Sunday, July 31, 2016

How the years go by part 2 ch 73

At the Country club~ Alexis came by. “Oh no what happened”Alexis ask “We don’t know how the fire start but I have a feeling it was Valentin”Jax said “If it is we will stop him”Alexis said “Yes we will , How are you doing”Jax ask “I will be find”Alexis said “Yes you will be”Jax said as Cricket came by. “I guess I have to find a new place to eat”Cricket said “Or a new town”Alexis said “Do you need any help”Jax ask “No I can handle this”Alexis said Jax left. “I’m sorry I want to talk to you but I thought I sure give you some space”Cricket said “Well now I can do this”Alexis said she slap her. “I guess we will never be sisters”Cricket said “No why did you do this”Alexis ask “Helena was blackmail me I’m sorry”Cricket said and left.

At Spencer/Calliope~ Spencer was talking to a man. “Thank you my wife will love this”Spencer said the man left as Calliope came in. “Darling I’m sorry for yelling at you”Spencer said he handle her a gift Calliope opening it was a ring. “A new Ring for my beautiful wife”Spencer said “It’s beautiful but we haven’t been getting along since you wake up”Calliope said “We had a lot to deal with you're one night with Valentin “Spencer said “I hate myself for that”Calliope said “I know you do and I promise you he will never hurt you again but we will get our marriage back on track so why don’t we go out to dinner”Spencer ask “I can’t I have a meeting with Lila we both have a idea to help both our careers she needs a new show and I need something so I’m going to have my own fashion show isn’t it great”Calliope ask “Yes it is ,Alright how about tomorrow”Spencer ask “Sure”Calliope said

At Avery/Sterling Jr~ “Promise me we will not end up like my parents ’Avery said “I promise we will not, How many children do you want ’Sterling Jr ask “three”Avery said “I like that’ Sterling JR said

At Adlea~ “How was it with your father”Adela ask “Not good father wants all of us boys to run a hotel together”Liam said “That doesn't sound good”Adela said “No I think we will kill each other”Liam said “Yes”Adlea said

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