Sunday, August 14, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 5 ch 3”

At General Hospital~ Emily came in with Angel. "AJ I'm sure Lydia will make it"Emily said "Thank you"AJ said Angel was crying. "I need to chance her" Emily said " I will do it"Skye said "Our you sure"Emily ask "Yes"Skye said she took Angel to chance her as Monica came by. "Why did Skye took Angel"Monica ask "To chance her she great with children mother I'm sure she will not hurt Angel"Emily said " I know"Monica said in the bathroom~ Skye was chance Angel and pull out a DNA test and put in her bag and left with Angel. "Skye thank you"Emily said "Your welcome I miss when my children were this young"Skye said " They do grow up fast"Emily said "Yes , How are you doing without Page"Skye ask "I miss Page every day I would go crazy if I did not have Angel"Emily said " I hope not"Skye said

At Cassie/Dimitri bed room~ "Why were you hit on Floss tonight"Cassie ask " I wasn't hit on her I was just talking to her why do you care your the one getting flowers from another man! Dimitri yelled "It was just to say thank you I'm not having an affair with your brother"Cassie said "Not yet his getting to you"Dimitri said "His not like you for sure Clinton a better father then you ! You hardly see our children"Cassie yelled "I'm busy running the empire our son future"Dimitri said "They need a father who is there for them to! Cassie yelled "I'm done! I'm tired! Dimitri yelled " Me to! I'm going to sleep in the another room! Cassie yelled and left.

At General Hospital~ Dr. Jones came by. "Is my wife okay" AJ ask "Lydia is sleeping but we got out the tumor she may not wake up till morning"Tony said "Thank you"Alexis said

At Simone~ Tommy and Justin were there. "Our you sure you don't want to fight this" Justin ask "No I hate that I lose my license to help Carly but I want to do the right thing"Simone said "I'm sure it was"Tommy said "Tommy are you sure it's over between you and Josslyn"Simone ask "Yes it is"Tommy said "Simone what will you do now" Justin ask " I'm not sure"Simone said

At St. Angel ~ Carly funeral~ Josslyn and Jax and Skye and Michael and Cassie and Bobbie and Luke and Lucas were there. "I want to thank you for coming I can't believe we our saying goodbye to my mother yes she was not perfect but nobody's"Michael said "It's been hard lose mother after I learn what she did but I have forgive her and I will tell the twins about it when there older" Josslyn said "Carly and I have come a long way I miss my baby"Bobbie said

At Lila~ Clinton was over. "We need to talk"Clinton said "About what" Lila ask "Well you marry me , I know this is fast but I never feel like this before I love you"Clinton said " I love you to yes I will marry you I have never thought I would fall in love again after Morgan" Lila said they share a kiss.

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