Thursday, October 29, 2015

You were mine part 3 ch 20 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At General hospital~ Dr Kelly office~ Skye was there. "Skye we have your test result back the baby has Down syndrome I'm sorry"Dr Kelly said "I'm going to still keep this baby, Do you know the sex"Skye ask "Yes it's a boy, While done I leave and give you some time"Dr Kelly said and left. Skye cried as Alan came in. "Skye what is it"Alan ask "The baby has Down Syndrome"Skye said “What are you going to do"Alan ask "Keep my son"Skye said

At The Quartermaine hotel~ Mike room~ He was drinking brandy and holding a picture of Caprice. "You all will pay for what you did"Mike said

At Alistair/Caprice~ Bedroom~ After making love Caprice know it was now different between them she pull away from Alistair and start to cry. Alistair hear her cry . "Sorry Darling but it's different now"Alistair said to Caprice who was now sleeping.

The next day~Alistair/ Caprice. Alistair was at work and Caprice was getting the boys ready for school. "Mama"Alistair Jr said "Yes oh my boys I'm going to do right by you I love you both so much and this baby"Caprice said the nanny came in. "I'll take the boys to school"The nanny said "Thank you"Caprice said she kiss her sons goodbye and Caprice text Adam Jr to meet her.

At Skye~ Alexis came in. "Alexis what do you want"Skye ask "I want to see if you need anything I think Jax would want me to look after you"Alexis said "That's very sweet of you"Skye said there was a knock on the door it was a delivery man. "Mrs' Jacks the man ask "Yes that's me"Skye said "I have a deliver for you"The man said "Yes my baby crib"Skye said she sign for it and the man left. "Now I have to put all this together alone again"Skye said "Your not alone"Alexis said "I know I love raise Caprice but I wish Jax was there raise our daughter together with me and now at my age and the baby"Skye said "Is something wrong with the baby"Alexis ask "Yes the baby has down Syndrome but I'm going to keep him I will make sure he has the best"Skye said "Yes and your son will he has doctors to help him to"Alexis said "Yes now I need to get his room ready 'Skye said "I can help you if you want"Alexis said "I would love it"Skye said

You were mine part 3 ch 19 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At the Quartermaine hotel~ Skye table~Alistair and Caprice came by. "Mother I'm sorry I'm late"Caprice said "It's okay sweetheart"Skye said "I will leave you both to your gossip"Alistair said he help Caprice with her chair and left. "What is going on we don't have a lunch date"Skye ask "No your my alibi I just came from a meeting to destroy Alistair and Josslyn"Caprice said "Oh no, You just remind me of myself"Skye said "Well it's time I act like you"Caprice said "You take off after Lila and your father"Skye said "Yes mother but I'm sick of getting hurt"Caprice said "Just be careful I don't want you to get hurt, Who helping you with this"Skye ask As AJ came by. "No AJ"Skye said "Mother please Alistair is over there"Caprice said "Find 'Skye said Alistair came by. "Caprice are you done, I would like to go home and talk"Alistair said "Sure"Caprice said they left."AJ what are you get my daughter into"Skye ask "I just remind Caprice that she is your daughter"AJ said "I'm worry about this Caprice could lose her children"Skye said "We will not let that happened"AJ said "I always thought Alistair was a perfect man for my daughter I help him get Caprice"Skye said "How"AJ ask "It doesn't matter"Skye said

At Kate~ Mac and Lucky came in there was box everywhere and a note on the table."Kate is gone"Mac said "This isn't good"Lucas said "No it' not"Mac said

At General hospital~ Page was make a note on a file when Daniel came by. "Your new"Daniel said "Kind of my name is Dr Page Quartermaine-Smith"Page said "Dr O'riley
He said "I read your book about coma patience It's great"Page said "Thank you"Daniel said as Skye came by. "Mother why are you here"Daniel ask "I have a checkup with Dr. Kelly"Skye said "Would you like to go with you"Daniel ask "No I will be fine"Skye said
At Alistair/Caprice~ They were home. "Caprice whatever happens between us I don't want the children to get hurt"Alistair said "Me either,You don't love me anymore do you"Caprice ask Alistair kiss her. "Even when I hate you are still beautiful to me"Alistair said they had sex.

You were mine part 3 ch 18 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At the Quartermaine hotel~ Conference room Caprice close the door. "I want to make sure if I leave my husband I will get full custody of my sons and What was promise to me in my prenup I also need some dirty work done 'Caprice said "What kind"Joe ask "I promise Josslyn I would give her my share of Daddy company I want her to believe that I will but I will be take the whole company from Josslyn and I want to take my husband company to Alistair give me 10% of it as wedding gift"Caprice said Joe was reading Caprice pernup. "You only get the 10% if you stay with him in a divorce you don't get it"Joe said "Can you fix it"Caprice ask "Yes I will"Joe said "Thanks if I leave my husband who gets my sons and this baby"Caprice ask "I will make sure you do"Joe said "Thanks this is going to be fun"Caprice said "Yes remind me never to cross you"Joe said "I will, I sure go first"Caprice said she open the door as Alistair came by. "Alistair"Caprice said

At Adam Jr office~ Adam was on the phone. "Yes I want to buy this new oil company"Adam Jr said as AJ came in and Adam hang up. "Why are you here"Adam Jr ask "I sure not help you but I'm for Caprice sake that oil company that you just buy stock in so did Alistair and something tell me his open to something"AJ said "No I just invest a lot of money in this oil company"Adam Jr said "Let me help you"AJ said "Why sure I let you help me"Adam Jr ask "Yes AJ why would you help my son"Jr ask as he came in."To go after Cassadine"AJ said "I do believe you hate them to"Adam Jr said "Yes even more"AJ said "Alistair hurt Caprice again didn't he"Adam Jr ask "Yes no one mess with my niece"AJ said

At the Quartermaine hotel~Conference room~ "Caprice why are you in the conference room"Alistair ask "I'm thinking about rent it for my office"Caprice said "Oh let me look at it make sure it works for you"Alistair said "No it's okay I'm going to meet mother inside the dinner room can you walk me in the dinner room"Caprice ask "Sure"Alistair said he took her hand. "It's just because we our in public"Alistair said "I know"Caprice said

Finding you part 7 ch 30

~At General Hospital~Skye was sitting down looking at herself in the mirror when Alan came by. “Daddy did you hear, Lila Rae is going to be fine”Skye said “Yes, Skye you need to leave him, How many more time will you just look away why you're children get hurt”Alan ask “Daddy, I’m not a bad mother”Skye said “No, You're not but you kept choose him over you're children what if Lila Rae did die tonight what would you of done”Alan ask “Daddy Please”Skye said Alan touch her face. “I don’t want Lila Rae to die I love her too and I don’t want to watch you and you're children keep getting hurt in the end please Skye”Alan said “I can’t I love him”Skye said “Yes you can”Alan said “I have to go”Skye said

At the warehouse ~Lorenzo went into the warehouse where Lila Rae was shot at he look around as someone came and shot him Lorenzo fell to the floor and was bleeding as Genevieve came in. “Daddy”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I been shot at please call for help”Lorenzo said Genevieve lean by him. “Why sure I,We would all be better off without you we would be safe and Mother could find someone better”Genevieve said “Genevieve please just call for help”Lorenzo said as Skye came by. “Lorenzo, What is going on”Skye ask “Skye I need you to call for help”Lorenzo said “Sure, Genevieve you didn’t call for help”Skye ask “No”Genevieve said she got up and look at her mother. “Yes I need an ambulance to the Warehouse on elm street. My husband been shot”Skye said and hang up the phone. “Well I guess I sure go”Genevieve said she was about to leave as Skye grab her arm. “You really were just going to stand their and watch you're father die”Skye yelled ‘Yes, We would be better off without him, We would be safe and Mother you could finally be happy”Genevieve said “How dare you”Skye yelled Genevieve took her mother’s hand off her arm and left as the ambulance came in.

