are just two worry parents who want to save their son they try in the wrong way"Alexis said "Bail is set at ten million each, Don't leave the country"The judge said "Thank you"Nikolas said the Judge left. "Thank you Alexis"Nikolas said "I get you want to save your son but this way"Alexis said "I know"Nikolas said "Nikolas, Let's get you home"Laura said "I need make a stop first"Nikolas said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 59~"Take care of my family"

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was in the living room looking at a picture of her parents. "You both will be happy, I can't destroy this family anymore, This plan has to work"Genevieve said then she put the picture down and went upstair to check on Nikolas Jr who was sleeping. Genevieve cover him up with a blanket and kiss him. "Forgive me my young man, I love you"Genevieve said she kiss Nikolas  Jr and left then went into Sunday Rose room who was sleeping. "My baby, I'm going to make it up too you"Genevieve said she kiss Sunday Rose and then went into Laurel room who was sleeping. "I'm glad I save you, At least I saved one sister"Genevieve said and kiss her and left and went into John room who was sleeping. "Oh John my baby brother"Genevieve said she kiss him and went into Lila Rae room.

Lila Rae room~Genevieve pick up a picture of Lila Rae. "You would be happy that I'm take care of this family, Just like the way you would"Genevieve said she put the picture down and went into her room and lean on the door. "Just let this plan work"Genevieve said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 58 "Skylo honeymoon

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Honeymoon suite ~ Skye and Lorenzo were in the room there was sparking cider on the table and rose on the bed. "Oh Lorenzo, It's all beautiful here"Skye said "It's all for you"Lorenzo said as he touch Skye face and kiss her. "Oh Lorenzo, Sometimes you can be romantic "Skye said "I will try to be more romantic, I'm so glad we found our way back together"Lorenzo said "Me too, I'm just glad we have a night where it's about us"Skye said "I know we been dealing with a lot"Lorenzo said he pour them a drink of cider. "I like take care of Genevieve,  But sometime it's too much and take over our life"Skye said "Your right it sure not"Lorenzo said "No but no more talking about her tonight, It's our night"Skye said "Yes it is"Lorenzo said he kiss Skye and they made love.

Forever and For always part 7 ch 57 "Skyelo wedding

At The Quartermaine hotel~Skye/Lorenzo wedding reception~Blair got up on stage. "Before I sing, I would like to give my best to Skye and Lorenzo, Skye I'm glad we put the past behind us, I wish you and Lorenzo nothing but the best"Blair said everyone clap and Blair start to sing as Lorenzo and Skye dance. "Skye you look beautiful tonight, I can't wait to be alone with you"Lorenzo said "Me too, We need a night for us"Skye said "Yes we do"Lorenzo said they share a kiss.

Genevieve was by the bar order a drink as Rae came by. "Genevieve"Rae said "Nana, I know your worry but this plan will work , It has too"Genevieve said "I hope so, But I'm really worry about you"Rae said "I'm find"Genevieve said

Skye and Lorenzo went on the stage. "Thank you for coming to our wedding"Skye said everyone went to sit down at the table. "I just want to say that I wish my daughter and Lorenzo nothing but the best, I'm glad you found your way back together, I want everyone in my family to be happy"Alan said "Cheers"Everyone said and then had dinner.

"So are you going on a honeymoon"Tea ask "No just a night here, Dani it's nice to see you back"Skye said "Yes it is"Lorenzo said "Thank you, I'm sorry I didn't come when Lila Rae died"Dani said "It's okay, I got your letter"Skye said "Here to family"Lorenzo said and everyone cheer to that.

Forever and For always part 7 ch 56 "Skylo Wedding"

At the Quartermaine hotel Skye and Lorenzo wedding reception. Skye went to talk to Emily. "Emily, Thank you for coming"Skye said "Your welcome, I do hope you and Lorenzo are happy"Emily said "Thanks , I want that for you too"Skye said "Thanks"Emily said "If you want to talk"Skye said "Skye I will be find"Emily said "Yes you will, Skye the wedding was beautiful"Alan said "Thank you Daddy"Skye said "So Luke is back"Alan said "Yes,Luke went to look for Bianca"Skye said "Oh"Alan said "Daddy, I'm over him"Skye said "Good, All Luke did was hurt you"Alan said "Yeah"Skye said

Genevieve was having a drink as Skylar came by. "Genevieve"Skylar said "I'm find"Genevieve said "What if Luke doesn't have news that Bianca is not alive, Will you be okay"Skylar ask Genevieve hug her sister and whisper in her sister ear.

