Friday, September 29, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 42

At General Hospital-Sabrina room-Sabrina was lying in bed and Michael was by her side when Dr. Lee came into the room. “How is our daughter “Sabrina ask “The feeding tube is doing great, in three months we need to do surgery to reconstruct portions of her face”Dr. Lee said “Well our daughter see ever”Michael said “No, I'm sorry “Dr. Lee said “Can we see her”Sabrina ask “Yes”Dr. Lee said Sabrina got into a wheelchair and they left.

At Nursery room-Olivia and Ned were looking at their son. “We love you George “Olivia said as Brooklyn and Kristina came in. “We are here to see our brother “Kristina said “I'm glad you both are here I want to fix things between us and I want you to be apart of our family “Ned said “We would like that too”Kristina said “Yes”Brooklyn said “I would like to know you both too”Olivia said “Sure”Brooklyn said as Michael came by pushing Sabrina in a wheelchair and Dr. Lee was their with them. Sabrina and Michael look at Lillian. Dr. Lee went into the nursery room to look at Lillian who wasn't doing good . “Sometimes wrong with our daughter “Sabrina said Olivia came by and took Sabrina hand. Dr. Lee came by. “What is going on with our daughter “Michael ask as Bobbie came by. “Lillian is going to need surgery on her skull it's starting to open, We didn't see it till now”Dr. Lee said “No my poor baby girl “Sabrina said “Sabrina I will make sure my great granddaughter is going to be fine I will be in the surgery room with her “Bobbie said “Thanks Grandmother “Michael said Dr. Lee and Bobbie went to take Lillian to surgery. “Sabrina, Why don't we have some tea”Olivia said she took Sabrina.

“Michael”Ned said “I'm scared for my daughter “Michael said “It is scary but Lillian is a Quartermaine remember that”Ned said “I will “Michael said

Sabrina and Olivia were sitting in the lobby waiting on news..”As a doctor I know this is serious but I'm not just a doctor here, I'm a mother “Sabrina said “Yes, I get that, You have to have hope”Olivia said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Thursday, September 28, 2017

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 41

“Sierra Cassadine “

At The Island-Sierra was pregnant and celebrated her birthday day with Luis. “Sierra, I have some new Ian gone you never have to worry about him anymore “Luis said “Where is he Daddy “Sierra ask “He gone that all you need to know it's just us and soon you're baby “Luis said “Yes”Sierra said she like Ian having someone to talk to she was having doubts about Luis and what he told Sierra about her family but she wanted to trust him too it was the only way she could survive this. “Happy Birthday Sierra, I remember the day I made you with you're mother I loved Skye, We sure of been together ,You're mother loved me too . Lorenzo stole Skye from me”Luis said “I believe you Daddy “Sierra said “You are a great daughter “Luis said

At Port Charles-Skye and Lorenzo house-Skye and Lorenzo came into the house. “I can't believe his moving on”Skye said “Skye, Let's just remembered our daughter tonight “Lorenzo said “You're right, We can look at pictures of Sierra “Skye said they sit down and look at pictures of Sierra as someone was outside watching them.

Inside -Skye and Lorenzo were sitting down on the couch. “I was wrong to blame you for what Luis did to me and I hated the rape but I keep thinking if it didn't of happened I would never have Sierra “Skye said “No, I'm sorry for what my brother did to you “Lorenzo said “I know”Skye said they share a kiss and made love.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 40

“Next generation of Quartermaine “

At General Hospital-Michael was in the hallway sitting down thinking and worrying about his daughter when AJ came into the hallway and sit by his son. “Dad,I been lying to my wife I have been so scared about having this baby, I just try to be strong for my wife “Michael said “It is scary when something happened you can't control but we will make sure this baby has everything she needs, No matter what”AJ said “Thanks Dad”Michael said

At Sabrina room-Sabrina was lying in bed worrying about her daughter when Bobbie came into the room. “Bobbie, Do you have a update on my daughter “Sabrina ask “No, I'm here as a friend “Bobbie said “I'm scared for my daughter I'm a doctor but I never heard of this disability and I just wish I could fix it”Sabrina said “I know sometimes even us doctors and nurse can't fix things , I know that Carly and Sierra are watching over both babies “Bobbie said “Babies “Sabrina ask “Yes Olivia had her son to”Bobbie said “That's great”Sabrina said

The nursery room-Olivia was in a wheelchair and Ned was by her. “Our son is perfect “Olivia said “Yes he is, Today is Sierra birthday day to”Ned said “I wish I know her”Olivia said “She was a lot like Skye “Ned said

At Lila Rae/Morgan-Lila Rae and Morgan bedroom-Morgan and Lila Rae were in bed making love. “I love you Lila Rae “Morgan said “I love you to Morgan “Lila Rae said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 39