Finding you part 7 ch 29

At General Hospital~ Morgan was waiting on news about Lila Rae when Carly came in. “Morgan, Bobbie call me, Lila Rae will make it”Carly said “She better make it”Skye said as she came in with Anastasia. “Is this you're fault Morgan! Will the love my daughter has for you kill her! Skye yelled “Skye, Like you're the one to talk, You're married to Lorenzo! Carly yelled “Look, All I want is Lila Rae and the baby to be okay”Morgan said “She better be! I will not burned my daughter! Skye yelled as Lorenzo cam by. “Skye, Lila Rae will make it”Lorenzo said “She better! Lorenzo Do you know what happened”Skye ask “No”Lorenzo said as Skylar and Luis Jr and Genevieve and Alexander came in. “Do you know anything”Luis ask “No”Lorenzo said Morgan and Carly went to sit down. “So why was Lila Rae shot at, Where was she”Genevieve ask “I don’t know”Lorenzo ask Genevieve went in front of her father. “Did you have anything to do with this, Did you order someone to shoot at Morgan and they shot you're own daughter instead! Genevieve yelled “Genevieve I didn’t have anything to do with this”Lorenzo said “I don’t believe you”Genevieve said “Enough Genevieve not right now”Skye said “If Lila Rae dies Mother will you still stand by that bastard”Genevieve ask “You're sister isn’t going to die! Skye yelled as Monica came by and Morgan and Carly came by. “How is my baby! Skye yelled “Lila Rae made it but the baby she was carrying died”Monica said “No”Morgan said “I didn’t even know Lila Rae was pregnant”Genevieve said “Yes she really want that baby”Skylar said Genevieve took her sister hand.

“Can we see her”Skye ask “Lila Rae is resting I suggest you all go home and get some rest”Monica said “I’m just glad my daughter is alright”Skye said “Me too”Lorenzo said “Lorenzo do you know anything about this”Skye said “No”Lorenzo said “Alright”Skye said “I have to go to the coffee shop,I will be home later”Lorenzo said and left. Genevieve saw him leave and had a feeling about something. “Genevieve let’s get you home”Alexander said as his phone went off, “It’s the empire”Alexander said “Go, I will be fine”Genevieve said “Thank you”Alexander said they share a kiss and Alexander left as Genevieve left to and follow her father.

At The Police station~Alexis and Ric were working.. “Do you know anything about Lila Rae”Alexis ask “Yes, She made it but the baby is gone”Ric said “That bastard, It’s Lorenzo it has to be”Alexis said “We will nail him for this”Ric said “I hope so, I want him behind bars”Alexis said “I know”Ric said

Finding you part 7 ch 28

~ At General Hospital~Alan was working when Lila Rae came in on a stretch. “Lila Rae”Alan said as Morgan came by. “Did you do this to my granddaughter! Alan yelled at Morgan. “No sir”Morgan said Monica came by. “Alan, Go call Skye, I will look at Lila Rae”Monica said “Thanks Monica, Morgan if Lila Rae dies, I will make you pay! Alan yelled “I love her too”Morgan said Alan left.

Morgan sit down as Bobbie came by. “Morgan, Why are you here”Bobbie ask “It’s Lila Rae, She was shot at”Morgan said “Oh no”Bobbie said “If anything happened to Lila Rae, I can’t live with myself”Morgan said “I know you love her, I will see what I can find out”Bobbie said “Thanks Grandmother”Morgan said Bobbie left.

At Alexis~Alexis was having tea with Skye and Anastasia when Skye phone rang. “Skye Alcazar, Daddy what is it, Oh no, I will be right their”Skye said and hang up the phone. “Antoinette, What is it”Anastasia ask “My baby Lila Rae was just shot at she at the hospital”Skye said “Oh No, I’m sorry, I will go with you”Anastasia said Alexis phone rang, “Alexis Davis, Yes I know , I will be their”Alexis said and hang up, “Alexis I know we don’t have a good past but please find out who did this to my baby”Skye said “Even if it means Lorenzo goes down”Alexis ask “Lorenzo didn’t do this , Now I have to go”Skye said and left with Anastasia.

At Genevieve penthouse~ Genevieve and Alexander were in bed. “I’m so glad that you're back, Everything is going to be okay now”Genevieve said “Yes it is”Alexander said”Alexander there is something you need to know, I was pregnant the baby died in the plane crash”Genevieve said “No”Alexander said “I know, I’m sorry I didn’t know for awhile mother and Daddy keep it from me”Genevieve said “Why”Alexander ask “To break us up, I’m sorry”Genevieve said “It’s not you're fault”Alexander said “It’s not you're fault about the plane either”Genevieve said Genevieve phone went off she pick it up, “It’s my mother, I had enough of her today”Genevieve said she hit the ignore button. “It could be important”Alexander said “With my mother it always is”Genevieve said as her phone went off again it was Skye again. “Skye is just going to keep calling”Alexander said “Fine”Genevieve said she pick up. “Mother, What is it, Can this wait in the morning”Genevieve said and hang up. “What is it”Alexander ask “Lila Rae was shot at she at General Hospital”Genevieve said “Let’s go”Alexander said “Yes Genevieve said

Finding you part 7 ch 27

~At The Quartermaine hotel ~Genevieve room~Genevieve was unpacking she was so glad to be back in her place she need a break from her parents when their was a knock on the door. Genevieve went to open it. “I really don’t want any company right now”Genevieve said a man was holding flowers by his face. “Really, Not even mine”The man ask and remove the flowers so she could see his face. “Alexander”Genevieve said “Yes, Goddess I’m home”Alexander said he came into the house and kiss Genevieve. “Oh Alexander, You look so handsome”Genevieve said she touch his face. “You look great too, We our both back to ourself”Alexander said “Yes, Alexander let’s make love I miss you so much”Genevieve said “I miss you too, Let’s go to the bedroom”Alexander said he took her hand and they went into her bedroom and Alexander lay her on the bed and kiss her. “Oh I’m home”Alexander said “Yes you are, We will finally get our life back ’Genevieve said “Yes we will”Alexander said as they made love.

At Skylar art Gallery~ Skylar was painting when Carman came in. “Skylar”Carman said “Carman, Are date”Skylar said “Yes you forget”Carman said “I’m sorry”Skylar said “It’s okay, You are painting and forget”Carman said “Yes, I’m almost done then we can go out”Skylar said “Alright”Carman said Skylar kiss her. “I’m glad that you're so understand”Skylar said “So are you”Carman said

At Alexis house~Alexis was looking out the window when Anastasia and Skye came in. “Anastasia, Skye”Alexis said “Alexis, I ask Skye to come here, It’s hard knowing that I’m a rapes daughter”Anastasia said “I know it’s hard”Alexis said “How can you love me knowing that I have his blood in my”Anastasia ask “Because some of that blood is mine”Alexis said “It’s not going to be easy but I will try, I’m going to stay at Skye right now”Anastasia said “Alright, I will not push you”Alexis said “Thank you”Anastasia said

At A Warehouse~Lila Rae came in. “Morgan”Lila Rae ask and look around for Morgan who wasn’t there as a bomb when off.

At Lorenzo coffee shop~ Lorenzo was in his office when a man came in. “Is it done”Lorenzo ask” “Yes”The man said “Was Morgan inside”Lorenzo ask “I don’t know, There was someone there”The man said “It better be Morgan”Lorenzo said “I know”The man said

At the Warehouse~Morgan came by and saw Lila Rae on the floor and took her hand. “Lila Rae”Morgan said he called 911. “Please baby wake up , I can’t lose you”Morgan said

Finding you part 7 ch 26

~At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo were in the living room when Genevieve came in with her bags. “I think I have all my belongs”Genevieve said “If you left anything we can bring it to you”Skye said “Thanks Mother”Genevieve said “Genevieve , I been thinking you can have trust fund back”Lorenzo said “You think I want you're dirty money to pay for college I don’t think so”Genevieve said “Genevieve, I want to make things right”Lorenzo said “Well if you really want to prove that you love me, Leave the mob, Make a better life for all of us, One day I don’t want to arrest you but I will if I have to, I will not break the law for you or look the other way that’s not me”Genevieve said “You will not really arrest you're own father well you”Lorenzo said “Yes”Genevieve said Lorenzo look upset and kiss Genevieve on the cheek and left. “What was that, Was that some kind of mob stuff”Genevieve ask “I don’t know”Skye said “Mother please make sure Luis Jr doesn’t go into the business, Do you really want to get that call in the middle of the night that you're son is dead”Genevieve ask “No, But I can’t stop Luis Jr he looks up to you're father”Skye said “Which I don’t get why”Genevieve said “Genevieve , How do you feel about the baby you lose, Where you going to keep it”Skye ask “No I wasn’t going to keep the baby but you had a right to tell me about him or her”Genevieve said “You're right, We did, What was the fight about Alexander about in Italy”Skye ask “I was mad at Alexander for not wearing a condom when he told he was and I told Alexander if I was pregnant I wasn’t going to keep him or her that I will never be a mother and he was upset, Yes I didn’t want that baby but I had right to know about her or him”Genevieve said “Yes you did, One day you will want a baby”Skye said “No I don’t”Genevieve said as Anastasia came in. “Antoinette, Genevieve I’m sorry, I just need to talk to you're mother”Anastasia said “It’s okay we our doing here, I ‘m glad we our family in a way”Genevieve said “Me too, Genevieve remember what we talk about”Anastasia said “I will”Genevieve said she left.

