Friday, October 23, 2015

You were mine part 2 ch 87 "How do I live"

The next day~
At Skye~Skye was pick out a shit for Jax when there was a knock on the door it was Jane. "Jane our Jax is gone"Skye said They share a hug. "I'm so sorry"Skye said "It's not your fault"Jane said "We had to go to London because of my past"Skye said "Skye Jax love you he would not want to blame yourself"Jane said "There a lot to do, Where is John"Skye ask "John wanted to be alone, Somehow we will get through this"Jane said "Yes, Have you told Jerry"Skye ask "Yes hopefully Jerry will come to the funeral"Jane said "I haven't plan the funeral yet"Skye said "I will help you are not alone"Jane said they share a hug there was a knock on the door it was Carly. "Why are you here"Skye ask "Hello Jane, I want to be at Jax funeral I did love him"Carly said "No 'Skye said “If Jax was with me he would still he here"Carly said Skye slap her. "Get out of here! Skye yelled "You made Jax miserable you cheat on him Skye never cheat on him you are not welcome at my son funeral" Your the worst thing that ever happened to my son! Jane yelled "What about Josslyn"Carly ask "I love Josslyn she the one the best thing that came out of your marriage now leave! Jane yelled Carly left. "Thanks Jane"Skye said "Your family I will not have anyone bad mouth you and Jax he was happy with you"Jane said "Yes I just wish I could give him a child"Skye said "That would be nice"Jane said "Yes a son Jax want a son so bad"Skye said

At Jax office~ John was there looking around. "Oh Jax you were a great business man I just wish I could bring you back to us"John said "Ned came in. "John I'm sorry about Jax he was a great businessman"Ned said "Yes he was now there no one to run this company Jerry is too busy"John said "I'm sorry 'Ned said

At Alistair/Caprice~ Caprice was sit on the couch with her sons holding a picture of Jax. "This is your grandfather Jax he a great businessman and family man he love you so much"Caprice said "She kiss her sons as Josslyn and MJ came in. "I can't believe Daddy is gone"Josslyn said "Me too, We were just get to know each other I think we sure honor Daddy by trying to get along"Caprice said "I would like that and for our children to be close"Josslyn said "Yes , I need a favor from you don't let your mother ruin Daddy funeral"Caprice said "I will try, Maybe Grandmother Bobbie can help"Josslyn said "Thanks, Would you like to stay for tea' Caprice ask "I can't I sure go"Josslyn said "I'm sorry about yelling at you' Caprice said "I forgive you"Josslyn said "You were right about what you say"Caprice said "I wish I wasn't"Josslyn said and left.

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