Friday, January 12, 2018

All The Love We Give Part 4 ch 6

At Alexis-Alexis and Julian just wake up in each arms. “How do you feel “Julian ask “Great, It was wonderful, But I need to go”Alexis said she got up. “Where are you going “Julian ask “I need to see Nikolas, He needs me”Alexis said as she got dress. “You need to slow down “Julian said “I need to get my life back “Alexis said Julian got dress too. “I understand that”Julian said “Thanks, I will walk you out”Alexis said they left.

At AJ-AJ was at home with Peter. “This whole fire is my fault “Peter said “No it's not , You have a right to be yourself, This is all Josslyn fault”AJ said “I just want all this pain to end”Peter said “Me too”AJ said

At Nikolas/Hayden They were talking. “Nikolas, I'm worrying we are going to lose another son, That Police crash chance our son life”Hayden said “Yes it did, We will not lose our son and we will find out what happened to him”Nikolas said “I hope we can raise Spencer! His been spending so much time with Bobbie “Hayden said as Alexis came into the room. “Alexis, It's so good to see you sure be resting “Nikolas said “I'm getting my life back and I want to help you with the custody case “Alexis said “Scotty are lawyers, You need to just relax “Nikolas said “Nikolas, You know me I don't relax, I need my work “Alexis said “I can see you're passion about this, All right, You can be our lawyer “Nikolas said “Thanks, How is Grayson “Alexis ask “It doesn't look good “Hayden said “Grayson will be fine”Nikolas said and left. “My husband is in denial “Hayden said “Nikolas is just dealing with this his own way “Alexis said “Yes”Hayden said

At The Park-Sierra was sitting on the bench crying about Grayson when Ava came by with her daughter..”Sierra, Are you okay”Ava ask “No, I miss my husband, I may lose him”Sierra said Ava hug Sierra.

At Courtney house-Courtney was looking at a picture of Spencer when he was young. “I got my revenge on you're death, Now for phase two”Courtney said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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