Sunday, July 31, 2016

How the years go by part 2 ch 82

~ “Skylar Cassadine”

At Spencer/Calliope~ Calliope close the door. “You lied for our son tonight I know that gun isn’t yours”Calliope said “No it’s not”Spencer said he pour himself a brandy. “What are you going to do when they found out it’s not yours”Calliope ask “I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happened I will save our son”Spencer said “I know you will”Calliope said

At Sterling Jr/Avery~ They were having a romance dinner at home. “Since we can’t go on our honeymoon we will enjoy some alone time”Sterling JR said “Thank you for doing this I can’t leave my brother yet”Avery said “I get it beside all that matter is spend time together no matter where we our”Sterling Jr said “Yes ’Avery said they made love.

At Page/Clint~ “Do you really think my nephew did this I know Skylar he doesn’t have it in him”Page said “It doesn’t look good for him”Clint said “Oh no I know Valentin is his birth father and my brother the one who raise him isn’t perfect but Skylar isn’t like either of them”Page said “I’m sorry I wish it was better news”Clint said “Me too I wish we had some happy times”Page said “Yes”Clint said

At Kristina/Sterling~ “Kristina our you take Skylar case”Sterling ask “No my mother is now I don’t want to talk about my family I want to talk about us”Kristina said she kiss him. “What do want to talk about”Sterling ask “Making love”Kristina said he kiss Kristina.

At Skylar/Barbara Jean~ Barbara was holding a pregnant test and put it down and look at a picture of her and Skylar together. “Don’t leave me”Barbara Jean said

At Calliope/Spencer~”Calliope”Spencer said she was looking at her a baby picture of Skylar. “When I was pregnant with Willow and Skylar I was worry that either of them would be like Valentin I would look for it in Skylar but I never saw it”Calliope said “Skylar isn’t Valentin! If he did this it wasn’t in cold blood it was to keep his family safe”Spencer said “I hope you're right”Calliope said “I’m now let’s go to bed”Spencer said

How the years go by part 2 ch 81

~”I’m my father’s son”

At The police station~ Skylar and Barbara Jean and Skye and Jax and Alexis were there. “Skylar don’t say anything”Alexis said “My son didn’t do anything”Calliope said “Then why do we have a gun with Skylar fingerprints on it”Mac ask he show them the gun it was in a bag. “That gun is registry to me”Spencer said “So Skylar you stole this from your father to kill Helena”Mac ask “No I didn’t”Skylar said “Then when do we have your fingerprints on it”Mac ask “I can expect that part”Spencer said “Okay how”Mac ask “All my sons learn how to use a gun when they are old enough for hunter and protect our family we our a wealthy family we have to protect ourself”Spencer said “Is it lock”Mac ask “Of cause it’s is”Spencer said “So know my son can leave”Calliope said “I’m afraid not”Mac said “Skylar has to stay the night”Barbara Jean ask “Yes for now and Alexis you can talk to your client in the morning”Mac said Calliope went by her son. “Mother don’t worry”Skylar said “It’s hard not to, We have to save you”Calliope said “We will save our son”Spencer said Skylar went to his cell.“Spencer is that you're gun”Alexis ask him alone. “Yes”Spencer said “Does Skylar have a alibis”Alexis ask “I don’t know”Calliope said

Skylar Cell~ Barbara Jean came by. “Skylar did you do this”Barbara Jean ask “”I did go to talk to her about what she did to my family but no I didn’t kill her someone is set me up”Skylar said Spencer and Calliope came by. “Don’t worry son we will save you”Spencer said “Thanks father for everything, Mother don’t worry about me”Skylar said “I’m you're mother I will always worry about you”Calliope said”Time up”Clint said they left.

“Alexis our you sure you can take this case too”Jax ask “Yes I will be fine”Alexis said “I hope you get our grandson out of this”Skye said “Me too”Alexis said

At Spencer/Calliope~ Willow and Mulan were clean up from the wedding. “Do you think Skylar will be changer”Willow ask “I don’t know but I don’t think he did this”Mulan said “Me either I know Skylar his my twin”Willow said Liberty and Rave came in. “I know Willow you and Skylar have the twin thing just like Liberty and I do”Rave said “Yes”Willow said as Spencer and Calliope came in. “Where is Skylar”Willow ask “His in jail for the night”Spencer said “Daddy you have to get him out of there”Willow said “I will don’t worry”Spencer said “I need to talk to your father alone”Calliope said the children left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 80~

~ “A night to remember”

At Calliope/Spencer ~ Avery room~ “Avery you look so beautiful I can’t believe you are getting marry”Calliope said “Mother I’m still your daughter”Avery said “I know I love you”Calliope said “I love you to”Avery said Nevaeh, Zella,Liberty,Rave,Bliss,Mulan,Willow came in. “Avery you look great”Nevaeh said “Thanks to you”Avery said “Where is Sterling taking you on your honeymoon”Zella ask “”To the city ’Avery said “Nice let’s get ready”Calliope said

Downstairs~ Ballroom~ Spencer was there when Sterling came in. “So I guess we will be family”Sterling said “Yes it’s not to bad”Spencer said “No”Sterling said as Sterling Jr came in. “Are you two getting along”Sterling Jr ask “Yes we our”Sterling said “You better treat my daughter right”Spencer said “”I will”Sterling Jr said as Weston came in. “Is everything okay”Weston ask “Yes”Sterling Jr said Allison and Rafe came in. “This is going to be a fun wedding”Allison said “Yes”Rafe said the guest arrive and Calliope came in to check on things when she came face to face with Leno who was wear the same dress as her. “You bitch! How dare you wear the same dress as me”Calliope ask “I didn’t know you were going to wear it , You sure happy I’m wear your line”Leno said “Darling why don’t you just go chance”Spencer ask “Fine”Calliope said and left. Kristina came in. “Sorry I’m late”Kristina said “It’s okay”Sterling said “So you brought your new tramp to our son wedding”Leno ask “Not now”Sterling said Calliope came back in just as the wedding was about to start and Nevaeh and Zella and Liberty and Rave and Willow and Mulan and Bliss walk down then Spencer and Avery walk down. “Who give this woman away”The father ask “Her mother and I do”Spencer said then sit down next to Calliope. “Avery and Sterling Jr have wrote their own vows”The father said “I love you so much Sterling I will make you happy and I know we will be I can’t wait to have children with you I want to be different them our parent”Avery said “I love you so much I’m happy with you and I know we will make it when the hard times come”Sterling Jr said “Does anyone object”The father ask No one say anything. “You may kiss the bride”The father said they share a kiss. “Everyone thanks for coming the reception is going to be here”Calliope said

