Sunday, August 14, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 5 ch 10”

At Skye/Jax~ "How is Langston" Jax ask "My daughter is so strong I think she will be okay, I just keep that Althea was in all this I sure of know that she would plan something like this"Skye said "Don't blame yourself let it go it's time we heal from this"Jax said "I was so scare that I would lose you"Skye said "Never this time we our working it out" Jax said they share a kiss and left.

At Lila~ Lorenzo and Dorian were the first to arrive. "Daddy I'm glad your here first I want you to be nice"Lila said " I will"Lorenzo said "Dorian I would like to know you I hope you and my father our happy"Lila said "We our, I love your house"Dorian said "Thank you" Lila said "Chandler and Kristina (who was very pregnant) and Skye and Jax and Dimitri and Cassie and Nikolas and Gia came in. "Nikolas where is Emily"Cassie ask "Emily is fine she with Angel Langston give her back to Emily"Nikolas said "Wow she just like Josslyn she give Gabi back to Langston"Cassie said "That why Langston could not make it" Lila said "The whole thing is sad"Kristina said "Yes it is but can we not talk about it tonight"Lila ask "Sure what is your news"Cassie ask "Soon you will all know" Lila said "Kristina how is the baby"Skye ask "Great tomorrow is our test result come back"Kristina said "We our here for you"Skye said "Yes we our so where is my Granddaughter" Lorenzo ask "Claire and the children are sleeping it's been a long time for them. Cassie how is the store"Lila ask "Why do you care"Cassie ask "Cassie I want to have a relationship with you don't you want that" Lila ask

"Dimitri and Clinton were pour a drink at the bar. "You look happy"Dimitri said "I'm , Brother we sure really get to know each other"Clinton said "Maybe"Dimitri said "Nikolas I'm happy for Emily' Gia said "Thank you I just wish we had Page back"Nikolas said " I can't image lose a child"Gia said "All right dinner is ready" Lila said they sit down. "Mother I need you and Daddy to watch the children next week we our going on a trip"Cassie said "Sure where are you going"Skye ask and hand a slip of water. "To our vacation house where we go marry"Cassie said Skye slip some water out of her mother. "Skye our you okay" Kristina ask "Yes it went down the wrong pipe, Sure I will watch the children"Skye said "Thank you"Cassie said "Speak of weddings Clinton and I have some news we our getting marry" Lila said "Lila don't you think it's fast" Lorenzo said "Yes you only dating a while"Skye said "Can't you be happy for me? I found love again" Lila said "Lila I'm happy for you at least this time it's not my husband"Cassie said "Cassie"Chandler said " I don't get it you forgive Morgan but not me"Lila said "Because your my sister"Cassie said "Darling do you want to go"Dimitri ask "Don't go I want to give a toast I love Lila and I will make her happy I just hope all of you will be happy for us I know what this mean to Lila"Clinton said "Your right Here is to Clinton and Lila"Skye said she didn't trust Clinton at all. "Yes and if you hurt my daughter you will deal with me" Lorenzo said "Same here"Chandler said " I will not hurt Lila"Clinton said he was scared by that. "Dimitri I hope we can get to know each other we our family after all"Clinton said "Your not a Cassadine you were not raise by one I don't need another brother your just a result of a one night stand my father had with your mother"Dimitri said "Dimitri Stavors-Stefan! Nikolas yelled "It's true" Let's go" Dimitri yelled "Dimitri this isn't about you or Cassie tonight it's about Clinton and I"Lila said "Your right I'm sorry"Dimitri said "Me to"Cassie said "Thank you" Lila said "Here is to Lila and Clinton and their children I hope your both happy" Lorenzo said "Thank you Daddy" Lila said "I want to fix us I miss you" Lorenzo said " I miss you to I want to start over with you and Cassie" Lila said "Cassie"Skye said " I will try"Cassie said "That all I ask" Lila said

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