Thursday, October 22, 2015

You were mine part 2 ch 73 "In the bedroom"

At the park~ Courtney was there with her grandson when Josslyn came by with MJ. "I'm glad that Caprice found her twins"Josslyn said "Me too"Courtney said "I'm surprise Caprice let them out of her sight"Josslyn said "Yes but Caprice isn't feeling well so I'm watching then"Courtney said "That's good"Josslyn said 

At General Hospital~
Dr Collins office~ He had just finish working with Page when Emily and Nikolas came in. "How did it go"Emily ask "I remember something"Page said "What"Nikolas ask "My life on the island with Stavors "Page said "Did he hurt you"Nikolas ask "Stavors never lay a hand on me all I remember is Helena wanted me to bring back Stavors to life and there was someone else"Page said "Do you know who"Nikolas ask "No it was a male she never told me his name"Page said "Your making really great progress"Dr Collins said "Thank you"Page said they left.

At Alexis/Ric~ Stefan came in. "Alexis what is it"Stefan ask "Jonathan is here"Alexis said "Your helping him"Stefan ask "Yes my son and it wasn't Jonathan who shot Jax it was Helena she set him up"Alexis said "Why did Helena want to shot Jax"Stefan ask "it was Skye Helena wanted dead, Helena is Althea Skye adoption mother sister"Alexis said "I don't know much about Mother family but we don't have proof that Helena did this"Stefan said "Can't you make some phone calls"Alexis ask "Let me see what I can do, you know that Jonathan a crime you could get in trouble for helping him' Stefan said "I will take care of myself"Alexis said "Fine , I will get back with you.Stefan said and left. Jonathan came out. "Thanks Alexis I own you"Jonathan said :Yes you do"Alexis said "I need to see my son"Jonathan said "We can't risk it yet"Alexis said "Fine' Jonathan said

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