Avery and Sterling JR had their first dance as husband and wife. “I love you”Sterling Jr said “I love you to”Avery said Calliope and Spencer were watching them. “Do you think we will be okay”Calliope ask “Yes I do”Spencer said Mac came in the room. “I’m sorry to do this but Skylar Cassadine you are under arrest for murder “Mac said “Not again”Skylar said “Mac this is my daughter wedding can’t you wait”Calliope ask “No we can’t”Mac said “What proof do you have”Alexis ask “A gun with Skylar fingerprints on it”Mac said “Skylar we will get you out of this son”Spencer said “Don’t say anything”Alexis said Mac arrest Skylar Calliope was crying and Spencer took her hand. “Pull yourself together”Spencer said “Yes”Calliope said “Oh this is just great”Avery said “It’s going to be okay”Sterling Jr said “I guess we sure put our honeymoon on hold”Avery said “Yes it’s fine”Sterling Jr said Calliope was fix her makeup when Skye came by. “Calliope”Skye said “My son didn’t do this I know my baby” Calliope said “We will get Skylar out of this”Skye said “Someone is set him up”Calliope said

How the years go by part 2 ch 79

At the Quartermaine~Skye and Jax were there. “How was Chloe bail hearing”Skye ask “I found out how we lose our money it was Tracy and Chloe”Jax said “What! How do we get it back”Skye ask “Kristina is going to help us”Jax said “Good now we have to make Tracy and Chloe pay”Skye said as Alan came in. “What did my sister do”Alan ask “Tracy and Chloe team up to steal our money”Skye said “No”Alan said “We will make Tracy pay but I have a feeling that she made Chloe do this”Jax said”Maybe Skye said “What”Jax ask “Chloe is a smart business woman she know what she was doing”Skye said “Maybe”Jax said

At Calliope office~ Spencer and Calliope were there. “Here are all my books I don’t know why you want to read them I do know what I’m doing”Calliope said “Yes you do I just want to help, Wow fabric cost a lot”Spencer said “Yes the best do”Calliope said “How is your makeup company doing”Spencer ask “It’s not good it’s more in trouble just the night cream is doing wonderful”Calliope said “Maybe just keep that but I think you're company will make it”Spencer said “I hope so but we sure go we have Avery wedding”Calliope said “Yes’ Spencer said they left.

At Calliope/Spencer~ Ballroom~ Avery was making sure everything was set when Calliope and Spencer came in. “You're going to have the perfect wedding I know it”Calliope said “Thanks Mother I love him”Avery said “He better treat you right”Spencer said “Thanks Daddy ’Avery said “Let’s get you ready”Calliope said

At The Police Station~ “Mac here are the fingerprints from the gun we found”Clint said “Thank you”Mac said he was about to read it when Kristina came in. “Mac I need to talk to “Kristina said “About what”Mac ask “Tracy Quartermaine and Chloe Morgan cook up a ponzi scheme to make sure Jax company lose all their money”Kristina said “I will look into it”Mac said “Chloe confess to it”Kristina said

How the years go by part 2 ch 78

At Jax office~ Alexis came in. “I hear you are going to be Chloe lawyer”Jax said “Yes I’m in she may get bail today”Alexis said “Good let me know if you need my help”Jax said “Thank you”Alexis said “I just wish that our friend wasn’t in trouble”Jax said “Me too”Alexis said 

At the Haunted Starr~ Skye came in. “I’m glad you're here”Luke said “We have a lot of work to do”Skye said “Yes we do”Luke said “So are we partners in this”Skye said “Yes”Luke said they shake hands on it. “It’s good to have you back”Luke said “You too”Skye said

At The Courthouse~ Chloe hearing~Alexis and Chloe and Jax were there. “Ms Chloe Morgan bail is set for ten million dollars”The judge said “I don’t have the kind of money”Chloe said “I do”Ned said as he came in. “Thanks”Chloe said it was all set, “Why are you helping me”Chloe ask “Because this isn’t your fault”Ned said “We our here to help you”Jax said “There is something you need to know the reason why you lose all your money ’Chloe said “What”Jax ask “Tracy and I were behind the company that Jerry put a lot of money in I’m sorry ’Chloe said “Why”Jax ask “I was upset still for you taking my company”Chloe said “I get why you were upset”Jax said “I lose you didn’t I”Chloe ask “No”Jax said “We have a lot of work to do”Alexis said as Spencer came in. “Alexis I guess you're not a real Cassadine helping the person who set Stefan up”Spencer said “Spencer Stefan ask me to”Alexis said “I will make sure you don’t win”Spencer said and left. Roman came by. “Roman”Chloe said “When you killed my mother did she know right then that she was going to die? Did she see you” What were her last words”Roman ask “That she loved you and no Katherine didn’t see me I’m sorry”Chloe said ‘You will pay”Roman said and left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 77~

“Helping a friend”

At the Police Station~ Jax went to talk to Chloe. “Why did you do kill Katherine”Jax ask “Helena told me I would get Stefan back but I didn’t he went to jail I just wanted Stefan back in my arms”Chloe said “I will help you”Jax said “Thanks”Chloe said 

At Stefan jail cell~ “Julian came by. “Father we found out who killed Katherine it as mother”Julian said “What”Stefan ask as Alexis came by. “Yes I have prove it was Chloe and we will get you out in the morning”Alexis said “Thank you Alexis, Julian are you okay”Stefan ask
“I just can’t believe that Mother would do this and I know it’s a lot but Alexis can you help her”Julian ask “I’m sure Helena help her too we have to help Chloe I hurt her”Stefan said “Alright I will”Alexis said “Thanks”Julian said

The next day~Chloe Jail cell~ Alexis came by. “I’m here to help you”Alexis said “Why”Chloe ask “I get why you did it you were upset that Stefan choice Katherine over you I just hate that my brother went to jail”Alexis said “I did kill Katherine but Helena setup Stefan for it she had prove that I did kill Katherine if I say anything she would use it or kill me”Chloe said “I don’t get why you team up with Helena”Alexis said “I mess up”Chloe said “Yes you did but we our not all perfect”Alexis said

At The Quartermaine~ Tracy was reading the paper about Chloe arrest when Ned came in. “Worry about your partner”Ned ask “Chloe isn't my partner”Tracy said “Something is going on and I will find out”Ned said “I’m not scare”Tracy said

At Julian~Mia came in. “How are you doing”Mia ask “Oh Great my father didn’t kill my stepmother but my mother did isn’t that great! Julian yelled “Let me help you”Mia said they share a kiss.

How the years go by part 2 ch 76~

”Young love”

At The Comeback~Mulan and Zella and Nevaeh were having drinks. “So Zella how was your date”Nevaeh ask “”It didn’t work out”Zella said “Why what happened”Mulan ask “I don’t know it’s not easy”Zella said “Not for everyone”Mulan said “Mulan do you have a boyfriend”Zella ask “Yes but when I tell everyone about how I was before the surgery it goes bad”Mulan said “Then don’t tell them”Zella said “You're right why sure I tell them ’Mulan said Stone came by, “Go say hello to Stone”Nevaeh said “Alright”Mulan said she went by him.. “Hello Stone”Mulan said “Mulan Cassadine. How are you”Stone ask “Alright”Mulan said “Do you want to have a drink”Stone ask “Sure”Mulan said “Now we just set Mulan up we need to find someone for us”Zella said as Steven Jr and Miles came in. “Watch this”Steven Jr said “Hello Zella I have seen your latest ads you look great”Steven Jr said “Thanks how is medical school”Zella ask “Great why don’t we get a drink ’Steven Jr ask “Sure”Zella said they left. “Hello Nevaeh I always thought you're name was beautiful and different”Miles said “Thanks”Nevaeh said “May I join you”Miles ask “Why Not but I’m not looking for anything serious”Nevaeh said”Me either”Miles said