“Next Generation Quartermaine “

At General Hospital-The Hallway-Monica and Alan and Bobbie and Morgan and Lila Rae and Lorenzo Jr and Skye and Lorenzo and AJ and Lydia and Tracy were their waiting on news about the babies when Michael and Ned came in. “I have some news, I have a daughter Lilian Carly, She in surgery right now for the feeding tube “Michael said “Michael she going to be just fine,”AJ said “Thanks Dad “Michael said “I have a son George Edward “Ned said “I'm happy for you and Olivia, We have a new generation of Quartermaine “Tracy said “Yes and they were both born on my daughter birthday day “Skye said “Yes, Sierra is their guardian angel “Ned said “Thanks Ned”Skye said Ned and Michael went back to their wife's. “I have some news, My Father has Alzheimer's “Monica said “No, What are you going to do”Skye ask “Take care of my father , My brother Tad is coming to town to help “Monica said “Tad Martin is coming to town? I haven't seen him in a long time “Skye said “A ex”Tracy ask. “Yes “Skye said

Lila Rae and Morgan were talking. “Morgan, I want to have another baby, What do you say “Lila Rae ask “I say yes”Morgan said they share a kiss.

At The Park-Grayson and Josslyn were in the park pushing the twins in their stroller and share a kiss as Skye and Lorenzo came by. “What the hell is going on! Lorenzo yelled “Josslyn, Sierra loved you like a sister and now you're with her husband! Yours hasn't been dead that long “Skye said “We both want to move on and we have a lot in common “Grayson said “Do you want to go to court again “Lorenzo ask “I have a right to move on. I loved you're daughter I was a great husband to Sierra but she died and I want to move on”Grayson said “Today her birthday, Do you have to move on today of all days “Skye ask Bliss was crying. Skye went and pick Bliss up. “Oh Bliss, I wish you're mother was here today to raise you and you're sister, I will always be their for both of you “Skye said “No matter what happened between Josslyn and I , I will not keep you both from the children “Grayson said “No you will not,”Lorenzo said Skye give Bliss to Grayson. “Sierra their mother not her “Skye said and left with Lorenzo. “That was fun”Josslyn said “Yea”Grayson said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

All Mixed up Part 5 ch 38

“Next Generation Quartermaine “
At General Hospital-Olivia room-Olivia was giving birth and Ned was holding her hand. “It's going to be okay, We are going to be just fine with our baby”Ned said “Yes we are,”Olivia said as she push again.

At Sabrina room-Sabrina was giving birth and Michael was holding her hand. “I love you Sabrina and we are going to be ok, We will deal with this together “Michael said as Sabrina delivered their baby. Dr. Lee pull out the baby girl. “How is the baby? Why isn't she crying “Sabrina ask the baby start to cry. “As soon as the baby is strong enough we will have to do surgery to put a feeding tube in her stomach, Then went she is three months old we will do surgery to reconstruct portions on her face “Dr. Lee said “Can I hold her first “Sabrina ask “Yes”Dr. Lee said Sabrina hold her baby girl. “She need a strong name “Michael said “How about Lillian Carly”Sabrina ask “I like that”Michael said “We need to take her to check her oxygen “Dr. Lee said Sabrina give Lillian to Dr. Lee and left and Sabrina cried and Michael pull her into a hug.

At Olivia room-Olivia was delivered her baby and Ned was holding her hand as out came their son. “Here is you're son”Dr Webber said as the baby cried. Dr. Webber give the baby to Olivia. “Hey, I'm you're mother and this is you're Daddy, We are going to be just fine”Olivia said “I have a name, How about George Edward “Ned ask “I like that”Olivia said “I need to take him so we can look over him”Dr. Webber said and left with the baby.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Monday, September 25, 2017

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 37

The next day-At Sabrina/Michael-Sabrina was getting dressed for the day when she felt her water break. “Michael, My water broke “Sabrina said “Alright, The children are at my parents house , Let's go”Michael said “I know we can do this”Sabrina said “Yes, Today is also Sierra birthday “Michael said they left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Ned and Olivia and Tracy were in the den having breakfast. “Looks like Dorian is our new Mayor”Tracy said “Ned, My water broke”Olivia said “Alright let’s go”Ned said “I will go with you it's going to be okay “Tracy said they left.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo went looking for Skye . “Skye “Lorenzo said as the maid came into the room, ,”Mrs. Alcazar is out”The maid said Lorenzo left.

At Grayson-Grayson was showing pictures of Sierra to the children. “I know you're both a baby but you're mother loved you so much, She would of been a great mother to both of you, But Sierra would want me to move on to”Grayson said as Josslyn came into the room.,”How are you doing “Josslyn ask “It's hard but it's time to move on”Grayson said

At The Quartermaine crypt-Skye was at her daughter gravestone. “Today is you're birthday it's my fault you died, I sure of never lied to you about who you're biological father is, I just want to spread you the pain”Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “Why didn't you tell me you want to come I would've join you “Lorenzo said “I just want alone time, It's my fault that Sierra is dead and I know you blame me too “Skye said ‘No I don't it was an accident that's all I don't blame you Skye you need to stop blaming yourself”Lorenzo said as Skye phone rang . “Skye Alcazar, Thanks AJ I will be right their”Skye said she hang up the phone . ,”Sabrina and Olivia are having their babies “Skye said “Two new life's coming into the world “Lorenzo said “Yes “Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 36

