Tuesday, August 23, 2016

“All we’d ever need part 5 ch 34”

At Skye office~ "No your wrong"Skye said "No I'm not Cassie confess to me last night she ending it" Lorenzo said "No this isn't good Cassie and Lila had just got close again and not to image what Dimitri will do"Skye said " I know there more" Lorenzo said "What"Skye ask "Clinton trick Lila into sign a prenup and he ends up get ELQ in a the divorce" Lorenzo said "No how could Lila sign this"Skye ask "She was blind by love that all" Lorenzo said "No we have to stop this"Skye said "Yes, We will what were you reading when I came in you looked upset"Lorenzo said "Just about the magazine that all"Skye said "No Skye I know you our worry about something as a friend I want to help you"Lorenzo said "All right I'm being blackmailed"Skye said

At Chandler~ Lila and Cassie came in. "Chandler if you need any help in plan the funeral let me know"Lila said "Thanks I'm glad your both here life is to short"Chandler said "Yes it is, We want to help you in anyway we can"Cassie said "I know"Chandler said he found a list. "What is it"Lila ask "A list of baby names Kristina choice"Chandler ask "What is the name on it"Cassie ask "Brandon she wanted to name our son Brandon"Chandler said " I like it"Cassie said "Me to" Lila said "Yes I'm going to check on my son Brandon the nanny is here with Bliss"Chandler said "All right do you want us to go" Cassie ask "No I want to be alone with my son"Chandler said they left.

At Ric/Alexis~ Nikolas was over. "If you need anything let me know"Nikolas said "Does the pain ever go away"Alexis ask "No it doesn't I miss Page everyday and I blame myself for it"Nikolas said "Your a great father it's not your fault"Alexis said "I could of stop it"Nikolas said " Maybe Ric wants to sue General hospital it's like he wants to blame someone for it"Alexis said "it will help in dealing but it can't chance it"Nikolas said " No"Alexis said As Lydia and Zander came in."We our sorry about Kristina"Zander said "Thank you I'm glad your both here"Alexis said "Your not alone"Lydia said "No"Nikolas said

At Gia~ Gia came into fine Lorenzo wait for her. "Why are you in my room"Gia ask "I know all about your secret and why you and your son came into this town" Why do you want to hurt my daughter they have nothing to do with this! Lorenzo yelled "All this is my son idea he wanted to make someone pay"Gia said "Why did you go along with it"Lorenzo ask "Why not Emily took the love of my life away from me! I wanted payback to!Gia yelled "Well I hope it was worth it now that I found out about it this will destroy both of you! Lorenzo said "Leave my son alone!Gia yelled "It would be best if you stop this and leave town"Lorenzo said and left. Gia called Clinton but he did not pick up.

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