At Calliope/Spencer~ There bedroom~Calliope was in wear her robe looking out the window when Spencer came by her. “Are you okay”Spencer ask “No I just feel this chill , Are you cold”Calliope ask “No but I can keep you warm”Spencer said he pull her into him. “I have something to tell you”Spencer said “What”Calliope ask she turn around and face him. “I’m going to open a hotel and I’m going to have all my sons run it”Spencer said “Or kill each other trying to why would you do that”Calliope ask “I just want my sons to get along”Spencer said “You know that my family is also going to open a hotel”Calliope said “Yes a little business competition doesn’t hurt right”Spencer ask “Right just keep it friendly”Calliope said “Alright, Anyway tomorrow I’m going with you to your office”Spencer said “You our”Calliope ask “Yes and I will help you deal with your company”Spencer said “Alright now let’s go back to bed”Calliope said “I love that”Spencer said they went into the bed Spencer lay on top of Calliope and kiss her. “Goodnight Spencer”Calliope said “Night Darling”Spencer said he lay by his wife.

How the years go by part 2 ch 75

~ “Who killed Katherine Bell”

At the Police Station~ “Mac I found evidence on who killed Helena”Clint said it was a gun in a bag. “Let’s see who’s gun that is”Mac said 

Alexis was with a man she give the photo to early.”The woman is the photo is Chloe Morgan”The man said “What”Alexis ask “Yes she is stand by Katherine Bell body”The man said “She the killer”Alexis ask as Mac came by them. “Mac I have prove that my brother didn’t kill his wife it was Chloe”Alexis said “What , Why”Mac ask “Stefan choice Katherine”Alexis said “Jealous Ex-wife”Mac said

At Chloe~ She was packing her belongs when Julian came in. “Mother why are you packing”Julian ask “I love you so much but I made a mistake I’m sorry and now I have to go”Chloe said There was a knock on the door it was Mac. “Chloe Morgan you're under arrest for the murder of Katherine Bell”Mac said “What, Mother you did it you set up father”Julian ask “Yes you're father choice Katherine over me and I wasn’t alone in this Helena help me too”Chloe said “Did you kill Helena too”Mac ask “No”Chloe said

At The Quartermaine~ Alexis came in. “Alexis why are you here”Skye ask “I have some news I know who killed Katherine and set up my brother it was Chloe and she may need you Jax”Alexis said “Why would Chloe kill Katherine”Jax ask “Well Stefan choice Katherine”Skye said “Yes but she needs a friend”Alexis said “Yes she does thank you”Jax said Alexis left.”So it’s okay for you to have a friend of the opposite sex” Skye ask “We both can have friends”Jax said “Yes we can , Now go help her”Skye said

At Calliope/Spencer~ Calliope and Spencer were in there room. “So how was the dinner”Spencer ask as Calliope was taking off her jewelry. “Great”Calliope said Spencer kiss her neck. “Oh Spencer yes”Calliope said he move Calliope to face him and kiss her and lay her on the bed and they made love.

How the years go by part 2 ch 74~ “

“A old friend”

At the Comeback~Lila and Calliope were having dinner. “So have you come up with a name for your show”Lila ask “Calliope”Calliope said “Alright , I think this is a great idea ’Lila said “Me too my company isn't doing good”Calliope said “We will help each other then”Lila said as Skye cam eby. “Mother I’m sorry about the club”Calliope said ”Me too”Lila said “Thanks I’m just glad everyone is okay. Where will Avery wedding be now”Skye ask “In my ballroom”Calliope said “That’s great, What are you to up to”Skye ask “Lila and I are team up”Calliope said “Calliope is going to have a tv show on our station we need something”Lila said “That’s great”Skye said “Our you meeting Daddy here”Calliope ask “No”Skye said as Luke came in. “A old friend. Luke Spencer you remember my daughters Lila and Calliope”Skye ask”Yes I do. Can we talk”Luke said they went to talk .”Do you think mother and Luke”Calliope ask “No”Lila said “How is the baby”Calliope said “Great so far,, I have a check up in the morning I sure go”Lila said and left.

“Luke ,What do you want”Skye ask “I want to reopening the haunted Starr and I need your help”Luke said “I don’t think so”Jax said as he came by. “Jax Luke and I are just friends I will not cheat on you”Skye said “Yes just friends”Luke said “You are busy at ELQ”Jax said “Yes but I have time now to help a friend, Do you trust me”Skye ask “Yes not him”Jax said “Thanks Skye”Luke said and left. “Jax you trust me don’t you”Skye said “Yes, find if you want to help Luke you have my support”Jax said “Thanks”Skye said

At Valentin place~ Sage was over. “Why are you here”Valentin ask “I want to know did you love my mother”Sage ask “No”Valentin said “Do you care for me”Sage ask “Yes I do”Valentin said There was a knock on the door it was Spencer. “Spencer why are you here”Sage ask “I could ask you the same”Spencer said Sage left. “I want you to leave town and never come back. How much money will it take”Spencer ask “That isn’t going to happen I’m starting here”Valentin said “I will stop you”Spencer said

At Bliss~Gia was there drop off Alex. “I can’t get over how much he looks like Alex”Gia said “Yes he does”Bliss said “I miss him ’Gia said “Me too”Bliss said

At the Comeback~Zander was drinking when Courtney came by. “Are you okay”Courtney ask “No I’m not I lose two sons to the Cassadine I will destroy them”Zander said “I get why you're upset if Spencer had anything to do with Carman death I’m sorry but It will not bring him back”Courtney said “No but it will make me feel better”Zander said

How the years go by part 2 ch 73

At the Country club~ Alexis came by. “Oh no what happened”Alexis ask “We don’t know how the fire start but I have a feeling it was Valentin”Jax said “If it is we will stop him”Alexis said “Yes we will , How are you doing”Jax ask “I will be find”Alexis said “Yes you will be”Jax said as Cricket came by. “I guess I have to find a new place to eat”Cricket said “Or a new town”Alexis said “Do you need any help”Jax ask “No I can handle this”Alexis said Jax left. “I’m sorry I want to talk to you but I thought I sure give you some space”Cricket said “Well now I can do this”Alexis said she slap her. “I guess we will never be sisters”Cricket said “No why did you do this”Alexis ask “Helena was blackmail me I’m sorry”Cricket said and left.