At The Quartermaine hotel-Dorian and Alexis victory party-Dorian and Paul and Blair and Todd and Jack and Kristina were their when Julian came by Alexis. “Congratulations “Julian said “Thanks “Alexis said “I know you're worrying about being around me but I'm not a criminal anymore I decided to do something else “Julian said “What's that”Alexis ask”I'm going to open an art gallery “Julian said “Do you paint “Alexis ask “No but it's for another artist “Julian said “I do want to try, I been so lonely lately “Alexis said “Me too, It's been a while “Julian said

Blair and Dorian we're talking. “So is this what you wanted ? Breaking up with David and marrying Paul and become Mayor of this town? A town you didn't grow up in”Blair ask “Yes a new start, I'm happy can't you be happy for me ’Dorian ask”I'm”Blair said “How is Starr”Dorian ask “Not good I'm worrying about Starr”Blair said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye was sitting down on the couch looking at pictures of Sierra when Lorenzo came in and sit by Skye. “I miss our daughter too”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, I wish I didn't push you away in our first marriage I sure of let you in and I'm sorry “Skye said “We both were in the wrong “Lorenzo said “Yes”Skye said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up Part 5 ch 35

“Port Charles New Mayor”
At The Headquarters-Dorian and Alexis took the stage and accepted the nomination. “Thanks for election me as you're mayor “Dorian said with Paul by her side and Alexis. “We will make this town safe from criminal and for everyone in this town and I promise to be the best mayor for everyone in this town the rich and poor “, We broke that glass ceiling “Dorian said everyone clap.

AT The Headquarters of Jackson and Mac-Jackson and Mac were on stage. “Thanks for supporting me, I called Dorian Lord and I have concession, We need to support Dorian and make sure she does well for this town, I want to thank my champion manager Felicia Jones Scorpio and My roommate Mac Scorpio  ”Jackson said

At The Quartermaine hotel-Skye was in the lobby reading her text when she ran into a woman. “Sorry “Skye said as she look up and saw Althea. “Althea , I thought you left town”Skye said “I'm sorry I hurt you , I had to come back we have a lot to deal with “Althea said “Yes we do, Maybe we should deal with it together I went to therapy today and it help”Skye said “Good, I'm sorry for hurting you “Althea said “Maybe it's best if you stay here awhile we deal with everything “Skye said “Yes”Althea said

At The Park -Lila Rae and Lorenzo were sitting watching Grace play. “Thanks Lila Rae, I need this,”Lorenzo said “I can tell, What is going on”Lila Rae ask “I thought my mother was dead but she been hiding and being a mother to Julian and having a secret job “Lorenzo said “Secrets job”Lila Rae ask “My mother work for the CIA “Lorenzo said “Oh”Lila Rae said “Tomorrow you're sister birthday “Lorenzo said “I know Daddy “Lila Rae said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up part 5 ch 34

“My Mother’s Secret”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was home talking to Tea and Mateo. “I have a feeling about why mother is back right after Julian got out of jail “Tea said “You think our mother had something to do with that”Lorenzo ask “Yes, How else would Julian get out of this? I saw the evidence the cops had on Julian “Tea said Mateo and Lorenzo shared a look. “Tea, Lorenzo and I have protected from the CIA and I'm sure Julian does too”Mateo said as Juanita came into the room. “Yes, That's how I saved you're brother, I work for the CIA “Juanita said “Since when”Tea ask “After I left you're father I start my own independent life, I'm a powerful woman “Juanita said “So that's why the CIA has protected us “Lorenzo ask “Yes, I have been taking care of my sons”Juanita said “We don't need you're help , We never had “Lorenzo said “Yes you do”Juanita said as Lila Rae came in with Grace. “Daddy, What's going on “Lila Rae ask “Lila Rae,This is my mother Juanita, This is my oldest daughter Lila Rae and her daughter Grace,”Lorenzo said “You are very beautiful, I know I have hurt everyone but I want to try again “Juanita said and left. “Daddy, Are you okay”Lila Rae ask,”I will be fine, What can I do for you “Lorenzo ask “We thought you would want to go to the park or something “Lila Rae ask “That's a great idea, We will deal with this later”Tea said Lorenzo pick up Grace . “You look like you're mother and Aunt Sierra “Lorenzo said “I miss Aunt Sierra “Grace said “Me too”Lorenzo said they left.

At The Headquarters of Dorian /Alexis Dorian and Alexis were their with Blair and Todd and Starr and Jack and Kristina..”We have the result “The man said

At The Headquarters of Jackson and Mac-Jackson and Mac and Felicia and Bobbie and Kendall and Bianca were there “We have the result “The man said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up Part 5 ch 33

At The Quartermaine hotel-Vicki and Rick were having lunch together. “How is Starr”Rick ask “Not good I don't know what to do to help her “Vicki said “Their noting that you can do besides be their for her”Rick said “Yes”Vicki said “I have been enjoying our time together “Rick said “Me too”Vicky said as Rae and Skye came into the room and Rae look at Rick.