“Anastasia ,What is it” Skye ask “I’m sorry to interrupt what you and Genevieve were talking about”Anastasia said “It’s okay, I’m glad you're close with my daughter”Skye said “Thanks, You have a lovely house”Anastasia said “Thanks, Why don’t we have some tea and talk”Skye said “Sure”Anastasia said the maid came in with a tray of tea and cookies. “Thank you Sally”Skye said
Sally put the tray down and left.

“Anastasia what is it”Skye ask “I found out that I was made from raped,How do I deal with this”Anastasia ask “Oh Anastasia I don’t know but I do know that Alexis love you I can tell”Skye said “It wasn’t not someone she didn’t know it was her own brother”Anastasia said “You're not evil like him you are a doctor”Skye said “Yes, But what if I’m like him, His blood runs in me”Anastasia said “Anastasia I know you, You're soul you have no evil in you're blood”Skye said “Thanks , This isn’t easy”Anastasia said “No it’s not but we both will get through this somehow, Do you want to stay here”Skye ask “Yes, I think that will be a good thing”Anastasia said “Alright, Just give Alexis a chance”Skye said “I will try, Are you and Alexis close”Anastasia ask “Not really, Alexis is a DA and my husband is in the mob”Skye said “Oh”Anastasia said “Yeah so we our not close and Genevieve wants to be like her”Skye said “Yeah, So you have three other children”Anastasia said “Yes, I finally have my own family and I know you will too”Skye said “I don’t want my own family, I like my career”Anastasia said “Yeah, How long can you stay”Skye ask “I took a six month leave”Anastasia said “Good”Skye said “I’m glad we can catch up”Anastasia said “Me too, But you need to go back to Alexis”Skye said “Alright, Will you go with me”Anastasia ask “Yes”Skye said they left.

Finding you part 7 ch 25~”The ghost of the past”

At Skye/Lorenzo~The next day~Skye was alone having some tea when Genevieve came in. “Genevieve”Skye said “I just came to get some of my stuff”Genevieve said “We need to talk”Skye said “Mother”Genevieve said “Have a seat please”Skye said “Mother, I’m not ready to talk to you”Genevieve said “I don’t care, You're going to listen to me”Skye said she took her daughter's hand and help her sit down. “Genevieve I know you think you're childhood was bad but it wasn’t not as bad as mine”Skye said “You never talk about yours”Genevieve said “No I want to space you're the pain but it’s time you know, My adoptive mother Althea who is really Alexis Mother and her name is Kristin stole me at birth and never loved me she hit me all the time”Skye said “Mother, I’m sorry you were hit”Genevieve said she touch her mother face.. “Thank you, Mother would drink and have men come and go over the house and one of them hurt me”Skye said “You were raped”Genevieve ask “Yes, I never told anyone”Skye said “Most women don’t report the rape, Did you end up pregnant”Genevieve ask “Yes, I had an abortion”Skye said “It’s a woman's choice, How old were you”Genevieve ask “Just a teenage”Skye said “Mother, I’m sorry, I know I didn’t have a bad childhood as most children but it would be nice to have a father who has a normal job and doesn’t break the law and there would be no guards”Genevieve said “I know, I want that too but we can’t chance who you're father is”Skye said “Why did you lie to me about the baby”Genevieve ask “You're father and I thought it was for the best, You didn’t know you were pregnant and we want to stop you from the pain”Skye said “Also to keep me from Alexander”Genevieve said “Yes, That was you're father plan, Lorenzo just want to keep you safe”Skye said “It wasn’t Alexander fault about the plane crash , And I need Alexander in my life”Genevieve said ‘You love him”Skye said she brush Genevieve hair with her fingers. “Yes, Alright”Genevieve said “Genevieve I hope we can get past this”Skye said “Maybe, I’m sorry about you're childhood mother I’m but I think it’s best if I stay at the hotel”Genevieve said “I know, So you and Anastasia are close”Skye ask “Anastasia is a great doctor she fix me”Genevieve said “Yes she did, So how did you find out about who Anastasia is”Skye ask “When I told Anastasia you're name she figure it out, So you paid for her medical school”Genevieve ask “Yes, I always took care of her”Skye said “Was she hurt too”Genevieve ask “No, Mother never hurt her now I found out it’s because she Alexis daughter”Skye said “Are you upset”Genevieve ask “I have let the past go, You need to let it go to anger isn’t good”Skye said “I’m trying”Genevieve said as Lorenzo came in. “Skye, Genevieve what is going on”Lorenzo ask “Nothing we were just talking, I’m going to get my belongs”Genevieve said “Alright”Skye said Genevieve went upstairs.

“Skye, Is everything okay”Lorenzo ask “I told Genevieve about my childhood hoping she would understand me and that she doesn’t have it that bad”Skye said “She doesn’t”Lorenzo said “No”Skye said “Skye”Lorenzo ask “I really want a drink right now all this past this couple of months”Skye said “Don’t lean on me”Lorenzo said “I will”Skye said

A Alexis~Anastasia and Alexis were sitting on the couch having coffee. “I’m sorry , Last night I didn’t want to talk”Anastasia said “It’s okay,You can ask me anything”Alexis said “Did you want to give me up”Anastasia ask “No , I want to keep you”Alexis said “Who is my father”Anastasia ask “It wasn’t love that you were made out of, I was raped”Alexis said “By whom”Anastasia ask “My brother Stavros”Alexis said “So I was made by incest”Anastasia ask “Yes, I’m sorry”Alexis said “Did you know that you're mother was alive and raise me”Anastasia ask “No , I just learn that, You and Skye seem close”Alexis ask “Yes, Antoinette always took care of me”Anastasia said “I’m glad she did, How long are you here”Alexis ask “I can stay for six months then I have to go back to work”Anastasia ask “Do you like being a doctor”Alexis ask “Yes, When Antoinette and I were little and it would get ugly we both thought of a better life we would make for ourself it help us”Anastasia ask “I’m glad”Alexis said as Kristin came in. “Alexis”Kristin said she look at Anastasia and walk by her. “Anastasia”Kristin said “Althea Anastasia said “I'm glad you're here, I want to fix all this”Kristin said “Why did you take me”Anastasia ask “Someone ask me to take you and kept you safe”Kristin said “Who”Anastasia ask “My Brother Stefan he thought it was for the best”Alexis said “You didn’t know”Kristin said “No, Stefan want to keep you safe from Helena , Stavros mother she would of hurt you”Alexis said “Why”Anastasia ask “Because you're my child”Alexis said “I need some air”Anastasia said she left. “This isn’t good, Mother”Alexis said Kristin brush her hair with her fingers. “Just give her time”Kristin said “Anastasia doesn’t know this town”Alexis said “I have a feeling she going to see Skye”Kristin said “Yeah, So they were close”Alexis ask “Yes”Kristin said

Finding you part 7 ch 24~ “Anastasia Cassadine”

At the Quartermaine~Skye and Lorenzo and Lila Rae and Skylar and Genevieve and Adam and Brook and AJ and Lydia and Stuart and Hailee and Colby and Monica and Ned were their. “Genevieve, What are you up to”Skye ask “Nothing Mother, Are you happy that I’m back”Genevieve ask “Yes I’m”Skye said as Alan and Rae came in. “Mother, Daddy I’m glad you're both back , Thank you for take Genevieve”Skye said “You're welcome”Rae said as Alexis came in. “Sorry I’m late, Did I miss the wedding”Alexis ask “Yes”Ned said “Alexis , I’m glad you're here”Genevieve said “Genevieve it’s good to see you”Alexis said “You too, Mother and Daddy I want you to meet the doctor who save me”Genevieve said “We would love to meet the doctor one day at the center”Lorenzo said “Oh you don’t have to wait then she is here”Genevieve said “You're doctor was a woman”Alexis ask “Yes, Dr Adams you can come out now”Genevieve said and Dr Adams walk in. “Oh my god,”Skye said “Who is she mother”Lila Rae ask Skye walk by Dr Adams and touch her hair. “I’m glad you're here it’s going to be okay, I’m right here”Skye said “You always would say that to me when we were little”Dr Adams said “Yes, It’s time”Skye said she took Dr Adams hand. “Anastasia this is Alexis, You're mother”Skye said Alexis touch Anastasia face, “I know you're upset and you have a right to be, I’m upset but I want to know you”Alexis said “I want to get to know you too, I was anger and still am”Anastasia said

