Friday, July 1, 2016

“Forever mine part 1 ch 33- “Be careful what you wish for”

At General Hospital~
~ Jasper room~ Skye and Jax were cover up while they were visiting their son. “Oh Jasper we love you so much”Skye said “Yes we do soon you will be playing outside”Jax said “Yes he will”Skye said as Josslyn came in cover up to. “How is my baby brother”Josslyn ask “Great so far”Skye said “Good I been thinking I could put the wedding on hold”Josslyn said “No we will all be there tomorrow”Jax said “Yes”Skye said “Fine, I’m glad Jasper made it Josslyn said “We all are” I sure go see Daniel”Skye said she left.
In the hallway~ Daniel came in. “Why are you here” You sure be home”Skye ask as she came by him. “I’m working”Daniel said “You need to take some time off” You need to heal”Skye said “No I’m fine”Daniel said he left.
At the Country club~ Tea was having breakfast with Hernando Rivira , “I have a question for you, Did you love Rae”Tea ask “No it was just a filing “Hernando said “Really”Tea ask “Yes I have some news to go back home”Hernando Rivira said “Really”Tea ask “Yes I would love if you come with me”Hernando said “I would love to but my life is here”Tea said “I understand”Hernando said “Will you come back”Tea ask “I may, I want you to have this picture of your sister Lily who was murder in this town”Hernando said “She beautiful “Tea said “You both are, I’m glad I came to town to meet you”Hernando said “me to”Tea said Rae came by. “Rae I’m glad you're here, I was just telling Tea that I have to go out of town I don’t know when I will be back”Hernando said “Have a safe trip”Rea said Hernando left. “Did you love him”Tea ask “That was another life”Rae said
Blair and Addie were having breakfast. “Blair you haven’t told anyone yet have you”Addie ask “No you sure know he's in town”Blair said “I can handle him, He probably doesn't even remember me”Addie said “I’m sorry Mother”Blair said “It was a mix blessing I love having you in my life”Addie said “I love you to”Blair said

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