Rae and Skye sit down at a table. “Mother, Do you have feelings for Rick still “Skye ask “I thought I was over Rick but now that his back in town , It's coming back to me”Rae said “Well it looks like Vicki is moving in,So what are you going to do”Skye ask “I'm not going to do anything, Maybe Rick and I are not meant to be”Rae said “Mother, You can't give up . I do regret giving up on Lorenzo the first time though Ric was a great husband and father “Skye said “Yea, So what else did you talk about with Kevin”Rae ask “Althea always had men over and one of the men she had over Valentin raped me”Skye said as she cried and Rae wipe her tears. “I'm sorry, I wish I know I would of saved you “Rae said ‘I wish someone did, Althea though I was lying “Skye said “Is Althea in town still “Rae ask “No I ask her to leave after she attack me ”Skye said “I'm sorry “Rae said “I sure of know she would hurt me”Skye said “I wish I could of stop her from taking you”Rae said “Me too, She hurt both of us”Skye said “Yes she did”Rae said

At Vicki and Rick table-”Do you still love Rae “Vicki ask “I was the one who fought for our marriage,Rae walk away she give up so I'm “Rick said “Is this going anywhere “Vicki ask “I hope so”Rick said “Me too, I'm ready to move on from my late husband I loved him but it's time for me to move on”Vicki said “For both of us”Rick said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up Part 5 ch 32

At General Hospital-Skye came out of Dr. Collins office when Rae came by. “Skye, Did you talk to Kevin “Rae ask “Yes. I talk to Kevin about my childhood “Skye said “How did it go”Rae ask “Good , I have a lot I need to deal with but I'm going to face them”Skye said “You are not alone in this,”Rae said “Thanks, Do you want to get some lunch “Skye ask “Sure”Rae said

At Joe’s room-Joe was lying in the bed awake when Monica came into the room and took his hand.”Dad , I know we just came into each other life but I want to help you I love you Dad”Monica said she kiss his hand.

At The Cassadine Jet-Nikolas and Courtney and Hayden were on the jet..”I'm sorry about the past maybe I was wrong to take our son from you but Spencer had a great childhood with Hayden and his brother “Nikolas said “I loved Spencer as my own son , According to Grayson he think I loved Spencer more but it's not true I loved both my sons “Hayden said “I can tell that you loved my son, I just want to know how”Courtney said “We all want answers “Nikolas said “How dangerous is this Valentin “Hayden ask “More dangerous then my own father “Nikolas said “Wow”Courtney said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up part 5 ch 31

“Healing from the past”
At General Hospital-Dr.Collins office-Skye was talking to Kevin. “So you found out that you're adoption Mother is alive “Kevin ask “Yes, Althea wasn't a good mother she hit me and would drink all the time and had men over nasty men”Skye said “Did one hurt you,”Kevin ask “Yes”Skye said as she cried. “Do you want to talk about it,”Kevin ask “I was a teenager, I remember the smell of him and his name it was a unique name Valentin, He raped me”Skye said as she cried. “Did you tell Althea”Kevin ask “Yes but she didn't believe me she say I most of want it , I try to call my father but he didn't have time for me”Skye said “So what did you do”Kevin ask “I buried it , I think that's why I have a hard time trusting men till now”Skye said “Yes it could be,Do you trust Lorenzo “Kevin ask “Yes , I wish we work it out in our first marriage but I was kidnap by Luis who raped me and I ended up pregnant with Sierra and instead of dealing with it I blame my husband “Skye said “Have you let it go”Kevin ask “Yes, I'm glad I came here I want to deal with this by not drinking and getting help”Skye said “I'm glad you came to see me and I want to help you “Kevin said “Thanks “Skye said

In the hallway-Monica and Alan we're talking. “Tad is on his way, Alan I want to help my father “Monica said “We will”Alan said they share a hug.

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas was in the den with Hayden when a man came into the room with a file. “I know who played with the plane “The man said he give Nikolas the file who read it and Hayden walk the man out. “Who killed our son?Hayden ask as Courtney came into the room. “Who killed our son? Courtney ask “My crazy Uncle Valentin”Nikolas said “Where is he”Hayden ask “At The Cassadine island “Nikolas said “Let's go and bring him here”Hayden said “It's not going to be easy “Nikolas said “Who care I want justice for my son”Courtney said “Me too “Hayden said “I'll call the jet”Nikolas said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up Part 5 ch 30

At a house-Richard and Emma were their in hiding and hated it when their was a knock on the door Emma look outside and open the door it was Anna. “Grandmother “Emma said as Richard came into the room. “Anna, Why are you here”Richard ask “I have some news you can come home it's fixed you're cover”Anna said “What about Julian “Richard ask “Unfortunately he walk but you can take my word that it's safe”Anna said “I hope so , I want to come home but I do love my job “Emma said “Me too”Richard said “You both can still work for the WSB “Anna said “Good, Let's go home “Emma said

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo and Skye came into the house. “Lorenzo “Skye said “I just can't believe that I have say goodbye to two of my children “Lorenzo said “I know and I want to take you're pain away “Skye said “Sierra birthday is tomorrow “Lorenzo said “I know, I will always miss her”Skye said “Me too and my son “Lorenzo said they share a hug.

