Thursday, March 3, 2016

Forever and For always part 3 ch 37 (Skyelo)

At The police station~ The mayor office~ Constanza was talking to John, “How did this happened! John yelled “I don’t know sir, All we have know is world of Ned and Alexis that Lorenzo did this”Constanza said “So we have no choice but to drop the changers”John said “I’m sorry”Constanza said “I want all the keys to the door chance and new guards”John said “Yes sir”Constanza said

At Lorenzo jail cell~Lorenzo was in his jail cell when Genevieve came by. “Daddy, I have great news, The evidence is missing you're off the hoof”Genevieve said “Thank you”Lorenzo said “You're welcome, Did you have someone do this”Genevieve ask “No, I swear, When can I go home”Lorenzo ask “In the morning, I’m sorry”Genevieve said “It’s okay, Thank you”Lorenzo said “You're welcome, Do you want me to call mother”Genevieve ask “No let her slept”Lorenzo said “Alright”Genevieve said “Genevieve go home”Lorenzo said “I will”Genevieve said and left. “Ricardo”Lorenzo said

At Skye/Lorenzo~Skye was check on Laurel and John who were sleeping. “My angels, I love you both so much”Skye said she kiss them goodnight.

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