At Spencer/Calliope~ Spencer was talking to a man. “Thank you my wife will love this”Spencer said the man left as Calliope came in. “Darling I’m sorry for yelling at you”Spencer said he handle her a gift Calliope opening it was a ring. “A new Ring for my beautiful wife”Spencer said “It’s beautiful but we haven’t been getting along since you wake up”Calliope said “We had a lot to deal with you're one night with Valentin “Spencer said “I hate myself for that”Calliope said “I know you do and I promise you he will never hurt you again but we will get our marriage back on track so why don’t we go out to dinner”Spencer ask “I can’t I have a meeting with Lila we both have a idea to help both our careers she needs a new show and I need something so I’m going to have my own fashion show isn’t it great”Calliope ask “Yes it is ,Alright how about tomorrow”Spencer ask “Sure”Calliope said

At Avery/Sterling Jr~ “Promise me we will not end up like my parents ’Avery said “I promise we will not, How many children do you want ’Sterling Jr ask “three”Avery said “I like that’ Sterling JR said

At Adlea~ “How was it with your father”Adela ask “Not good father wants all of us boys to run a hotel together”Liam said “That doesn't sound good”Adela said “No I think we will kill each other”Liam said “Yes”Adlea said

How the years go by part 2 ch 72

At The Country Club~ Skye and Rae were there. “I can’t believe it’s all gone I lose it all”Skye said “I’m sorry I don’t know what happened”Rae said “It’s not your fault I’m just glad no one was hurt”Skye said “Me too”Rae said as Jax came in. “I hear about the fire”Jax said “Yes can you believe it’s all gone’ Skye said “No”Jax said Mac came in. “We our looking to find out who start the fire”Mac said “Thank you”Skye said

At the Tv station~ Lila and Tiffany and Sage and Brooklyn were having a meeting. “We need to get this network back on top we need a new show”Lila said as Calliope came in. “Sorry to interrupt but I was hope you could cover a fashion show that I’m doing”Calliope said “This is what we need”Brooklyn said “You think”Sage ask “What”Calliope ask “We need a star to help our network”Lila said “I need it to my company is in trouble”Calliope said “Well let’s work together you will have a fashion show on here and it will help us both”Lila said “That’s great now i need to plan your shower”Calliope said “I don’t need one”Lila said “Find , Why don’t we meet for dinner and to come up with ideas for the show”Calliope said “Sure”Lila said Calliope left.

At General Hospital~ Board meeting~ “We look at both of your case and Dr Jones and Dr Quartermaine we have decision not to give your licence back I get that someone was going to hurt your family but you could of handle it different lives were on the line you're doctors and you save them”The member said Monica and Tony left as Alan came by. “How did it go”Alan ask “Not good we didn’t get our licence back”Monica said “I’m sorry”Alan said “I guess I can do charity now that I have time of”Monica said “We will fight this”Alan said “I don’t think so”Monica said

How the years go by part 2 ch 71

At The Cassadine office~Nikolas and Spencer and Nico and Laster were there. “How is the jewelry store doing”Nikolas ask “Great but we need someone to run it”Spencer said “What about mother”Laster ask “Maybe, I hear Jax and Jerry are going to build a hotel and I think we sure to”Spencer said “You want to build a hotel”Nikolas ask “Yes and I want my son to run it”Spencer said as Liam came in. “Sorry I’m late father”Liam said “What is going on”Nico ask “Nico and Laster and Liam I want all of you to run a hotel together as brothers and a businessman and make me proud”Spencer said “Father you're asking a lot”Nico said “Yes you our”Laster said “I want all my son to get along”Spencer said the boys left. “Spencer what are you up to”Nikolas ask “Why can’t I just have all my sons get alone”Spencer said “No you're up to something”Nikolas said Spencer smile. “Anyway father we need to get ruin of Valentin and get Stefan home”Spencer said as Alexis came in. “I may have a way to get Stefan out of jail a picture came in my mail today I could not see all of it was blur so I have someone help me it look like a woman was in it not Katherine and there was a note that says you know who the killer is”Alexis said “This is great news”Nikolas said “Yes”Spencer said

At Spencer/Calliope Ballroom~Calliope and Avery came in. “Mother I forget how beautiful this room is I remember dance in it when I was a little girl”Avery said “Yes, So what do you think about having your wedding here”Calliope ask as Sterling JR came in. “The country club had a fire so I was thinking we could have the wedding here”Avery said “Sure why not I love you”Sterling Jr said and kiss her. “Darling what is your emergency”Spencer ask as he came in. Calliope could tell he was upset. “Mother country club burn down so Avery is going to have her wedding here”Calliope said “That’s great”Spencer said Calliope touch his jacket. “Spencer”Calliope said “I have a meeting to go to”Spencer said “You're upset with me”Calliope said he move her hands off him. “Yes I thought something happened to you and the children this could of waiting”Spencer said and left. “Mother are you okay”Avey ask “Yes”Calliope said

How the years go by part 2 ch 70

At the Quartermaine~ Jax and Ned were talking. “What do you think Tracy is up to”Jax ask “Well yesterday she was talking to Chloe”Ned said “Really”Jax ask “Yes they start to fight as I walk in”Ned said “”Let’s work together on this”Jax said “Sure”Ned said as Calliope came in.”Calliope, What a nice surprise”Skye said “Good morning”Calliope said “Are you okay”Skye ask “What did Spencer do now this time please leave him”Jax said “I just want to see Nico”Calliope said “Nico isn’t here”Monica said “Oh”Calliope said “It’s not Valentin is it”Skye ask “No it’s the past I guess it will never go away”Calliope said “Maybe not”Skye said Alan went outside and made a phone call. “I need your help”Alan said

At the Haunted Starr~Luke walk in. “It’s time to reopen”Luke said

At the Police Station~ Alexis came in. “I got this in the mail today can you help me found out who she is”Alexis ask “Let’s take a look”The man said

At The Comeback~ Niki room~AJ came in. “AJ”Niki said “I will give you money if you leave town and leave Kayla alone"AJ said
 “I don’t want money ’Niki said “Yes you do it’s all what you're about”AJ said “Let me think about it”Niki said “You have two weeks”AJ said

At Calliope office~Calliope and Barbara Jean were talking. “I have you're sells for last month”Barbara Jean said “Thank you, You're a great assistant,I have to ask how close our you and my son”Calliope ask “Very close I care for Skylar”Barbara Jean said “Good he needs someone”Calliope said “This is a disaster”Avery said as she came in. “What is it”Calliope ask “The country club where I was going to have my wedding there was a fire now where do I have my wedding”Avery ask “Calm down we will find a place , How about the comeback”Calliope ask “Maybe”Avery said “Or we could have it at my house in the ballroom”Calliope said “I love it! Can we go look around”Avery ask “Yes”Calliope said they left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 69

At Spencer/Calliope~The next morning~ Calliope was downstair in her robe looking out the window thinking about last night when Spencer came in all ready for the day. “Good morning darling why aren’t you dress”Spencer ask he kiss her on the cheek. “How could you be in sure a good mood after what happened last night”Calliope ask “I don’t want it to ruin my life anymore yes I did feel guilty about what happened with Carman but I’m ready to move on we can’t live in guilty all the time Spencer said as Laster came in. “Father is right”Laster said “Laster! It wasn’t right that Carman died”Calliope said “I know that”Laster said “Me too I do hate that it end like this”Spencer said “I have to get ready for the day I have a company to save”Calliope said and left. “You know just what a woman wants to hear”Spencer said “I did learn from the best now we need to get ruin of Valentin”Laster said “Yes we do”Spencer said

At Lucky/Liz~ Laura was over. “Lucky I get that you're upset about Carman but don’t start a war”Laura said “I just want my son back I blame Calliope for this she had to make two man fall in love with her”Lucky said “Yes but still you can’t go on like this”Laura said

At Alexis~ Alexis open a letter she got in the mail it was a photo of a woman at Stefan and Katherine house the day of the murder but you could not see the woman in it there was a note that said “You know who this woman is” Alexis left with it.

