Monday, September 4, 2017

All Mixed up Part 3 ch 56

“Grieving for Sierra”
At Skye/Lorenzo-Rae was having some tea as Skye came storm in she was angry that Tracy may beat this. “How dare she! Skye yelled she threw her purse on the table. “Skye, What's wrong”Rae ask “Sorry Mother I didn't know you were their, Tracy is sick she has leukemia and need a bone marrow and everyone is praying she will make it and wants to help Tracy live but I keep thinking how dare she get to live when my own daughter didn't! Sierra sure be here with Grayson and raising the twins! It's just not fair! Skye yelled “I'm sorry, No it's not fair that Sierra is gone, I had my issue with Tracy but this isn't her fault “Rae said “I know it's not Tracy fault, It's mine! I'm the reason my daughter isn't here! I sure of told Sierra the truth from the start “Skye said “Skye, You can't go back,I wish I could take away you're pain”Rae said “Me too”Skye said they share a hug. “I'm glad we let the past go”Skye said “Me to, I want to know you all over again you're childhood “Rae said “No I don't want to talk about my childhood “Skye said “Alright “Rae said 

At Alexis-Alexis was having coffee with Kristina. “Have you heard from you're father ‘Alexis ask “Yes, Why didn't you tell me that Daddy is married and having a baby”Kristina ask “I thought Ned sure tell you, He loves you “Alexis said “My childhood wasn't that bad I just wish you and Daddy raised me together and were married “Kristina said “You're father and I were not the tradition family but we loved you and I made sure you saw Ned when he wasn't on the road “Alexis said “If Daddy left the music career would you be with him”Kristina ask “Why do the what if”Alexis ask as their was a knock on the door it was Richard. “Richard, It's good to see you “Alexis said “Thanks, Kristina I'm glad to see you, I have some new , Emma and I are back together and living together “Richard said “That's news”Alexis said “Yes it is “Kristina said “Emma and I use to date but things got in the way “Richard said “Like what “Kristina ask “I guess I can trust you both only my family except Lorenzo Jr and Lorenzo know this but I'm in the WSB and so is Emma that's why we broke up “Richard said “I had a feeling you were in the law , You're mother would love that you're working in the WSB”Alexis said “I do like my job “Richard said “Is you're assignment to go after Lorenzo “Alexis ask Richard didn't say anything, “Be careful “Alexis said “I will “Richard said and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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