Tuesday, January 2, 2018

All The Love We Give Part 3 ch 5

At General Hospital-Dr Castillon was working with Lorenzo who was doing some leg exercises.”I need you're honest opinion, Will I ever walked again “Lorenzo ask “No I'm sorry “Dr. Castilon said “Then why the therapy ? If I'm not going to walk into my wife arms? Do you even know who I'm! I can't be powerful in this dame chair! Lorenzo yelled as Skye came into the room. “Lorenzo”Skye said “I think we are done for the day, Just because you can't walk anymore doesn't mean you don't need therapy “Dr. Castillon said “I'm sorry “Lorenzo said “Lorenzo let's go home and talk “Skye said they left.

At The Park-Lila Rae was their alone thinking on the bench about the baby she lose when Bobbie came by and sit down. “Lila Rae, I just wanted to say how sorry I'm about the baby but I'm glad you are awake, Morgan missed you so much he love you “Bobbie said “I love him too, But I miss my baby like crazy “Lila Rae said “Of course you do.  Losing a child especially in a miscarriage is the painful feeling you never know what the child would be like you have a lot of what if”Bobbie said “Yes, Why doesn't Morgan get that? He wants a baby right now but I need time “Lila Rae said “Morgan had a time to heal from this, Now it's you're time “Bobbie said “Yes, Thanks “Lila Rae said “You're welcome, Just remember that you both need to heal from this, That you both love each other “Bobbie said “I do love Morgan “Lila Rae said “You both will get through this “Bobbie said

At Julian-Julian was at home when there was a knock on the door it was Anna. ,
“Anna, Why are you here “Julian ask “I have questions for you about the fire at Kristina house”Anna said ‘So you're going to try to blame this on me? It's not me, Why would I burned Kristina house? Julian ask “It could be you're enemy, You are dating Alexis “Anna said “I will help you with the investigation I want this person stop too, You sure also looks into a hate crime “Julian said”We are, I do hope you help the investigation “Anna said and left as Sierra came into the house. “Sierra, Why are you here”Julian ask “To get to know my uncle “Sierra said “Really”Julian ask “All right, I need a favor from you, I need you to break my husband out of jail “Sierra said “Sierra, Do you know what you're asking? If I do this you and Grayson and you're children will be on the run for the rest of you're life? You will never see you're family again “Julian said “I know. I just need my husband “Sierra said “Have you ask you're father “Julian ask “No, Daddy can't “Sierra said “Lorenzo maybe paralyzed but his not powerless “Julian said “I know but Daddy hate Grayson “Sierra said “Sierra, I can't do this “Julian said! “You're acting like you never broke the law! Grayson just made one mistake! Sierra yelled and left.

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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