Sunday, July 31, 2016

How the years go by part 2 ch 13

At Spencer/Calliope~ Calliope was in her bathroom cough up blood when Zella came in. “Mother”Zella said she look at the sink. “Zella”Calliope said “Let me help you in bed”Zella said she pick up her mother and help her to bed. “Zella I’m sorry about our fight you remind me so much of myself and it scare me”Calliope said “It’s okay mother want to be like you strong and you will win this”Zella said “I hope so. I love you”Calliope said “I love you to”Zella said she kiss her mother and left.

At Laster/Isabella~ Laster was looking at a picture of his mother when Zella came in. “What are you doing here”Laster ask “Good to see you I was just with mother she not doing well I don’t think mother sure be alone”Zella said “You think we sure hire a nurse”Laster ask “Yes I do”Zella said “I think you're right I’m not sure if Mother will like this”Laster said “No but we have to make some choice”Zella said “Yes we do”Laster said “Laster do you think we will lose both our parents”Zella ask “No I don’t”Laster said

At the Courthouse~ Kristina was getting ready for her case when Clint came in. “Kristina how are you”Clint ask “Okay for now , how are you”Kristina ask “Alright, Page and I have been getting close”Clint said “Good I’m happy for you both”Kristina said “Thanks, Soon you will be happy Alexis and Spencer will wake up”Clint said “Thanks”Kristina said as Scotty came in. “Get ready to lose”Scotty said “You will”Kristina said Stefan came in.”Our you okay”Kristina ask “Just nervous”Stefan said Julian and Roman came in. “We will get you out here father”Julian said “Yes we will”Roman said “I’m so glad you're both on my side”Stefan said Chloe and Nikolas came in. “It’s good to you both”Stefan said The judge came in. “Stefan Cassadine Vs the state of New York city in the murder of his wife Katherine Bell. How do you plea”The judge ask “Not Guilty your honor”Stefan said “Are both lawyers ready for opening statement” The judge ask “Yes your honor”Scotty said “Yes”Kristina said “Scotty when first. “I have proof that Mr. Cassadine was planning on divorce his wife he moved money into a secret account without his wife knowing and when she found out he killed her! We are here for justice for Katherine Bell”Scotty said “My client didn’t kill his wife he loved Katherine Bella someone is set up my client for murder the real killer is out there and we need to find the killer”Kristina said “I have evidence that Mr. Cassadine killed his wife there is blood on this knife that belong to Katherine and Mr.Cassadine fingerprints on it”Scotty said “Your honor the knife came from my client house of cause it has his fingerprints on it”Kristina said “Do you have a witness”The judge ask “Yes I do, I Call Dr Gail Baldwin to the stand”Scotty said Gail took the stand.

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