At General Hospital-Joe room-Monica was running test on Joe when Alan came in. “What's going on”Alan ask “Dad rest”Monica said she went into the hallway with Alan. “I think my Dad has Alzheimer's “Monica said “I'm sorry but we can help him”Alan said “Yes we can”Monica said they share a hug as Patrick came by. “Dr. Quartermaine. I have you're test results back for Dr. Martin “Patrick said Monica open the file and read it. “My Dad does have Alzheimer's, I sure call his other Children ‘Monica said she left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Sunday, September 24, 2017

All Mixed up Part 5 ch 29

“Saying Goodbye “

At The Park-Ramon funeral-Lorenzo and Skye and Michael and Sabrina and Lorenzo Jr and Lila Rae and Morgan and Josslyn and Bobbie and John were their and the cops as they had Ramon funeral. Lorenzo got up. “I remember when Carly told me she was pregnant, I care for Carly but it wasn't love but I was so happy to have a another child, Ramon was a wonderful boy he saved Carly and I from ourselves and he saved a child in the end my son died a hero”Lorenzo said he sit down next to Skye and took her hand. Lorenzo Jr got up. “I'm sorry that I wasn't a good brother to you Ramon, I loved you and how you look up to me but I didn't treat you fair “Lorenzo Jr said he sit down as Bobbie got up, “Ramon loved Carly so much he would follow Carly when he was a little boy and now they are together “Bobbie said she sit down and the color guard start to play and then handed Lorenzo a American flag.

At Starr-Starr look around her place she was feeling lost and didn't know what to do and left.

At The Quartermaine mansion-Monica was in the den alone as Joe came into the room, “Dad, How was you're nap”Monica ask “Who are you “Joe ask “Dad I'm you're daughter Monica “She said “Where I'm “Joe ask “New York , Port Charles, Why don't we go for a walk”Monica ask she had a feeling Joe was getting Alzheimer's.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 28

“Election Day”
At Dorian/Alexis headquarters-It was all set up for election night. Dorian and Alexis came into the room. “Tonight we find out if I'm mayor of Port Charles, This was important to me but now with Starr and Hope it doesn't seem to matter “Dorian said “I understand but if you're in power you can do something in honor of Hope “Alexis said “I will”Dorian said as Paul came by. “Dorian, Darling we will win this “Paul said “Yes I believe we will “Dorian said

At Jackson/Max headquarters it was all set up for election night when Max and Jackson came into the room. “Jackson, How are you doing “Max ask “A mess”Jackson said “Are you should about this “Max ask “Yes”Jackson said Felicia came into the room. “We are going to have a great night “Felicia said “Yes”Jackson said

At Starr-Tea and Victor and Vicki and Blair and Sam and Todd and Dani and Jack. “Starr, How are you doing “Tea ask “Not good sometimes I get angry at Erica for ruining my life “Starr said “You sure talk to someone it's not good for all that anger “Tea said “I know, I'm glad you're all here but I want to be alone “Starr said “Are you sure”Vicki ask “Yes”Starr said everyone left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 27

“The Hardest word is Goodbye”
The next day-At St.Ann-Hope funeral-Starr and Blair and Todd and Victor and Tea and Sam and Dorian and Vicky  were their supporting Starr as Jack and Dani came in. “Starr, We are sorry”Dani said “Thanks for coming “Starr said “We are family “Jack said as Kendall and Bianca came in the church. “Why are you here? Hasn't you're mother done enough to my daughter? Blair ask “We just want to sent our condolences that's all”Kendall said “You can stay”Starr said everyone sit down as the father came up. “We are here to say goodbye to a little girl who sure still be here today but maybe God has other plans “The father said Starr got up. “I was just a teenager when I became pregnant with Hope I was so scared and for a while she was taken from me, But we found each other again she my Hope”Starr said Vicky got up. “Our family isn't perfect it's dysfunctional but Hope was the best of all of us and a part of us she will live on “Vicky said Bianca got up and Todd was about to get up but Blair stop him, “I'm so sorry for what my mother did, I wish I could bring Hope back to you and I can't and nothing can ease you're pain”Bianca said She sit down, Blair got up. “I loved Hope I loved being a Grandmother to her”Blair said as she stared to sing and Jack and Todd and Victor carrying the casket out as Starr cried.

