Sunday, July 31, 2016

How the years go by part 2 ch 43

“Valentin Cassadine is back”

At Skye/Jax ~ Outside~Calliope and Spencer were talking, “You're mad that Laster cover for us aren’t you our son was just clean up your mess! You just had to confess! Spencer yelled “You're not the Spencer I love”Calliope said “Yes I’m”Spencer said he touch her hair. “Don’t follow me”Calliope said and left.

At Laster/Isabella~ Isabella came in to find Rose everywhere. “I’m sorry but you saw the real me can you love the real me”Laster ask “Yes I can, I’m sorry”Isabella said “I’m sorry to but I love you”Laster said “I love you to”Isabella said

At Adela~ She was looking at a picture of Carman and throw it. “This isn’t fair! Adela yelled

At The Comeback~ Sara was drinking when Nico came in. “I’m sorry about all of this but you don’t need to drink it will not help”Nico said “Leave me alone! You're parents cost me my parents! Sara yelled as Monica came by. “Sara don’t do this to yourself I get you're in pain but this can’t help”Monica said “I just want my parents back”Sara said “I know baby let me take you home”Monica said they left as Calliope came in. “I will have some white wine”Calliope said as James came by. “May I join you”James ask “Sure why not, So James how dare are you”Calliope ask “What”James ask “All the Cassadine have a dark side, Do you”Calliope ask “Do you want to find out”James ask

At Sage/Jed~ “Sage are you okay”Jed ask “No I’m not I know something that can hurt a lot of people but if I say anything I will lose one of the things I wanted in this world”Sage said “Maybe I can help”Jed ask “If I tell you can’t tell anyone”Sage said “Of cause ’Jed said “My father is alive”Sage said

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