“This isn’t of what I wanted”Genevieve said to herself as Skye came by. “No you were hope by bring Anastasia here it would hurt me ’Skye said as Lorenzo came by. “Yes I want to hurt both of you, When Anastasia told me about who she was, I ask her to come with us”Genevieve said “I get that you're upset ,I been there want to hurt other’s who hurt me but it’s no way to live and in the end you will be the one who hurt”Skye said “Genevieve why don’t we go somewhere and talk”Lorenzo said “No, I’m move back into the hotel, I’m not ready to forgive either of you and just wait till Alexander fine out he will be so upset”Genevieve said “I do hope in time you can forgive us”Skye said “It was more me then you're mother”Lorenzo said “It usually is and then mother goes along with it”Genevieve said

“Wow, Genevieve is just like Skye when she was younger”Hailee said “Yes I guess it’s payback”Jr said

Adam and Brook came by Skye. “Brook, Adam I’m sorry about all this”Skye said “It’s okay, Give Genevieve time she will come around, Thank you for all this”Adam said “Yes , Thank you”Brook said “We are going to leave for our honeymoon but I want to stay in touch”Adam said “I would love that too”Skye said they share a hug.

“Anastasia can we go my place and talk”Alexis ask “Sure”Anastasia said as Skye came by. “Anastasia. Thank you for what you did to my baby”Skye said “I owe you for pay for my school and take care of me when I was little”Anastasia said “I don’t regret any of it, Althea who by Kristin now is in town too”Skye said “Okay”Anastasia said “It’s going to be okay”Skye said “Yes, I would love to meet you're children and husband too”Anastasia said ‘You will right now you need to be with Alexis”Skye said they share a hug. “Thank you Skye”Alexis said Alexis and Anastasia left.

Finding you part 7 ch 23~ “A Chandler wedding”

At the Quartermaine Rose garden~Skye was there with Brook and Adam and Jr and Hailee and Colby and Stuart. “What is all this”Brook ask Their were flowers every where. “You're wedding, You're getting married right here”Skye said “Oh Skye this is so romance”Stuart said “Thanks”Skye said “I don’t have a dress”Brook said “I ran a fashion line, I have a dress for you and Colby and Hailee and my daughters”Skye said “Oh Skye thank you”Brook said “You have always been a nice friend to me Brook and you really do love Adam you both belong together”Skye said they share a hug. “Skye thank you”Adam said “You're welcome, Let’s get Brook dress”Skye said they went inside with Hailee and Colby.

“Adam are you okay”Stuart ask “Do you think Brook and I will be happy”Adam ask “Yes I do, You both will be happy , You love each other don’t you”Stuart ask “Yes I do”Adam said “Then stop worry”Stuart said “I will miss you”Adam said “I will miss you too, I’m stay here for a while to do some art with Skylar”Stuart said “That’s great ’Adam said “Thanks”Stuart said “Jr while I’m gone the Empire is all yours”Adam said “I will make you proud Dad”JR said “”I know you will”Adam said they share a hug as Skye came out. “We our ready”Skye said “Let’s start the wedding”Adam said as the Quartermaine and Skylar and Luis Jr and Lila Rae came out.

Skylar and Lila Rae and Colby and Skye and Hailee walk down then Brook walk down by Adam. “Do you take Adam as you're husband to have and to hold”The father ask “Yes I do, I love you Adam”Brook said “Do you take Brook as you're wife”The father ask “Yes I do, I love you Brook, Always there has never been anyone but you”Adam said “Does anyone object”The father ask No one say anything. “You are now husband and wife you may kiss the bride”The father said Brook and Adam share a kiss as Genevieve came out. “Did I miss a party, Why wasn’t I on the guest list”Genevieve ask “Who are you”Colby ask “My daughter Genevieve “Skye said “Hello Mother”Genevieve said “I’m glad you're home”Skye said and went by Genevieve and try to hug her but she pull back. “You look beautiful, Does she Lorenzo”Skye ask “Yes she does, Genevieve we our glad you're here”Lorenzo said “Who wedding is this”Genevieve ask “Genevieve this is Adam you remember him”Skye ask “Yes”Genevieve said “This is Brook, Adam wife”Skye said “Nice to meet you, I don’t believe everyone is here”Genevieve said “Genevieve what are you up to”Skylar ask “Nothing”Genevieve said she went inside.

Finding you part 7 ch 22

~ The next day~At General Hospital~ Adam room, Skye and Jr and Hailee and Colby and Stuart and Brook were their. “So what is the news”Hailee ask “I can get out of here today, And Brook and I are getting married”Adam said “That’s great”Skye said “Yes we our happy for you”Colby said “Thanks, We have more news” Brook said “Yes we do”Adam said “After the wedding we our going to travel around the world”Brook said “Yes, We want to enjoy each other”Adam said “I’m happy for both of you, I know you both will have a great time, Brook make sure Adam take care of his heart”Skye said “Oh I will”Brook said “When are you going to have the wedding”Hailee ask “Well that’s why we called you here, Erica sign the divorce paper it’s finale today, We our thinking of elope today”Adam said “You're going to get married at a courthouse”Colby ask “Yes”Adam said “No, You can’t do that, I have an idea”Skye said “What is it”Brook ask “Just stay here”Skye said and left. “I’m so glad you're all here”Adam said “Me too”Hailee said

At the Quartermaine~ Monica was put some flowers in a vase when Skye came in. “Monica, I need you're help, Actually you're house”Skye said “What”Monica ask “Adam and Brook want to get married and I was hope we could use the grounds, It would mean a lot to me”Skye said “Sure, When do they need it”Monica ask “Today”Skye said “Alright, Go talk to the staff it’s all yours”Monica said “Thanks, Monica have you told Alan about Kristin”Skye ask “No I thought it sure come from you”Monica said “Thanks”Skye said “How are you doing with her in town”Monica ask “It’s been hard, There has been times I wanted to drink but I will not do that”Skye said “Good”Monica said as Alice came in. “Alice, I need you're help”Skye said

At Alexis~Alexis was packing up her briefcase with papers when Ned came in. “Alexis”Ned said “Ned, What are you doing here”Alexis ask “I just came to see how you are doing”Ned said “It’s been hard , I found out from Felicia that Anastasia isn’t ready to come home”Alexis said “I’m sorry”Ned said “Thanks”Alexis said they share a hug. “Just give her time she will come around”Ned said “At least I know she smart and healthy, A doctor”Alexis said “Yes”Ned said

Finding you part 7 ch 21

At The Quartermaine hotel~AJ was working at the desk when Skye and Lorenzo and Kristin came in AJ came by then. “Skye”AJ said “AJ Quartermaine, This is my adoptive mother Kristin”Skye said “Nice too meet you”Kristin said “You too, I will take you to a table”AJ said “Thanks”Lorenzo said “Where is Constanza”Skye ask “She took today off”AJ said as he walk them to a table. “I will call you tomorrow Skye”AJ said “Sure”Skye said AJ left. “This is a lovely hotel, So is it all AJ”Kristin ask “It’s the family hotel, AJ runs it”Skye said “Oh, So you both are close”Kristin ask “It took us a while to get close but yes we our close”Skye said “That’s nice, So how long have you both been married”Kristin ask “In a couple of weeks it will be Ten years”Lorenzo said he took Skye hand and kiss it.”Wow, Are you celebrate it”Kristin ask “Yes, We our going on a trip by ourself”Skye said “Where to”Kristin ask “We haven’t plan it yet”Skye said “You sure, So how did you to meet”Kristin ask “We were both get over someone when we meet”Lorenzo said “Yes, It’s a long story”Skye said “Yeah, So Skye what do you do”Kristin ask “I ran a magazine and fashion show and a business that my ex-husband left me”Skye said “Oh, Wow you have a lot of companies”Kristin said “Yes I do”Skye said “My wife is great at both of them”Lorenzo said and kiss Skye. “I’m sure”Kristin said

