Tuesday, January 9, 2018

All The Love We Give Part 3 ch 47

At The Police station-Josslyn was talking to Paul about why she sent the fire. “Why did you set the fire “Paul ask as Tea came into the room. “My client will not say anything without me”Tea said “That's fine “Paul said “I set the fire because I disagree with Piper turn into a man. I don't want that around my son, Or anyone in the community but now I'm sorry “Josslyn said “You could of killed someone “Paul said “But she didn't, Now what are you going to change my client with”Tea said “Arson and attempted murder. You are looking at ten to twenty years, Say goodbye to you're son”Paul said and left. “I'm in trouble “Josslyn said “Yes you are,”Tea said

At Bobbie/John-Bobbie was pouring coffee when there was a knock on the door she opened it was Michael and Morgan.  “Grandmother, Josslyn is in trouble “Michael said “What did she do”Bobbie ask as John came into the room. “Josslyn was the one who set the fire “Michael said “She was arrested tonight “Morgan said “No, This isn't going to be good “Bobbie said “We will help Josslyn “John said “Yes we will “Bobbie said They left.

At Hayden/Nikolas-Hayden was looking at pictures of her sons when Laura came into the room. “Hayden. something happened tonight that you need to know about “Laura said “What is it “Hayden ask “Josslyn was arrested tonight, She set the fire “Laura said “No, Spencer Jr”Hayden said “This isn't going to be good “Laura said “No”Hayden said

At The Police station-Tracy had just came into the police station and pick up her phone. “AJ, Their is something you need to know “Tracy said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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