At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was on the phone. “That's not what I want to heard”Lorenzo said as John and Bobbie came in and Lorenzo hang up the phone. “Lorenzo, We are here to plan our grandson funeral “Bobbie said “It's all ready done, I plan it this morning it will be today “Lorenzo said “Today? You could of told us”John said “I was going to call you , Tomorrow is Sierra birthday day and I don't want it on that day “Lorenzo said “What time “Bobbie ask “At ten at the park “Lorenzo said “I want Ramon buried by Carly “Bobbie said “I agree “Lorenzo said “See you then”Bobbie said John and Bobbie left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 26

At Tea/Victor-Victor and Tea came into the house. Tea was in shock by news that her mother was alive. “Tea”Victor said “The last time I saw my mother I was only five years old I don't remember much about mother and Daddy together it was hard to grow up with only brothers and a father “Tea said “Are you happy about Juanita “Victor ask “It's odd that Julian gets set free and my mother come home after all this time “Tea said “You think you're mother help you're brother out of his legal problems? But how”Victor ask “I don't know but I'm going to fine out”Tea said “I'll help you I don't want you to be stress”Victor said “Thanks “Tea said

At Mateo/Gabriel-Mateo was looking at a picture of Juanita. “I know you are up to something mother”Mateo said to himself.

At The Island-Sierra was outside walking when Ian came by and kiss her. “Sierra marry me”Ian ask

At Port Charles-Starr house-Starr was looking at a picture of Hope. “Tomorrow we have you're funeral, I'm going to miss you my baby”Starr said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

Saturday, September 23, 2017

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 25

“Mother’s and Another mystery”
At The rehabilitation center-Erica had just arrived with Jackson and Kendall and Bianca and Zack. “I'm sorry for the hurt I cause all of you and mostly Starr but I want to stop drinking and I will “Erica said ‘We will come visit you “Bianca said “No, I want everyone to move on from their lives while I'm away “Erica said “Erica “Jackson said “Jackson if to save you're career you have to divorce me then do it”Erica said “We will figure out our marriage when you come back “Jackson said “Mother it's going to be okay “Kendall said as the doctor came by. “It's time to go”The doctor said Jackson kiss Erica goodbye and they left.

At Kate house-Kate was on the phone with someone. “I miss you to and soon you can come back “Kate said and hang up the phone.

At Lorenzo and Skye's-Lorenzo and Skye came into the house and Lorenzo pour drink. “Do you want to talk about it”Skye ask “My mother isn't a sweet mother who made homemade cookies she wasn't innocent like Tea like to believe “Lorenzo said “Tea was just a little girl wasn't she before you're mother left”Skye ask,”Yes just five but I remember everything “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, Let me in I don't want our marriage to be like our last one where we shut each other “Skye said “I don't want that either,My mother is a good manipulation and control “Lorenzo said “Sounds like Althea “Skye said “They are both alike”Lorenzo said “Yea, Lorenzo how are you feeling about Ramon”Skye ask “I failed Ramon he only went into the war because I didn't trust him to run the business with our son “Lorenzo said “You didn't fail you're son”Skye said “Let's go to bed”Lorenzo said they went upstairs.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 24

“Mother’s know best “
At The Quartermaine hotel-Lorenzo and Skye and Ava and Julian and Mateo and Tea and Victor were there celebrating Julian freedom when a older women came by.”So we are all finally together “The older women said as everyone look at her and was shocked by it. “Mother “Lorenzo said as he got up and touch her face. “Yes Lorenzo it's me”Juanita said “How”Lorenzo ask “Mother “Tea said as she cried. “My beautiful daughter “Juanita said “Please explains to us what is going on”Mateo said “Mateo always right to the point ,,It's a long story but after you're father try to kill me I ask Victor Jerome to help me hide and I got to be with our son Julian, I didn't want to leave you Lorenzo and Tea and Mateo but I had to it was the only way to keep me safe from you're father Javier want to kill me”Juanita said “You did betrayal father “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo “Skye said “Who are you “Juanita ask “This is my wife Skye, I can't deal with this right now my son just died and I have to buried another child , Let's go “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo I'm sorry and I know you have a lot to deal with and you're angry but you're my son and I love you, I want to get to know you again and you're family “Juanita said Lorenzo and Skye left.

“Tea, Are you angry too”Juanita ask “No I miss you Mother I even use you're last name at work “Tea said “What do you do”Juanita ask “I'm a lawyer, This is my husband Victor, I have a older daughter and we are having a baby “Tea said “I'm happy for you both”Juanita said “I want to get to know you ‘Tea said “I would like that too”Juanita said “Mother, Why are you back after all this time “Mateo ask Juanita look at Julian. “It's time that's all”Juanita said “I need to go home to my wife “Mateo said and left. “We sure go home too”Victor said Tea and Victor and Mateo left. Juanita touch Julian face. “Julian, I got you out of this mess “Juanita said “Thanks Mother “Julian said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 23

At The Courthouse-Julian bail hearing-Julian was their with his lawyer Nora and Ava..”We are going to get you out of this”Nora said as Mateo came by. “Brother I'm here to support you “Mateo said as Lorenzo and Skye and Tea came by. “Julian, We are here to support you “Lorenzo said “Yes,Nora is a good lawyer not as good as me but you're in good hands “Tea said “Thanks Tea”Nora said they went inside and Paul was their as the Judge came into the room. “You're honor we have proof that Julian Jerome is a drug trafficker “Paul said ‘“Where's you're evidence “The Judge ask as Paul went to look for the evidence. “You're honor it's been misplaced “Paul said “Do you have a case or not? The Judge ask “Yes we do”Paul said “You're honor now that the DA has lose the evidence maybe we should close the case “Nora said “You're honor I will find the evidence “Paul said “Case closed”The judge said it was dismissed. “Let's go celebrate “Julian said “Everyone “Lorenzo ask “Yes , We sure get to know each other “Julian said he look at Ava.