Skye went to look for Lorenzo and ran into Luke, "Skye,  You look beautiful"Luke said "Thank you, And for helping me, Come over to the house at noon"Skye said "Sure, Does he make you happy"Luke ask "Yes, This is our second wedding, I divorce Lorenzo when Lila Rae died, I blame him for our daughter having cancer"Skye said "I'm sorry about Lila Rae"Luke said "Thank you"Skye said as Lorenzo came by. "Skye"Lorenzo said "We our just talking, Luke is coming to the house at noon tomorrow"Skye said "Good, It better be good news"Lorenzo said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 55 "Skylo wedding"

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Everyone was there for Skye and Lorenzo wedding reception.

Tea was outside and just got a shock that Dani was in town looking at her. "I'm glad your here"Tea said "I came for Skye she always been their for Constanza and I, I sure of been in town when Lila Rae died"Dani said "I'm glad that Skye was their for you"Tea said "Lydia and Monica and Emily help me to, Raising your other daughter wasn't easy, Constanza had AJ but she need a mother"Dani said "Your right, Constanza did, You raise her right, Thank you"Tea said as Constanza came out."Dani,You didn't tell me you were coming"Constanza said "You know Dani was in town"Tea ask "Yes"Constanza said "I told her not to say anything, I want to surprise you"Dani said "You did,I would like to make it up to you"Tea said "Maybe"Dani said "Dani, We did have a great life"Constanza said "It still hurts, That she want us to think she died"Dani said

Inside~ Genevieve and Victor were talking and Victor kiss Genevieve as Nikolas Jr came by and pull Genevieve. "Don't kiss my mother"Nikolas Jr said "Nikolas, Your being rude"Genevieve said "His one of the reason Father was upset with you"Nikolas Jr said "I want to be friends with you Nikolas"Victor said "I don't want to be friends with you"Nikolas Jr said "Nikolas"Genevieve said "It's okay, I sure go"Victor said "I will walk you out"Genevieve said they left as Lorenzo came by. "Nikolas, What is it you look upset"Lorenzo ask "Mother wants to date Victor"Nikolas Jr said "Don't worry son , Papa will not let that happened"Lorenzo said as he look at Genevieve.

Forever and For always part 7 ch 54 "Skylo Wedding"

At The Quartermaine hotel~Alan and Monica and Rae and Emily and Victor and Genevieve and Nikolas Jr and Sunday Rose and AJ and Michael and Tea and Constanza and Edward and Skylar and Luis and John and Laurel and Luke were their.

"Genevieve, You look nice"Victor said "Thank you, Victor I miss you"Genevieve said "I miss you too, I would like to give us a try again, What do you say"Victor ask as he touch Genevieve face. "I say yes, I want my life back"Genevieve said "You will get it,I would never hurt you"Victor said "You never have"Genevieve said they share a kiss.

Skye and Lorenzo came in. "Mr and Mrs. Alcazar"The band member said and everyone clap and Skye and Lorenzo share their first dance. "Are you still sure you don't want to go on a honeymoon"Lorenzo ask "Yes, Not now"Skye said "Anytime" Lorenzo said they share a kiss.

