Saturday, July 30, 2016

How the years go by part 2 ch 4~

At the Comeback~ Courtney was there having a drink when Zander came in. “I will have beer”Zander said “Zander I’m sorry about your son”Courtney said “I’m sorry about your son to”Zander said “Thanks I can’t believe we our going through this again”Courtney said “I know that night chance everyone life”Zander said “Yes”Courtney said

At Calliope/Spencer~ Calliope pick up a picture of her and Spencer in their wedding photo and cried as Skye came in. “Calliope, Spencer will make it”Skye said “I hope so, You know that saying when it rain it pours it’s true”Calliope said “What do you mean by that”Skye ask “I wasn’t feeling good before this accident so I had Dr Jones run some test on me and he told me I have a tumor”Calliope said “No”Skye said “Yes isn’t that just great”Calliope ask “No have you told your children”Skye ask “No I was too scarce to say it out loud”Calliope said “You're not alone and I will help you, You will beat this”Skye said they share a hug as the children came in. “Mother I know Daddy will wake up”Zella said “Thank you I’m going to need all my children”Calliope said as Nico came in. “Mother why is Nico here”Laster ask “I asked him to come I need you all not just with your father put me I haven’t been feeling well before the accident and Dr Jones took some test I have a tumor”Calliope said “Oh my god,”Willow said “We will help you beat this Mother it will be fine”Laster said “I will as your father says nothing bring us Cassadine down”Calliope said “Yes”Rave said the children expect Nico left. “Nico I do want you back”Calliope said “Thanks mother, Have you ever read the book”Nico ask “No I haven’t yet”Calliope said “Well here you're happy”Nico said “Well I have time”Calliope said

At Adam Jr/Lila~ They were talking to their lawyers. “Well we lose our son”Lila ask “The adoption will be final tomorrow”The lawyer said “So that good”Adam Jr said “Yes there no way they can take your son from you”The lawyer said “Thank you”Lila said the lawyer left. “Thank god our son will stay with us”Lila said “Yes”Adam Jr said Lila phone rang it was Skye. “I will be right there”Lila said and left.

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