Friday, August 5, 2016

All we'd ever need ch 23

At the Quartermaine~ Alan were there when Skye came into the den. "Skye it's good to see you"Alan said " You to I need you're advice"Skye said "On what"Alan ask "I know something about Morgan and If I tell Cassie it will not just ruin her marriage but things between her and Lila"Skye said "What is it"Alan ask " Lila and Morgan our having an affair"Skye said "Oh No" Alan said "Yes I hate being in the middle of this just when Cassie and I were getting close and I don't know what to do"Skye said "I'm sorry you're in the middle our Lila and Morgan still together"Alan ask " No and with Alex being sick Cassie doesn't need this I know what she is going thought"Skye said "Yes you do, when Cassie had this to"Alan said "Yes and the truth about who Cassie father came out"Skye said "Yes"Alan said But there is Lila she finally open her heart opening to someone but it had to be her sister husband"Skye said "There is no winners in this"Alan said "No"Skye said

At ELQ~ Lila and Edward were there. "How did you get the waterfront so fast"Lila ask "It wasn't that hard I want this shopping center to be big"Edward said "It will be and Grandfather I have the perfect name " Lila said "Good"Edward said

At the Port Charles hotel~ Monica and Emily were having lunch. " So how do you feel about Liz being back" Monica ask " I hope Liz gets better I want my best friend back but I don't know if we can I wish I could take away all the hurt I cause"Emily said " But you can't"Monica said " No I talk to Page she is coming home soon"Emily said "That great"Monica said

At Morgan/Cassie~ Morgan came in. " Cass, sorry I did not make it at the hospital"Morgan said "It's okay Alex had his treatment then fell asleep, I hate cancer I remember when I had it"Cassie said "I know I hate it to" Morgan said " I wish I could make my son better"Cassie said " Alex will get better I promise"Morgan said "Yes he will I have to tell you something"Cassie said "Me to"Morgan said "Dimitri kiss me at the hospital today and it wasn't the first time"Cassie said "Why did he kiss you" Morgan ask "I was upset about Alex I'm not going to cheat on you I want this marriage to work to be different then my marriage to Dimitri"Cassie said " I know you will not cheat I trust you not Dimitri he wants you back" Morgan said "Dimitri knows we can't get it back all we want is our son better that it, Now what do you want to tell me"Cassie ask " Sonny had a breakdown his not coming home" Morgan said " I'm sorry" Cassie said "Thanks I'm going to handle the business" Morgan said " No Morgan let Jason do it"Cassie said "Fine" Morgan said

At Jax/Brenda~ Skye came in. "Jax how are you doing"Skye ask " I'm fine , What is it you look upset" Jax ask " I"m just worry about our grandson it remember me about when Cassie was sick I hate this"Skye said " Me too I remember that you had to finally tell me Cassie was mine"Jax said "Yes"Skye said "But there is more that you are upset about it's about Cassie"Jax said " it's about both my daughters that why I can't say I have to ported both of them"Skye said "Then you need to tell me so I can protect Cassie" Jax said "Fine but Cassie can't know till Alex is better I hate this just when Cassie and I our getting along"Skye said "It's about both of them isn't "Jax ask "Yes"Skye said she fill Jax in on everything.

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