At the Quartermaine~Skye and Jax and Monica and Alan and Lydia and AJ were having breakfast together. “So Niki is back”Skye ask “Yes I’m worry about Kayla”AJ said “Kayla will she a Quartermaine”Skye said as Tracy came in. “No she not”Tracy said “Kayla is much as a Quartermaine as you are”Alan said “Yes she is”AJ said “So Jax I hear you and and Jerry are going to build a hotel”Tracy said “Yes better then yours”Jax said “Well the way JR run it”Tracy said “You know nothing about my hotel you been away for so long”AJ said “Doing god knows what”Monica said “I know what mother been doing”Ned said as he came in. “I have been up to nothing”Tracy said “Yes you have and I will find out”Ned said “There is nothing to find out”Tracy said and left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 68

At Lucky/Liz~ Liz was looking at a picture of Carman when Lucky came in and saw it. “I will get justice for our son”Lucky said “I was just thinking of what our son would want”Liz said “Don’t”Lucky said “I believe Carman would want us to move on from this”Liz said “I can’t”Lucky said There was a knock on the door it was Zander.”Sorry I been out of town I took Gia on a romance trip”Zander said “I hope you had fun, We found out what happened to Carman”Liz said “What”Zander ask “Spencer killed him”Lucky said “What ! That bastard”Zander said

At Gia/Zander~ Bliss was their with her son. “So how was your trip”Bliss ask “Great, How is everything”Gia ask “Okay”Bliss said Gia phone rang.

At Spencer/Calliope~ Calliope and Spencer were having a romance dinner when Zander came in. “Why are you here”Spencer ask “Give me one reason why I sure not kill both of you for killing me son! Zander yelled he pull out a gun. “if you shoot us you will go to jail”Spencer yelled he went in front of Calliope. “It will be worth it I wasn’t there for my son but I will be now”Zander said “Zander Don’t”Gia said as she came in. “They killed my son ! Zander yelled “I know but you need to think about Rose and our grandson”Gia said “Find I will make you both pay”Zander said and left. Calliope was in shock over this when Spencer came by her and touch her arms. “Are you okay”Spencer ask “Yes”Calliope said “I need to tied security around here”Spencer said “Yes”Calliope said

How the years go by part 2 ch 67

“The return of Niki”

At the Quartermaine~ Monica, Alan, Tracy,Lydia,AJ, Hope.Kaylia and Ethan were having dinner. “Well isn’t this a nice family”Niki ask as she came in. “Get out of here or I will call the cops! Monica yelled “I just came to see my daughter”Niki said “I don’t want to see you”Kaylia said “I get why you're upset but I love you”Niki said “No you don’t you let me believe that AJ was my father all for money you used me you're not a mother to me”Kaylia said “You don’t mean that”Niki said “Yes I do Lydia and AJ are my parents not you”Kaylia said “You hear my daughter leave now! AJ yelled “I will be back”Niki said and left. “Are you okay”Lydia ask “Yes”Kaylia said

At Calliope/Spencer~ Calliope came in and throw her purse on the table as Spencer came in. “Oh no watch out world! Spencer said “What”Calliope ask “You're upset”Spencer said “Yes I’m! Our daughters Mulan and Nevaeh want to open their own fashion company! Calliope yelled “Why are you upset”Spencer ask “I want them to work with me my company is in trouble”Calliope said “Mulan and Nevaeh don’t want to work with you”Spencer ask “No I’m scare that I could lose my company”Calliope said “You will not and I beat that Nevaeh and Mulan just want to be on their own just like you did”Spencer said “Yes they do”Calliope said “That’s because you raise our daughters to be their own person and your company will be find”Spencer said they share a kiss.

At Sara~ Sara was wear gloves and put something in the envelope when there was a knock on the door it was Hope. “Hope ’Sara said “I just wanted to see if you want go out”Hope said “How about another time”Sara ask “Alright I’m worry about you”Hope said “I will be find”Sara said

How the years go by part 2 ch 66

At Avery/Sterling Jr~ Spencer came in. “Daddy why are you here”Avery ask Sterling Jr came into the room. “I have a prenuptial agreement I want you to sign you need to protect yourself”Spencer said “Daddy I love you but I don’t need a prenuptial agreement I trust Sterling Jr”Avery said “It’s not just that I want you to protect yourself”Spencer said “I have a account in my own name just like mother told me”Avery said “Sir I get you want to protect your daughter but I will not hurt Avery”Sterling Jr said “You better treat my daughter right and Avery I read your book it was great”Spencer said

At the Country club~ Skye and Rae were still there when Lila came in. “Grandmother. Mother “Lila said as Calliope came storm in. “Calliope”Skye said “Mother, Grandmother. Lila’ Calliope said “I have news I’m pregnant”Lila said “That’s great”Rae said “Yes”Skye said “”Now Calliope why are you upset”Lila ask “My daughters Mulan and Nevaeh want to open their own fashion line and my company is in trouble “Calliope said “You now where both the girls are coming from and I’m sure you're company will be find”Skye said “Maybe”Calliope said “I have some news I’m going back to ELQ”Skye said “Great you're leaving me to! Calliope said “I work at your magazine for two days and it’s in great hands”Skye said “Maybe”Calliope said

At Scotty office~ Alexis came in. “Scotty I need to know if you are going to press changer against Skylar”Alexis said “Not yet all we have is a paint brush that it”Scotty said “Good because he didn’t do it and I want you to reopen Katherine Bell case, I believe that it was Helena who killed her”Alexis said “Why would reopen the case”Scotty ask The mayor came in. “Because I want you to I believe it wasn’t Stefan Cassadine who murder his wife”The mayor said “Find sir we will reopen the case”Scotty said “Thank you”Alexis said “You're welcome”The mayor said

How the years go by part 2 ch 65

At Sterling~ Kristina came in. ‘I have to ask are you over Calliope”Kristina ask “I’m over Calliope, A selfish woman who loves Spencer a man who hurts her so many times no I don’t love Calliope I’m over her I love you”Sterling said “Oh Sterling”Kristina said “What about you”Sterling ask “I will always care for Clint we have a son together and I will always love Jasper but his not here I’m ready to be with you”Kristina said they share a kiss.