At The another courtroom-Erica bail hearing-Liza and Erica and Jackson and Bianca and Kendall and Zack were there and Starr and Blair and Todd and Vicki and Victor and Paul were their. “You're honor Mrs. Kane isn't a risk to society “Liza said “Bail is sent to ten million dollars “The judges said “Thanks “Erica said Jackson came by. “Erica “Jackson said as Bianca and Kendall came by and support Erica. Starr was watching them as Blair came by. “Starr, What is it”Blair ask “Erica ask me if she could just go to rehabilitate I say no but maybe it's for the best both families are hurting over this”Starr said “Are you sure “Blair ask “Yes”Starr said as Paul came by. “What's going on”Paul ask “I want to make a deal with Erica she goes to rehabilitate “Starr said “Are you sure”Paul ask as Todd and Victor and Vicky came by. “I want to make a deal”Starr said “Alright “Paul said “Starr . Are you sure”Todd ask “Yes, none of this will bring back my daughter “Starr said

Paul went to talk to Liza. “We have a deal”Liza said she left and went to talk to Erica. “Starr is willing to make a deal , Rehabilitation “Liza said “That's great “Kendall said “Yes but it couldn't bring back that little baby”Erica said as Todd came by. “You got off easy “Todd said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 22

At Michael/Sabrina-Michael and Sabrina were home with their children Avery and Alan Jr. “I have some sad news your uncle Ramon dead he was saving children in the war “Michael said “That's sad”Avery said “Yes it is”Alan Jr said “Yes, Uncle Ramon loved you both “Michael said “Yes he did, Do you have any questions “Sabrina ask “No “Alan Jr said “I'm sorry Daddy “Avery said “Thanks “Michael said

At Grayson-Grayson was playing with his daughter's when Hayden came into the room. “Grayson,,We need to talk”Hayden said “About what”Grayson ask “About you're feeling towards Josslyn, It has to stop “Hayden said “Why? Just because she my sister in law? Josslyn and I have a right to move on and we will “Grayson said “This isn't about you're feelings towards Josslyn, You have always been jealous of you're brother “Hayden said “The only thing I was jealous about is the love you feel towards Spencer, You loved him more then me”Grayson said “That's not true, I love both my sons I just hardly told you both how I feel it's who I'm and I'm sorry you feel that way, Grayson you are still in love with you're wife you will always love Sierra “Hayden said Grayson walk toward the fireplace and look at the wedding picture of him and Sierra. “Sierra isn't coming back and I want to move on, Not just for myself but for my girls “Grayson said “I still believe you're making a mistake “Hayden said and left.

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas was on the phone working when Courtney came into the room and Nikolas hang up the phone. “Why are you back “Nikolas ask “For my son funeral!! I sure of been back a long time ago! Spencer is my son and you let you're new wife adopted him! Courtney yelled “You we're going to take my son all over the world! I would of never saw Spencer again! I did what I had to do you could of stay in town! It was you're choice to leave! And not fight me !Nikolas yelled “I want to know why the plane went down “Courtney said “Me too, I’ m looking into it “Nikolas said “I want to look with you it's my son “Courtney said “Fine”Nikolas said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up Part 5 ch 21

“Is Sierra alive”
At The Quartermaine crypt Lorenzo came in and touch Sierra graystone “You’re brother died today, I wasn't a good father to Ramon “Lorenzo said as Tea came in. “Lorenzo, I heard about Ramon I'm sorry “Tea said “How did you find me”Lorenzo ask “Skye though you would be here”Tea said “Yea “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, What is it”Tea ask “Skye adoption mother told me something that Sierra is alive and I don't know what to do sure I tell Skye? What if it's a lie? Lorenzo ask “Why would she lied about it”Tea ask,”To hurt Skye she abused Skye all her life”Lorenzo said “Did you see Sierra body “Tea ask “No it was to damage to see her”Lorenzo said as Alan came in. “Lorenzo, I'm sorry about you're son, What did you need “Alan ask “Althea told me that Sierra is alive, I need to look in my daughter grave to see if her body is out their “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo, You can't trust Althea, Are you should you want to see Sierra body “Alan ask “Yes”Lorenzo said the groundskeeper came into the crypt. “Can you open my granddaughter Sierra casket “Alan ask he pull out the casket.

