Friday, July 1, 2016

“Forever mine part 1 ch 51- “Be careful what you wish for”

“At Lorenzo~ Caprice came in. “Caprice you sure not be here”Lorenzo said “Are you alone”Caprice ask “Yes”Lorenzo said “Did you set Stavros up his arrest for this”Caprice ask “No but I made sure there was a witness to the cash who saw Stavros this way you can get ruin of both Cassadine now your free”Lorenzo said “Yea Lucky me”Caprice said “You're having doubts”Lorenzo ask “I’m just scare I never been alone”Caprice said “You will be fine”Lorenzo said “I need to act sad anyway”Caprice said as Blair came in. “Sorry, Caprice I’m sorry about your husband”Blair said “Thank you, I sure go I need to make agreements and bring my sons home”Caprice said “if you need anything”Lorenzo said Caprice left. “Blair why are you here”Lorenzo ask “I thought we could go out for breakfast”Blair said “I would love to but I have work to do”Lorenzo said “It’s fine”Blair said
The police station~ Stavros cell~ Caprice came by. “You bastard ! Caprice yelled “Oh stop you're not upset that Alistair is dead! “You hate him” Stavors said “Alistair was my husband and the father of my children! “You will pay oh and I would never of been your’s Caprice said “That would've not stop me as you may remember”Stavors said Caprice left.
At Skye magazine~She was working trying to save her magazine when Blair came in. “Blair why are you here” I’m busy trying to save my magazine”Skye said “I’m sure you will anyway this is about Caprice”Blair said “What about my daughter”Skye ask “I have a feeling Caprice and Lorenzo had something to do with Alistair and Stefan accident Blair said “You're just saying that to hurt me”Skye said “Why would I say this about Lorenzo”Blair ask “Why do you believe this”Skye ask “Caprice has been over a lot twice before last night and this morning”Blair said “Lorenzo was at your opening”Skye said “Not the whole time I hate this I do I understand why Caprice would do this I saw the way he treat your daughter”Blair said “I was a fool to think Alistair would be a good husband”Skye said “You want the best for your daughter”Blair said “Yes Blair I can’t believe I’m saying this but I have to trust you not to say anything”Skye said “I will not, Caprice secret is safe with me”Blair said “Thanks , You really care for Lorenzo done you”Skye ask “yes I do”Blair said “Good Lorenzo needs someone to love him for him I could not my heart belong to Jax”Skye said “Thanks”Blair said and left.

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