At Avery/Sterling Jr~ Zella and Mulan and Nevaeh were there. “I want to open my own fashion line”Mulan said “You both are going to open one”Zella ask “Yes together and Zella we want you and Willow to be our models”Nevaeh said “I would love to and I’m sure Willow would love it too but what about mother”Zella ask “We will talk to her”Mulan said Avery came in wear her wedding dress. “You look beautiful”Mulan said “Nevaeh a great job”Avery said “Yes she did”Calliope said as she came in. “Mother”Avery said “You our going to look great on your wedding day Nevaeh you our a great designer you must get it from me”Calliope said “I guess so”Nevaeh said Rave and Liberty and Bliss came in. “Avery you look great”Bliss said “Yes you do”Liberty said “Thank you”Avery said “Mother Nevaeh and I have some news to tell you”Mulan said “What is it”Calliope ask “Nevaeh and I want to open a our own line”Mulan said “Really” You don’t want to work with me”Calliope ask “We want our own career”Nevaeh said “Alright I get it”Calliope said “Mother are you okay”Bliss ask “Yes, I need to go I have a meeting”Calliope said and left. “That went well good thing we didn’t tell her that I will be your model”Zella said “You're going to leave mother”Willow ask “Yes and we want you to be our model too”Zella said “No I will not do it”Willow said “Why can’t you just share your line with mother”Rave ask “Because we want to make our own line”Mulan said

At the Country Club~ Skye and Rae were there. “How are you doing with Valentin”Rae ask “I wish he would leave town and never come back”Skye said “Me to but he can’t hurt you anymore”Rae said “I hope so”Skye said “How is it going at the mansion”Rae ask “Alright Jax and Jerry our building there own hotel”Skye said “How did they get the money for it”Rae ask “Jerry hide some money”Skye said “Oh”Rae said

How the years go by part 2 ch 64

At The Police station~ Stefan cell~ Alexis came in. “I’m so glad you're awake I thought I would lose you”Stefan said “Never and I will get you out of here”Alexis said “I know you will I didn’t kill my wife”Stefan said “I know it was Helena and there is something you need to know someone murder Helena and James is really Valentin”Alexis said “Oh my god, Now we will never know who killed Katherine”Stefan said “I will try to get you out of here”Alexis said “Thanks”Stefan said

At Helena place~ Julian and Roman were there . “We have to find something that prove Helena killed my mother”Roman said “We will”Julian said Alexis came in. “What are you doing here”Alexis ask “Looking for prove that Helena killed Katherine”Julian said “I get that you want to save your father but we have to play by the rules”Alexis said “Find”Roman said

On the Docks~ Skye was walking when she ran into Valentin. “Antoinette you're as beautiful as the day I meet you”Valentin said “The day you rape me”Skye yelled “It wasn't rape”Valentin said “I want you to leave us all alone and leave town”Skye yelled “Never! Valentin said “If you come neither my family I will kill you”Skye said “Is that a threat “Valentin ask as Ric came by. “Is everything okay”Ric ask “Yes I was just leaving but I will stay in town”Valentin said “Skye are you okay”Ric ask “I just wish he would leave town how many times can Valentin hurt us”Skye ask “Don’t let him hurt you”Ric said “It’s hard not to”Ric said “Yes’” Ric said

At a office space~ Jax and Jerry and Jasper-John and Jed were there. “This is going to be our new office and next door we will build our hotel”Jerry said “I think this is a great spot”Jax said “Me too”Jed said “We will be on top again”Jax said “Yes”Jasper-John said

How the years go by part 2 ch 63~

~ “Slept with the devil”

At the Quartermaine~ Tracy was alone when Chloe came in. “Why are you here”Tracy ask “I’m looking for Jax ’Chloe said “He's not here and you sure not be here do you want everyone to know about us”Tracy ask “No I don’t want anyone to know that I team up with you to destroy Skye and Jax”Chloe said “Ned came in. “ Chloe why are you here”Ned ask “”I just came to say hello and ran into Tracy’ Chloe said “I was just telling Chloe to leave this house she not family”Tracy said “Yes Chloe is our second cousin”Ned said “Yes”Chloe said “I have to go”Tracy said “Mother I know you're up to something and I will find out and stop it”Ned said “I’m not scare”Tracy said and left.

At Calliope/Spencer~ There bedroom~Calliope was getting dress for bed when Spencer came in. “We need to talk about Valentin”Spencer said “What about him”Calliope ask “I know you're scare but I will make sure he will not hurt you I put bodyguard on everyone”Spencer said “Thank you Spencer I love you but I did something you're going to hate I don’t want to lose you”Calliope said “What is that”Spencer ask
“I slept with Valentin when we thought he was James”Calliope said “Oh my god when”Spencer ask “When we got into the fight after you wake up I feel so sick I’m so sorry I just can't believe I slept with the man who rape meCalliope said she touch his face. Spencer hug her. “You didn’t know we were all fool by him and we will get pass it I love you”Spencer said “I love you to”Calliope said

At Skylar~ Willow came in. “I hear you were arrest”Willow said “Yes but I’m find”Skylar said “You didn’t do it did you”Willow ask “No I didn’t but I wanted to”Skylar said “I know but I can’t lose you”Willow said “You will not, Are you okay”Skylar ask “It’s hard”Willow said “Yes it is but he's not our father Spencer is”Skylar said “I just keep wonder if I’m like him well I want to hurt someone to like he did”Willow ask “I know what you mean”Skylar said

How the years go by part 2 ch 62~

 “Living in the past”

At the Quartermaine~ Lucy came in. “Lucy what are you doing here”Lydia ask “To make sure you're okay with Valentin out”Lucy said “I’m fine he can’t hurt me anymore”Lydia said “No he can’t and you will be safe here”Lucy said “Yes”Lydia said 

At the Comeback~ Leslie and Rick were having dinner and Monica was watching them. “Are you jealous”Alan ask “No I’m over Rick Webber”Monica said “I hope you are”Alan said “I”m”Monica said “Good,You will get your license back soon”Alan said “I hope so”Monica said

At Alexis table~ “Mother I have to ask who was the love of your life”Kristina ask “I’m not sure I have one”Alexis said she look at Jax. “You love Jax don’t you”Kristina ask “As as friend that all”Alexis said “Oh”Kristina said “Who was the love of your life”Alexis ask “Jasper was”Kristina said “How are you and Sterling”Alexis ask “Great I don’t think his over Calliope”Kristina said “That’s not good”Alexis said

At the Courthouse~ Clint and Page wedding~ Nikolas and Emily and Mac and Holly and Calliope and Spencer and Daniel-Edward and Jasper-John , Lil were there. “Who give this woman away”The judge ask “I do”Nikolas said “Page I love you at first we because just friend who try to deal with both our spouses having an affair and then we fell in love we were met to be”Clint said “I love you so much I’m glad I took a chance on you”Page said “You may kiss your bride”The judge said Clint kiss Page. “You better not hurt my sister”Spencer said “I will not”Clint said “No you will not, We sure have a party for you later”Calliope said “Thanks”Page said “I’m happy for you both”Emily said “Me too”Nikolas said “Yes welcome to the family”Holly said “Thanks for coming”Page said

How the years go by part 2 ch 61

“Living in the past”

At Kelly’s~ Willow was there when Zella came in. “Willow there you are we been looking for you”Zella said “Sorry I just need time I turn off my phone”Willow said “I get that”Zella said “Zella I love you but you don’t get it you're father is a rapist”Willow said “Either is yours he's not your father Spencer is he teach you how to ride a horseand make sure you did great in school that the person who you're father is”Zella said “It was easy when we didn’t and he wasn’t in town”Willow said “It will get easy there a reason I been looking for you Skylar was arrested for Helena murder”Zella said “No”Willow said “It will be fine I promise you Zella said they left.

