Saturday, July 30, 2016

How the years go by ch 72-

“Saying goodbye”

The next day~ General Hospital~
~ Lila and Adam Jr were there to pick up there son. “We our here to pick up our son”Adam Jr said as Alex came by. “Alex”Lila said he was holding a gift. “I bought this when we found out it was a boy it’s a football you sure have it and teach him about football and how to respect woman”Alex said “I think take care of John-Jasper and you can see him anytime you want”Adam Jr said “Thanks I may”Alex said and left.”It’s going to be hard for them right now”Lila said “Yes but there doing the right thing for the baby”Adam Jr said “Yes”Lila said

Bliss room~Alex came in. “I saw Lila and Adam Jr there going to pick up John-Jasper”Alex said “I guess it’s time to go home”Bliss said “Are you okay”Alex ask “Yes I’m”Bliss said “Did you tired yourself out last night going to your parents wedding”Alex ask “No I just wish they didn’t make me come back”Bliss said

At the Quartermaine~ Jax and Skye came in. “Skye and Jax why are you here trying to steal ELQ”Edward ask “No we our not here on business I found this key at Skylar Gallery it was under the angel statue that you give him”Jax said he show Monica the key. “That key is mine”Monica said “What is it for”Skye ask “It doesn’t matter”Monica said Molly came in the room and saw the key. “That’s my mother key”Molly said “Are you sure”Jax ask “Yes it look like this one my mother was wear my father give it to her”Molly said she show them a picture of her mother wear this necklace. “Do you know what it’s for”Skye ask “No she didn’t talk about it”Molly said “Just give me the key I didn’t want to give it to Skylar it belongs to me”Monica said “Find”Jax said he give it to her and Skye and Jax went into the hallway. “Why did you do that, Monica is hiding something and we will never found out what it is”Skye said “That a copy I have the real one”Jax said as Molly came by. “Did you find anything else”Molly ask “Just some letters that are in french”Jax said “On I didn’t know how to read french”Molly said “It’s okay do you know anything that can help us”Skye ask “No but the angel statue is my mothers ’Molly said “It’s beautiful”Jax said “Yes I think my father give it to my mother”Molly said as Nico came by.
“Nico I’m glad you're here we want to help you get back on your feet you can work with us”Jax said “I’m going to be find and I’m working on another book”Nico said “We still love you just give them time ’Skye said “Thanks”Nico said they left.

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