Monday, August 29, 2016

Always part 3 ch 7~

At General Hospital~After going with Rae to the church Lorenzo came into the hospital and went by the nurse station where Dr Drake was. “Can I help you”Dr Drake ask “I was hope you could.. I want my wife body. I know you had to run some test on Skye and For whatever reason you would not let me see Skye but I need my wife.. I have been nice about all this”Lorenzo said “You can’t have Skye body.. We cremated her”Dr Drake said Lorenzo was upset by that.. “How dare you! I never give you permission to do that to my wife! I will Sue this hospital and you will be out of a job! Lorenzo yelled “Lorenzo.. I’m not scared of you”Dr Drake said Lorenzo got close to Dr Drake. “You sure be”Lorenzo said As Alan came by. “What is going on”Alan ask “Did you know that Dr Drake cremated Skye..Without permission from me.. Her own husband! Lorenzo yelled “I didn’t know either. Dr Drake as chef of this hospital you are suspend”Alan said “Fine.. All I was doing my job”Dr Drake said “You don’t cremated a patience without the family permission”Alan said Dr Drake left. “Thank you Alan”Lorenzo said “You're welcome”Alan said “I will see you at The church on Sunday at noon”Lorenzo said “Sure”Alan said Lorenzo left.

Outside of General Hospital~ Dr Drake was outside talking to someone on the phone. “I’m in trouble”Dr Drake said and hang up the phone.

At Lorenzo~Lorenzo came into the house and saw a woman with red hair stand by the fireplace. “Skye”Lorenzo said she turn around.. “Daddy it’s me.. Genevieve” She said Lorenzo look at Genevieve. “I’m sorry.. You just look so much like you're mother”Lorenzo said “It’s okay Daddy..We finish the picture”Genevieve said “Thank you.. Where is Luis and Skylar”Lorenzo ask “They had to go.. I want to stay and make you're okay.. The children are at Alexander and I’m all alone. I thought we could go to dinner”Genevieve said “No thanks.. I’m fine..Genevieve I have to get use to be alone but you don’t.. You love Alexander.. You both need to deal with losing the baby together .. I know you love him and marriage isn’t easy”Lorenzo said “No it’s not. But it’s too late for Alexander and I.. Do you want to go out”Genevieve ask “No thanks”Lorenzo said “Alright.. Daddy you can call me if you need me”Genevieve said “I will be fine”Lorenzo said Genevieve left.

Lorenzo lay on the couch he was tired from planning Skye funeral.

Copyright by Skye’s the limit

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