Tuesday, January 9, 2018

All The Love We Give Part 3 ch 49

At The Police station-Tracy was talking to Paul. “How much evidence do you have on Josslyn? I want her down for this “Tracy said “Tracy, This is my first big case and I'm going to make sure she goes down for this “Paul said “That's what I want to heard “Tracy said as Monica and Alan came into the Police station. “Tracy, What are you doing “Alan ask “Making sure Josslyn goes down for this! I could of lose my son! My Grandchildren! Tracy yelled Monica hug Tracy. “Tracy, I understand you're upset we all are”Alan said “We can't let Josslyn get away with this “Tracy said as Hayden came into the Police station. “I would like to talk to my daughter in law “Hayden said “Are you going to help Josslyn out of this “Tracy ask “I just want to talk to Josslyn about this and my grandson”Hayden said Tracy got a idea about how to hurt Josslyn.  “You can go see Josslyn “Paul said Hayden left.

Josslyn was talking to Bobbie and John and Michael and Morgan. “I'm worrying about my son”Josslyn said as Hayden came into the room. “Josslyn “Hayden said “I did it”Josslyn said “Why? Didn't you think about you're son? Hayden ask “I did it for my son, This was for Spencer and all the children “Josslyn said

Lorenzo and Skye came into the Police station. “I hope you both don't help Josslyn, I want her destroy and I will get it”Tracy said and left. “Paul”Lorenzo said “Their no way Josslyn can get out of this “Paul said as Tea came by, “I'm going to be Josslyn lawyer and I never lose a case “Tea said “Their a first time for anything! Paul said and left. “Tea, How does it look “Lorenzo ask “Not good “Tea said

“Does AJ knows”Skye ask “Not yet, This isn't going to be good “Alan said “No it's not”Monica said

Paul went to talk to Josslyn. “It's time to go to you're cell”Paul said “I will check on Spencer “Bobbie said “Thanks “Josslyn said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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