Tea went outside to get some air when a woman came by and touch her shoulder. "Sorry, I would like to be alone right now"Tea said "You don't want to see me"The woman ask as Tea turn around. "Dani"Tea said "Mother"Dani said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 53 "Unexpected guest"

At the Church~Skye and Lorenzo had just say I do as Luke came in, Skye went by Luke, "Skye it's good to see you"Luke said as Lorenzo came by. "We our having our wedding"Lorenzo said "Yes, Your one lucky man you better make Sky happy"Luke said
 "He does, This isn't our first wedding"Skye said "Yes"Luke said as Genevieve came by. "Your Luke, Do you know anything about my Bianca"Genevieve ask "Luke, This is my daughter Genevieve"Skye said "Nice too meet you,While don't you just go back to your wedding and we will talk later"Luke said "No"Genevieve said "Genevieve, Please"Skye said "Just one more day"Lorenzo said "We our having our reception at the hotel"Skye said "We sure go to the limousine"Lorenzo said "Yes, Luke come to the party"Skye said as she took his hand. "Sure"Luke said Skye and Lorenzo left. "Genevieve, I get you want to find Bianca but let mother have her day"Skylar said "Find, Bianca better come home"Genevieve said

Skye and Lorenzo were in the limousine. Skye touch Lorenzo face. "You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Luke"Skye said "I know, I trust you"Lorenzo said they share a kiss. "The wedding was perfect"Skye said "Yes it was"Lorenzo said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 52 "Skylo wedding''

At The Church~ Lorenzo and John and Nikolas Jr and Luis and AJ were waiting for Skye as Genevieve and Skylar and Laurel and Skylar came down then Skye was walk down by Alan and Rae as Lorenzo took her hand. "Who give this woman hand in marriage"The father ask "Her mother and I do"Alan said he kiss Skye and sit down by Monica.

"Lorenzo and Skye have wrote their own vows"The father said "Skye, We have been thought a lot, We start as friends trying to help each other get over someone then lovers and then news we were having a baby and trying to figure out our feelings , We have hurt each other and had trust issues but one thing is I never stop loving you, Your my better half"Lorenzo said He put the ring on Skye finger. "Lorenzo, You have never try to chance me, You even put me first which not a lot of people have in my life, Your my best friend and father of my children I love you, We just fit"Skye said she put the ring on Lorenzo finger."Skye and Lorenzo would like to light a candle in honor of their daughter Lila Rae"The father said Skye and Lorenzo light the candle.   "Does anyone object"The father ask No one say anything. "You may kiss the bride"The father said Lorenzo kiss Skye.
as someone came in. "No, I guess I'm too late"The man said as he came in and everyone look.
"Luke"Skye said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 51 "Skylo Wedding"

At The Church~ Lorenzo and Luis and Nikolas Jr and John were getting dress. "Father you look happy"Luis said "I'm your mother make me happy, I wish you would find love again"Lorenzo said "Father"Luis said "I have accept who you are son"Lorenzo said "Oh"Luis said "I know your gay"Nikolas Jr said "You do"Luis ask "Yes Mother told me, She never lie to me"Nikolas Jr said "Oh"Luis said "Did your mother tell you that we support each other in this family"Lorenzo said "Yes Papa"Nikolas Jr said "Good"Lorenzo said as Alan came in. "Alan"Lorenzo said "Can we talk"Alan ask Alan and Lorenzo went to talk. "I never like you with my daughter because of your lifestyle but you make Skye happy so I'm happy for the both of you"Alan said "Thank you"Lorenzo said "But if you ever make Skye cry"Alan said "I will not, I love your daughter"Lorenzo said "You have been a great husband and father"Alan said "I do love our family' Lorenzo said "I love those children too"Alan said "I know you do"Lorenzo said

Skye room~Skye was getting dress with the help of Rae and Genevieve and Raelyn  and Skylar and Laurel. "Mother you look great"Skylar said "Yes you do"Genevieve said "Like a princess"Laurel said "Thank you, I"m happy"Skye said "He better make you happy"Rae said "He does"Skye said as Alan came in. "Skye, Are you ready"Alan ask "Yes"Skye said "Are you sure about this"Alan ask "Yes"Skye said "I talk to Lorenzo,, He better make you happy"Alan said "He does"Skye said

Forever and For always part 7 ch 50~ "Skye Quartermaine"