At Alexis~Alexis was drinking some wine alone when their was a knock on the door it was Felicia. “Come in, Do you have any news”Alexis ask “Yes, Anastasia did call Skye a couple of days ago and Sky told Anastasia about you but she doesn’t want to deal with all this yet”Felicia said “That’s what I was afraid of, Would you like a glass of wine”Alexis ask “Sure”Felicia said they sit down on the couch. “I know this wouldn’t be easy when I found her, I want to raise her I did”Alexis said “Give Anastasia time and you can tell her”Felicia said “I just hope she doesn’t think I hate her because she was made by rape”Alexis said “It wasn’t you're fault you both will heal from this”Felicia said “Thanks, It’s been hard dealing with the past”Alexis said “I get it, I’m here if you want to talk”Felicia said “Thanks”Alexis said they share a hug. “I think Skye was protected Anastasia from what I can tell she love her too”Felicia said “Yes I know”Alexis said Felicia left.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Lorenzo came in from having dinner with Kristin. “Skye,How are you doing with all this”Lorenzo ask “I sometime wish the past would just stay there ,I don’t want to deal with it”Skye said “I know it’s hard but I will be right by you're side”Lorenzo said “You always are”Skye said “No one leaves”Lorenzo said “No one leaves”Skye said and they share a kiss. “Lorenzo make me feel better”Skye said “Sure”Lorenzo said they went upstairs and Lorenzo lay Skye on the bed and kiss her and undress her as they made love.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Finding you part 7 ch 20 "Dealing with the past"

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was looking at some paperwork when Kristin came in. “Why are you here”Skye ask “To see you, You have a lovely home”Kristin said “Thank you, I like it”Skye said “Skye are you happy”Kristin ask “Yes, I have a husband who love me for me and children who are healthy, Even though one is mad at me I know Genevieve will come around she has too’ Skye said “What did you do”Kristin ask “Genevieve was in a plane crash with her boyfriend it caught on fire and Lorenzo and I were so scarce that we lose her we want to do whatever we had to make sure we never lose her again so when we found out that Genevieve was pregnant in the plane crash and lose the baby we didn’t tell her, Genevieve didn’t know about the baby anyway”Skye said “Oh Skye”Kristin said “I know, It didn’t go well when Genevieve found out, That’s why Alan and Rae went to the burn center with her”Skye said “I do hope she come around”Kristin said “Thanks, Lorenzo and I never had it easy with Genevieve”Skye said “Yeah, Have you told Alan and Rae about me”Kristin ask “Not yet, Did you know about Rae when you took me, Did you ever meet Edward Quartermaine”Skye ask “Edward was the one who stole me you, I didn’t know anything about you're
biological parents, All I know was the mother didn’t want you”Kristin said “Why did you hit me”Skye ask and cried a little. “I took Adam leaving out on you, I’m sorry”Kristin said “Do you know I had a drinking problem”Skye ask “No, I’m sorry”Kristin said “I haven’t drank since I became a mother”Skye said “I’m glad you didn’t drink anymore”Kristin said “I want to be a better mother then you, I didn’t hit my kids or drink and let man come in and go out of there life,, Yes Lorenzo isn’t perfect but I’m not either we fit together ’Skye said “Skye I’m glad you have a family of you're own, A husband who love and adore you”Kristin said “Yes he does”Skye said as Lorenzo came in. “What is going on, Why is my wife crying”Lorenzo ask “Lorenzo, It’s okay we were just talking about the past”Skye said as her phone rang. “I have to take this”Skye said and went to take the call.

“Look I know how to read people it’s what I do, and I know you're here for something and if it’s money you want I will give you it as long as you don’t hurt my wife”Lorenzo said “I’m not here about money, I have my own money, I do want a chance with Skye and Alexis”Kristin said “Really”Lorenzo ask “Yes, You really love my daughter don’t you”Kristin ask ‘Yes I do”Lorenzo said “I’m glad”Kristin said “You just better not hurt my wife”Lorenzo said as Skye came back in. “Is everything okay”Skye ask “Yes”Kristin said “Yes it is”Lorenzo said “Good, Kristin, Lorenzo and I were going to have dinner tonight at the hotel would you like to join us”Skye ask “Sure”Kristin said “Let’s go”Lorenzo said they left.

Finding you part 7 ch 19 "Dealing with the past"

~At a Burn Center~Genevieve was in her room and holding a mirror looking at her new face. “I’m back, The old Genevieve is back finally”Genevieve said as Alan and Rae came in. “Grandfather, Grandmother, Look at my face I’m beautiful again”Genevieve said “You are always beautiful”Alan said “Thanks Grandfather and both of you for coming here with me”Genevieve said “We our happy to but now that you're ready it’s time to deal with things”Rae said “I don’t want to go back home”Genevieve said she sit down. “Genevieve you don’t have to live with you're parents but you have to deal with them”Alan said “I haven’t told Alexander about the baby that I lose and his going to be so upset at my parents for not telling us”Genevieve said “I know what they did was wrong I agree but Skye and Lorenzo want to protect you”Rae said “It wasn’t about me, It was about them, My parents only do what is good for them and keep the truth from me meant I would stay in that house”Genevieve said “Genevieve you have to give them a chance”Alan said “Why”Genevieve said “Because that’s what family does”Alan said a woman came in. “Dr Adams, Thank you for fix me”Genevieve said “You're welcome Genevieve , I’m glad you're happy with you're face”Dr Adams said “I’m, If you need anything let us know”Genevieve said “Yes, We could always use a plastic surgery at General Hospital”Alan said “That’s in Port Charles ,Right”Dr Adams ask “Yes”Alan said

At General Hospital~Adam room~Adam wake up to fine Kristin in his room. “What are you doing here”Adam ask “We need to talk”Kristin said “About what”Adam ask “The past, I’m sorry for trick you into marry me”Kristin said “I’m sorry for leaving you and Skye”Adam said “I’m glad I have a chance with Skye to fix it and my other daughter”Kristin said “We both get a second chance”Adam said “Yes”Kristin said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye and Hailee were having some tea when Felicia came in. “Felicia, Why are you here”Skye ask “I need to ask you something”Felicia said “Alright, Felicia Jones, This is my sister Hailee Vaughan”Skye said “Nice to meet you”Hailee said “You to, Skye I’m here because Alexis ask me to help her find her daughter, Alexis told me that you paid for Anastasia school is their anymore you could share about her”Felicia ask “Felicia I haven’t talk to Anastasia in a long time”Skye said “Skye, Whoever this Anastasia is I know you are lying right now”Hailee said “Hailee”Skye said she give her a look. “Skye please do the right thing here”Hailee said “I’m, Look Anastasia doesn’t want to have anything to with Alexis I told her about Alexis and everything and she is so upset”Skye said “Can you try to talk to her”Felicia ask “I have and she isn’t ready for this please respect that”Skye said “I will tell Alexis”Felicia said “Thanks”Skye said Felicia left. “So who is this Anastasia”Hailee ask “I thought she was my sister , Kristin raise her too but she turn out to be Alexis daughter”Skye said “Wow”Hailee said “Yeah, She so smart, Anastasia is a doctor”Skye said “You sound like you're proud of her”Hailee said “Yes I’m , Just like my children”Skye said “Skye, From what you told me about Genevieve I think she will come around”Hailee said “I hope so”Skye said

Finding you part 7 ch 18

~ At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was asleep on the couch when Lorenzo came in and cover her up with a blanket and kiss her as she wake up. “Sorry”Lorenzo said “No it’s okay”Skye said she sit up and Lorenzo sit by her. “You sure go back to sleep”Lorenzo said “I’m fine”Skye said “Skye talk to me”Lorenzo said “I was so scare of losing Adam, I really do want a another chance with him”Skye said “You will get one”Lorenzo said “Yes, I ran into Kristin and Alexis today”Skye said “How did it go”Lorenzo ask “I know where Anastasia was for a couple of years, I paid for her to go to medical school, She a smart girl like our Genevieve”Skye said “She was lucky to have you”Lorenzo said “I always would take care of her, I do miss her”Skye said “You haven’t heard from her since she finish school”Lorenzo ask “No I did today”Skye said “Where is she”Lorenzo ask “Anastasia is working she doesn’t want to come to town and see Alexis “Skye said “You told her about Alexis”Lorenzo ask “Yes, I have never lied to Anastasia , She very upset that she was lied to all her life, I didn’t know that Kristin wasn’t her mother”Skye said “Is Anastasia mad at you”Lorenzo ask “No, Just Alexis and Kristin, I told her what happened with Alexis”Skye said “Are you going to tell Alexis”Lorenzo ask “Anastasia ask me not to, Well you stand by me”Skye ask “Always”Lorenzo said they share a hug, “I don’t like keeping this a secret from Alexis I get why she wants to make it right with Anastasia like we want to make it right with Genevieve”Skye said “Yes”Lorenzo said he pour a drink. “Lorenzo”Skye said “Skye, I’m sorry about making you keep the secret about the baby, When our daughter comes home I will tell her it’s all me”Lorenzo said “We both were in the wrong here, I do think Genevieve will come around but she will not come back to this house”Skye said “No”Lorenzo said “Genevieve has to forgive us”Skye said “Skye, She may not”Lorenzo said “I know, But I need to hope”Skye said “I know”Lorenzo said they share a hug and a kiss as Hailee came in. “Sorry”Hailee said “It’s okay, I will let you and my wife talk”Lorenzo said he kiss Skye on the cheek. “He really love you”Hailee said “Yes, Lorenzo love me for me”Skye said “I’m happy for you Skye, I just want to thank you for calling us about Adam”Hailee said “You're welcome”Skye said “I also want to put the past behind us”Haliee said “Me too”Skye said they share a hug. “I’m so glad Adam is alright”Hailee said “Me too, His with Brook now”Skye said “Oh good! Hailee said “Yes”Skye said

