Tuesday, September 5, 2017

All Mixed up Part 4 ch 9

“Losing a legend”
Outside of Joe house-Monica took a deep breath and knock on the door she want to meet Joe alone. Joe open the door. “Can I help you “Joe ask,”Yes I believe you can, Can I come in “Monica ask “Sure”Joe said Monica came into the house. “I'm Doctor Monica Quartermaine, I was adopted and I was told you are my father “Monica said “Wow, My first wife died a long time ago and I was finally going through Helen belongs where she talk about learning she was pregnant in nurse school and giving our daughter up for adoption, Helen wanted to be a nurse and I was in medical school, I'm sorry “Joe said “Me too”Monica said “Were you ever adopted “Joe ask “No but I had a great foster parents and I made a life for myself with my husband and we have children and I'm a respected doctor I just want to know where I came from and if you want I would love if you meet my children and husband “Monica said “I would love to, Did you always want to be a doctor “Joe ask “Yes,I guess I take after my father “Monica said “Do you mind if I hug you “Joe ask “Not at all”Monica said they share a hug. “Did you're husband come with you “Joe ask “No just my stepdaughter you may now her , Skye used to live here “Monica said “Yes I remember Skye “Joe said

At Adam Chandler house- Brook and Jr were talking as Skye came in. “Brook, Jr”Skye said “Skye “Brook said “Did you heard “Jr ask “What? Where is Adam “Skye ask “Skye, Adam died last night “Brook said “No, I want to come to make peace with Adam and let him know I love him even though his not my father”Skye said “Skye. last time when you came to town you and Adam made peace and Adam loved you “Brook said “Yes Father did,Jr said “How did Adam die? Does Uncle Stuart now”Skye ask “Adam and Stuart were in a plane crash together “Brook said “Where were they going,”Skye ask “To Pigeon Hollow “Jr said “It's sad but I guess at less they died together “Skye said “Yes”Brook said they share a hug. “Skye, How are you're children “Brook ask “My younger daughter died in a car accident she left two beautiful daughter behind “Skye said “I'm sorry “Brook said “Thanks, I would like to look in my old room and I want to be at the funeral “Skye said “Sure, Colby not coming she too busy making a movie “Jr said “Jr, You are not alone in this “Skye said “Thanks”Jr said Skye went upstairs.

At Joe house-Joe and Monica were having tea when Tad and Jake and Jeff and Tara came in. “Monica, I want you to meet my sons Tad and Jeff and Jake and my daughter Tara, This is Dr. Monica Quartermaine, My daughter with Helen “Joe said “Nice to meet you “Tara said “You to, I'm glad to meet all of you when I start on this journey it was just too fine my parents who I'm ,”Monica said “Well now you have a whole lot of family you may not want”Tad said “Monica is married to a doctor to his Skye Chandler father “Joe said “Really “Tad said “Skye here she went to see her adopted father Adam”Monica said ‘Adam and his brother Stuart died last night “Tad said “No”Monica said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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