Friday, August 5, 2016

All we'd ever need ch 32

At Skye/Lorenzo~ "Yes Chandler and I our working on it" Lorenzo said “And if Morgan was out of the picture it would be so easy"Skye said "Yes it will but I do anything to Morgan Lila would hate me" Lorenzo said "Yes she would"Skye said
At Cassie/Josslyn~ Dimitri walk Cassie home. " I will pick you up in the morning"Dimitri said "No I will be fine on my own"Cassie said "Cassandra why are you push me away"Dimitri ask " I can't go back there Dimitri we our parents to our son that it"Cassie said "Really" fine if that is what you want" Dimitri said he kiss Cassie and left.
At Brenda/Jax~ "Jax I been thinking we sure try to adoption "Brenda said " We can try but I don't think we can with you're history"Jax said "You're right I just want to give you a child I love you"Brenda said " I love you to we don't have to have a child just because we our married"Jax said " I hate that I miscarry our only chance"Brenda said "It's not you're fault or mine"Jax said "This is why I love you"Brenda said they share a kiss.
At General Hospital~ Dimitri came in. "Thank you mother for saving my son"Dimitri said "You don't have to thank me I'm just glad I could help you I want to be a better mother to you and you're brother" Liz said "It's not you're fault that father cheat"Dimitri said "There is more to the story then you know Nikolas only marry me because I was pregnant I only loved Lucky" Liz said "You never loved father"Dimitri ask "Not as much as I loved Lucky" Dimitri if you love Cassie don't let her go or you will regret it" Liz said " I try to get Cassandra back but she is scare of love''Dimitri said "Morgan hurt her Cassie is having a hard time at trust that all just give her time."Liz said "Maybe I will I want you to stay with me when you get out of here"Dimitri said " I sure get my own place it's time to be on my own" Liz said "All right" Dimitri said
The next day~ Cassie/Josslyn~ Josslyn and Cassie were having breakfast together. "Josslyn We need to find jobs remember in college we took a writing class"Cassie ask "Yes we did it for fun"Josslyn said "Yes I was thinking we sure run our own magazine"Cassie said "Isn't you're mother doing that"Josslyn ask "Yes and I was going to work with her but things chance"Cassie said "You're mother came over last night she want me to talk you out of sue Lila"Josslyn said "What did you tell her"Cassie ask "That I'm on you're side and yes I will go into business with you"Josslyn said " Great I have a meeting with Kristina then we can look for a office"Cassie said "I will do that,"Josslyn said "Great this is going to be fun"Cassie said "Yes it is"Josslyn said
At Skye/Rae office~ Skye and Rae were in there office working. " I wish Cassie was here working with us"Skye said " Me too I hope things calm down"Rae said " Me too I hate all this it's turn my family in half"Skye said "Maybe I will try to talk to Cassie"Rae said "Anything will help"Skye said

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