At The Church~Skye and Rae were setting thing up for the wedding. "Skye , Are you sure about this' Rae ask "Yes mother, Lorenzo and I are a perfect match, We don't judge each other or try to chance each other we just love each other and support and Lorenzo is a great father"Skye said "Yes he has been, I'm glad your finally happy"Rae said "I would not chance my love for Jax because of the twins but we were not a match like Lorenzo and I"Skye said "Yeah"Rae said as Edward came in. "Skye,  I have something for you, Rose from Lila garden"Edward said "Oh Edward, This means so  much to me"Skye said "Last night was wonderful how we both honor our Lila, Thank you, I'm glad you came into our life, Even after everything"Edward said "I'm glad I found my family, I'm not the same person I was back then"Skye said "No your not but you had ever right to be anger with me"Edward said "You beat we did"Rae said "I'm sorry, I wish I could chance things"Edward said "I have done things in my past that I'm not proud of either, I can let it go"Skye said "I can do"Rae said "Thank you"Edward said he left. "Skye"Rae said "That was so sweet of Grandfather"Skye said "Yes it was, You have chance"Rae said "Children do that to you and Love"Skye said "Yes"Rae said

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Forever and For always part 7 ch 49 "Quartermaine"

At The Quartermaine mansion~ Emily was looking at a piece of paper when Alan came in. "Emily, What is it"Alan ask "Divorce papers, I Just sign them"Emily said "I'm sorry"Alan said "It's for the best, Who know if Nikolas will go to jail now"Emily said "But you still love him"Alan said "Yes I do, I do love Nikolas and Alexander too but I don't support what they did"Emily said "You will be find your strong"Alan said "Thanks"Emily said "If you don't want to go to the wedding, Skye will understand"Alan said "No I will be find, I'm happy for Skye"Emily said start to cry a little and Alan hug her as Monica came in. "What is going on"Monica ask "I just sign the divorce papers"Emily said "Oh Em"Monica said "I will be find"Emily said

At Lila Rose garden~Edward was outside, "Last night we honor you and Lila Rae , It was a great night, Oh I miss you, You are the love of my life, You would be proud of Skye and the woman she is today, She not the same person who walk thought our house with revenge on her mind, She a mother and Grandmother and business woman and wife, God help her but she love Lorenzo, He has been a good husband to her not cheat on her I give him that, Today they are remarried, I don't worry about Skye as much anymore it's her daughter Genevieve I worry about"Edward said he cut some rose and went inside.
copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 48 "Missing Daddy"

At Skye/Lorenzo~Sunday Rose room~Genevieve was reading to Sunday Rose. "Daddy"Sunday Rose said "Oh Honey you miss your Daddy don't you"Genevieve said as Lorenzo came in. "Daddy"Sunday Rose said "Can you say Papa"Lorenzo ask as he knee down. "Sunday Rose just miss her father"Genevieve said "Sunday Rose, Will be find, Where is Nikolas"Lorenzo ask "In his room,I haven't told him about Nikolas and Britt"Genevieve said Lorenzo stood up "It's find, You sure get Sunday Rose ready for the wedding, Your mother is run more errands for the wedding"Lorenzo said "Yes Daddy"Genevieve said "I do like having you and the children here"Lorenzo said and kiss Genevieve on the cheek and left. "Oh baby, I get you miss your Daddy, You would of been Daddy little girl if things were different"Genevieve said

At Nikolas Jr Room~Nikolas was looking up somethings online when Lorenzo came in. "Nikolas"Lorenzo said Nikolas close the laptop. "What are you looking at"Lorenzo ask "Nothing Papa"Nikolas said "How are you doing"Lorenzo ask "Okay"Nikolas said "If you ever want to talk"Lorenzo said "I'm find, Papa"Nikolas said "Your a lot like Genevieve, You don't want to talk about things"Lorenzo said "I want to be like mother, She ported me from him"Nikolas said "Alexander hit you"Lorenzo ask "He try too but Mother stop it and took it for me"Nikolas said Lorenzo was upset about it when Genevieve came in. "Nikolas, You need to get ready, Both of you"Genevieve said "Yes Mother"Nikolas said "Do you want me to help you"Genevieve ask "No thanks"Nikolas said "Daddy, Are you okay"Genevieve ask "Yes,, Let's get ready"Lorenzo said
Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 47