At the Comeback~ Alexis and Kristina were having dinner. “I’m sorry about you and Ric”Kristina said “Me too but I sure of know it would not work I’m not good at being married, Your father and I and Ric the only good marriage I had was with Jax ’Alexis said “Mother it well get easy”Kristina said “I hope so , I don’t regret my children”Alexis said “I know, How is Richard Jr”Kristina ask “Confess”Alexis said

At Skye/Jax table~ “So you are now working at ELQ”Jax ask “Yes I think it’s going to be great, What do you think”Skye ask “I think it’s great, I saw Jerry today”Jax ask “What did Jerry want”Skye ask “Jerry hide some money and he wants to use it to make a hotel”Jax said “I’m happy for you it looks like things are getting better”Skye said “Yes I hope so”Jax said Ric was by the bar watching Jax and Skye then he went to see Alexis. “Alexis I found a new place so I would like to show Richard JR”Ric said “Sure you can show him tomorrow”Alexis said “Thank you, Kristina it’s good to see you”Ric said “You too”Kristina said Ric left as Monica and Alan came in they took a sit as Leslie and Rick came in. “Oh this is going to be fun”Leslie said

How the years go by part 2 ch 60~

 “I’m my father son”

At the Police station~ “I demand you let my son go”Calliope yelled as she came in with Spencer. “Great my mother is here”Skylar said “I will take care of it”Alexis said she went to see Calliope and Spencer. “Oh Spencer we can’t let Skylar go to jail”Calliope said “Skylar will not go to jail”Spencer said as Alexis came by.”I don’t think they will arrest Skylar they are just question him”Alexis said “Why”Calliope ask “They found Skylar paint brush at Helena”Alexis said “Oh no my son didn’t do this”Calliope said “I believe that and I will be his lawyer”Alexis said “Thank you”Spencer said as Mac came by. “Is Skylar being chance with anything”Calliope ask as Lucky came by.”It would be payback that Skylar was a murder just like his father and adoptive father”Lucky said “We will let Skylar go but if we have to question him more”Mac said “Just as long as his lawyer is with him”Alexis said Skylar came out. “Come on Skylar we our taking you home”Calliope said they left.

At the Comeback~Skye was there waiting for Jax when Ric came by.”Ric I’m sorry about you and Alexis”Skye said “Me too I mess up Maybe I sure just give up on love”Ric said “I understand that I keep giving up on love till Jax and I’m glad I didn’t”Skye said “I had a great love with Alexis then I just had to ruin it”Ric said “You will move on and find someone else”Skye said Skye came by Jax. “We would of been happy”Ric said to himself and look at Skye.

At Calliope/Spencer~ Skylar and Calliope and Spencer were there. “Skylar did you kill Helena”Spencer ask “No I went to see Helena to ask why she did this to us that’s all”Skylar said “We believe you”Calliope said “Yes we do”Spencer said

How the years go by part 2 ch 59~

~ “We will be back on top”

At ELQ~Skye came in. “Dad what do want”Skye ask Alan. “I know you like working at Calliope magazine but why don’t you work here”Alan ask “I don’t know”Skye said as AJ came in. “I need you sis and we need to stop Tracy”AJ said “Alright I’m in ’Skye said “It’s good to have you back”AJ said “Yes it is”Alan said

At Jerry~ Jax and Jed were there. “I know how we can start over”Jerry said “How”Jax ask “Open a new business”Jerry said “How would we do that, We don’t have any money’ Jax said “Yes we do I put some in an overseas account”Jerry said “Of course you did”Jax said “What kind of business do you want”Jed ask “A hotel a new one better than the comeback”Jerry said there was knock on the door it was Jane.”What are you up to”Jane ask “Trying to come up with a new business idea Jerry hid some money”Jax said “What kind of businesses”Jane ask “A hotel a better one then the Comeback”Jerry said “I think that a great idea and I want to be part of this”Jane said “Are you sure”Jax ask “Yes I need something”Jane said “Sure mother”Jerry said “Alright I’m in”Jed said “Me too”Jax said

At General Hospital~
~Dr Meadows office~ Lila and Adam Jr were there. “Well our baby be healthy”Adam Jr ask “We don’t know if this baby will have Rett syndrome till after she or he is born”Dr Meadow said “Just like before”Lila said “Yes”Dr Meadow said

How the years go by part 2 ch 58~

~ “It’’s hard being your children”

At Avery/Sterling Jr~ Avery was their with her sisters. “I have the designer dress for you”Nevaeh said “Oh my god I love it”Avery said “I been working on you're bridesmaid dress”Mulan said “You to are great you both sure have you're own line”Avery said “Maybe”Nevaeh said “Does mother know that I’m wear your dress”Avery ask “No I haven’t told mother”Nevaeh said “Told Mother what”Zella said as she came in. “That Nevaeh made my wedding dress and Mulan made the bridesmaid dress”Avery said “And you haven’t told Mother oh this is going to be good”Zella said “Have you see mother? what kind of mood is she in”Nevaeh ask “No I haven’t seen her , Mother miss my photo shoot”Zella said “Calliope came in. “Avery I have the best dress for you”Calliope said she was carrying it. “Mother about my dress Nevaeh made me one ’Avery said “She show it to her.”Oh”Calliope said “Mother what do you think of it your opinion matters to me”Nevaeh said “It’s wonderful Avery is going to be so beautiful”Calliope said she cried. “Mother are you okay ’Avery ask “No you're all grown up”Calliope said “It happens”Zella said “Yes now what about your bridesmaid dress”Calliope ask “I made it”Mulan said Mulan show it to her. “Oh you're both great I have a idea, Why don't you
both work on the teen line”Calliope ask “Let us think about it”Mulan said “Alright”Calliope said

At the Police Station~ Skylar was being question. “I did not kill Helena”Skylar said “Then why were you there”Mac ask “To ask Helena why she hurt my family she made sure my father stay in a coma and made my mother think she was sick! Skylar yelled as Alexis came in. “Do you have anything else beside the paint brush”Alexis ask “No”Mac said “Then you can’t arrest my nephew”Alexis said

Avery/Sterling Jr~ Calliope just got off the phone with Spencer and was upset. “Mother what is it”Zella ask “That was you're father Skylar been arrest for Helena murder”Calliope said “There no way Skylar did that”Zella said “I have to go to the station, Can one of you call Willow”Calliope ask “Yes mother don’t worry it will be okay”Mulan said “It keeps get worse”Calliope said and left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 57

At Sage/Jed~ “Sage was home alone when there was a knock on the door it was Valentin. “What do you want”Sage ask “To get to know my daughter”Valentin said “You're not my father leave me alone”Sage said “You hear my mother”LJ said as he came in. “LJ my grandson”Valentin said “We our not you're family you have none”Sage said Valentin left.”Mother are you okay”LJ ask “Yes I just wish he never came back”Sage said

At Dillon/Georgie~ Tracy was there. “What do you want”Dillow ask “Why can’t I just come to say hello to my son”Tracy ask “It’s not you”Dillon said “Alright , You're right I want my share of ELQ that I give you”Tracy said “You can’t I just stole them”Dillon said “To whom””Tracy ask “Ned”Dillon said

At Skylar ~ Alexis and Clint and Mac came in. “Why are you here”Skylar ask “Skylar is this your paint brush”Mac ask he show it to Skylar. “Yes it’s mine why where did you find it”Skylar ask “I found it at Helena place”Mac said “I’m under arrest”Skylar ask Yes we our bring you in for question”Mac said “It will be okay I will be your lawyer Alexis said “Thanks Aunt Alexis”Skylar said they left.