At Alexis house~ Alexis was home when Felicia knock on the door. “Come in”Alexis said “Thanks”Felicia said “Do you have any news about my daughter, Skye told me she went to Harvard”Alexis said “I did find that out, After Harvard that’s all I could fine”Felicia said “Maybe she goes by a different name now”Alexis said “Maybe , I’m sorry, I could talk to Skye”Felicia said “Yes please”Alexis said “Alright, We will find you're daughter”Felicia said “I hope so”Alexis said Felicia left.

At General Hospital~ Adam room~ Adam and Jr were talking. “I’m glad Skye called us, And that you made it”Jr said “I’m glad too, I want to chance things”Adam said “Me too, So are you and Brook together”Jr ask “Yes”Adam said “I will come back later you need to rest”Jr said and left.

You were mine part 3 ch 17 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At AJ office~ Caprice came in. "Caprice why are you here"AJ ask "I need your help Uncle AJ I want to make my husband and Sister pay"Caprice said "What happened"AJ ask "Alistair and I had a fight and he ran into Josslyn and her bed 'Caprice said "You want to destroy them" Caprice think like a Quartermaine you our Skye Quartermaine daughter one of the best of making people pay"AJ said "Your right my husband love his company more then me and Josslyn wants Daddy stock that he give me"Caprice said "Do you know anything about Alistair company"AJ ask "I hear Alistair on the phone today talking about a oil company"Caprice said "I will look into that"AJ said "Thanks I have a idea to hurt Alistair even more it's time I act like a Quartermaine"Caprice said she left and made a phone call.

At Kate~ Mac came in. "Kate Alex escape today do you know where he is"Mac ask "No"Kate said "I know your scare of your son going to jail"Mac said "Yes he could be killed but no I didn't hear from Alex 'Kate said "My cops will be watch you"Mac said and left.

At Josslyn~ Anna came in. "I have bad news "Anna said "What now"Josslyn ask "Alex escape"Anna said "No"Josslyn said "We will have the cops keep a eye on your son"Anna said "Thank you"Josslyn said

At the Quartermaine~ "I can't believe that Alex escape we will ported Brooklyn"Ned said "Yes we will"Lois said "Brooklyn will be safe here"Monica said

At the Quartermaine hotel~ "Caprice came in. "Aunt Emily I would like to rent the conference room"Caprice said "Sure" Emily said she show Caprice the room and Emily left as a man came by. "Thank you for coming my great-grandfather trust your father and I hope I can trust yours"Caprice said "Yes you can"Joe said

You were mine part 3 ch 16 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At Caprice/Alistair~Caprice was getting ready for bed. "Oh"Caprice said she put her hand on her stomach. "What , Are you okay"Alistair ask "Yes the twins are kicking come and feel them"Caprice said "No"Alistair said "Alistair you can hurt me but not our children"Caprice said he touch Caprice stomach. "Does it hurt"Alistair ask "No"Caprice said "You sure rest"Alistair said "I need to take a pill I have heartburn"Caprice said "Can you take anything"Alistair ask "Yes"Caprice said "I will be in my home office I have to make a phone call"Alistair said and left and Caprice cry.
At Jerry~ Jerry was burn some papers when there was a knock on the door it was Kate. "Why are you here"Jerry ask "I know your secret my son ask you to help him"Kate said "What are you going to do about it"Jerry ask "My son has prove that he hire you if you don't help my son I will tell the cops you help kidnapped the children your niece own child! Kate yelled "Fine I will help Alex get out of jail"Jerry said "Thank you my son can't make it there"Kate said "No his Sonny son"Jerry said
The next day~ Alistair/Caprice~ Alistair was on the phone. "Yes I want to buy some share in this new oil company it's going to be a hit"Alistair said Caprice over heard him Alistair hang up the phone. “I need to go to work"Alistair said "Are you going to kiss me goodbye"Caprice ask "Alistair kiss her on the cheek and left.
At the police station~ The lights went out, "No, Why did the lights go out there no storms"Mac said "I have will have the men look to see what is going on"Anna said the back alarm came on. "No a jailbreak"Mac said "Alex 'Anna said The bodyguard were all pass out and Anna and Mac came by. Alex cell was open. "His gone"Anna said the lights went back on. "Let's have a talk with Kate"Mac said "And Jerry Jacks' Anna said "A lot of inmate escape"The cop said "No" "Mac said

You were mine part 3 ch 15 "Never mess with a woman scorned

At Lorenzo~ Jerry came in. "Jerry why are you here"Lorenzo ask "I have a feeling you had something to do with my brother death and I will find out"Jerry said "I had nothing to do with Jax death"Lorenzo said "Why sure I believe you, your in love with Skye' Jerry said "I don't care what you believe"Lorenzo said "I will be watch you"Jerry said and left.

At the Quartermaine hotel~ Caprice came in wear a red dress when Alistair came by. "Darling I told you to wear your grey dress"Alistair said as he took her arm and they walk to the table. "It doesn't fit I'm carry our twins"Caprice said "Alistair, It's good to see you, Caprice you look lovely as always"Julian said "Thank you Julian, How is your grandmother"Caprice ask "Yes how is Amanda Barrington"Alistair ask "Great and Grandmother will help keep the hospital opening I hear your doing a fundraise to keep it opening"Julian said "Yes I'm, Gentlemen if you excuse me I need to use the lady room"Caprice said and left. "Alistair you are so lucky"Julian said "Yes I'm so lucky"Alistair said he was slip his brandy. Caprice came back in the room. "Darling I order you a tea and the special"Alistair said "Thank you"Caprice said Josslyn came in. "I wonder why Josslyn is here, Did you hear she found MJ"Caprice ask "Yes we did"Alistair said "Alistair I think this deal with be great for both of us"Julian said Caprice got up. "Josslyn how is MJ"Caprice ask "Great I'm just pick us up some food, I'm glad I ran into you"Josslyn said "Why"Caprice ask as Alistair came by. "I was hope you would give me Daddy share of the company I'm sure you have no interest in run it"Josslyn said "I have to talk to my lawyer first"Caprice said "Why? You don't want to run your father company do you"Alistair ask "No but I need to ported myself, Alistair can we go home I'm tired"Caprice ask "Yes Darling Julian just sign the papers"Alistair said they left. "Daniel came by. "Josslyn I haven't told Caprice what you did I just hope I don't regret it"Daniel said "You will not I have to go"Josslyn said and left.