At Skye/Lorenzo~Sunday Rose room~Genevieve was rocking Sunday Rose and talking to her about moving out when Skye came in. "Mother, Did you heard that"Genevieve ask "Genevieve, I know you want out of here but I want you to stay, We love having you and the children"Skye said "Really, I'm not in the way"Genevieve ask "Never"Skye said "I just want to spend the day with Sunday Rose, Can she come to the wedding"Genevieve ask "Yes, I love Sunday Rose too, Sometimes I can't believe I'm a grandmother, Anyway I heard about Nikolas and Britt"Skye said "It was my idea not to tell you"Genevieve said "I know, Thank you"Skye said "It was a good night last night and it was about Great-Grandmother and Lila Rae not me"Genevieve said "Yes it was"Skye said "Do you have everything set for tonight"Genevieve ask "Yes"Skye said "Good, Mother I do hope you and Daddy are happy"Genevieve said "Thank you, I heard that Victor told on his parents for you, He still love you, Do you have feelings for him"Skye ask "I'm confess right now"Genevieve said "It's going to be hard for you to trust again"Skye said "I know, Have you heard from Luke"Genevieve ask "Not yet but Luke will come thought for me he always has"Skye said "Good, Mother thanks for believe in me that Bianca is alive"Genevieve said "Your welcome, If I had an feeling about Lila Rae I would follow it too"Skye said "Yes"Genevieve said Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 46

At Skye/Lorenzo~Lorenzo was pour a drink as Skye came in with bags in her hand. "Did you get everything for our wedding tonight"Lorenzo ask "Yes"Skye said "Good, I can't wait to be married to you"Lorenzo said they share a kiss. "Me either, I hope we will be happy"Skye said "We will"Lorenzo said "I ran into Emily on the docks , Nikolas and Britt were arrest last night"Skye said "I know"Lorenzo said "When did you find out, Does Genevieve know"Skye ask "Yes, Genevieve found out last night at the party she didn't want you to know to ruin Lila Rae night"Lorenzo said "Oh, How did the cops find out about Nikolas and Britt plan"Skye ask "Victor"Lorenzo said "He still love Genevieve doesn't he"Skye ask "Yes but I will make sure they are not together, Genevieve is better without the Cassadine in her life"Lorenzo said "Lorenzo, Be careful all the work you and Genevieve have done"Skye said "I will, Are you upset with me for not telling you"Lorenzo ask "No, Where is Genevieve"Skye ask "In the nursery with Sunday Rose"Lorenzo said

At Sunday Rose room~Genevieve was rocking her daughter. "I love you Sunday Rose, I will keep you safe and make sure you don't make the same choice I did, Your father did love you Sunday Rose you must know that, You were name because Sunday was a great day for your father and I we will just sitting on the couch holding each other and read a book, Then go for a romance walk and just talk about us no work or family, I'm going to be a good mother you my Darling and Nikolas and soon your big sister will be here, I sure find us a house, I can't stay here anymore"Genevieve said as Skye came in. "Genevieve"Skye said Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 45 "Homecoming"

On the docks~Emily was on the docks looking sad when Skye came by holding bags. "Emily, Are you okay"Skye ask "Not really"Emily said "What is it"Skye ask "You don't know, Nikolas and Britt were arrest last night, They were going to break Alexander out of jail"Emily said "No, I'm sorry, I do hate this"Skye said "I know you do"Emily said "You still love Nikolas don't you"Skye ask "Yes but he lied to me about Alexander and had an affair, I can't get past it"Emily said "That is hard to but sometimes love wins"Skye said "Could you forgive Lorenzo if this was him"Emily ask "Yes I could"Skye said "I just don't know what to do"Emily said "I'm sorry, I need to go get ready for the wedding I do hope you will come"Skye said "I will try"Emily said "Good"Skye said

At Constanza house~Constanza was working when there was a knock on the door and she open it. "Oh good your here"Constanza said as the person came in.

