Friday, July 1, 2016

“Forever mine part 1 ch 44- “Be careful what you wish for”

At Caprice/Alistair bedroom~Caprice was sit in bed with Alistair having breakfast when there girls came in. “ Are you hungry to come in the bed sweethearts”Caprice said she pick up their daughters. “Our daughters are so beautiful just like you”Alistair said “Yes they are”Caprice said she feed her baby’s. “I need to get ready I have a meeting with Stefan”Alistair said “All right, I want to go to the opening tonight”Caprice said “Sure I will meet you there what time? Alistair ask “Seven”Caprice said “Fine, Oh I have bodyguard watch the house to make sure Stavros will not come neither you”Alistair said “There watching the house”Caprice ask “Yes I told them not to follow you anymore I trust you”Alistair said “Thank you, I will see you later”Caprice said she kiss him goodbye and he left. “Soon it will be fine for all of us”Caprice said
At Laura~ Stavros came in. “Why are you here”Laura ask as Stefan and Alexis and Alistair came in. “What is going on”Laura ask “Stavors call this meeting”Stefan said “What is it now”Alistair ask “I ran a DNA test Nikolas is my son not Stefan and from what I found out someone pay the lab tech to lie! Stavros yelled “Stefan you lie! Why I could of loss the empire! Alistair yelled “”I wanted Nikolas to be mine”Stefan said “That not the only reason you were hope that this would bring you close to Laura” You’re still in love with her”Stavors said “Like you're not”Stefan ask “No I move on”Stavors said “To my wife who you will never have! Alistair yelled “Well I must go now”Stavors said and left. “Laura his right I was hope you would fall back in love with me if Nikolas was mine I’m sorry Stefan said “I wish Nikolas was yours not his”Laura said “So the empire is mine again”Alistair ask “Yes it is”Alexis said “Thank god! I never loss it”Alistair said and left.
At Alistair/Caprice~ Lorenzo came in. “Are we alone”Lorenzo ask “Yes did the bodyguard see you”Caprice ask “No why are they here”Lorenzo ask “Stavors wants me”Caprice said “I’m sorry I will take care of him to”Lorenzo said “Let’s just do this first”Caprice said “Are you sure”Lorenzo ask “Yes I’m sick of Alistair treat me like a child and run my life”Caprice said “Here is the cyanide just put it in his drink”Lorenzo said “Alistair drinks brandy at night before bed”Caprice said “good after it kills him dump the brandy in the toilet and then get ruin of the container”Lorenzo said “How will we make it look like a accident”Caprice ask “After Alistair drinks the brandy you will call me on the phone I give you and and I will put Alistair in his car and make it look like he drove the car drink”Lorenzo said “Alistair has a new red cadillac has been driving that” When do we do this”Caprice ask

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