Friday, July 1, 2016

“Forever mine part 1 ch 62- “Freedom”

At Caprice~ Caprice was clean up the house throw out everything that remind her of Alistair. Outside of Caprice house Tea was knock on the door as Skye came by. “Tea why are you here. Is Caprice in trouble”Skye ask “No I just want to check on my niece I’m glad you're here I would like to know you to”Tea said “I would like that too, I never had girlfriend”Skye said “Me either it took awhile for Blair and I to be close”Tea said Caprice open the door. “Mother, Tea why are you here”Caprice ask as they came in. “We both want to check on you, Caprice what are you doing”Skye ask “I’m decorate my house”Caprice said Tea and Skye give each other a look there was a knock on the door again it was a man. “Mrs.Cassadine I have your new bed and Chair” The man said “Thank you for coming so fast”Caprice said “Your welcome”The man said “I will show you where I want the bed, Mother and Tea I will have the maid make you some tea”Caprice said “Great, Where are the children”Skye ask “At Stefan funeral”Caprice said she went upstairs.
At St.Angels~ Stefan funeral~ Alexis and Bobbie and Laura and Edward Jasper and Alistair Jr and the girls and Ric and Molly and Kristina and Jax who was there to support Alexis. “Stefan wasn’t just my brother but he was my best friend he saved me from my childhood I will always miss you”Alexis said “Stefan and I share a love I wish I did love him the way he love me Stefan take care of our son”Laura said It was over. Jax went by Alexis. “Alexis”Jax said “I’m the only one life of all of us”Alexis said “You're not alone”Jax said “No she not”Ric said “I know, I have to get ready for Alistair will reading”Alexis said “You can do it another day I know Caprice will understand”Ric said “Yes she will”Jax said “It’s okay work helps Alexis said
Laura went to talk to her great grandchildren. “How are you doing? You know you're not alone your father loved you all so much”Laura said “We know Grandmother we miss him to”Siddalee Rose said “But we will get through this we our Cassadine”Alistair Jr said “Yes Edward Jasper said

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