On A Plane~A man was there. "I can't wait to go back home, I did miss old Port Charles" The man said Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 44

At The Police Station~Nikolas Cell~Nikolas was in his cell when Emily came by. "Emily'Nikolas said "Why did you try to do this, Was it your idea"Emily ask "Yes, I wasn't going to let my son in jail"Nikolas said "Why team up with Britt"Emily ask "I know she would do it"Nikolas said "Who turn you in"Emily ask "Victor did"Nikolas said "This is all a mess"Emily said "I know, One of my son hates me and the other is in jail and we our going to divorce and I may go to jail"Nikolas said "We will figure this out"Emily said "I maybe safe in jail"Nikolas said "Yes, Lorenzo"Emily said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was downstairs looking at a picture of her and Victor when Lorenzo came in. "Genevieve , Are you okay"Lorenzo ask "Yes"Genevieve said "Why are you looking at a picture of you and Victor"Lorenzo ask "Daddy, I maybe living here but you have no say in my love life, I"m not a child"Genevieve said "You need to heal from Alexander before you dive into another relationship"Lorenzo said "You just want to keep me here in this damn house! Genevieve yelled as the nanny came in with Sunday Rose. "Sunday Rose wants her mother"The nanny said "Come here Darling, We will read a book"Genevieve said she went upstairs. Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 43

AT The Quartermaine Mansion~ The next day~Alan and Monica were having coffee and Alan pick up the paper with the headline "Nikolas Cassadine and Britt Westbourne arrest for trying to break their son out of jail" Alan said "No"Monica said "I wonder if Emily knows"Alan said "Know what"Emily ask as she came in. "Nothing"Monica said "Please tell me"Emily said "It's bad news, Nikolas was arrest last night"Alan said "No"Emily said Alan show Emily the newspaper. "Emily your better off without him"Alan said "I need to see him"Emily said "Do you want me to go with you"Monica ask "No, I get why your both protect of me but I can handle it"Emily said "Yes you can"Alan said "Yes"Monica said

At Lila Grave~Tracy was there. "Last night Skye had a fundraise in honor of you and her daughter Lila Rae, I hate to say it but it was a hit, Skye did right by you mother"Tracy said "I heard that' Skye said as she came in. "Why are you here"Tracy ask "To see Grandmother, I'm a Quartermaine"Skye said "Yes, You are, I'm sorry about chance the DNA test"Tracy said "You are"Skye ask "Yes, I know that you just wanted to know who you were you were not coming for the money, I was just jealous"Tracy said "Really"Skye ask "Yes, Now I will not talk about this again"Tracy said and left. "Wow, Grandmother I think I saw a human in Tracy you would be proud, Tonight I'm marry Lorenzo again, I love him so much, Take care of my Lila"Skye said she touch the grave and left.
Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 42

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was in her bedroom looking at a picture of Lila Rae. "Tonight was a great life about you, We honor you and you will live on I will make sure of it, No one will forget you my sweet first born daughter, My miracle child"Skye said as Lorenzo came in. "Skye"Lorenzo said "Tonight was a emotional night for us"Skye said "Yes it was, I wish I could fix it for you and bring our baby back"Lorenzo said "I know you loved Lila Rae as much as I did"Skye said "Yes I do, I love our family Skye"Lorenzo said "I know you do"Skye said they share a kiss.

At The Police Station~Alexis was working on Nikolas case when Laura came in. "Alexis, How bad is it"Laura ask "It's bad"Alexis said "I hate this, Can we just get some good news for once, How did the cops find out anyway"Laura ask as Victor came in. "I told on them'Victor said "Victor, How can you do this to your own father"Laura ask "What my brother did was wrong"Victor said "I agree that Alexander needs help but Nikolas was just doing what a parent does"Laura said "When I was in trouble father didn't do this for me"Victor said "Is this what it's about"Laura ask "No it's not, Your still in love with Genevieve"Alexis said as she look at Victor.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Genevieve was looking at a picture of her and Victor.. "Victor"Genevieve said Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 41 "A Party For Lila"

At The Quartermaine hotel~Lila/Lila Rae party~ "Skye, Tonight was a hit,I'm happy for you"AJ said "Thank for letting me have it here"Skye said "I love both Lila too"AJ said Alan and Monica came by. "Skye, You did a great thing tonight"Monica said "Yes you did"Alan said "Thanks, I think we sure have one every year"Skye said "Sure"AJ said "Tomorrow Lorenzo and I are getting marry"Skye said "Are you sure"Alan ask "Yes Daddy"Skye said as Edward came by. "Thank you Skye"Edward said "Your welcome, We did it for both our Lila, My Lila love that she was name in honor of yours"Skye said as she cried a little.

