Saturday, July 2, 2016

“Forever mine part 2 ch 64-”It’s not all as it seem”

At Lorenzo/Blair~ “I can’t believe that Carly is gone”Lorenzo said “You loved her”Blair ask “Yes I did in the past now I love you”Lorenzo said “I love you to”Blair said they share a kiss.

At Ned/Lois~ Lois parents Carmine and Gloria were there. “Lois did you tell Brooklyn about Jazz”Gloria ask “No I’m not sure if I sure I blame myself for this,Why didn’t Jazz tell us”Lois ask “It’s not your fault, Jazz was probably a shame about what she did”Gloria said “I don’t know if I sure tell Brooklyn I don’t want to hurt her”Lois said “Whatever you want we are here for you”Carmine said “Thanks”Lois said

At the Quartermaine mansion~ “Monica was holding a picture of Michael when Alan came in. “I call AJ he's not pick up”Alan said “No this isn't’ good”Monica said “No it’s not”Alan said
At the docks~ Edward Jasper was thinking about his secret when Brandon came by. “How is your life in denial”Brandon ask “I’m not living in denial”Edward Jasper said “It’s nothing to be a shame of”Brandon said as Courtney came by. “What is going on”Courtney ask Brandon left. “Edward Jasper are you okay”Courtney ask “No he's right I been living in denial” Oh Grandmother I’m scare that I will loss my parents love when they find out”Edward Jasper said
“Find out what”Courtney ask “Can we go to your place and talk”Edward Jasper ask “Yes”Courtney said they left.

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