At Liam~ Laster came in. “Why are you here”Liam ask “Isabella told me about your affair do you want her back”Laster ask “Yes I do and I will get her back soon Isabella well see that you will hurt her you're just like father and how he hurt Calliope”Liam said “I will not lose Isabella to you”Laster said and left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 56~ “

“Who killed Helena Cassadine”

At Calliope office~ She was working when Skye came in. “Mother I hear you move into the mansion”Calliope said “Yes I did, How are you dealing with Valentin”Skye ask “I’m fine I have a lot of work to do”Calliope said Barbara Jean came in. “I have the book”Barbara Jean said “Thank you”Calliope said and Barbara Jean left. “You can’t hide in your work you have to deal with it”Skye said “Oh Mother I made a mistake Spencer and I had a fight after he wake up and I went to the Comeback and saw “James” and we ending up slept together I had sex with the man who rape me”Calliope yelled “Oh my god”Skye said they share a hug. “I feel so ashamed that I did this”Calliope said “You don’t know he fool all of us and we will stop him’ Skye said “I hope so I’m so scare for all of us”Calliope said “Me too”Skye said

At ELQ~ AJ was working when Alan came in. “Dad why are you here”AJ ask “We have a problem Tracy is going to try to get her hands on ELQ”Alan said “I will help her stop her”Ned said as he came in. “How can I trust you”AJ ask “I care about ELQ and this family and you been doing a great job here”Ned said “Alright you can work here but I want Skye to work here to”AJ said “I think that’s a great idea, Who has Tracy share”Alan ask “Dillon does but he give it to me”Ned said “I will call Skye”Alan said

At Helena place~ Mac and Clint were looking for clues when Alexis came in. “You sure not be here”Mac said “I just want to know if you found anything”Alexis said “Not yet we have a lot of suspect”Mac said “Yes”Alexis said Clint came by. “I found this”Clint said It was a paint brush. “A paint brush , The only painter who we know is Skylar Cassadine”Mac said “Skylar would of not done this”Alexis said “We have to question him”Mac said “As his lawyer I will be there”Alexis said

At Calliope office~ “You need to tell Spencer”Skye said “I guess so”Calliope said Skye phone rang it was Alan. “I will be there”Skye said and hang up. “I have to go will you be okay”Skye ask “Yes he can’t hurt me anymore”Calliope said “No he can’t”Skye said and left.

How the years go by part 2 ch 55~

~ “Who my father”

At Kelly’s~ Skylar and Willow were there talking. “Do you think of his as our father”Willow ask “No I don’t and neither sure you”Skylar said as Sage came in. “How are both of you”Sage ask “Confused on all of this”Willow said “His nothing to either of us”Skylar said “Do you think we have a little part of him in us”Willow ask “No”Skylar said “You're confuse I was at first too”Sage said

At the Quartermaine~ Ned and Dillon came in. “Mother why are you in town”Ned ask “I’m back for good”Tracy said “Why”Ned ask “I miss my boys why can’t you be happy that I’m back”Tracy said “Because we don’t trust you”Dillon said “I can’t believe we our staying here”Jax said “Just till we get back on our feet I wish we could find our money that Helena took”Skye said “I’m looking into it”Jax said as Lila came in. “So you're moving in”Lila ask ‘Yes so is AJ and Emily and Lydia and we have bad news Tracy is back”’Skye said “Wow! “Well I have some news I’m pregnant”Lila said “Oh that’s so great news”Jax said “What about Rett Syndrome” Skye ask “We our going to take a chance on it it like you always say”Lila said “Yes, We our happy for you”Skye said “Me too”Jax said “Thanks”Lila said

At The Park~ Bliss was their with John-Jasper. “I love you so did Alex I will tell you about him when you get older”Bliss said

At the Comeback~ Valentin was leaving when Calliope came by. “What do you want”Valentin ask “I want to know how you survivor”Calliope ask “From you shoot me” Valentin ask “Yes”Calliope said “A doctor from Pine Valley Dr Hayward is a friend of Helena and he help us both come back and I had a great plastic surgery”Valentin said “And you because James”Calliope said “Yes Thanks to you I go a second chance”Valentin said “Are you going to do the right thing and leave town”Calliope ask “Not yet”Valentin said “Leave Skylar and Willow alone”Calliope said “No I will not leave our children alone! Valentin said “They're not our children you are not there father Spencer is! “You will not touch them”Calliope yelled Sterling came by. “Is everything okay”Sterling ask “Yes I’m leave”Calliope said she left. “Stay away from Calliope”Sterling said

How the years go by part 2 ch 54

“We been fool”

At The Quartermaine~ Emily, Nikolas, Lydia,, AJ, Hope came in. “What is it”Emily ask “Seen that Bastard is back we think it’s for the best if you all move in we can keep you safe”Monica said “Yes we have bodyguard here”Alan said “It’s up to Emily”Nikolas said “I want to stay here”Emily said “Me too”Lydia said “Alright let’s get all setting in”Alan said as Skye and Jax came in. “We our all set”Skye said “You're both staying too”AJ ask “Yes what do you want mean to”Jax ask “We are all moving in till Valentin is caught”AJ said “That’s nice”Skye said “Oh look it’s the whole family”Tracy said as she came in, “What are you doing here”Monica ask “I’m back”Tracy said “You're not staying here”Monica said “Monica please let Tracy stay here”Alan said “Find for now “Monica said “Thank you”Tracy said

At Calliope/Spencer~ The barn~ Skylar and Calliope came in and found Willow with the horse. “Willow there you are we need to talk’”Calliope said “Why, What do you want to talk about”Willow ask “Sis I know this is hard but he's not our father Spencer is”Skylar said “What makes me upset is that he fool us”Willow said “He fool all of us I don’t see it but I will not let him hurt either of you again”Calliope said “I know”Willow said “Willow why don’t we go to Kelly’s and talk”Skylar ask he could tell that Willow didn’t want to talk to Calliope about it. “Sure’ Willow said they left. Calliope hate what this was doing to her children. “I will destroy you Valentin if it’s the last thing I do”Calliope said to herself as Spencer came by. “Calliope how are you doing”Spencer ask “I hate that he's alive and this is hurt our children they both are having a hard time about all this and I’m worry about them”Calliope said “We will keep them safe I promise you”Spencer said “Did you kill Helena”Calliope ask “No did you”Spencer ask “No”Calliope said “We will get through this he can’t hurt you anymore”Spencer said he took her hand and they went into the house.

At Kristina~ Alexis and Ned were there. “Kristina how are you”Ned ask “I’m fine he can’t hurt me or take anything from me anymore”Kristina said “No he can’t and we will stop him”Alexis said “Yes soon he will break the law”Kristina said