At The Quartermaine~ Monica and Alan were there with Ned and Lois and Brooklyn. "I was so care we would not find the children"Lois said "We all were and Alex will pay"Alan said "I just can't believe that Jerry help find the children"Ned said "Something doesn't add up"Alan said

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You were mine part 3 ch 14 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At Caprice/Alistair~ "We can read your father will another day 'Skye said "No it's fine"Caprice said "Josslyn and Jane and John and Jerry and a lawyer came in."Josslyn I'm so happy that you found your son I know it's hell when you think your baby will not come back to you when my children were missing it kill me at least I had my husband to hold on to if I loss Alistair I would go crazy"Caprice said "Why don't we read the will"Skye said "Yes"Jane said "Jax left the lake house and Jets and Money to Skye and the company share to each Caprice and Josslyn and Skye for Jerry he left a boat for you and John and Jane Jax left a house in the Key's and for his children Josslyn and Caprice a trust fun for them and their children"The lawyer said "Thank you"Skye said "Skye Jax want you to have this letter"The lawyer said "Is that all"John ask "Yes"The lawyer said "Mother are you okay"Caprice ask "Yes I'm going to read Jax letter I want to be alone"Skye said she left. "I'm sorry about mother"Daniel said "Our mother will be fine, I have a lot to do"Caprice said "We will go"John said they left.
At The park~Skye sit down on the bench and read Jax letter. "I miss you Jax"Skye said Stefan came by. "Skye are you okay"Stefan ask "No We read Jax will today"Skye said "I'm sorry' Stefan said "Thanks I'm not sure if I can do this again raise a child alone"Skye said "Your strong you can do it"Stefan said "Sometimes I don't want to be strong"Skye said "I get that"Stefan said Alexis came by. "Alexis I'm glad your here Jax left this for you"Skye said it was a letter. "Thank you Skye I miss him to"Alexis said "Yes' Skye said and left. "Stefan I know that look your falling in love with Skye leave her alone she will not be over Jax"Alexis said "Jax is gone Skye has a right to move on"Stefan said "I just don't want to see you get hurt"Alexis said "I will not"Stefan said
At Caprice office~She was looking at the paperwork for the center when Alistair came in. "Why are you here"Alistair ask "I'm working on the center and fundraise "Caprice said 'Oh"Alistair said Laura came in. "Caprice have you come up with ideas for the hospital"Laura ask “Yes, A silent auction we can bit on dates for women and men"Caprice said "Of course"Alistair said "What"Caprice ask "Nothing"Alistair said and left. "We could a dinner fundraise to"Laura said "Yes 'Caprice said

You were mine part 3 ch 13 "Never mess with a woman scorned"

At Caprice/Alistair~ "So know your finally ready to talk"Caprice ask "William clam it was your fantasy to sleep with him while Adam watch it is true"Alistair ask "He gap her wrist that had the bracelet on it. "Alistair your hurt me that wrist has a cut on it from this morning"Caprice said "I know! “Now tell me! Alistair yelled "Yes"Caprice said Alistair let Caprice go and she fell on the chair. "How could you! “Is there anymore secrets"Alistair yelled "No"Caprice said "There better not be’! Alistair yelled "Do you want a divorce"Caprice ask "I have to go to work meet me at the hotel at seven"Alistair said "Alistair"Caprice said "I'm done talk about this for now, I'm not sure what I want"Alistair said he left. "The maid came in with Alistair shirt from yesterday. "I'm take the dirty laundry to the cleaners"The man said "Wait"Caprice said she saw the lipstick on Alistair shirt. "Mrs.Cassadine"The maid said "I'm fine"Caprice said the maid left. "Skye came in. "Caprice"Skye said "Mother, Why are you here"Caprice ask "To talk about your father will. Why are you upset"Skye ask "My marriage is in trouble"Caprice said "What happened"Skye ask "I keep a secret from Alistair about my life with Adam and Alistair didn't take it well"Caprice said "I'm sorry"Skye said as Daniel came in. "Daniel where did you find Alistair last night, He claimed he was at the office but I don't believe him"Caprice said "I could not find him"Daniel said "Your lying I can tell you do the same thing after you lie like I do, I bite my lip"Caprice said "So do I, Daniel I know you want to ported your sister but Caprice has a right to know"Skye said "Fine I found Alistair at Jake"Daniel said "Who was she"Caprice ask "Josslyn' Daniel said "My own sister"Caprice said "I'm sorry"Daniel said "Caprice are you okay"Skye ask "I will be"Caprice said "Don't do anything stupid your like me when your hurting 'Skye said "I will be fine"Caprice said

At General hospital~ Nikolas came in. "Monica I have a check for you we will not let this hospital go down" Nikolas said "Thank you, Caprice is plan a fundraise your right we will not let this hospital close"Monica said "No"Nikolas said

At Alistair office~ "So Alistair your having an affair"Stefan ask "It was just one night that all"Alistair said "You can't afford to let Caprice go the clients love your wife' Stefan said "I know , Everyone loves my wife"Alistair said "So what did Adam do"Stefan ask "All that matter now is I'm going to destroy Chandler they will lose their money I came up with a ponzi scheme"Alistair said "I like the way you think"Stefan said "Thank you"Alistair said

You were mine part 3 ch 12 "Mystery man"

On the docks~ Caprice was crying when a man came by and hand her a tissue. "Thank you"Caprice said "Who made this beautiful women cry"The man ask "The men in my life. Are you new in town"Caprice ask "Yes I'm Mike Hanson"He said "Caprice Cassadine” she said "Why don't we go have some tea"Mike ask "My wife doesn't have tea with a strange man"Alistair said as he came by. "I'm not a stranger , I'm Mike Hanson" I just saw your wife crying and I wanted to cheer her up"Mike said "I will deal with my wife"Alistair said "Alistair"Caprice said "We need to talk"Alistair said "Caprice are you okay"Mike ask "Yes I will be thank you"Caprice said Mike left. "You really want to finally talk about this"Caprice ask "Yes let's go home"Alistair said "Caprice try to grab his hand but he pull away. "Not yet"Alistair said they walk home.

At the police station~ Josslyn and Carly and Ned and Lois were there. "We found the children now what are you going to do with Alex"Ned ask "Scotty came by. "We our changer Alex with kidnapped and selling kids he sure go to jail for a long time"Scotty said "What about the women who he give the kids to"Carly ask "We made a deal with Jess she going to help us get Alex put away"Scotty said "Thank you, I want to see Alex 'Josslyn said "Are you sure"Carly ask "Yes"Josslyn said She went to see Alex. "How is my grandson"Kate ask "His fine no thanks to your son"Carly said "Carly I don't know what Alex was plan this"Kate said

Alex cell~ "I found Brooklyn and MJ how could you! Josslyn yelled "I was desperate I'm sorry I lose my mind knowing I would never see my daughter again"Alex said "Now you will never see either of them"Josslyn said "No"Alex said

You were mine part 3 ch 11 "An affair to remember"

At General Hospital~ Josslyn and Lois and Ned were there having the kids look at. "There fine"Monica said "Yes heath kids"Alan said "Thank you, Oh I'm just glad that they're back"Lois said "Me to"Josslyn said " We need to to the police station and make sure Alex will pay"Ned said "Yes"Lois said "I feel bad for Alex he was just desperate to get his kids"Josslyn said "Yes but we would never seen them"Ned said "No"Lois said
At the Quartermaine hotel~ "Jerry I hear how you found MJ and Brooklyn you are a hero" I'm so glad you found them"Jane said "Me to but I just did the right thing for once that all"Jerry said "Yes you did"John said

At Adam office~ Caprice came in to fine William there. "Why are you back, Why can't you just leave me alone"Caprice ask "I'm here to help Adam fight with your husband"William said Adam Jr came in. "Caprice why are you here"Adam Jr ask "Are you trying to hurt me again! Why did you ask William to come here! Caprice yelled "Let me guess you didn't tell Alistair till now and his upset, What else are you keeping from him"Adam Jr ask Alistair came in. "Caprice why the hell are you here! Alistair yelled "I came to talk to Adam Jr and William"Caprice said "Your keeping something from me again aren't you! Cover your tracks! Alistair yelled "No"Caprice said "Please leave"Alistair said Caprice ran out of the hallway and cry. "You better go after her"Adam Jr said "I know what your both doing coming between my wife and I so you can have Caprice back she will never go back to you, and your lifestyle"Alistair said "It was her fantasy to sleep with me"William said Alistair hit William. "Cassadine I will pass changer against you"William said "Go head I don't care"Alistair said

Finding you part 7 ch 17~”Dealing with the past”

On the docks~Skye was walking when she ran into Kristin. “Great”Skye said “We need to talk”Kristin said “About what”Skye ask “Anastasia I know you know where she is”Kristin said as Alexis came by. “You know where my daughter is, Skye please tell me”Alexis said “I’m sorry but I can’t”Skye said “Why”Alexis ask “I lose contact with Anastasia, I did know where she was but I can’t heard from her in a while”Skye said “Really”Alexis ask “Yes”Skye said “What else do you know about her”Alexis ask “I paid for Anastasia to go to medical school she a doctor”Skye said “My baby is a doctor”Alexis said “Yes, But that’s all I know about her, The last time I talk to Anastasia she had just finish medical school”Skye said “Were you there”Alexis ask “Yes”Skye said “Thank you Skye, I will pay you back”Alexis said “Don’t I did love her too”Skye said “Where did Anastasia go to school”Alexis ask “Harvard”Skye said “She very smart”Alexis said “Yes she is, I want to make sure she had the best life and she did”Skye said “Yes Skye would protect her from what was going on at the house”Kristin said “You only would beat me not her”Skye said “Yes, Skye I’m sorry”Kristin said “Was it the brain tumor”Skye ask “Yes and the drinking didn’t help”Kristin said “I always told myself if I was lucky to be a mother I would not be like you”Skye said “Skye, You're a good mother”Alexis said “Not to Genevieve she thinks I’m a horrible mother”Skye said “We make mistake , Just give her time”Alexis said “Alexis is right, I do hope you both get a little closer because of this”Kristin said “I don’t think so, Alexis can arrest my husband “Skye said “What does he do”Kristin ask “His in the coffee business”Skye said “His in the mob”Alexis said “So was Kristina father”Skye said “Yes he was”Alexis said “I need to go”Skye said and left.

