Monday, September 4, 2017

All Mixed up part 4 ch 2

“A Prince is gone”
At General Hospital-Laura and Josslyn and Bobbie and Hayden and Alexis and Kristina were their when Robin and Patrick and Steven came by. “Do you have news on my son”Laura ask “My sons to”Hayden said “Nikolas is in a coma and Grayson is going to be okay he hurt his legs but I have bad news about Spencer “Robin said “No!! Josslyn yelled “I'm sorry but Spencer didn't make it”Robin said “No! Hayden yelled “Will Nikolas wake up “Laura ask as Lucky came by. “We don't know if Nikolas will wake up”Robin said “I want to see him”Laura said “I want to see my husband to”Josslyn said “Of cause “Steve said “We need to find out why that plane went down “Alexis said “It's not going to chance anything! Spencer is dead! I loved him as my son! Hayden yelled ‘I know you did “Alexis said “How do I tell my son”Josslyn ask,”Josslyn, You're not alone in this “Bobbie said “No you're not”Kristina said “I will take you to see Spencer “Robin said they left.

In a room-Victor was lying on the hospital bed as Tea came into the room and sit by him. “Victor, Wake up I'm here, I love you,Tea said as Dr. Webber came in. “How is my husband? Why isn't he waking up”Tea ask “You're husband is in a coma “Dr. Webber said “What happened “Tea ask “Someone must of dropped him off we found him outside by the door we don't even know who he is”Steven said “Did you see anyone “Tea ask “No”Steven said as Vick came in. “Vicky, Victor is back to us”Tea said “Yes he is,”Vicky said “Victor in a coma but he will get better “Tea said she fixes the blanket.

Nikolas room-Nikolas was lying in bed in a coma when Laura came by. “Nikolas you will get better we have came a long way in our relationship I love you son, I'm so sorry about Spencer you are going to be so heartbroken when you fine out his gone he was a great little boy “Laura said she touch Nikolas hair.

In the morgue-Spencer was lying on the bed when Josslyn and Hayden and Alexis and Kristina came in. “Spencer I loved you . I'm glad we made it work and our son love you were a great father,,I will miss you”Josslyn said “Spencer I may not of been you're biological mother but I love you as my son, I will watch over Spencer Jr, “Hayden said “Spencer you were a great young man , I love you”Alexis said “Spencer I love you”Kristina said

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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