"Victor"Genevieve said "I did it ,Genevieve, I turn my own parents in"Victor said "Why would you do that"Genevieve ask as Lorenzo came by with Genevieve coat. "Genevieve it's time to go home"Lorenzo said as he put on Genevieve coat. "Daddy, We our talking"Genevieve said "The family wait in the car for us"Lorenzo said he took Genevieve hand and Genevieve look at Victor as they left.

At the Police Station~Alexis was talking to Nikolas. "Do you want me to call Emily"Alexis ask "No, Emily is upset with me"Nikolas said "I know you want to save your son but this isn't the way to do it"Alexis said "Can you get me out of here"Nikolas ask "I will try, Nikolas this isn't good"Alexis said Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 40 "A Party for Lila"

At The Quartermaine hotel Lila/Lila Rae charity event~Victor and Genevieve were outside talking. "Genevieve, I have to tell you something the reason of why I was late"Victor said "What is it"Genevieve ask "My Father and Britt were arrest today they wanted to break Alexander out of jail tonight"Victor said as Lorenzo came out. 'What! Lorenzo yelled "Daddy"Genevieve said "Our Nikolas and Britt in jail"Lorenzo ask "Yes"Nikolas said "I need to go to the police station"Lorenzo said "Daddy no, Not tonight it's mother night and Lila Rae"Genevieve said as Skye came out. "What is going on"Skye ask Lorenzo look at Skye. "Nothing let's go inside"Lorenzo said they went inside.

"Blair, It was nice that you sing tonight"Tea said "Thank you, Skye and I have made admits with the past"Blair said"Good"Tea said "Where is Victor"Blair ask "He didn't want to come"Tea said as Skye and Lorenzo came by. "Blair , Thank you for singing tonight"Skye said "Your welcome"Blair said "I'm glad you both made peace"Lorenzo said "Me too"Blair said "I have to make an announcement to make"Skye said Skye left. "Blair, Are you really over me or Are you up to something"Lorenzo ask "No I'm not up to anything"Blair said

Skye went up to talk.' "Thank you for coming, We have made over ten million dollars tonight half of it's going to be going for a wing in honor of my daughter at the hospital"Skye said "The other half is going to be a Rose garden in honor of my late wife"Edward said everyone clap.Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 39 "Remember Lila"

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Lila/Lila Rae event~Edward when on stage. "I would like to say something about my late wife, Lila was the best in all of us in my family, She was forgiving and loving, I loved Lila so much, I did hurt her in the past and I did regret it , But I never loved any woman only Lila she was the best part of me, I wish she was here seeing the next generation of Quartermaine, We our strong and fighters and We own this town again! Edward said everyone clap and Blair went up to sing again. "Father, That was wonderful"Alan said "Thank you"Edward said "Yes it was, This party was a great idea"Tracy said "Thank you"Skye said "Your welcome"Tracy said "I was thinking of doing this every year'Skye said "Good"Tracy said "Yes"Edward said he took Skye hand. "Both our Lila are watching us"Edward said "Yes they are"Skye said

Victor came in and by Genevieve. "Sorry I'm late"Victor said "It's okay, I"m glad your here"Genevieve said as Lorenzo came by. "Why are you here"Lorenzo ask "Daddy, Victor and I our friends"Genevieve said "Really"Lorenzo ask

Blair was done singing and came by Ned. "So what do you think"Blair ask "That was great, So Skye ask you to sing"Ned ask "Yes, We our friends now, I want to be a better person"Blair said "Good"Ned said as Alexis came by. "I have to go"Alexis said "What is it"Ned ask "Nikolas and Britt were arrest"Alexis said "For what"Ned ask
Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 38 "Remember Lila Rae"