“Alexis”Kristin ask “Why did you drink”Alexis ask “I hate being a part of you and Kristina and I hate myself for take Skye”Kristin said “So you turn to the bottle”Alexis ask “Yes, Where is Kristina”Kristin ask “She died in warehouse there was a bomb there by the mob”Alexis said “Oh no”Kristin said “I know, I’m sorry”Alexis said “It’s okay baby”Kristin said they share a hug.

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was home when her phone rang. “Skye Alcazar, Oh it’s you, I been so worry about you”Skye said

Finding you part 7 ch 16

~At General Hospital~Adam room~Adam was sleeping when Skye fix his blankets and look at him as he wake up. “Skye”Adam said “Adam, I’m glad you're alright”Skye said “Did you slept here all night”Adam ask ‘Yes”Skye said “Oh Skye, I’m glad I came town to fix things between us”Adam said “Me too, I want to try”Skye said “Good, So what are you're children like”Adam ask Skye sit on the bed. “My son Luis Jr, For a while I thought he was dead it’s a long story but anyway we got him back thank god Luis has some issue and wants to be like his father which I don’t want him to work with Lorenzo but I can’t stop him, His a good son”Skye said “That’s good, I’m sorry he was taken from you”Adam said “I kind of thought of it as revenge for what I did in the past”Skye said “Yeah”Adam said “My daughter Lila Rae love fashion and a man I can’t stand who knock her up”Skye said “Oh Skye”Adam said “I know, I’m scare but I know Lila Rae will be just fine she a lot like me”Skye said “That’s good she a survivor”Adam said “Yes she is, My twins Skylar is very forgive something happened this past months to her that I thought we lose her in our life but she came around Skylar is very forgive and a talent artist, Her twin Genevieve is nothing like that, Genevieve is like Lorenzo and I, She very anger and upset with both of us, I think we lose her for good”Skye said “Is it that bad’ Adam ask “Yes, I keep something from Genevieve which I sure of not keep it from her and I don’t think she will ever forgive me, She at a burn center getting plastic surgery done and she will not return my phone calls”Skye said “Skye if we can get past things then so can you and Genevieve”Adam said “I do hope you're right”Skye said as Monica came in. “Dr Quartermaine, Thank you for saving me”Adam said “You're welcome, You're heart is doing great, You sure have no problems with it”Monica said “”That’s great”Skye said ‘Yes it is , Thank you”Adam said “You're welcome”Monica said as Brook came in. “Brook”Adam said “While don’t I let you both talk, Brook it’s good to see you”Skye said “You too Skye”Brook said Skye and Monica left.

“So is this why you married Erica, You're heath”Brook said “Yes I was scare I was dying and I didn’t want you to see me like this”Adam said “That’s my choice and I want to be with you”Brook said “I want that too”Adam said they share a kiss as Erica came in. “Erica”Adam said “It’s okay, Adam you belong with Brook you both love each other, Here is the divorce papers”Erica said “Thank you Erica for calling me”Brook said “You're welcome”Erica said “Erica go be with Jackson he love you”Brook said “I know”Erica said and left. “So now we can be together”Brook ask “Yes”Adam said

In the hallway~ Monica and Skye were talking. “Monica , Thank you for taking care of Adam’ Skye said “You're welcome, Skye I talk to Alan today”Monica said “How is Genevieve “Skye ask “She doing great, “Monica said ‘Thanks, I wish Genevieve would call me”Skye said “I know it’s hard but I think Genevieve will come around”Monica said “I hope so”Skye said “Tomorrow I’m throw a dinner party I would like you they're”Monica said “Sure, When can Adam get out of here”Skye ask “In a couple of days”Monica said

Adam room~Brook was laying on the bed kissing Adam when Stuart came in. “Brook you're back”Stuart said “Yes I’m, We our back together”Brook said “I’m happy for you both”Stuart said “Thank you”Adam said “I’m glad you're well”Stuart said “Me too”Adam said

Finding you part 7 ch 15 "The Chandler"

At General Hospital~Skye was sitting on the couch with her family waiting on news about Adam when AJ came by. “Skye”AJ said “AJ”Skye said “I’m going to make a phone call”Lorenzo said and left. Skye got up and went to talk to AJ. “Skye, How are you doing with Adam and you're adoption mother in town”AJ ask “Not good I wish I didn’t have to deal with this, It’s opening a lot of wounds and I really want to drink”Skye said “Don’t, You can lean on me”AJ said he took Skye hand. “Adam just has to make it”Skye said as Jr and Hailee and Colby came by. “Skye”Jr said “Jr, Hailee , Colby, I’m glad you're here, We all need to support Adam and I know he will make it”Skye said “I know he will too”Jr said “I’m glad we made up”Colby said “Me too, Adam does have his faults but his a good father in his way”Hailee said “Yes he is, I’m glad he came to town to talk to me”Skye said as Stuart came by. “Uncle Stuart”Colby said “Adam would be happy that you're all here, Family is important to him”Stuart said “Yes it is”Hailee said “I wish I called Brook she sure be here”Skye said “I did”Erica said as she came by. “You called Brook”Skye ask “Yes, Adam sure be with her not me”Erica said “Wow”Skye said “Is Brook coming”Hailee ask “Yes”Erica said “Good”Jr said “I want you to meet my family”Skye said as Lorenzo and Lila Rae and Luis Jr and Skylar came by. “This is my husband Lorenzo Alcazar, My twins Lila Rae and Luis and Skylar, I have another daughter, Skylar twin Genevieve she away right now at a burn center having plastic surgery”Skye said “Oh, Skye you have a nice family”Hailee said “Thank you”Skye said “Yes, I hope you make my sister happy”Jr said “I do”Lorenzo said “Yes he does, This is my brother AJ”Skye said “Nice to meet you, Who is doing the surgery on Adam”JR ask “My stepmother Monica, She a great doctor”Skye said as Monica came by. “Do you have news on Adam”Skye ask she took Lorenzo hand.

‘Yes, I do, It’s good news, Adam made it”Monica said “Oh that’s great news”Skye said “Yes it is, How long will this last this time”Jr ask “I fix his heart so Adam sure be around for a long time”Monica said “Oh thank you, Skye thank you for calling us”Colby said “You're welcome, You sure be here, You're all his biological children”Skye said “So are you Skye, The things you have done in the past you're a Chandler all the way”Hailee said “Yes, Adam love you like his daughter, Let’s go see him altogether”Jr said they left.

Adam room~Adam was waking up as Skye and Hailee and Colby and JR came in. “Adam”Skye said “My children, You're all here”Adam said “Yes we our, You're going to be fine Daddy”Colby said “Yes you are, You will be back at the company in no time”Jr said “Really”Adam ask “Yes, Monica fix you're heart”Skye said “Wow”Adam said “Yes so now that you're not dying you can be with Brook you're true love”Hailee said “It’s not that easy”Adam said “Yes it is, Adam don’t let the one you love slip away”Skye said “Skye have you forgive me”Adam ask “Yes, I have came a long way, I have a beautiful family a husband who love me for me, His not perfect either and I have children, It’s not perfect but it’s mine, I wouldn't chance it for anything except my daughter Genevieve to stop hating me and being anger with me and her father”Skye said “I’m glad you have a family”Adam said “I want all of you in the family too”Skye said “Sure”Hailee said “Yes, We our a family, We our Chandler and we stick by each other”Adam said he took Skye hand.Stuart came in. “Adam , I’m glad you're alright”Stuart said “Thanks, I’m going to be just fine”Adam said “Good”Stuart said