At The Park-Skye was watching the children playing when Rae came by..”Skye,Are you okay “Rae ask “No it's Althea she attack me “Skye said “Oh no I'm sorry, I wish I know about my sister, We were both the victim here “Rae said “Yes we are, I do wish you saved me, Did you know Althea was unbalanced “Skye ask “No”Rae said “I do know that I need to deal with the past but now my husband needs me, Ramon died”Skye said “I'm sorry, But you do need to deal with this”Rae said “I will,It's been hard not to drink”Skye said “I'm here for you “Rae said

At The Quartermaine crypt Alan and Lorenzo and Tea were there as The groundskeepers pull out Sierra casket and open it to fine Sierra body and the face had scar on it .Lorenzo touch his face he was hoping that Sierra was alive he kneed down to the casket. “Sierra, I'm sorry that I disturb you, I love you and miss you everyday “Lorenzo said he touch Sierra face and the groundskeeper put the casket back as Skye walk into the crypt. “What is going on? Why was Sierra grave opened “Skye ask as she walk by Lorenzo. “The gravestone need to be clean that's all”Lorenzo said “Oh, Lorenzo are you okay “Skye ask “Not really, Let's go home “Lorenzo said they left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed Up part 5 ch 20

“A Solder down”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Lorenzo was home looking at a picture of Sierra wondering if she was out there and if he sure tell Skye about what Althea told him when Skye came into the house. “Lorenzo “Skye said “How was the baby shower “Lorenzo ask “It was great”Skye said as the maid came into the room with a man who was from the army. “Mr and Mrs Alcazar, I have some news about you're son Ramon , Sir he was a great soldier but he died doing a job he loved “The man said “My son is dead”Lorenzo ask “Yes I'm sorry but you sure be proud of him we will take his body to the hospital “The man said “How did my son die”Lorenzo ask “Ramon was trying to save children from Isis  and they shot him, When Ramon was shot he say that at least he saved children since he failed his mother and sister “The man said “Thanks you “Skye said the man handle Lorenzo a bag. ‘This is all Ramon belong “The man said he give it to Lorenzo and left. “Lorenzo “Skye said “My son is gone the one I had with Carly, I lose another child “Lorenzo said “I'm sorry but think that Ramon died a hero “Skye said “Yes he did, I sure go to the hospital “Lorenzo said “I'll go with you, I'm here for you “Skye said they left.

At General Hospital-Bobbie was working when Liz came by. “Bobbie I have some new about you're grandson Ramon “Liz said “What is it”Bobbie ask “Ramon is dead, His body is here Liz said as Skye and Lorenzo and Michael and Josslyn and Morgan came into the hallway. “I can't believe our brother is gone “Josslyn said “Ramon died a hero he saved a child from Isis ”Lorenzo said “Yes he was a hero”Morgan said “I'll take you to see him”Liz said they left.

In the room-Ramon body was lying on the bed when Lorenzo came in. Lorenzo touch him. ‘’My son I loved you so much, You died a hero we will not forget that”Lorenzo said he kiss his son goodbye and cried as Josslyn and Lila Rae and Morgan and Lorenzo Jr and Michael and Bobbie came in. “We loved you brother you were a great little brother “Lila Rae said “Yes you were you're now with Mother and Sierra,We miss you all”Michael said “I loved you little brother “Morgan said ‘You were a great grandson “Bobbie said she kiss him as Lucas came into the room. “Ramon I wish I could of saved you,”Lucas said “Be with Carly now”Bobbie said Lorenzo was upset and went into the hallway and took a breath as Skye came by and hug him.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

All Mixed up part 5 ch 19

At The Quartermaine mansion-Olivia baby shower-Monica and Tracy and Skye and Kristina and Brooklyn and Katie and Sabrina and Audrey were their. “Olivia, Lila Rae want to be here but she had to be with Grace”Skye said “I understand Last night was so sad “Olivia said “Yes it was as a doctor I never seen anything like that and I hope I never do”Monica said “Yes, I guess Erica was drinking “Skye said “Anyway let's opening gifts”Tracy said

At The Police Station-Erica was in the room when Starr came into the room. “Starr, I'm sorry about you're daughter I was drinking and I need help not jail time I need to go to rehab “Erica said “You want me to let you wake away from this! Since I came to town I lost my husband and now daughter! I'm sorry but I can't “Starr said and left as Liza came in. “No deal”Erica said “Looks like we are going to trial”Liza said

At Dorian/Paul house-Dorian was talking to her campaign manager “We have a lot to do with the debate that's coming I want to be running “Dorian said as Alexis came in.”Alexis, I'm glad your here we have work to do”Dorian said “Yes we do, I have a feeling we can win this “Alexis said “After last night we have to”Dorian said

At Nikolas/Hayden-Nikolas and Hayden were sitting on the couch. “I was so scared I would lose you,”Hayden said “Never,,I'm sorry about our son and I will find out who took him away from us”Nikolas said ‘I was so scared to lose both you and our boys”Hayden said “So Grayson has been running the empire “Nikolas ask “Yes his doing a great job “Hayden said

Copyright by Skye's the limit