At The Quartermaine~Skye and Lorenzo and Rae and Alan and Monica and Emily and Skylar and Genevieve and Raelyn and Tracy and Edward and Blair and Tea and Ned and Alexis and Michael and Bobbie and Laura and Lucy and Kevin and Luis were their. "Thanks for coming, Tonight is a charity event in honor of my late Grandmother Lila and My late Daughter Lila Rae, We lose them both too soon , All the money here will be raise for the hospital"Skye said everyone clap."Nana, This is a great idea"Raelyn said "Yes it is, How are you doing"Skye ask "Okay"Raelyn said Genevieve keep looking at the door. "Genevieve, What is it"Skylar ask "Victor is suppose to come , He was going to be my date"Genevieve said "Oh"Skylar said Skye came by. "Genevieve, I'm sorry"Skye said "It's okay"Genevieve said Skye went back on stage. "I Just want to tell a story about my Lila Rae,I never thought I was going to be a mother and when Lorenzo and I found out that I was pregnant we were shock by it we were not even ready for a child or a real couple but I have no regrets in having my little girl Lila Rae"Skye said everyone clap. "Now I would like to introduce Blair Carman she is going to sing for us tonight"Skye said Blair got up and sing.

Outside of the hotel~Nikolas and Britt were about to come in when Ric came in."Nikolas Cassadine, Britt Westbourne your under arrest for your plan on getting your son out of jail"Ric said

Inside~Skye and Lorenzo were holding each other as Blair was singing. Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 37

At The Jail cell~Alexander cell~Alexander was in his cell when Constanza came by. "What do you want"Alexander ask "The truth, It's time for you to stop hurting Genevieve, and tell her you were lying about Bianca that she is dead"Constanza said "I'm not going to do that"Alexander said "Did you ever love Genevieve or feel bad about what you did"Constanza said "Yes I did,, I do want to chance it but I can't go back"Alexander said "I'm worry about Genevieve, Your destroy her again"Constanza said and left.

At a hotel~ Britt hotel room~ Britt was in her hotel room when Nikolas came in. "What do you want"Britt ask "Tonight, We do this plan and free our son"Nikolas said as Victor came in. "What plan is that father"Victor ask "Why are you here"Nikolas ask "I came to see her, So your planning on free Alexander but when I was in jail you would of never did that for me"Victor said "That's not true, I love you too son"Nikolas said "No you don't, You sent me away"Victor said "I sent you to a school"Nikolas said "Victor, Please don't tell the cops"Britt said Victor left. "This isn't good"Britt said "No it's not"Nikolas said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was putting on her earring as Lorenzo came in. "Are you ready, The car sure be here"Lorenzo said "Yes I'm, Tonight is Lila night"Skye said "Yes"Lorenzo said

At The Quartermaine~Edward was looking at a picture of Lila. "Tonight is a party about you and Lila Rae both Lila's"Edward said Copyright by Skye's the limit

Forever and For always part 7 ch 36

At The Quartermaine hotel~Skye was getting the event ready when Genevieve came in. "Genevieve, Why are you here"Skye ask "I came to help mother"Genevieve said "Genevieve, Thank you but I don't need help , I been planning events like this for a long time"Skye said "I just want to help"Genevieve said "Genevieve, It's not about you"Skye said "Find! Your not the only one who missing her"Genevieve said and left.

At Constanza/Tea office~Constanza was on the phone. "I do hope you come tonight for the family, Aunt Skye was always their for us, You can't be mad at that, "Constanza said and hang up as Genevieve came in. "Genevieve"Constanza said "I just came to see how you are"Genevieve said "I'm find, I have some news, Mother is going to work with me here"Constanza said "That's great"Genevieve said "Genevieve, How are you"Constanza ask "Trying to get my life back"Genevieve said "Good"Constanza said "Yes,I'm going to work at ELQ and soon Bianca will be home"Genevieve said "What do you mean by that"Constanza ask "Bianca is alive"Genevieve said "Who told you that"Constanza ask "Alexander, I sure go and let you work"Genevieve said "I love you and if you want to talk"Constanza said "Thanks, I'm glad your working here"Genevieve said "Me too,, I'm glad Alexis left to open her own practice"Constanza said Copyright by Skye's the limit